Republican Denial Denial

Well now, let's see how this plays out. Already past your 1 degree C mark this year, Mr. Flacaltenn. Perhaps you should consider revising your estimate.

Only past that mark on constantly revised excuses to fuck with the surface records. And it's not all that different anyways from CO2 doubling by itself estimate. Certainly a lot closer to that -- than any of the GW "models".

But CO2 hasn't doubled. It's only up 42% from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. I'd say "you do the math" but you've just shown yourself a little weak there...

My math is fine. I got certificates to prove that. What YOU'RE missing is that CO2 doesn't explain 100% of the current warming blip.. Never did -- Never will...
Lost your readers? FCT SAID: "Only past that mark on constantly revised excuses to fuck with the surface records. And it's not all that different anyways from CO2 doubling by itself estimate. Certainly a lot closer to that -- than any of the GW "models".

He is saying that the warming already experienced is "not all that different" from what's predicted by mainstream climate sensitivity numbers (which are based on doubling). CO2 has NOT yet doubled and thus he is stated that sensitivity is actually higher than mainstream calculations. Of course he claims that's only due to climate scientists lying about what the world's temperatures are doing.

Nope.. Try again. Using MY words in the post above..

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