Report Tracks Thousands Of Summer Protests, 93% Nonviolent

The protestors always let me through. I'm one of the good guys. Try again, scooter.
That makes you a liar, you have not been to 1% of the 10,000 protests that have happened since George Floyd died.

I doubt you been to one. How about posting your pics, certainly at such a historical event you took many pics. Show us the peaceful protestors parting like the Red Sea to let you pass. You had to take a video of that. It must of been spectacular.
giphy (74).gif
It's obviously complete bullshit, but just to play along.... would anyone accept these odds - you have a 93% chance of returning home alive every time you leave your house.

Yeah, no.
93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds If this the democrats reason the virus is 98 % survivable so open up America all the way
Here we go with the "mostly peaceful" protest garbage again. The left attempts to downplay the devastation caused by rioters, looters and killers by a measure of percentage points. The death toll for unarmed black people alone is now higher than the whole of 2019. The economic impact from destroyed and lost business measures in the billions. I could go on and on and on........
I just asked you to prove it, because anybody can tell a lie. Show us the pics you took. You post here all the time, you can not believe that you attend protests and have not taken pics to add to your USMB posts.
As a matter of fact, i don't take pictures. I am way too busy listening to the folks who are speaking.
I just asked you to prove it, because anybody can tell a lie. Show us the pics you took. You post here all the time, you can not believe that you attend protests and have not taken pics to add to your USMB posts.
As a matter of fact, i don't take pictures. I am way too busy listening to the folks who are speaking.
you lied and I busted you
Whatever you say, Sherlock. LOL
Post your pics of the protests, you stated you were there, you post here all the time. Certainly at such a historical event you took a pic with your phone. You post here and create threads, you try to be political, what better opportunity did you have? And you did not take one pic.

You are a liar, you have not had protestors and multiple protests step out of your way so you can pass as you claimed.
What a dumb stat. You could also say, way over 99% of bullets fired at people miss and always have, especially with automatic weapons, but it sure understates the danger of getting in a fire fight.

Mostly peaceful firefights.

BUT when democrat terrorists attacked Kyle Rittenhouse, three shots were fired, three shots hit the mark. Patriots are well practiced.

You terrorists should probably keep that in mind.
What a dumb stat. You could also say, way over 99% of bullets fired at people miss and always have, especially with automatic weapons, but it sure understates the danger of getting in a fire fight.

Mostly peaceful firefights.

BUT when democrat terrorists attacked Kyle Rittenhouse, three shots were fired, three shots hit the mark. Patriots are well practiced.

You terrorists should probably keep that in mind.
Mostly peaceful firefights, that's a good one, thanks, :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

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