Replace CRT with Success in Life and Business lessons


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
I developed this layout for business seminars years ago, it is timeless and will apply at any time to teach business and management in school classrooms or business meetings and seminars.
Elements of Success in Life & Business
---a) set Goals & figure out where you want to go and how long you wish to achieve that objective
---b) Plan what has to be done to reach these objectives
---c) Techniques in motivation;
-------1) place tangible portraits of your dreams and aspirations and things you wish to obtain by your success. This means cutting out pictures of your dream Tech items (phone, computers, gaming consoles, TV's), Car, or Boat, or House, and placing it at your mirror so every morning you're reminded and motivated to obtain these things through your objectives.
-------2) I’m sorry to say that remembering your bills need to be paid is also a motivating factor as well as your commitment to provide for your family, like your offspring & or spouse.
---a) your desire to reach these objectives can be seen in the way you might put off things
important to reaching your goals.
---b) Success reflects the way you develop the commitment
-------1) Through Use of Tools like Knowledge/Info
-------2) Time in the way you prospect and search out for answers and connections
-------3) Willing to take risks like emotional or personal sacrifices.
-------4) Release of the ego to accept failure and tolerance of mistakes.
-------5) The willingness to accept change
---a) Seeing how others can do it then having the confidence to realize you are made
up of the same potential and there is no reason you can’t succeed as they have.
---b) Staying focused as to not letting nay sayers get in the way of your goal and
dream, because they are lacking, they wish to bring you down with them in jealousy.
---a) learn from the ones who have achieved these objectives. Sometimes this is called following the Whales, whether it's following their stock trades or business techniques, use their proven model to ride on their coat tails.
-------1) Study how others operate and achieve these similar successes.
No better teacher then one who has reached the top and grabbed that brass ring already.
-------2) use their techniques or mimic the way they achieved their goals or get ideas
from their success and failures on the road to where they are.
---b) Sometimes involves keeping up on trends and techniques in your field and keeping ahead
of the game always training yourself and keeping on top of things.
---a) Looks are everything? Yes many articles on this subject prove in tests &
research that it is a sad fact of life. Good looks gets connections in life especially
the Business world and also seems to get more trust and respect while the opposite is less likely.
So how do you combat this? See (b) for the answer.
---b) Outside the fact of the looks you were born with, there is a factor that is registered
in the minds of others.
Those who give a good appearance through how they dress & how they groom and hold themselves have a better shot
at being accepted and taken serious then those who don’t care about themselves and their appearances. Imagine how you look selling yourself-service or product to your customer if your posture shows lack of confidence in your own product and or you dress down or sloppy in a way that does not reflect good upon your goods or services, especially if cleanliness is essential in that good or service.
It’s common sense that how you present yourself is a key to success or failure in all aspects of life.
One should never be prissy about themselves, however one should also realize how others perceive them by the way they appear and represent their goods and services.
The people you attract and associate with, and get acceptance by, are usually a reflection of how you come off through appearances. Dress
like a shlep and attract shleps. Dress like a convict and expect to attract convicts.

Want more for yourself & better things in life, then simply present yourself better and more respectable.
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So many positive steps and a realistic take about what it takes to succeed in life-regardless of where one starts out.

This stood out the most for me:
“3) Willing to take risks like emotional or personal sacrifices.” The most crucial element is looking at an immediate situation, that involves financially struggling or when needs are going unmet, and view it as temporary and changeable. As simple as that sounds, it’s the sticking point for many individuals because they often give up or believe that it will take more work than they want to put into it to change.

As your post indicates, when a person is willing to sacrifice in the short term for a long-term positive outcome, they can begin to be “in charge” of his or her life. The decision to make sacrifices now would be to “accept” two low paying PT jobs but to keep working both jobs until finding a FT job with a livable wage.

Many people say that they are not willing to accept less pay that requires working two jobs. Those who will, however, are the people who see a temporary situation and do what it takes to change it.
Another old project more fitting then CRT was my resources for teachers to teach tolerance and have access to Bullying resources.
(This was way before schools finally noticed the problem and started implimenting these resources).
I couldn't find my saved web site file from 20+ years ago until today, when I realized it wasn't filed under Bullying, it was under the text file name of "tolerance".

Tolerance teaching material and project ideas for teachers to utilize...
they can gear it to school projects in audio visual or film class by making a little lesson short film then bringing that tape to all schools in their district..Being it’s home grown and personal to them it might have more impact and appreciation.

Tolerance Teaching Material & Project Ideas For Teachers To Utilize

This is a submission of teachings that can be used to help teach tolerance:
Feel free to utilize my teachings and ideas of oneness and appreciation for one another in the classroom, office, place of worship, or wherever you deem it can help.

"A man walks into a room and sees a room full of people behind a table,angry ,starving, although the table is full of food , they cannot eat because they all wear iron sleeves that prevent them from bending their arms and so they cant bring the food to their mouths.....then the man walks into another room where all the people sit behind the table, calmly, cheerfully, wearing the same iron sleeves, only in that room the people had learned to feed one another..." *(author unknown)*
Seemingly there is this problem with Life's success or failure, it requires everyone as a whole to work together. A little analogy I like to use;
Say you're in an attached complex sharing one roof over your head and a storm comes and most of your neighbors and you board up your windows responsibly, but one clown decides it's not important to and irresponsibly does nothing to prepare. The storm hits and blows just his windows out and no-one else’s, however it uplifts his roof that's attached to all the other roofs in the complex, thus even the ones who were careful still get their roofs ripped off damaging the interiors anyway, due to the CONNECTED roof which allowed the elements in.
The logic is no matter how much you do your part responsibly, it only takes a few people or one irresponsible person to cause havoc for the whole. Thus we succeed as one or die as self concerned separatists...for we are very much connected.
The world will have to start stressing, teaching, and recognize that this planet and it’s people are a whole that makes up this function & principle of Life which is in it through all creation. Therefore striking at one portion of people in this whole organism is like striking a part of your own body and only damaging yourself and this function of life which is part of everything.
[ Scientifically We already proved that we are interconnected and affecting each other ],
Through Bell’s Interconnection Theorem which Proved this function of nature and no-one has realized this, as it fits the secrets of life. Because together with David Bohm’s Theory of Connection we now see the workings of the balance of life, where every action has a mirror reaction and connects with the whole. This is a major breakthrough in man to finally see, “THE WAY THINGS ARE”, and that they effect & reflect each other and need each other as a whole. As well this proves we are connected to the order of this earth, so that’s fact. In an analogy, if we see the whole as a body, then we see that removing a portion of it would be like chopping off a hand or arm, and damaging the earth would be like stabbing your own heart, and all these things are done unto our own well being and stable existance.
We need to realize and instill a deep appreciation for this Grace the Earth and our neighbors who allow us to enjoy the benefits from their works, achievements, and their presence.
For we all serve a purpose and function and without them we cease to function & enjoy their contributions.
My Quotes:
"What is inside a person matters, not his or her outward appearance ...IT'S ALL ABOUT THE HEART AND SOUL OF AN INDIVIDUAL, THE HONESTY,COMPASSION,CONSIDERATION, AND BESTOWING NATURE." -Michael HaShev

"You must not concern yourself with titles and labels, judge from learning the heart and soul of ones nature and not his title or faith."
-Michael HaShev

More suggestions-Setting up School Projects;
to schools with AV programs; do audio visual film projects in making community and social science type films as projects that are like those social films of the 50’s -60’s, but geared to our troubled times.
New Idea for one such social film or commercial even:
Make a short lesson film like the credit card commercial where everything disappears on the man who over extends himself, except do it in regards to the people and their works lost when you live with predjudice, hate, bigotry and racism. This can be made real tangible in order to learn that we benefit from the works of the people around us. Show if he hates Hispanics then his couch and lamp which was built by factory workers disapears, he hates blacks then his manufactured refridge and music disapear. His hate for Italians then the cement foundation disappears or the sheetrock and a pizza delivery flyer in his hand or pizza box disapears, hates Jews then his tv goes blank & his Bible disappears,
his hate for Asians his tech items, clothes dissapear etc etc.- end the clip with, Learn to appreciate life, & GROW UP!
Once they have this film finished they can release it to all districts and even make it available for other schools all over the country to help in teaching tolerance and appreciation for our diversity and social community.
Peace in Goodness and Hapiness to all,
more resources:
Resources for educators, children and parents about bullying in schools and how it can be stopped
These pages will inform you of what educationalists and researchers have discovered in the last few years about bullying and harassment and the practical suggestions
So many positive steps and a realistic take about what it takes to succeed in life-regardless of where one starts out.

This stood out the most for me:
“3) Willing to take risks like emotional or personal sacrifices.” The most crucial element is looking at an immediate situation, that involves financially struggling or when needs are going unmet, and view it as temporary and changeable. As simple as that sounds, it’s the sticking point for many individuals because they often give up or believe that it will take more work than they want to put into it to change.

As your post indicates, when a person is willing to sacrifice in the short term for a long-term positive outcome, they can begin to be “in charge” of his or her life. The decision to make sacrifices now would be to “accept” two low paying PT jobs but to keep working both jobs until finding a FT job with a livable wage.

Many people say that they are not willing to accept less pay that requires working two jobs. Those who will, however, are the people who see a temporary situation and do what it takes to change it.
I agree, and we do that when entering college (make 2-4 year sacrifices by putting in the time and effort for future benefit) or even when raising money for college.
Then we can use that example to do the same later in our lives for a few months or a year focused on the end goal future benefit.
Kids in college do that when needing big purchases they sacrifice perhaps their diet by eating ramen noodles (*L* ) to save food money for tech or car reasons.
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I appreciate the fact that you view the community as a group of individuals helping each other to accomplish their goals, and to share the benefits of those goals with their community.

I sometimes focus too much on the power of an individual in doing their best (effort at least equaling ability often in various tasks and lines of work) regardless of what others are doing or not doing. The concept of self-actualization is an old one, but still a fair representation of “areas of self” and how the various layers interrelate and play out with various personalities.

While reading your previous post, several real life examples popped into my mind of how people are needed to help others, and what happens when certain people have no help/hand up (as opposed to a hand-out).

1. The recidivism rate for felons would drop significantly if more prisons allot manpower to the “in between time” of when they are released from prison and do not have resources to live an honest life and establish a job and a place of residence.This is in no way a justification for repeat violent criminals, and there are some offenders who unfortunately cannot be rehabilitated. There are more who would have successful rehabilitation and it’s been proven to reduce repeat offenders, when staff assists with a half-way house and help ex-inmates find a job. Studies have shown that without this intermediary measure, the prison’s recidivism rate remains much higher.

2. More and more companies are offering full/time in-house childcare for their employees. This measure helps not only the employee, but is also a cost savings in the long run for employers. It shows that the employers are willing to accommodate for the needs of the employees, so a good step with room for improvements.

3. The Clint Eastwood movie where his character and a teenage boy develop a relationship (due to the boy’s need to pay him back and persuasion by the boy’s family) for attempting to steal his car came to mind. A side plot to the movie shows how very poor communities can still use what ever means they have to share to make their community better. A great movie btw.
I agree, and we do that when entering college (make 2-4 year sacrifices by putting in the time and effort for future benefit) or even when raising money for college.
Then we can use that example to do the same later in our lives for a few months or a year focused on the end goal future benefit.
Kids in college do that when needing big purchases they sacrifice perhaps their diet by eating raman noodles (*L* ) to save food money for tech or car reasons.
I will forever love Ramen noodles! Lol so funny you mentioned it. As a previous listener of Dave Ramsey, his suggestion was to ear rice and beans, rice and beans, and getting a job delivering pizzas until able to find a better job to, in part, eat better. I always believed his philosophy was spot on about doing what it takes, regardless of the effort needed.
I appreciate the fact that you view the community as a group of individuals helping each other to accomplish their goals, and to share the benefits of those goals with their community.

I sometimes focus too much on the power of an individual in doing their best (effort at least equaling ability often in various tasks and lines of work) regardless of what others are doing or not doing. The concept of self-actualization is an old one, but still a fair representation of “areas of self” and how the various layers interrelate and play out with various personalities.

While reading your previous post, several real life examples popped into my mind of how people are needed to help others, and what happens when certain people have no help/hand up (as opposed to a hand-out).

1. The recidivism rate for felons would drop significantly if more prisons allot manpower to the “in between time” of when they are released from prison and do not have resources to live an honest life and establish a job and a place of residence.This is in no way a justification for repeat violent criminals, and there are some offenders who unfortunately cannot be rehabilitated. There are more who would have successful rehabilitation and it’s been proven to reduce repeat offenders, when staff assists with a half-way house and help ex-inmates find a job. Studies have shown that without this intermediary measure, the prison’s recidivism rate remains much higher.

2. More and more companies are offering full/time in-house childcare for their employees. This measure helps not only the employee, but is also a cost savings in the long run for employers. It shows that the employers are willing to accommodate for the needs of the employees, so a good step with room for improvements.

3. The Clint Eastwood movie where his character and a teenage boy develop a relationship (due to the boy’s need to pay him back and persuasion by the boy’s family) for attempting to steal his car came to mind. A side plot to the movie shows how very poor communities can still use what ever means they have to share to make their community better. A great movie btw.
1.>>> also for homeless.
It was my idea back in the late 90's to provide phone answering services, so they could check in & get messages for job prospects. Now the Gov't provides cell phones and minimal cell service for free to the poverty stricken.
Goodwill exists so they can afford clothes and shoes, and suits for interviews if they desire, but desire in the mentally ill community can not easily be taught or trained, which in both
ex cons and homeless situations mental health resolutions are top priority.

In Philly, the late 80's I believe we had programs where people in the home improvement, rehabbing, and building fields volunteered training people to give them their first job experience and resume padding, in order to turn them through the program into volunteers to repair old people and disabled and poverty stricken people's homes.
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In 2019, a poll found that 72% of republicans want to ban schools from teaching Arabic numerals. That's why the right has made CRT an issue. They know how profoundly stupid their base is.
1.>>> also for homeless.
It was my idea back in the late 90's to provide phone answering services, so they could check in & get messages for job prospects. Now the Gov't provides cell phones and minimal cell service for free to the poverty stricken.
Goodwill exists so they can afford clothes and shoes, and suits for interviews if they desire, but desire in the mentally ill community can not easily be taught or trained, which in both
ex cons and homeless situations mental health resolutions are top priority.

In Philly, the late 80's I believe we had programs where people in the home improvement, rehabbing, and building fields volunteered training people to give them their first job experience and resume padding, in order to turn them through the program into volunteers to repair old people and disabled and poverty stricken people's homes.
I hold out hope that effective interventions for those living on the streets will be made available soon. Obviously, whatever interventions have been working are limited in scope. Tent cities are growing in multiple areas but they certainly are not thriving. The hope that a tent city will eventually turn into something better is a fallacy without one-on-one intervention. When a person who experiences homelessness comes out “on the other side”, he or she often will donate their time and resources to try to help somebody else. I’ve seen a few videos where an ex homeless person drives around in a van with food and medical supplies that they bought with their own money or donations, to try to help others who live in that situation.

It is quite the quandary, as you eloquently stated, to try to help motivate a person suffering from certain mental illnesses, and trying to motivate that person won’t happen without effective medications which are often refused due to the mental condition. A no-win situation unless they gain the trust of a specific individual to accept help. Even then, many mentally ill people who need daily medication will eventually stop taking it, especially those who feel forced to take it. It’s a real battle for any family who has dealt with this exact scenario. Fighting about taking the appropriate medication and the refusal to take it often precedes a family giving up on that member (often at point of constant chaos and exhaustion) and they wind up living on the streets.
I hold out hope that effective interventions for those living on the streets will be made available soon. Obviously, whatever interventions have been working are limited in scope. Tent cities are growing in multiple areas but they certainly are not thriving. The hope that a tent city will eventually turn into something better is a fallacy without one-on-one intervention. When a person who experiences homelessness comes out “on the other side”, he or she often will donate their time and resources to try to help somebody else. I’ve seen a few videos where an ex homeless person drives around in a van with food and medical supplies that they bought with their own money or donations, to try to help others who live in that situation.

It is quite the quandary, as you eloquently stated, to try to help motivate a person suffering from certain mental illnesses, and trying to motivate that person won’t happen without effective medications which are often refused due to the mental condition. A no-win situation unless they gain the trust of a specific individual to accept help. Even then, many mentally ill people who need daily medication will eventually stop taking it, especially those who feel forced to take it. It’s a real battle for any family who has dealt with this exact scenario. Fighting about taking the appropriate medication and the refusal to take it often precedes a family giving up on that member (often at point of constant chaos and exhaustion) and they wind up living on the streets.
I also suggest anyone who lives in a State that doesn't have laws allowing Police and Judges to intervene to lobby for bills to be created into state law that allows Police and Judges authority in sending endangerment to community and themselve mentally ill perps to be evaluated for possible admission to mental facilities.
It used to be only parents could make that decision, but often as you said they either give up, are no longer there in their lives, or refuse to send their own child away for help.
I was able to lobby this in my state under common sense reasoning.
Now if only they'd start using their powers to properly place these people then we wouldn't have these horrific after the fact stories of people knowing the person was ill, notifying the authorities that they were an endangerment, but nobody doing anything about it until it becomes national news after the damage is already done.
I also suggest anyone who lives in a State that doesn't have laws allowing Police and Judges to intervene to lobby for bills to be created into state law that allows Police and Judges authority in sending endangerment to community and themselve mentally ill perps to be evaluated for possible admission to mental facilities.
It used to be only parents could make that decision, but often as you said they either give up, are no longer there in their lives, or refuse to send their own child away for help.
I was able to lobby this in my state under common sense reasoning.
Now if only they'd start using their powers to properly place these people then we wouldn't have these horrific after the fact stories of people knowing the person was ill, notifying the authorities that they were an endangerment, but nobody doing anything about it until it becomes national news after the damage is already done.
Part of the problem was the excessive move to isolate the mentally ill even up to the ‘70s it was still going on, and even in the ‘80s in certain states. Out of date mental hospitals, well represented on horror flicks, using electroshock therapy for illnesses as a standard treatment… that all sounds very primitive but really not that long ago. So the reaction was to go the opposite direction and release many patients, close down those horrible facilities, and a significant amount of people instantly became homeless. Yet, since there were no
visible tent cities it didn’t seem to be a problem because during that time most homeless people lived under bridges and other places (many still do) but now that it’s visible it’s become a problem.
Homelessness has been a problem for a long time, it’s just they’ve shifted out more due to the growing numbers.

What do you think about the government buying up rental property and donating some of that to the homeless populations? I saw an article recently linked here on USMB I believe about the federal govt buying rental property, but not sure if it was connected to helping homeless.
Part of the problem was the excessive move to isolate the mentally ill even up to the ‘70s it was still going on, and even in the ‘80s in certain states. Out of date mental hospitals, well represented on horror flicks, using electroshock therapy for illnesses as a standard treatment… that all sounds very primitive but really not that long ago. So the reaction was to go the opposite direction and release many patients, close down those horrible facilities, and a significant amount of people instantly became homeless. Yet, since there were no
visible tent cities it didn’t seem to be a problem because during that time most homeless people lived under bridges and other places (many still do) but now that it’s visible it’s become a problem.
Homelessness has been a problem for a long time, it’s just they’ve shifted out more due to the growing numbers.

What do you think about the government buying up rental property and donating some of that to the homeless populations? I saw an article recently linked here on USMB I believe about the federal govt buying rental property, but not sure if it was connected to helping homeless.
They destroy them in record time.
Better to think inbetween a tent and expensive structure, something tonka toy tough, like those Rubbermaid house looking tiny sheds made out of tough Polyethylene. Solar for power, maybe contained water and waste like camping with centralized dumping and water fill and shower facility instead of plumbing leading to each unit.
They are somewhat trying these ideas already.
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They destroy them in record time.
Better to think inbetween a tent and expensive structure, something tonka toy tough, like those Rubbermaid house looking tiny sheds made out of tough Polyethylene. Solar for power, maybe contained water and waste like camping with centralized dumping and water fill and shower facility instead of plumbing leading to each unit.
They are somewhat trying these ideas already.
Yes, I have seen what I would describe as an outdoor community where they are still living in tents but upgraded as far as sanitation and safety measures. Some efforts have been made in Hawaii but not sure if they are still considered to be successful. This particular tent community has certain adults “in charge” who would make sure all kids went to school and that if they didn’t make sure they did their homework etc. Security had been an issue for people previously to this community living separate and they were able to secure the area with people taking shifts.

I understand that throwing money into building lavish residences or complexes is not the way to go. Technology should be producing top grade building materials that should come into play here. I wasn’t sure what your response might be about the government buying out rental property, but I don’t like the sound of it because I support small governmental control in all areas of life. As of you’ve implied, it would most likely have an end result of more wasted spending and the creation of a temporary measure that would be trashed within weeks. Kind of like when we go into a nation to help rebuild the devastation by throwing all kinds of money into rebuilding the demolished war zone and then three months later the whole area is totally destroyed again.
Yes, I have seen what I would describe as an outdoor community where they are still living in tents but upgraded as far as sanitation and safety measures. Some efforts have been made in Hawaii but not sure if they are still considered to be successful. This particular tent community has certain adults “in charge” who would make sure all kids went to school and that if they didn’t make sure they did their homework etc. Security had been an issue for people previously to this community living separate and they were able to secure the area with people taking shifts.

I understand that throwing money into building lavish residences or complexes is not the way to go. Technology should be producing top grade building materials that should come into play here. I wasn’t sure what your response might be about the government buying out rental property, but I don’t like the sound of it because I support small governmental control in all areas of life. As of you’ve implied, it would most likely have an end result of more wasted spending and the creation of a temporary measure that would be trashed within weeks. Kind of like when we go into a nation to help rebuild the devastation by throwing all kinds of money into rebuilding the demolished war zone and then three months later the whole area is totally destroyed again.
It's like the teach them how to fish scenerio, if they help build/put together/ create their own space or community or useable things within, then their pride is in it to possibly maintain it and not just a handout insult or waste where they feel no connection or necessity to make it last.

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