Republican Response to 2020...


Crotchety Olde Man
Apr 30, 2014
The Olden Days
Well, after last night the American people have made their voices heard. They have decided that they do not want to hear what Conservative Republicans have to say. They don't want to see Conservative Republicans be in charge. The populace has walked away from the Republican Party. With that in mind, it's time for the Republican Party to walk away from the American people. With that in mind, here is what I believe the Republican Party response should be to this election cycle....

WALK AWAY. No Republican should set foot in either chamber of the United States Capitol Building, their associated offices, or any other Government facility in Washington DC. This would create an absolute plausible deniability for the Republican Party for everything the Democrats do over the next 2-4 years. In fact, if the likes of Romney, Collins, and Murkowski could be kept our of the Senate chamber, the Democrats would not be able to actually conduct business, as they could not create a quarom in the chamber. ANY Republican who stepped foot inside the Capitol building to do anything other than clean out their office should be immediately and permanently banished from the party.

WALK AWAY from the media. Have the party issue a single, written press release indicating that since the American people no longer wish the Republican Party to be in charge, we are taking the hint and leaving the business of Government to their preferred party. Remind the public that from this point forward ever tax increase, reduction of their personal liberties and freedoms, and removal of their personal choices in favor of Government conrtol and oversight are completely and totally on the hands of the Democrat Party. After that press release, close down all media relations activity with ALL media outlets. No interviews. No press releases.

Let's see just how long the American voting public will stand for the things that the Democrats will do with this newfound, unrestrained authority. Let's make sure there is NO WAY that those actions can be somehow turned around as being the fault of the Republicans and Conservatives. It will mean 2-4 years of horrific suffering and despair, but will that really be any different if the Republicans do show up? Not likely. It's time to force the American People to truly see what these Democrats stand for. This is the easiest and most effective way to do it.

If, in 2-4 years the American voters haven't wised up to what Democrats are really all about, then it's time to utilize the tools we will have been stocking up on and working with to overthrow the Government completely and permanently... or die trying.

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