Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger says he'll tell his son that Trump was 'the worst president the United States of America ever had'


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
‘Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois declared former President Donald Trump to be "the worst president the United States of America ever had" in an interview after his censure by the Republican National Committee.’

‘Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois declared former President Donald Trump to be "the worst president the United States of America ever had" in an interview after his censure by the Republican National Committee.’

sounds like child abuse to me,,
why wont he let his son make his own decision??
in an interview after his censure by the Republican National Committee.’


A disgraced politician says bad things about his boss ...

... film at 11...

That poor son will take a lot of beatings over that fucking sissy breaking into tears every few minutes. Hopefully he was adopted.
‘Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois declared former President Donald Trump to be "the worst president the United States of America ever had" in an interview after his censure by the Republican National Committee.’

He's right.
‘Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois declared former President Donald Trump to be "the worst president the United States of America ever had" in an interview after his censure by the Republican National Committee.’

People should not lie to their children. Shame on him.
And those who have integrity, dignity, and self respect. Don't worry, you aren't included in that list.
Like a cowardly, welching, know nothing bitch like you even knows the definition of those words.
Even were that true, although it would be difficult to rate under Carter, the current white house resident has now captured that honor.
‘Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois declared former President Donald Trump to be "the worst president the United States of America ever had" in an interview after his censure by the Republican National Committee.’

Aww how thweet....

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