REPORT: Portland Killer Voted for Bernie, Reported by Trump Supporters to Police, Who Did Nothing

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But the unending conflict is caused by Capitalism...according to Marx.
Correct, the conflict stems from the exploitation of the worker.
Why do you insist that it's caused by Socialism?
Socialism brings an end to the conflict by freeing the worker from exploitation.
I fear that it is you who is demonstrating a lack of understanding. And I am not...let me repeat..NOT calling that Socialism... you are.
You are claiming that wealth redistribution and State ownership of industry is Socialism. I am saying they are not because they don't bring about an end to the conflict.
You want to call it socialism, have at it. To me it is just business as usual capitalism with a dash of humanity thrown in to appease the laboring class.
You left the word classless out of your original post. And when I brought that oversight to your attention you emphatically told me you meant stateless only. did not say "classless and stateless."
To be clear, you asked me about communism. Communism does bring about a stateless society. Socialism realizes a classless society. Taken in whole, Marxist theory realizes a classless and stateless society.
No, I mean a stateless society. Classless society is realized through socialism.
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