The death of the AGW belief system.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
The death of the AGW belief system.

As COP21 fades with no agreements to speak of and utter failure by those wanting handouts it is time to pause and take a step back. The article above was from 2010 and gives a little insight into how they will react to the failures and the death of their belief system.

If you’re tracking the collapse of belief in AGW around the world as closely as I am, it’s important to recognize that what you’re actually looking at is the collapse of a belief system. The progress and pathology of this phenomenon has been documented and reliably understood for some time. I say reliably understood because it did not originate from Freud, Jung, the Id, the Ego (super or otherwise) or any other school of psyco-babble psychology fashionable at the time. Don’t get me wrong, Psychology is a very useful tool but too many psychologists don’t seem to know which end to hold it by.


I can pretty well define which stage most of our alarmists friends are in today by how they act. The article on WUWT is also a good read as well.

By 2015 climate change was moving off the center stage, as it consistently ranked near the bottom of the US public’s major policy concerns. Newspapers reassigned staff to hotter stories (the LAT in 2008, the NYT in 2013). Presidential candidates of both parties muted their climate change policies. The COP21 festival seems likely to produce few results (just like its predecessors).

The death of a large joint effort creates grief, best described (impressionistically) by the five stages of the Kübler-Ross model. This fits the recent actions of climate activists. First there is…

I think they have hit the nail on the head. As Obama is finding out the hard way, AGW is not of major concern to the public as is the ISIS threat. I would also say that the the majority of Americans are beside themselves in disbelief that Obama and his administration are lost in fantasy land while Americans die from terrorist attacks on US Soil.

The backlash that is occurring with Obama's recent TV interview stating that climate change was more of a threat than ISIS did not hit home with even the lowest of information voters who expressed their displeasure by falling poll numbers to all democrats..

We are watching the death of a belief system...
The death of the AGW belief system.

As COP21 fades with no agreements to speak of and utter failure by those wanting handouts it is time to pause and take a step back. The article above was from 2010 and gives a little insight into how they will react to the failures and the death of their belief system.

If you’re tracking the collapse of belief in AGW around the world as closely as I am, it’s important to recognize that what you’re actually looking at is the collapse of a belief system. The progress and pathology of this phenomenon has been documented and reliably understood for some time. I say reliably understood because it did not originate from Freud, Jung, the Id, the Ego (super or otherwise) or any other school of psyco-babble psychology fashionable at the time. Don’t get me wrong, Psychology is a very useful tool but too many psychologists don’t seem to know which end to hold it by.


I can pretty well define which stage most of our alarmists friends are in today by how they act. The article on WUWT is also a good read as well.

I'd say we're somewhere between Depression and Detachment and Dialogue and Bargaining.

There's gonna be a fire sale on slogans and carbon credits in 2016
The death of the AGW belief system.

As COP21 fades with no agreements to speak of and utter failure by those wanting handouts it is time to pause and take a step back. The article above was from 2010 and gives a little insight into how they will react to the failures and the death of their belief system.

If you’re tracking the collapse of belief in AGW around the world as closely as I am, it’s important to recognize that what you’re actually looking at is the collapse of a belief system. The progress and pathology of this phenomenon has been documented and reliably understood for some time. I say reliably understood because it did not originate from Freud, Jung, the Id, the Ego (super or otherwise) or any other school of psyco-babble psychology fashionable at the time. Don’t get me wrong, Psychology is a very useful tool but too many psychologists don’t seem to know which end to hold it by.


I can pretty well define which stage most of our alarmists friends are in today by how they act. The article on WUWT is also a good read as well.

I'd say we're somewhere between Depression and Detachment and Dialogue and Bargaining.

There's gonna be a fire sale on slogans and carbon credits in 2016

Detachment? Like the post above yours? It's more like loss of total reality.. We watch daily while they deny that their religion is dead, some even argue that its never been stronger.. But then there are some who are in full blown depression and detachment from reality.. Making up things and outright deception to try and revive the religion are the beginning of finding out they will have to bargain for any further gains.. COP21 just ended without any resolution.. The collapse will now be epic to watch. Hopefully they will regain meaningful life..
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Still playing the little liar, Silly Billy. You predicted, first, no El Nino, then, at the very best, a very weak El Nino. And insulted and lied about the scientists studying this phenomenon along the way. And the El Nino turned out to be one of the strongest ever recorded, if not the strongest.

No, unfortunately AGW is very much alive and well. And AGW Theory is being confirmed even as we post. We have will have already surpassed Mr. Flacaltenn's 1 degree C by end of this year, and that is the effects of the GHG levels of at least 30 years ago. We are going to blow right by the 2 degree C mark.
Still playing the little liar, Silly Billy. You predicted, first, no El Nino, then, at the very best, a very weak El Nino. And insulted and lied about the scientists studying this phenomenon along the way. And the El Nino turned out to be one of the strongest ever recorded, if not the strongest.

No, unfortunately AGW is very much alive and well. And AGW Theory is being confirmed even as we post. We have will have already surpassed Mr. Flacaltenn's 1 degree C by end of this year, and that is the effects of the GHG levels of at least 30 years ago. We are going to blow right by the 2 degree C mark.

Only in your severely adjusted wet dream world. Here in reality and unadjusted temperatures you are all wet. Your denial, combativness and paranoia are nice to observe in a thread about the grieving process and the AGW death as a religion.
I find it ironic that the man proclaiming our demise is the one who's recently abandoned all pretense of speaking honestly. You cannot make your boogey men go away by simply claiming they've passed on. You need to find an alternate theory and convince the world's scientists that it has some credibility. You and yours have been trying to do that for several decades now and it has been a complete failure. The world is warming. The primary cause is human activity. The warming is going to hurt us badly. The world is going to blame irresponsible and bigoted idiots like you for slowing our response and making the problem many times worse than an intelligent response might have produced.
Paris climate change talks yield first draft amid air of optimism

Negotiators paving the way for a global climate change agreement in Paris have cleared a major hurdle, producing a draft accord in record time and raising hopes that a full week of minister-led talks can now clinch a deal despite many sticking points.


Non-government observers were also cautiously optimistic. Martin Kaiser of Greenpeace said progress was far better than at a similar point in the 2009 Copenhagen talks. “At this point in Copenhagen [in 2009] we were dealing with a 300-page text and a pervasive sense of despair. In Paris we’re down to a slim 21 pages and the atmosphere remains constructive. But that doesn’t guarantee a decent deal. Right now the oil-producing nations and the fossil fuel industry will be plotting how to crash these talks when ministers arrive next week.”


The Saudis have also been blocking the idea that the commitments countries have put on the table in Paris – covering emission reductions between 2020 and 2030 – should be reviewed before that period commences, and potentially increased. The Climate Action Tracker website has calculated those commitments put the world on track for warming of at least 2.7C. Differences on this issue between China and the US were central to the breakdown of the Copenhagen talks six years ago, but in Paris China is taking a softer approach. “We need to enhance the transparency system … it is very important to build trust,” Su said.

You all made several comments as if the conference were over. It does not end for another five days. Oh, wait... you're gettig this from WUWT. No wonder you're posting so much bullshit.

BTW Billy Boy, the degree of successful progress this conference produces has absolutely nothing to do with the science. Ignoring AGW will not make it go away but I am not in the least bit surprised that you and yours would think that it would. After all, you believe that claiming you're an atmospheric physicist, a meteorologist and a scientist makes you those things. No need to struggle through the actual studies. The internet is miraculous like that. We can all be whatever we want to be. Right Billy Boy?
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The strategy behind the lies this thread seeks to spread.

Congress Moves to Sabotage the Paris Climate Summit - The New Yorker

That's right........the congress does the bidding for the public that elected them. In 2014, the Dums got their clocks cleaned partly because nobody gives a rats ass about climate change compared to lots and lots of other stuff. So..........the country is speaking. Elections have consequences.......I remember somebody saying that about 7 years ago!!

Perhaps the people on the right are dumb about science..........but lets face it, progressives in support of AGW have the political IQ's of a handball.

Heres the facts.......the HOUSE is going to be red until at least 2020 ( see governor redistricting consequences ). Tough shit on the global warming folks........that means there isn't going to be dick done in terms of climate legislation for at least 4 years.:2up: Almost invariably, people in congress like to keep their jobs. There is a GOP majority in both the senate and house. That means the majority doesn't give a shit about global warming.
Paris climate change talks yield first draft amid air of optimism

Negotiators paving the way for a global climate change agreement in Paris have cleared a major hurdle, producing a draft accord in record time and raising hopes that a full week of minister-led talks can now clinch a deal despite many sticking points.


Non-government observers were also cautiously optimistic. Martin Kaiser of Greenpeace said progress was far better than at a similar point in the 2009 Copenhagen talks. “At this point in Copenhagen [in 2009] we were dealing with a 300-page text and a pervasive sense of despair. In Paris we’re down to a slim 21 pages and the atmosphere remains constructive. But that doesn’t guarantee a decent deal. Right now the oil-producing nations and the fossil fuel industry will be plotting how to crash these talks when ministers arrive next week.”


The Saudis have also been blocking the idea that the commitments countries have put on the table in Paris – covering emission reductions between 2020 and 2030 – should be reviewed before that period commences, and potentially increased. The Climate Action Tracker website has calculated those commitments put the world on track for warming of at least 2.7C. Differences on this issue between China and the US were central to the breakdown of the Copenhagen talks six years ago, but in Paris China is taking a softer approach. “We need to enhance the transparency system … it is very important to build trust,” Su said.

You all made several comments as if the conference were over. It does not end for another five days. Oh, wait... you're gettig this from WUWT. No wonder you're posting so much bullshit.

BTW Billy Boy, the degree of successful progress this conference produces has absolutely nothing to do with the science. Ignoring AGW will not make it go away but I am not in the least bit surprised that you and yours would think that it would. After all, you believe that claiming you're an atmospheric physicist, a meteorologist and a scientist makes you those things. No need to struggle through the actual studies. The internet is miraculous like that. We can all be whatever we want to be. Right Billy Boy?

Again Crick is talking out his ass.. What are your credentials again. "I work with"...

Your in denial.. Those grieving steps will come along soon for you. We realize your a late bloomer and one who wont let go of a failed ideology...
Crick said:
BTW Billy Boy, the degree of successful progress this conference produces has absolutely nothing to do with the science. Ignoring AGW will not make it go away but I am not in the least bit surprised that you and yours would think that it would. After all, you believe that claiming you're an atmospheric physicist, a meteorologist and a scientist makes you those things. No need to struggle through the actual studies. The internet is miraculous like that. We can all be whatever we want to be. Right Billy Boy?

Jesus but you fucked up your quotes there Billy Boy

Billy Boy said:
Again Crick is talking out his ass.. What are your credentials again. "I work with"...

I have identified my education and profession here on numerous occasions. It hasn't varied. If you can't keep track, try harder. I needn't respond to your efforts to drag me through the muck you inhabit because telling the truth has an amazing capacity to keep one away from the embarrassing conflicts and contradictions into which you're constantly running headlong.

Billy Boy said:
Your in denial.. Those grieving steps will come along soon for you. We realize your a late bloomer and one who wont let go of a failed ideology...

The opinions of the world's climate experts have never weakened, have constantly grown and are now nearly unanimous on the validity of AGW. The world is getting warmer and the primary cause is human GHG emissions and deforestation. Your claims that this is a "failed ideology" simply illustrate that your comments - virtually without exclusion - are not based on evidence, facts or truth.

By 2015 climate change was moving off the center stage, as it consistently ranked near the bottom of the US public’s major policy concerns. Newspapers reassigned staff to hotter stories (the LAT in 2008, the NYT in 2013). Presidential candidates of both parties muted their climate change policies. The COP21 festival seems likely to produce few results (just like its predecessors).

The death of a large joint effort creates grief, best described (impressionistically) by the five stages of the Kübler-Ross model. This fits the recent actions of climate activists. First there is…

I think they have hit the nail on the head. As Obama is finding out the hard way, AGW is not of major concern to the public as is the ISIS threat. I would also say that the the majority of Americans are beside themselves in disbelief that Obama and his administration are lost in fantasy land while Americans die from terrorist attacks on US Soil.

The backlash that is occurring with Obama's recent TV interview stating that climate change was more of a threat than ISIS did not hit home with even the lowest of information voters who expressed their displeasure by falling poll numbers to all democrats..

We are watching the death of a belief system...


Poor chap. Climate change and the lack of water have made you gone mad.
The opinions of a small group of climate "experts" have had no impact on the real world........this is just a matter of fact. The "consensus" science concept has been out there well over 10 years. Then why is our current president having to do climate stuff via executive fiat?:2up: Precisely because the idiots in the AGW community haven't made their case yet to the level of the public caring about the "consensus" = no impact in the real world!!:fu:
Crick said:
BTW Billy Boy, the degree of successful progress this conference produces has absolutely nothing to do with the science. Ignoring AGW will not make it go away but I am not in the least bit surprised that you and yours would think that it would. After all, you believe that claiming you're an atmospheric physicist, a meteorologist and a scientist makes you those things. No need to struggle through the actual studies. The internet is miraculous like that. We can all be whatever we want to be. Right Billy Boy?

Jesus but you fucked up your quotes there Billy Boy

Billy Boy said:
Again Crick is talking out his ass.. What are your credentials again. "I work with"...

I have identified my education and profession here on numerous occasions. It hasn't varied. If you can't keep track, try harder. I needn't respond to your efforts to drag me through the muck you inhabit because telling the truth has an amazing capacity to keep one away from the embarrassing conflicts and contradictions into which you're constantly running headlong.

Billy Boy said:
Your in denial.. Those grieving steps will come along soon for you. We realize your a late bloomer and one who wont let go of a failed ideology...

The opinions of the world's climate experts have never weakened, have constantly grown and are now nearly unanimous on the validity of AGW. The world is getting warmer and the primary cause is human GHG emissions and deforestation. Your claims that this is a "failed ideology" simply illustrate that your comments - virtually without exclusion - are not based on evidence, facts or truth.

Your appeals to authority and your lack of any credible evidence (or the ability to show how 120 ppm is doing anything to our atmosphere) is your undoing. Empirical Observed Data, unmanipulated, shows your scam a lie.. Your models fail with 100% certainty showing your so called "authorities" dont know shit about what they pontificate on. .

Two words:



Crick said:
BTW Billy Boy, the degree of successful progress this conference produces has absolutely nothing to do with the science. Ignoring AGW will not make it go away but I am not in the least bit surprised that you and yours would think that it would. After all, you believe that claiming you're an atmospheric physicist, a meteorologist and a scientist makes you those things. No need to struggle through the actual studies. The internet is miraculous like that. We can all be whatever we want to be. Right Billy Boy?

Jesus but you fucked up your quotes there Billy Boy

Billy Boy said:
Again Crick is talking out his ass.. What are your credentials again. "I work with"...

I have identified my education and profession here on numerous occasions. It hasn't varied. If you can't keep track, try harder. I needn't respond to your efforts to drag me through the muck you inhabit because telling the truth has an amazing capacity to keep one away from the embarrassing conflicts and contradictions into which you're constantly running headlong.

Billy Boy said:
Your in denial.. Those grieving steps will come along soon for you. We realize your a late bloomer and one who wont let go of a failed ideology...

The opinions of the world's climate experts have never weakened, have constantly grown and are now nearly unanimous on the validity of AGW. The world is getting warmer and the primary cause is human GHG emissions and deforestation. Your claims that this is a "failed ideology" simply illustrate that your comments - virtually without exclusion - are not based on evidence, facts or truth.
crikster, all I can say is the proof ain't there for ya bubba. Climate is only your concern. A false concern at that, but hey you stick to your ad hominem posts, I continue to laugh at you and your pals.
Two words:

I loose? Then perhaps you should try to catch me and learn English.

It is pointless to try to talk to someone who maintains no relationship between their claims and what is demonstrably real. Climate science has mountains of empirical evidence (the temperature datasets, sea level rise and Arctic ice extents, glacier shrinkage, precipitation changes, storm intensity patterns, TSI and ToA radiative imbalances for starters) and the only way to make projections is via models. I can see that given the unprecedented warming those records display I can see why you might want to claim they don't exist. And I can see, given that NO ONE has ever produced a working GCM that did NOT include AGW, that you might not want to look at them and that you might want to lie through your teeth about how well they work. What is harder to believe is that anyone could be so short of moral turpitude that they would actually tell such blatant and obvious lies in a public forum.

But then, you started with a lie. It amazes me that you have the balls to keep posting here when EVERYONE knows you for such a lying fool

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