Republicans are giving Democrats a lesson in EXACTLY how "rigged" works.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Squashing Merrick Garland's nomination.

Rushing Bret Kavanaugh's nomination through.

Releasing thousands of documents a few hours before a hearing.

Refusing to let Ford have any witnesses.

Refusing an FBI investigation.

Refusing to call Mark Judge as a witness.

This reminds me of all those jokes, Republicans play hardball while Democrats play ping pong, Democrats bring a knife to at gun fight with Republicans and so on.

Trump is still crying the election was rigged even though he won.

I think it's all the looting of America, all the rigging through gerrymandering and voter suppression, all the lies. It's all starting to catch up to Republicans.

Even the Supreme Court won't protect the Republicans from the wrath of the American people.

This rigging of the Supreme Court isn't going to protect the Republicans.

There will be a reckoning.
Democrats put their full support behind a rapist, proven sexual harasser, a pedophile and his enabler.

why trump won.jpg........... images (26).jpg
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Rushing Bret Kavanaugh's nomination through. BY DELAYING IT.

Refusing to let Ford have any witnesses. HOW MANY WEEKS AND MONTHS DOES SHE NEED TO FIND ONE?

Refusing an FBI investigation. FBI has already investigated six times. No crime scene. No physical evidence. Just another hollow delay.

There will be a reckoning. There already IS reckoning in the form of Donald Trump. And he is just getting going. The country has HAD IT with the Left. Witness 2010, 2014 and 2016. Payback's a bitch for what Obama and Clinton did to this country, ain't it? Stay tuned for a LOT more!
Squashing Merrick Garland's nomination.

Rushing Bret Kavanaugh's nomination through.

Releasing thousands of documents a few hours before a hearing.

Refusing to let Ford have any witnesses.

Refusing an FBI investigation.

Refusing to call Mark Judge as a witness.

This reminds me of all those jokes, Republicans play hardball while Democrats play ping pong, Democrats bring a knife to at gun fight with Republicans and so on.

Trump is still crying the election was rigged even though he won.

I think it's all the looting of America, all the rigging through gerrymandering and voter suppression, all the lies. It's all starting to catch up to Republicans.

Even the Supreme Court won't protect the Republicans from the wrath of the American people.

This rigging of the Supreme Court isn't going to protect the Republicans.

There will be a reckoning.

Now, now, you haven't lost the midterms....yet. You are doing an outstanding job of showing the voters why they shouldn't trust you though, so there's that.
Squashing Merrick Garland's nomination.

Rushing Bret Kavanaugh's nomination through.

Releasing thousands of documents a few hours before a hearing.

Refusing to let Ford have any witnesses.

Refusing an FBI investigation.

Refusing to call Mark Judge as a witness.

This reminds me of all those jokes, Republicans play hardball while Democrats play ping pong, Democrats bring a knife to at gun fight with Republicans and so on.

Trump is still crying the election was rigged even though he won.

I think it's all the looting of America, all the rigging through gerrymandering and voter suppression, all the lies. It's all starting to catch up to Republicans.

Even the Supreme Court won't protect the Republicans from the wrath of the American people.

This rigging of the Supreme Court isn't going to protect the Republicans.

There will be a reckoning.

Impressive post!

Didn't know you could stack shit that high.

The reckoning was for you loony lefties in the form of a good old fashioned kick in the ass by Americans Nov. 2016
We’re working hard next go-round on duplicating the DNC model whereby we’ll be able to fix enough of the delegate process to seal out any contender(s) from any serious challenge, and we’ll augment that with our candidate in complete control of all RNC money in order to keep those down ticket candidates properly aligned and focused on kicking dimocrat ass.
Squashing Merrick Garland's nomination.

Rushing Bret Kavanaugh's nomination through.

Releasing thousands of documents a few hours before a hearing.

Refusing to let Ford have any witnesses.

Refusing an FBI investigation.

Refusing to call Mark Judge as a witness.

This reminds me of all those jokes, Republicans play hardball while Democrats play ping pong, Democrats bring a knife to at gun fight with Republicans and so on.

Trump is still crying the election was rigged even though he won.

I think it's all the looting of America, all the rigging through gerrymandering and voter suppression, all the lies. It's all starting to catch up to Republicans.

Even the Supreme Court won't protect the Republicans from the wrath of the American people.

This rigging of the Supreme Court isn't going to protect the Republicans.

There will be a reckoning.



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