Republican Partaaay


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2007
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Everyone here is a little too serious, and I think maybe its time to relax, We're not changing the world, we should take things a little lighter.
Maybe go to a festival like this one?

Fuck The Earth’ Festival

Republicans have a plan to change the negative world views of America, and “Climate Change”

Plans are now underway to launch "Fuck The Earth Festival" which will host Nascar races in 2008 at Coal Mining plants around the US.

“The Fuck The Earth Festival is designed to bring the people of America together in a celebration of what makes the US great. There is too much worry and fear these days, and we want people to relax and have fun celebrating the things we care about like the environement, and wildlife.” ‘FTE Lobbyist’

The tracks will be built(Halliburton) around Coal Mines, (Mines above and below ground). Each FTE Celebration will last approximately three days, specific locations will coincide with International Auto shows, as well as NRA rallies for those states.

"Fans are rev'd up about this" says a Republican lobbyist for the event, “We asked ourselves, What do people want? We knew the answer before we finished the question, Fast Cars, Fire, Guns and Beer! Gaddam right! And were gonna give it to them the American way!”

“Fuck The Earth” is heavily sponsored by 3 of the top “Big Oil” companies, (ExxonMobil, Chevron Corporation, BP) Talks are still underway with “Big Tabacco”, although they are leaning toward heavy endorsement. WalMart, Anheuser-Busch, Coca Cola, Halliburton, and Mcdonalds are already well onboard with full sponsorship.

The Festivals will start with the igniting of the 47 ft “Giant Tire Man” made of stacked tires, (GoodYear) which will burn for the entirety of each and every 3 day event.

Budweiser will be giving out free beers (King Cans) during the much anticipated ‘Nascar Felon Target Race’, Featuring “Truckasaurus”.

“In this fun filled event fans will get a chance to participate from the stands.
Targets will be placed on the Nascars of convicted felons who will race for their freedom, while spectators get a chance to test their marksmanship ability by shooting at the cars as they race around the track”

The Felon that successfully completes 25 laps gets a full pardon.

“Everyone is encouraged to bring their own guns, we will be permitting high powered rifles and semi automatic weapons.”
“If you forget your gun, they can be purchased at Gun Stands located in the free market area, along side Liquor, Beef and Fireworks vendors.”

At select venues Truckasaurus will also be on the track grabbing and eating the ‘Felon filled’ Nascars as they dodge the barrage of semi automatic and sniper bullets.

This is just one of the many interactive festivities that can be participated in during the 3 day festival.

The “Fuck The Earth Festival” demographic target is Americans from 3 to 90 years old.

“If they can hold a gun, they can come have fun”

Other events and attractions include a performance by Bruce Springsteen,
-Humvee Burnout Competition,
-Funny car VS RPG races,
-WWE VS Bears(Polar and Grizzly),
-Coca Cola WaterPark, (All new Coke Zero Lazy river, filled with Coke Zero)
and the ever popular “Endangered Species Hunt.”

The ESH will be set up in a larger than usual paintball style arena on the grounds, participants get a chance to test their hunting skills on Snow Leopards, Giraffes and the homeless.

And for the anglers, there’s a Dolphin and Seal shooting range, right beside the ORCA and Shark spear fishing tank. A feature showcase will be openning the Orca tank into the Seal tank. (two shows daily)

Future event ideas include the Rhino-Bull pitt, In which a contestant must successfully recover flags located in a 12 foot deep pitt the size of an olympic swimming pool, filled with dense smoke, and inhabited by a Bull, and Rhinocerous both on Crystal Meth.

“Spectators will be invited to throw “Molotive Cocktails” which they can purchase from walking vendors right in the stands! “(Mobile 1)
The Rhino-Bull Pitt will be broadcast on large screens using heat sensor cameras.(Sony)
The grand prize speculated to consist of lifetime supplies of Budweiser, McDonalds and your choice of Marlboro cigarettes.

The inaugural FTEF will involve a Virgin Galactic Shuttle Launch, Which will be bringing a shipment of goods to the new “Orbiting WalMart One Stop Space Station.” The first in a chain of “Space Franchises” set to open early 2009.

“Our hope is to draw people from all over the world, having them learn what America holds dear, Freedom, the freedom to do and say whatever we want free from ridicule and ludicrous facts. We want people to come away from this with a new perspective of the US of A.“

This is completely fictional, its made up, its a joke, and was written and intended solely for the purpose of creating smiles and maybe some laughter. :razz:
This is not comedy message board. If you want laughter maybe you should go to the other boards such as scout or espn. This is a political message board to talk about the issues not make up fictional games that make no sense. I thought the sign said adults only.
Sorry to ruin your super serious day.
AI cancelled, But "Dancing with the Stars" has expressed interest.
This is not comedy message board. If you want laughter maybe you should go to the other boards such as scout or espn. This is a political message board to talk about the issues not make up fictional games that make no sense. I thought the sign said adults only.

You've been here 5 posts and your already telling me off?

The first thing most people do when they walk in a room is calmly assess the situation, then make a judgement on how to proceed, then do so.

But you my friend seem to prefer immediately finding someone to attack for a lighthearted post.
I personally would have waited at least until a senior member admonished the post before presumptiously posting the way you have.

Im positive you will do well here, I look forward to intelligently debating you.
I would love to debate you. It would have to be in a professional way. No cussing like you seem to like to do. By the way I can't tell by your post where you even stand. Are you on the left or right.
I would love to debate you. I can't tell by your post where you even stand. Are you on the left or right.

Where do I stand? that is a good question,
Well, depending on the arguement, I try and stand in the middle and see where logical, rational thought lead.
I have been lebelled several things by someone I imagine you will get along with wonderfully.
Let me guess...Your a republican.. Chill out will ya.

Superlative - That was some of the funniest shit I have read in quite awhile. I copied it and sent it on to some friends. Its going to make its rounds for sure. Thanks for the laugh man.

This is not comedy message board. If you want laughter maybe you should go to the other boards such as scout or espn. This is a political message board to talk about the issues not make up fictional games that make no sense. I thought the sign said adults only.
:clap2: EXTREMELY Well said !!!!!!

Where do I stand? that is a good question,
Well, depending on the arguement, I try and stand in the middle and see where logical, rational thought lead.
I have been lebelled several things by someone I imagine you will get along with wonderfully.
I think someone is taking himself/herself far too seriously. I'm not sure anyone that serious should be involved with a message board, to many opportunities to be offended. I found it amusing and I vote Republican more often than not. And while much of the fictional announcement is not applicable to me (I refuse to shop at Wal-Mart), I do depend on Exxon-Mobil for my future financial stability and I do own a gun. Christ, you have to be able to laugh at yourself.

BTW Superlative, that's spelled Anhauser-Busch. ;)
I would love to debate you. It would have to be in a professional way. No cussing like you seem to like to do. By the way I can't tell by your post where you even stand. Are you on the left or right.

How nice that someone with six posts thinks it's his/her duty to direct where others' posts/threads go. You're free not to participate in any thread that offends your apparently delicate sensibilities.

Do get a grip and lighten up. You'll live longer.
Yea, its not like he called you a nappy headed hoe. Like that radio host guy
I actually thought that was kind of funny. And IMUS pretty much wins that battle by getting suspended WITH PAY !!!! They may not be ho's...but they do have Nappy hair. And you know some of them are probably ho's. So whats the problem?

Yea, its not like he called you a nappy headed hoe. Like that radio host guy
I dont really see why people get outraged over things like this when rappers are constantly calling them bitches. The guy is a comedian, how is he offending black women by saying they have nappy hair? And jessy jackson is confirming that they have nappy hair by getting outraged about it. If someone says I cant jump cuz im a white boy, I dont get offended. Its comedy. These kind of activists need to stick to there day job, they are not going to be the next nobel peace prize winners. Jesse jackson needs to do more preaching and less complaining.
This was funny. It reminded me of Dennis Leary's "I'm an Asshole," when he's talking about driving in his car with baby seal skin seat covers eating a Big Mac, lol.

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