Republican 2020 strategy: “Run a racist Campaign” says Rep Bass.


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
Calling it likes she see it...

Bass said she believed part of the Republican Party's strategy for the 2020 election is to "run a racist campaign."

"I'm very clear that the Republican Party has two strategies for this election. And one is to resurrect the ghost of Joe McCarthy and the Cold War. And two is to resurrect the ghost of George Wallace and run a racist campaign," Bass said.

"And so I'm not surprised by either, all of the President's language today, you could go back and get clips of George Wallace to hear him talk about the suburbs and the property values, and we're not going to let the low-income people come," Bass continued. "You know, I think that he doesn't use dog whistles. He uses a bullhorn. And I think Joe McCarthy, that found communists everywhere under every pillow, chased and harassed people in government agencies and the racial side of it that's coming, I think that is their strategy. And I think that's the strategy of a desperate party."

Well of course we all believe that she would never lie, of course we all believe in unicorns, right.
Calling it likes she see it...

Bass said she believed part of the Republican Party's strategy for the 2020 election is to "run a racist campaign."

"I'm very clear that the Republican Party has two strategies for this election. And one is to resurrect the ghost of Joe McCarthy and the Cold War. And two is to resurrect the ghost of George Wallace and run a racist campaign," Bass said.

"And so I'm not surprised by either, all of the President's language today, you could go back and get clips of George Wallace to hear him talk about the suburbs and the property values, and we're not going to let the low-income people come," Bass continued. "You know, I think that he doesn't use dog whistles. He uses a bullhorn. And I think Joe McCarthy, that found communists everywhere under every pillow, chased and harassed people in government agencies and the racial side of it that's coming, I think that is their strategy. And I think that's the strategy of a desperate party."

Democrats went on stage and started lecturing people about white privilege.

If republicans danced around in KKK uniforms, they would still be far more decent than democrats. At least they would not be racist towards the founding demographics of the nation.
Calling it likes she see it...

Bass said she believed part of the Republican Party's strategy for the 2020 election is to "run a racist campaign."

"I'm very clear that the Republican Party has two strategies for this election. And one is to resurrect the ghost of Joe McCarthy and the Cold War. And two is to resurrect the ghost of George Wallace and run a racist campaign," Bass said.

"And so I'm not surprised by either, all of the President's language today, you could go back and get clips of George Wallace to hear him talk about the suburbs and the property values, and we're not going to let the low-income people come," Bass continued. "You know, I think that he doesn't use dog whistles. He uses a bullhorn. And I think Joe McCarthy, that found communists everywhere under every pillow, chased and harassed people in government agencies and the racial side of it that's coming, I think that is their strategy. And I think that's the strategy of a desperate party."

Watch Saturday Night Live Highlight: Bass-o-matic -
I'm very clear that the Republican Party has two strategies for this election. And one is to resurrect the ghost of Joe McCarthy and the Cold War. And two is to resurrect the ghost of George Wallace and run a racist campaign," Bass said.
1. We need to resurrect the ghost of Joe McCarthy. There is nothing on the left but a bunch of motherfucking cock sucking communist piece of commie shit. Kill a commie for mommy.

2. BULLSHIT!!! Nobody is running a George Wallace campaign. Such disingenuous hyperbole and outright LIES!!! JOE FUCKING BIDEN is closer to Wallace that ANY Republitard.

We need to round up and execute all of the motherfucking communists. That will make the world a million times better.
Calling it likes she see it...

Bass said she believed part of the Republican Party's strategy for the 2020 election is to "run a racist campaign."

"I'm very clear that the Republican Party has two strategies for this election. And one is to resurrect the ghost of Joe McCarthy and the Cold War. And two is to resurrect the ghost of George Wallace and run a racist campaign," Bass said.

"And so I'm not surprised by either, all of the President's language today, you could go back and get clips of George Wallace to hear him talk about the suburbs and the property values, and we're not going to let the low-income people come," Bass continued. "You know, I think that he doesn't use dog whistles. He uses a bullhorn. And I think Joe McCarthy, that found communists everywhere under every pillow, chased and harassed people in government agencies and the racial side of it that's coming, I think that is their strategy. And I think that's the strategy of a desperate party."

In that case Bass must be fucking blind and stupid.
Well, since the Democratic party ticket has already laid down the gauntlet that they will view ANY criticism of Harris to be a sexist and racist act, It looks like a foregone conclusion.

When you have no actual ideology, ethics or platform, just run on identity, I guess.
Calling it likes she see it...

Bass said she believed part of the Republican Party's strategy for the 2020 election is to "run a racist campaign."

"I'm very clear that the Republican Party has two strategies for this election. And one is to resurrect the ghost of Joe McCarthy and the Cold War. And two is to resurrect the ghost of George Wallace and run a racist campaign," Bass said.

"And so I'm not surprised by either, all of the President's language today, you could go back and get clips of George Wallace to hear him talk about the suburbs and the property values, and we're not going to let the low-income people come," Bass continued. "You know, I think that he doesn't use dog whistles. He uses a bullhorn. And I think Joe McCarthy, that found communists everywhere under every pillow, chased and harassed people in government agencies and the racial side of it that's coming, I think that is their strategy. And I think that's the strategy of a desperate party."

Or you could use the Democrats favorite "strategy"! Which is to accuse your opponents of everything that you're guilty of! :)
Calling it likes she see it...

Bass said she believed part of the Republican Party's strategy for the 2020 election is to "run a racist campaign."

"I'm very clear that the Republican Party has two strategies for this election. And one is to resurrect the ghost of Joe McCarthy and the Cold War. And two is to resurrect the ghost of George Wallace and run a racist campaign," Bass said.

"And so I'm not surprised by either, all of the President's language today, you could go back and get clips of George Wallace to hear him talk about the suburbs and the property values, and we're not going to let the low-income people come," Bass continued. "You know, I think that he doesn't use dog whistles. He uses a bullhorn. And I think Joe McCarthy, that found communists everywhere under every pillow, chased and harassed people in government agencies and the racial side of it that's coming, I think that is their strategy. And I think that's the strategy of a desperate party."

She is blind as a bat so can't see anything, just being in love with the sound of her own lying voice.
2020-08-13 16.11.26.jpg
How the hell do you run a racist campaign against Biden? The guy who’s a racist to his core?
Calling it likes she see it...

Bass said she believed part of the Republican Party's strategy for the 2020 election is to "run a racist campaign."

"I'm very clear that the Republican Party has two strategies for this election. And one is to resurrect the ghost of Joe McCarthy and the Cold War. And two is to resurrect the ghost of George Wallace and run a racist campaign," Bass said.

"And so I'm not surprised by either, all of the President's language today, you could go back and get clips of George Wallace to hear him talk about the suburbs and the property values, and we're not going to let the low-income people come," Bass continued. "You know, I think that he doesn't use dog whistles. He uses a bullhorn. And I think Joe McCarthy, that found communists everywhere under every pillow, chased and harassed people in government agencies and the racial side of it that's coming, I think that is their strategy. And I think that's the strategy of a desperate party."

Do PROGS ever tire of projecting EXACTLY who they are on Republicans? Rhetorical question.
Calling it likes she see it...

Bass said she believed part of the Republican Party's strategy for the 2020 election is to "run a racist campaign."

"I'm very clear that the Republican Party has two strategies for this election. And one is to resurrect the ghost of Joe McCarthy and the Cold War. And two is to resurrect the ghost of George Wallace and run a racist campaign," Bass said.

"And so I'm not surprised by either, all of the President's language today, you could go back and get clips of George Wallace to hear him talk about the suburbs and the property values, and we're not going to let the low-income people come," Bass continued. "You know, I think that he doesn't use dog whistles. He uses a bullhorn. And I think Joe McCarthy, that found communists everywhere under every pillow, chased and harassed people in government agencies and the racial side of it that's coming, I think that is their strategy. And I think that's the strategy of a desperate party."

Do PROGS ever tire of projecting EXACTLY who they are on Republicans? Rhetorical question.

No. It's part of the MO.

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