Republican ideology vs reality

Collectively, Republicans are a weird group -- Republicans in the State of Washington celebrated the State's Republican AG joining a lawsuit to fight-----fight tooth and nail, against finding a way to
bring affordable healthcare via Obamacare to over 200,000 of their constituents/friends/neighbors. But now-----now, after years of ideological foaming at the mouth, the Republicans are set to use Obamacare to balance their budget -- huh, are Washington State Republican lawmakers saying their ideological opposition to Obamacare was/is idiotic and they're changing their ways, or...?

This is a familiar story. The House GOP has been using Obamacare savings in its budgets for three straight years now and a list of state-level GOP "opponents" of the law relying on it would go on for quite some time. Hate it in the abstract, like it in practice.
The huge issue with cost of healthcare is the horribly unhealthy lifestyle so many Americans lead that so many other countries don't have a problem with. We've spent more on just Diabetes care in America than on all the wars in our history.
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Related - Its been fun watching them since they said they were gonna stop being the party of stupid and reach out to those they have worked so hard to alienate. Almost every day, one of them says something to alienate the very same people.

They really don't know we can see them.
Prior to obamas destruction, the USA had the best healthcare on earth.
Why did he destroy it?
Because he detests the greatness of the USA.

He even said as much

" My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world, I hope you will join me as we try to change it"!!

a) we had crappy healthcare except in the area of trauma and
b) President Obama has done nothing to "destroy" our crappy healthcare.
c) He never said that. Greatest Nation : Obama Quote Rumors
Obama "idiot quote"-Fiction!
Quoth Obama?

As always, I invite you to post proof to the contrary.

That's what you get for getting your news from idiotic chain letters and/or fux.
Collectively, Republicans are a weird group -- Republicans in the State of Washington celebrated the State's Republican AG joining a lawsuit to fight-----fight tooth and nail, against finding a way to
bring affordable healthcare via Obamacare to over 200,000 of their constituents/friends/neighbors. But now-----now, after years of ideological foaming at the mouth, the Republicans are set to use Obamacare to balance their budget -- huh, are Washington State Republican lawmakers saying their ideological opposition to Obamacare was/is idiotic and they're changing their ways, or...?

Senate’s GOP is counting on Obamacare to balance budget | Seattle Times Newspaper

Sunday, April 14, 2013 - Page updated at 07:30 p.m.
By Andrew Garber
Seattle Times Olympia bureau

OLYMPIA — Republicans were at war over President Obama’s health-care law less than a year ago. The Republican state attorney general had joined a lawsuit to overturn the law, and the party’s legislators warned it would cost too much money.

Now the GOP-led state Senate is counting on Obamacare to help balance the budget, booking more than $400 million in savings from the federal program over the next two years. House Republican budget writers assume some health-care savings as well.

“We’ll take it because financially it’s better for us,” said Don Benton, R-Vancouver, Senate deputy Republican leader.

“But we don’t like it. We don’t like the policy because it moves us dramatically toward a kind of socialized, one-payer-type system


IOW's - the Republicans are saying 'We’ll implement Obamacare because it works for us, but we don't like it because it exposes our ideological idiocy' -- Republicans are very-very bizarre collective.

I didn't know Democrats were able to enunciate those three words together.....

The telling factor is that every single Hussein/care supporter is on the attack. Why not tell us how benign the system will be once the thousand IRS agents come a-knocking. Barryites are always on the attack since they can't defend anything about the administration.
Speaking of R hypocrisy -

Check out the slide show.

9 Awkward Double Standards From The Conservative Movement

Its HuffPo and its factual so this is not suitable for rw viewing.

Slide #1: Constitutional right verses entitlement handout = apples verses oranges

2. Education is up to respective states

3. Neither should be allowed

4. (at least in principle)?? IOW,

5. Another case of neither one should be allowed.

I'm bored...

Speaking of R hypocrisy -

Check out the slide show.

9 Awkward Double Standards From The Conservative Movement

Its HuffPo and its factual so this is not suitable for rw viewing.

Slide #1: Constitutional right verses entitlement handout = apples verses oranges

2. Education is up to respective states

3. Neither should be allowed

4. (at least in principle)?? IOW,

5. Another case of neither one should be allowed.

I'm bored...


A Huffpo opinion about a double standard? It's like Alinsky's opinion of the election process. The point is that the radical left has to prove their point that Hussein/care is a benevolent federal law before they attack opponents of the 4,000 page monstrosity of a law that nobody read..
According to some here, Obama spends so much time plotting the destruction of the Country...I'm shocked that he has enough time to eat and get dressed.

At no point have I been happier to be a liberal than when I read the thoughts of some Conservatives. We have our loony birds doubt...but Christ you've elevated moronic rambling to an art form.
So you think you have a handle on reality, eh?

This is exactly how the creation of an unhealthy dependency on the federal government works. I want you to pay very close attention to this. Very close attention. You are in a unique position of being present at the beginning where you can observe exactly how it works.

The federal government is subsidizing 90 percent of the costs of Obamacare for the next few years. ObamaCare will add tens of millions of people to the states' Medicaid rolls. Adding tens of millions of people is astronically expensive, and that would completely crush the states to do so.

But here's the trick. The federal government is paying that the beginning.

By doing this, the federal government is coercing the states into cooperating. The states have no choice. They either have to accept it and craft their own state plan, or ObamaCare dictates the federal government take over their state healthcare plans and make one for them.

Six years from now, having all those tens of millions of extra people on Medicaid will be the new normal. Everyone will have become accustomed to it.

Then, in 2019, the federal government will stop paying for them. And THAT is when I want you to remember back to 2010 when you so gleefully supported ObamaCare. Because 2019 is when the shit is going to hit the fan for the states.

In 2019, the states will suddenly be getting the medical bills for all those tens of millions of people. And the next thing you hear will be your state legislators telling you your state taxes are going to have to skyrocket to pay for those people, because there would be riots in the streets if they dropped all those new people after all that time.

THAT is the reality, fool. Reality is going to hit all you rubes smack in the face in 2019. Meanwhile, Obama will be laughing his ass off in retirement on the mashed potato circuit.

OK. We know how to put a real Health System together that costs less and has far better results than what we currently have. Canada to the north, has just such a plan. Japan, Germany, France, Denmark, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, and Finlad have such systems. Even little Costa Rica has a better system.

So, let us look at these systems and put together a system that suits our nation. Taiwan did that in 1996, no reason we cannot do the same.

Thing is, those systems don't work, are inferior to the us system before obamacare, you have no clue what you are talking about.
Your next step will be to link to a discredited UN report.

That is where you are wrong. Those systems work just fine at a much lower cost. I know people who live in Canada, Great Britain, and in other parts of Europe. My mother is a Swiss citizen. These people think we are nuts when it comes to our healthcare system. Many of them laugh at us and say we are just stupid.

So many of you are sold on our system because you believe that you have all these choices. You don't, unless you are fairly wealthy. You take the insurance option provided by your employer, in most cases. Some of you go without insurance and call that a choice. Unfortunately, that is usually a choice that everyone else ends up paying for. I had health insurance for a very long time, then I had to move to another state. Because I am self-employed, I bought my own private insurance, but because of some pre-existing conditions, when I moved I was denied insurance, even though I had been insured for years.

Our system was a joke and the cost of insurance was increasing by double digits every single year before Obamacare. The costs were out of control, yet you are all worried about the cost of Obamacare. It's pretty funny how people can be oblivious to the facts.

One last thing about all the scare tactics that costs will spiral out of control. When people get sick, they go to the doctor or emergency room regardless of whether they have insurance or not. We've been paying for the uninsured for a very long time. Now we're just going to pay for it by making certain they have coverage. There is no logical reason to believe this will drive costs through the roof.
The Republican Party has no ideology. Every four years, they get together and make a party platform which is promptly ignored.

Projecting sterotypes on people seems to be the main focus of democrats.

By the way, it was fun watching the democratic propaganda machine fail miserably in its quest to weaken the 2nd Amendment.

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