Republicans are the true moochers in this country

Another Billy Triple Fail fail thread.
Hey, Billy. Democrats are the lower 47% of wage earners and they pay no income taxes. Dems are the true moochers of this country.

Hey Rabbi, To make matters worse (for you), the tens of thousands of millionaires made more money than tens of millions of middle class folks. AND WE PAID BUBKES IN TAXES. THANK YOU REPUBLICANS!!!!

Prove it, post the tax tables for your "trust".
Obviously you didn't think this through to the nth degree. We do NOT have a tax issue concerning adequate revenue to operate on. What we have is shameful runaway spending, waste, fraud, and corruption. The problem is improper use of the revenue we do have. Raising taxes with only provide more revenue to waste, give away, and use for stupid non-sense.

(1) foreign aid (2) subsidies to big oil and rich farmers (3) building mosques on foreign soil (4) senseless deadly costly wars (5) exploring the far reaches of the universe (6) supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists (7) stupid projects such as "The Fence" (8) ridiculous perks and benefits given to members of Congress (9) no-bid government contracts { Halliburton } (10) excessive military and defense spending (11) the care and support of illegal immigrants (12) Medicare and Medicaid fraud (13) pork spending (14) excessive government travel (15) bailouts (16) the ACA { Obamacare } (17) an excessive number of military bases on foreign soil (18) bribes paid to North Korea and Iran (19) lavish White House parties (20) lavish first family vacations (21) funding the overthrow of foreign governments (22) tax loopholes for the rich (23) government assistance programs fraud { food stamps, housing, health care, etc. } (24) corporations that pay no taxes (25) hiding money off-shore to avoid paying taxes.

Add all of the money from the above items and then see how much money could be added to the government's revenue pool. Then figure how much less the government would have to borrow each and every day, and the interest saved on that money. Chances are that we wouldn't need to raise taxes in order to fund and run the government.

Aren't first family vacations paid for by the first family? Don't the high cost account for protection?

Foreign Aid: True, except when it protects US investment.

Subsidies to big oil and rich farmers: Big oil, yes. The rich farmers are paid in the same programs as family farmers who benefit from loopholes written-in by the GOP.
See, rather than being mature and understanding the importance of paying taxes, many republicans/libertarians see it as an evil. They apparently prefer it if the government just paid for everything for them. Public schools? Infrastructure? Our military? Nope. They don't want to pay for any of it.

Don't you think that's kind of pathetic? Bush's tax cuts have contributed trillions to our national debt. The current republicans in power demand tax cuts that will only add half a trillion more to our national debt. Are they too stupid to see this connection? Sure over spending is a problem, but you would have to be a moron to think cutting taxes will fix the problem.
Obviously you didn't think this through to the nth degree. We do NOT have a tax issue concerning adequate revenue to operate on. What we have is shameful runaway spending, waste, fraud, and corruption. The problem is improper use of the revenue we do have. Raising taxes with only provide more revenue to waste, give away, and use for stupid non-sense.

(1) foreign aid (2) subsidies to big oil and rich farmers (3) building mosques on foreign soil (4) senseless deadly costly wars (5) exploring the far reaches of the universe (6) supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists (7) stupid projects such as "The Fence" (8) ridiculous perks and benefits given to members of Congress (9) no-bid government contracts { Halliburton } (10) excessive military and defense spending (11) the care and support of illegal immigrants (12) Medicare and Medicaid fraud (13) pork spending (14) excessive government travel (15) bailouts (16) the ACA { Obamacare } (17) an excessive number of military bases on foreign soil (18) bribes paid to North Korea and Iran (19) lavish White House parties (20) lavish first family vacations (21) funding the overthrow of foreign governments (22) tax loopholes for the rich (23) government assistance programs fraud { food stamps, housing, health care, etc. } (24) corporations that pay no taxes (25) hiding money off-shore to avoid paying taxes.

Add all of the money from the above items and then see how much money could be added to the government's revenue pool. Then figure how much less the government would have to borrow each and every day, and the interest saved on that money. Chances are that we wouldn't need to raise taxes in order to fund and run the government.
Revenue as a percentage of the GDP is quite low. Over spending AND low revenue is contributing to the debt.
I'm sure.
See, rather than being mature and understanding the importance of paying taxes, many republicans/libertarians see it as an evil. They apparently prefer it if the government just paid for everything for them. Public schools? Infrastructure? Our military? Nope. They don't want to pay for any of it.

Don't you think that's kind of pathetic? Bush's tax cuts have contributed trillions to our national debt. The current republicans in power demand tax cuts that will only add half a trillion more to our national debt. Are they too stupid to see this connection? Sure over spending is a problem, but you would have to be a moron to think cutting taxes will fix the problem.
Too often we see a left wing argument based on myths and stupid assumptions and downright nutty theories and then expanded as if it was the truth when even low information lefties know it's complete bull shit. Everybody wants to pay less taxes, that's why George Soros classified his left wing Media Matters propaganda network as a tax exempt entity. Republicans don't object to taxes but they want their confiscated funds to be used in more efficient ways than thrown into a gigantic bureaucracy with little often competing bureaucracies and most of all republicans want criminal administrations prosecuted for illegally using the IRS as a political tool spying and threatening innocent people.
Another Billy Triple Fail fail thread.
Hey, Billy. Democrats are the lower 47% of wage earners and they pay no income taxes. Dems are the true moochers of this country.

Hey Rabbi, To make matters worse (for you), the tens of thousands of millionaires made more money than tens of millions of middle class folks. AND WE PAID BUBKES IN TAXES. THANK YOU REPUBLICANS!!!!

Prove it, post the tax tables for your "trust".

Top 400 Americans got a huge income boost and low tax rates in 2012

The 400 highest-earning Americans had a really good year in 2012, with their incomes rising by an average of $2.1 million ... a week. That's "time to Occupy Wall Street again" good, and rising incomes for the very wealthy isn't all. The invaluable David Cay Johnston reports that:

The tax returns of the top 400 earners reported average income of $335.7 million, a real increase of more than $111 million over 2011, a new IRS report reveals.

Even better for the top 400, their taxes came to just 16.7 percent of their adjusted gross income. [...]

Among the top 400, the IRS report shows that 32 paid nothing to 10 percent in income tax; 123 others paid under 15 percent.

This is a continuation of the rising income inequality that cost middle-class families $18,000 a year in income between 1979 and 2007. And, as Johnston points out, this rising inequality and the accompanying low taxes for the super-wealthy are not some fluke of nature but are a result of pro-rich policies.

The $5 billion to $6 billion figure was calculated based on the average rates and expected returns of funds dispersed so far, paid back over 20 to 25 years.

Oh, government financial projections. That's hilarious!

Solyndra=1% of DOE energy money

The Department of Energy's Loan Guarantee Program was created by the Energy Policy Act of 2005

Reuters: Venture Capitalists Point To Solyndra As One Of The Top 10 Companies "Ripest" To Go Public. Reuters reported in August 2009:
Investors eye top startups as IPO market awakens - Aug. 19 2009

Market Conditions Shifted Significantly from 2009 to 2011

"advantages that were more important in 2009 when it received a $535 million U.S. loan guarantee to build a factory" than they are now, noting that the price of the silicon-based panels with which Solyndra was competing "has fallen 46 percent since then."
Obama s Solar Bets May Avoid Solyndra s Fate With Low Costs - Bloomberg Business

Bush Admin. Advanced16 Projects, Including Solyndra, Out Of 143 Submissions
Hearings and Votes Energy Commerce Committee

DOE Under Bush Admin. Set Out Timeline For Completing Solyndra Review Background Document 1.pdf

In March, The Same Credit Committee Of Career Civil Servants recommended Approval
Exclusive Timeline Bush Administration Advanced Solyndra Loan Guarantee for Two Years Media Blow the Story ThinkProgress

DOE Official: "It's The Same Group Of Career Professionals That Were On The First Committee."
Hearings and Votes Energy Commerce Committee
See, rather than being mature and understanding the importance of paying taxes, many republicans/libertarians see it as an evil. They apparently prefer it if the government just paid for everything for them. Public schools? Infrastructure? Our military? Nope. They don't want to pay for any of it.

Don't you think that's kind of pathetic? Bush's tax cuts have contributed trillions to our national debt. The current republicans in power demand tax cuts that will only add half a trillion more to our national debt. Are they too stupid to see this connection? Sure over spending is a problem, but you would have to be a moron to think cutting taxes will fix the problem.
Too often we see a left wing argument based on myths and stupid assumptions and downright nutty theories and then expanded as if it was the truth when even low information lefties know it's complete bull shit. Everybody wants to pay less taxes, that's why George Soros classified his left wing Media Matters propaganda network as a tax exempt entity. Republicans don't object to taxes but they want their confiscated funds to be used in more efficient ways than thrown into a gigantic bureaucracy with little often competing bureaucracies and most of all republicans want criminal administrations prosecuted for illegally using the IRS as a political tool spying and threatening innocent people.

Right wing crap
Another Billy Triple Fail fail thread.
Hey, Billy. Democrats are the lower 47% of wage earners and they pay no income taxes. Dems are the true moochers of this country.

Hey Rabbi, To make matters worse (for you), the tens of thousands of millionaires made more money than tens of millions of middle class folks. AND WE PAID BUBKES IN TAXES. THANK YOU REPUBLICANS!!!!

Prove it, post the tax tables for your "trust".

Top 400 Americans got a huge income boost and low tax rates in 2012

The 400 highest-earning Americans had a really good year in 2012, with their incomes rising by an average of $2.1 million ... a week. That's "time to Occupy Wall Street again" good, and rising incomes for the very wealthy isn't all. The invaluable David Cay Johnston reports that:

The tax returns of the top 400 earners reported average income of $335.7 million, a real increase of more than $111 million over 2011, a new IRS report reveals.

Even better for the top 400, their taxes came to just 16.7 percent of their adjusted gross income. [...]

Among the top 400, the IRS report shows that 32 paid nothing to 10 percent in income tax; 123 others paid under 15 percent.

This is a continuation of the rising income inequality that cost middle-class families $18,000 a year in income between 1979 and 2007. And, as Johnston points out, this rising inequality and the accompanying low taxes for the super-wealthy are not some fluke of nature but are a result of pro-rich policies.

The highest quintile of income earners paid for 67.9 percent of all federal taxes paid by households, while the middle quintile paid 9.4 percent and the lowest quintile 0.3 percent.
The highest quintile paid a larger share of taxes than their income as a percentage of total before-tax income. Even as they paid over two-third of federal taxes, the highest quintile only earned 50.8 percent of total before-tax income
Another Billy Triple Fail fail thread.
Hey, Billy. Democrats are the lower 47% of wage earners and they pay no income taxes. Dems are the true moochers of this country.

Hey Rabbi, To make matters worse (for you), the tens of thousands of millionaires made more money than tens of millions of middle class folks. AND WE PAID BUBKES IN TAXES. THANK YOU REPUBLICANS!!!!

Prove it, post the tax tables for your "trust".

Top 400 Americans got a huge income boost and low tax rates in 2012

The 400 highest-earning Americans had a really good year in 2012, with their incomes rising by an average of $2.1 million ... a week. That's "time to Occupy Wall Street again" good, and rising incomes for the very wealthy isn't all. The invaluable David Cay Johnston reports that:

The tax returns of the top 400 earners reported average income of $335.7 million, a real increase of more than $111 million over 2011, a new IRS report reveals.

Even better for the top 400, their taxes came to just 16.7 percent of their adjusted gross income. [...]

Among the top 400, the IRS report shows that 32 paid nothing to 10 percent in income tax; 123 others paid under 15 percent.

This is a continuation of the rising income inequality that cost middle-class families $18,000 a year in income between 1979 and 2007. And, as Johnston points out, this rising inequality and the accompanying low taxes for the super-wealthy are not some fluke of nature but are a result of pro-rich policies.
The original argument that republicans refuse to pay tax has been found to be complete bull shit so the argument has been expanded to yada yada the rich. Left wing oil magnate George Soros registered his democrat party propaganda network called Media Matters as a tax exempt entity so he didn't have to taxes. Take note lefties....Barry Hussein is still president and under his watch the rich have gotten richer and criminal espionage and extortion in the IRS has been admitted to be the the democrat party play book so ...quit playing the cliche games..
Another Billy Triple Fail fail thread.
Hey, Billy. Democrats are the lower 47% of wage earners and they pay no income taxes. Dems are the true moochers of this country.

Hey Rabbi, To make matters worse (for you), the tens of thousands of millionaires made more money than tens of millions of middle class folks. AND WE PAID BUBKES IN TAXES. THANK YOU REPUBLICANS!!!!

Prove it, post the tax tables for your "trust".

Top 400 Americans got a huge income boost and low tax rates in 2012

The 400 highest-earning Americans had a really good year in 2012, with their incomes rising by an average of $2.1 million ... a week. That's "time to Occupy Wall Street again" good, and rising incomes for the very wealthy isn't all. The invaluable David Cay Johnston reports that:

The tax returns of the top 400 earners reported average income of $335.7 million, a real increase of more than $111 million over 2011, a new IRS report reveals.

Even better for the top 400, their taxes came to just 16.7 percent of their adjusted gross income. [...]

Among the top 400, the IRS report shows that 32 paid nothing to 10 percent in income tax; 123 others paid under 15 percent.

This is a continuation of the rising income inequality that cost middle-class families $18,000 a year in income between 1979 and 2007. And, as Johnston points out, this rising inequality and the accompanying low taxes for the super-wealthy are not some fluke of nature but are a result of pro-rich policies.

The highest quintile of income earners paid for 67.9 percent of all federal taxes paid by households, while the middle quintile paid 9.4 percent and the lowest quintile 0.3 percent.
The highest quintile paid a larger share of taxes than their income as a percentage of total before-tax income. Even as they paid over two-third of federal taxes, the highest quintile only earned 50.8 percent of total before-tax income

Got it, YOU started out questioning the posit THEN once proven the posit was correct you want to switch to another premise? Shocking

80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Who Rules America Wealth Income and Power

The middle class has been eviscerated.


noun: quintile; plural noun: quintiles
any of five equal groups into which a population can be divided according to the distribution of values of a particular variable.

TOP 25% MADE 67.8% OF ALL INCOME. How much should the top 20% pay in taxes Bubba??

Top 10% made 45.4%

Top 1% 18.7%


Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation

Poor Americans Pay Double The State, Local Tax Rates Of Top One Percent

Overall, the poorest 20 percent of households paid an average 10.9 percent of their incomes in state and local taxes in 2007, while the top 1 percent on average paid just 5.2 percent of their incomes in state and local taxes,

Poor Americans Pay Double The State Local Tax Rates Of Top One Percent

Another Billy Triple Fail fail thread.
Hey, Billy. Democrats are the lower 47% of wage earners and they pay no income taxes. Dems are the true moochers of this country.

Hey Rabbi, To make matters worse (for you), the tens of thousands of millionaires made more money than tens of millions of middle class folks. AND WE PAID BUBKES IN TAXES. THANK YOU REPUBLICANS!!!!

Prove it, post the tax tables for your "trust".

Top 400 Americans got a huge income boost and low tax rates in 2012

The 400 highest-earning Americans had a really good year in 2012, with their incomes rising by an average of $2.1 million ... a week. That's "time to Occupy Wall Street again" good, and rising incomes for the very wealthy isn't all. The invaluable David Cay Johnston reports that:

The tax returns of the top 400 earners reported average income of $335.7 million, a real increase of more than $111 million over 2011, a new IRS report reveals.

Even better for the top 400, their taxes came to just 16.7 percent of their adjusted gross income. [...]

Among the top 400, the IRS report shows that 32 paid nothing to 10 percent in income tax; 123 others paid under 15 percent.

This is a continuation of the rising income inequality that cost middle-class families $18,000 a year in income between 1979 and 2007. And, as Johnston points out, this rising inequality and the accompanying low taxes for the super-wealthy are not some fluke of nature but are a result of pro-rich policies.

The highest quintile of income earners paid for 67.9 percent of all federal taxes paid by households, while the middle quintile paid 9.4 percent and the lowest quintile 0.3 percent.
The highest quintile paid a larger share of taxes than their income as a percentage of total before-tax income. Even as they paid over two-third of federal taxes, the highest quintile only earned 50.8 percent of total before-tax income

Got it, YOU started out questioning the posit THEN once proven the posit was correct you want to switch to another premise? Shocking

80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Who Rules America Wealth Income and Power

The middle class has been eviscerated.


noun: quintile; plural noun: quintiles
any of five equal groups into which a population can be divided according to the distribution of values of a particular variable.

TOP 25% MADE 67.8% OF ALL INCOME. How much should the top 20% pay in taxes Bubba??

Top 10% made 45.4%

Top 1% 18.7%


Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation

Poor Americans Pay Double The State, Local Tax Rates Of Top One Percent

Overall, the poorest 20 percent of households paid an average 10.9 percent of their incomes in state and local taxes in 2007, while the top 1 percent on average paid just 5.2 percent of their incomes in state and local taxes,

Poor Americans Pay Double The State Local Tax Rates Of Top One Percent

Got it, YOU started out questioning the posit

What posit did I question? Where?

THEN once proven the posit was correct

What posit was proven correct? Where?

you want to switch to another premise?

Which premise of mine did you disagree with?
Another Billy Triple Fail fail thread.
Hey, Billy. Democrats are the lower 47% of wage earners and they pay no income taxes. Dems are the true moochers of this country.

Hey Rabbi, To make matters worse (for you), the tens of thousands of millionaires made more money than tens of millions of middle class folks. AND WE PAID BUBKES IN TAXES. THANK YOU REPUBLICANS!!!!

Prove it, post the tax tables for your "trust".

Top 400 Americans got a huge income boost and low tax rates in 2012

The 400 highest-earning Americans had a really good year in 2012, with their incomes rising by an average of $2.1 million ... a week. That's "time to Occupy Wall Street again" good, and rising incomes for the very wealthy isn't all. The invaluable David Cay Johnston reports that:

The tax returns of the top 400 earners reported average income of $335.7 million, a real increase of more than $111 million over 2011, a new IRS report reveals.

Even better for the top 400, their taxes came to just 16.7 percent of their adjusted gross income. [...]

Among the top 400, the IRS report shows that 32 paid nothing to 10 percent in income tax; 123 others paid under 15 percent.

This is a continuation of the rising income inequality that cost middle-class families $18,000 a year in income between 1979 and 2007. And, as Johnston points out, this rising inequality and the accompanying low taxes for the super-wealthy are not some fluke of nature but are a result of pro-rich policies.
The original argument that republicans refuse to pay tax has been found to be complete bull shit so the argument has been expanded to yada yada the rich. Left wing oil magnate George Soros registered his democrat party propaganda network called Media Matters as a tax exempt entity so he didn't have to taxes. Take note lefties....Barry Hussein is still president and under his watch the rich have gotten richer and criminal espionage and extortion in the IRS has been admitted to be the the democrat party play book so ...quit playing the cliche games..

Without false premises, distortions and lies, what would you nuttjobbers EVER have Bubba?

The original argument was the "job creators" are paying a smaller percentage of their incomes than the middle class. FACT based posit

True the GOPer's gutted revenues AS they dropped the tax burden on the top 1%ers, and yes, like much more right wing "non- profits", MM does register as a NP. Soros? Get your talking points up to date Bubba, he gave what $1,000,000 to them? lol

EVERYTHING else you posit is the usual right wing garbage not backed up by facts or history. Shocking
Hey Rabbi, To make matters worse (for you), the tens of thousands of millionaires made more money than tens of millions of middle class folks. AND WE PAID BUBKES IN TAXES. THANK YOU REPUBLICANS!!!!

Prove it, post the tax tables for your "trust".

Top 400 Americans got a huge income boost and low tax rates in 2012

The 400 highest-earning Americans had a really good year in 2012, with their incomes rising by an average of $2.1 million ... a week. That's "time to Occupy Wall Street again" good, and rising incomes for the very wealthy isn't all. The invaluable David Cay Johnston reports that:

The tax returns of the top 400 earners reported average income of $335.7 million, a real increase of more than $111 million over 2011, a new IRS report reveals.

Even better for the top 400, their taxes came to just 16.7 percent of their adjusted gross income. [...]

Among the top 400, the IRS report shows that 32 paid nothing to 10 percent in income tax; 123 others paid under 15 percent.

This is a continuation of the rising income inequality that cost middle-class families $18,000 a year in income between 1979 and 2007. And, as Johnston points out, this rising inequality and the accompanying low taxes for the super-wealthy are not some fluke of nature but are a result of pro-rich policies.

The highest quintile of income earners paid for 67.9 percent of all federal taxes paid by households, while the middle quintile paid 9.4 percent and the lowest quintile 0.3 percent.
The highest quintile paid a larger share of taxes than their income as a percentage of total before-tax income. Even as they paid over two-third of federal taxes, the highest quintile only earned 50.8 percent of total before-tax income

Got it, YOU started out questioning the posit THEN once proven the posit was correct you want to switch to another premise? Shocking

80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Who Rules America Wealth Income and Power

The middle class has been eviscerated.


noun: quintile; plural noun: quintiles
any of five equal groups into which a population can be divided according to the distribution of values of a particular variable.

TOP 25% MADE 67.8% OF ALL INCOME. How much should the top 20% pay in taxes Bubba??

Top 10% made 45.4%

Top 1% 18.7%


Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation

Poor Americans Pay Double The State, Local Tax Rates Of Top One Percent

Overall, the poorest 20 percent of households paid an average 10.9 percent of their incomes in state and local taxes in 2007, while the top 1 percent on average paid just 5.2 percent of their incomes in state and local taxes,

Poor Americans Pay Double The State Local Tax Rates Of Top One Percent

Got it, YOU started out questioning the posit

What posit did I question? Where?

THEN once proven the posit was correct

What posit was proven correct? Where?

you want to switch to another premise?

Which premise of mine did you disagree with?

Go reread the thread Bubba, it's all in there. You fukking lying maggot!
Prove it, post the tax tables for your "trust".

Top 400 Americans got a huge income boost and low tax rates in 2012

The 400 highest-earning Americans had a really good year in 2012, with their incomes rising by an average of $2.1 million ... a week. That's "time to Occupy Wall Street again" good, and rising incomes for the very wealthy isn't all. The invaluable David Cay Johnston reports that:

The tax returns of the top 400 earners reported average income of $335.7 million, a real increase of more than $111 million over 2011, a new IRS report reveals.

Even better for the top 400, their taxes came to just 16.7 percent of their adjusted gross income. [...]

Among the top 400, the IRS report shows that 32 paid nothing to 10 percent in income tax; 123 others paid under 15 percent.

This is a continuation of the rising income inequality that cost middle-class families $18,000 a year in income between 1979 and 2007. And, as Johnston points out, this rising inequality and the accompanying low taxes for the super-wealthy are not some fluke of nature but are a result of pro-rich policies.

The highest quintile of income earners paid for 67.9 percent of all federal taxes paid by households, while the middle quintile paid 9.4 percent and the lowest quintile 0.3 percent.
The highest quintile paid a larger share of taxes than their income as a percentage of total before-tax income. Even as they paid over two-third of federal taxes, the highest quintile only earned 50.8 percent of total before-tax income

Got it, YOU started out questioning the posit THEN once proven the posit was correct you want to switch to another premise? Shocking

80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Who Rules America Wealth Income and Power

The middle class has been eviscerated.


noun: quintile; plural noun: quintiles
any of five equal groups into which a population can be divided according to the distribution of values of a particular variable.

TOP 25% MADE 67.8% OF ALL INCOME. How much should the top 20% pay in taxes Bubba??

Top 10% made 45.4%

Top 1% 18.7%


Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation

Poor Americans Pay Double The State, Local Tax Rates Of Top One Percent

Overall, the poorest 20 percent of households paid an average 10.9 percent of their incomes in state and local taxes in 2007, while the top 1 percent on average paid just 5.2 percent of their incomes in state and local taxes,

Poor Americans Pay Double The State Local Tax Rates Of Top One Percent

Got it, YOU started out questioning the posit

What posit did I question? Where?

THEN once proven the posit was correct

What posit was proven correct? Where?

you want to switch to another premise?

Which premise of mine did you disagree with?

Go reread the thread Bubba, it's all in there. You fukking lying maggot!

Your muddled thinking leads to muddled posts. No surprise. Idiot.
Another Billy Triple Fail fail thread.
Hey, Billy. Democrats are the lower 47% of wage earners and they pay no income taxes. Dems are the true moochers of this country.

Hey Rabbi, To make matters worse (for you), the tens of thousands of millionaires made more money than tens of millions of middle class folks. AND WE PAID BUBKES IN TAXES. THANK YOU REPUBLICANS!!!!

Prove it, post the tax tables for your "trust".

Top 400 Americans got a huge income boost and low tax rates in 2012

The 400 highest-earning Americans had a really good year in 2012, with their incomes rising by an average of $2.1 million ... a week. That's "time to Occupy Wall Street again" good, and rising incomes for the very wealthy isn't all. The invaluable David Cay Johnston reports that:

The tax returns of the top 400 earners reported average income of $335.7 million, a real increase of more than $111 million over 2011, a new IRS report reveals.

Even better for the top 400, their taxes came to just 16.7 percent of their adjusted gross income. [...]

Among the top 400, the IRS report shows that 32 paid nothing to 10 percent in income tax; 123 others paid under 15 percent.

This is a continuation of the rising income inequality that cost middle-class families $18,000 a year in income between 1979 and 2007. And, as Johnston points out, this rising inequality and the accompanying low taxes for the super-wealthy are not some fluke of nature but are a result of pro-rich policies.
The original argument that republicans refuse to pay tax has been found to be complete bull shit so the argument has been expanded to yada yada the rich. Left wing oil magnate George Soros registered his democrat party propaganda network called Media Matters as a tax exempt entity so he didn't have to taxes. Take note lefties....Barry Hussein is still president and under his watch the rich have gotten richer and criminal espionage and extortion in the IRS has been admitted to be the the democrat party play book so ...quit playing the cliche games..

Without false premises, distortions and lies, what would you nuttjobbers EVER have Bubba?

The original argument was the "job creators" are paying a smaller percentage of their incomes than the middle class. FACT based posit

True the GOPer's gutted revenues AS they dropped the tax burden on the top 1%ers, and yes, like much more right wing "non- profits", MM does register as a NP. Soros? Get your talking points up to date Bubba, he gave what $1,000,000 to them? lol

EVERYTHING else you posit is the usual right wing garbage not backed up by facts or history. Shocking

The highest quintile of income earners paid for 67.9 percent of all federal taxes paid by households, while the middle quintile paid 9.4 percent and the lowest quintile 0.3 percent.

The highest quintile paid a larger share of taxes than their income as a percentage of total before-tax income. Even as they paid over two-third of federal taxes, the highest quintile only earned 50.8 percent of total before-tax income

The tax paid by households ranged from 1 percent in poorest fifth of Americans, to 23.2 percent in the wealthiest fifth. The much-talked-about top one percent of the United States paid a 28.9 percent average federal tax rate.
Hey Rabbi, To make matters worse (for you), the tens of thousands of millionaires made more money than tens of millions of middle class folks. AND WE PAID BUBKES IN TAXES. THANK YOU REPUBLICANS!!!!

Prove it, post the tax tables for your "trust".

Top 400 Americans got a huge income boost and low tax rates in 2012

The 400 highest-earning Americans had a really good year in 2012, with their incomes rising by an average of $2.1 million ... a week. That's "time to Occupy Wall Street again" good, and rising incomes for the very wealthy isn't all. The invaluable David Cay Johnston reports that:

The tax returns of the top 400 earners reported average income of $335.7 million, a real increase of more than $111 million over 2011, a new IRS report reveals.

Even better for the top 400, their taxes came to just 16.7 percent of their adjusted gross income. [...]

Among the top 400, the IRS report shows that 32 paid nothing to 10 percent in income tax; 123 others paid under 15 percent.

This is a continuation of the rising income inequality that cost middle-class families $18,000 a year in income between 1979 and 2007. And, as Johnston points out, this rising inequality and the accompanying low taxes for the super-wealthy are not some fluke of nature but are a result of pro-rich policies.
The original argument that republicans refuse to pay tax has been found to be complete bull shit so the argument has been expanded to yada yada the rich. Left wing oil magnate George Soros registered his democrat party propaganda network called Media Matters as a tax exempt entity so he didn't have to taxes. Take note lefties....Barry Hussein is still president and under his watch the rich have gotten richer and criminal espionage and extortion in the IRS has been admitted to be the the democrat party play book so ...quit playing the cliche games..

Without false premises, distortions and lies, what would you nuttjobbers EVER have Bubba?

The original argument was the "job creators" are paying a smaller percentage of their incomes than the middle class. FACT based posit

True the GOPer's gutted revenues AS they dropped the tax burden on the top 1%ers, and yes, like much more right wing "non- profits", MM does register as a NP. Soros? Get your talking points up to date Bubba, he gave what $1,000,000 to them? lol

EVERYTHING else you posit is the usual right wing garbage not backed up by facts or history. Shocking

The highest quintile of income earners paid for 67.9 percent of all federal taxes paid by households, while the middle quintile paid 9.4 percent and the lowest quintile 0.3 percent.

The highest quintile paid a larger share of taxes than their income as a percentage of total before-tax income. Even as they paid over two-third of federal taxes, the highest quintile only earned 50.8 percent of total before-tax income

The tax paid by households ranged from 1 percent in poorest fifth of Americans, to 23.2 percent in the wealthiest fifth. The much-talked-about top one percent of the United States paid a 28.9 percent average federal tax rate.

Top 400 Americans got a huge income boost and low tax rates in 2012

The 400 highest-earning Americans had a really good year in 2012, with their incomes rising by an average of $2.1 million ... a week. That's "time to Occupy Wall Street again" good, and rising incomes for the very wealthy isn't all. The invaluable David Cay Johnston reports that:

The tax returns of the top 400 earners reported average income of $335.7 million, a real increase of more than $111 million over 2011, a new IRS report reveals.

Even better for the top 400, their taxes came to just 16.7 percent of their adjusted gross income. [...]

Among the top 400, the IRS report shows that 32 paid nothing to 10 percent in income tax; 123 others paid under 15 percent.

This is a continuation of the rising income inequality that cost middle-class families $18,000 a year in income between 1979 and 2007. And, as Johnston points out, this rising inequality and the accompanying low taxes for the super-wealthy are not some fluke of nature but are a result of pro-rich policies.







The highest quintile of income earners paid for 67.9 percent of all federal taxes paid by households, while the middle quintile paid 9.4 percent and the lowest quintile 0.3 percent.

The highest quintile paid a larger share of taxes than their income as a percentage of total before-tax income. Even as they paid over two-third of federal taxes, the highest quintile only earned 50.8 percent of total before-tax income

The tax paid by households ranged from 1 percent in poorest fifth of Americans, to 23.2 percent in the wealthiest fifth. The much-talked-about top one percent of the United States paid a 28.9 percent average federal tax rate.
See, rather than being mature and understanding the importance of paying taxes, many republicans/libertarians see it as an evil. They apparently prefer it if the government just paid for everything for them. Public schools? Infrastructure? Our military? Nope. They don't want to pay for any of it.

Don't you think that's kind of pathetic? Bush's tax cuts have contributed trillions to our national debt. The current republicans in power demand tax cuts that will only add half a trillion more to our national debt. Are they too stupid to see this connection? Sure over spending is a problem, but you would have to be a moron to think cutting taxes will fix the problem.

You are either ignorant, or dishonest, or both. Do you even understand what the word "conservative" means? Conservatives have no issue with paying reasonable taxes, or for that matter contributing to charity which frankly the tight wad liberals avoid like the plague. But insanely high taxes, taxes that shit on the poor and middle class so that teachers can drive a Benz and buy a vacation condo on the beach, get free Cadillac healthcare for life, retire at 20 on a pension taxpayers can't afford yeah fuck that!

Yeah, Federal Gov't funds teachers a lot *shaking head*

CBO: Fed tax rates hit historic low

The average tax rates for American households reached a historical low in 2009, according to a report issued by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.

Indeed, federal taxes for American households averaged 17.4 percent in 2009, a historical low over the 1979 to 2009 period.


CBO Fed tax rates hit historic low - Tim Mak -

The highest quintile of income earners paid for 67.9 percent of all federal taxes paid by households, while the middle quintile paid 9.4 percent and the lowest quintile 0.3 percent.

The highest quintile paid a larger share of taxes than their income as a percentage of total before-tax income. Even as they paid over two-third of federal taxes, the highest quintile only earned 50.8 percent of total before-tax income

The tax paid by households ranged from 1 percent in poorest fifth of Americans, to 23.2 percent in the wealthiest fifth. The much-talked-about top one percent of the United States paid a 28.9 percent average federal tax rate.

You aren't disagreeing with the stats I just posted, are you?
See, rather than being mature and understanding the importance of paying taxes, many republicans/libertarians see it as an evil. They apparently prefer it if the government just paid for everything for them. Public schools? Infrastructure? Our military? Nope. They don't want to pay for any of it.

Don't you think that's kind of pathetic? Bush's tax cuts have contributed trillions to our national debt. The current republicans in power demand tax cuts that will only add half a trillion more to our national debt. Are they too stupid to see this connection? Sure over spending is a problem, but you would have to be a moron to think cutting taxes will fix the problem.
Another Billy Triple Fail fail thread.
Hey, Billy. Democrats are the lower 47% of wage earners and they pay no income taxes. Dems are the true moochers of this country.
Really? Link me to an income by political party chart which shows this...

Or youre full of shit, eh boss?

Damn, you always step in it.

Can you show me a political breakdown of low income city voters, where they are shown to have predominantly voted Republican consistently in Presidential elections?

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