Repenting Homosexuals

Does Roman Chapter 1 lie about who homosexuals are?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • No.

    Votes: 9 81.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Yes, I personally know people who used to engage in homosexual conduct and who repented of it and abandoned it.

The gay rights folks don't like to talk about the tens of thousands of people who have left the gay lifestyle. The website of the organization Parents and Friends of Ex-Gay (PFOX) is one good place to find accounts of people who have done this.

Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) - Help, hope & community for ex-gays, parents, friends

Why is it so necessary for heterosexuals to force LGBTs into the heterosexual lifestyle? There seems to be an obsession here.
It’s necessary for most conservative heterosexuals to force LGBTs into the heterosexual lifestyle; the obsession is the consequence of the authoritarianism common to most on the right, conservatives’ fear of dissent and diversity, and their desire to compel conformity and demonize dissent.

Or maybe they're just sane people who don't want mentally ill sociopath sex fetishists running around loose and spreading diseases, raping their children, and demanding infantile degeneracy be 'normalized'. I k now, you think that just because the 'movement' was started by a commie pedophile and Jerry Falwell said bad stuff about it means you have to be 'for' it, but really, you don't have to be a fashion victim.
Why did you list communist leaning as your political affiliation on the forum you were banned from before here?

To be funny.

Were there a lot of communist leaning southern baptists at that racist and homophobic church and Christian school you supposedly taught at?

Why didn’t you answer my question where did you think they got the material for the NT when you said you believed it was written by elitist to control the masses?

The Council of Nicea was discussed in my Bible Doctrines class last year.

And all they did was confirm what had already been orthodox since the beginnings. They couldn't change anything in the texts even if they wanted to, too many copies to be cross-checked and their own churches would have tossed them out. they weren't afraid of Roman emperors, not in the least; many of them had already been severely tortured, the Council looked like a gathering of crippled beggars. Who would have been the 'elitists', exactly?

Constantine 1 was the Emperor at the time. He was a known graduate from the School of Plato. Plato was a strong advocate of a philosopher-king who was chosen solely based upon his intellectual capabilities. It is highly likely that Constantine would only tolerate the cream of the crop to hold any position of authority. These were highly intellectual men. Even if you don't believe that then surely the evidence is sufficient to prove the Council of Nicaea accomplished the greatest intellectual chievement ever imposed upon mankind.

If you disagree then please tell me the second most influential book of all time.

lol I see you can't dispute nor a prove a thing. Constantine was a highly superstitious man, not uncommon at all in those days; he would never tamper with the theology just to suit himself and some secular goals, and the Council he gathered already agreed on 99% of everything, nothing 'elitist' about them, they didn't need his approval for anything, they were doing their jobs. You're just another angry kid, is all.
How about a "don't care" option? I never particularly cared for Paul's opinions, one way or another.
Paul’s opinions...alrighty then

Figures pee brain would agree with you

Well, they were/are Paul's opinions. Paul. Timothy. John of Patmos' electric koolaid acid trip. There is a lot more out there, and who knows how much is still underneath the desert. Nobody has ever had a direct red phone to the desk of the Supreme Being. So Constantine had a committee, that did his bidding in deciding what books went into the canon.
In essence, the bible is man’s hate, not ‘god’s’ word.

I'm not sure that I would use the word "hate," but it definitely is an attempt to control society by establishing one interpretation as the "correct" one in a society in which literacy was not all that common, especially among women, so there is no real way to know what people at the time were thinking. There were many different views based on a belief in Jesus at the time, and Constantine's committee sought to establish their own views as the baseline. Then Christians have spent the last 2,000 years screaming "heretic!" at each other. Gnostics? Massacred Cathars? Tortured and murdered "witches"? What a swamp!

BTW: a question that I have thought about a lot is how to link these doings in the Middle East and the Roman Empire with the thoughts of people all over the world, who were living in societies that date back to ancient times on all continents, like India and China, for example. A Supreme Being who might insert him/her/self (I hate awkward English pronouns) into the lives of Middle Easterners might also have had something to say to all of the other folks on earth. Stands of reason.
Christians spending the last 2,000 years persecuting "heretics," engaging in massacres, torture, and murder – yes, hate is the correct word.

As to your second paragraph, that the Abrahamic religions were relegated to the Near and Middle East, North Africa, and Europe, to the exclusion of other parts of the globe, is further proof that those religions were the creation of man, not an omnipotent deity.

We accept your hate as how things will be in the short term.

We understand WHY you hate us. You do not.

We do.
Yes, I personally know people who used to engage in homosexual conduct and who repented of it and abandoned it.

The gay rights folks don't like to talk about the tens of thousands of people who have left the gay lifestyle. The website of the organization Parents and Friends of Ex-Gay (PFOX) is one good place to find accounts of people who have done this.

Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) - Help, hope & community for ex-gays, parents, friends

Why is it so necessary for heterosexuals to force LGBTs into the heterosexual lifestyle? There seems to be an obsession here.
It’s necessary for most conservative heterosexuals to force LGBTs into the heterosexual lifestyle; the obsession is the consequence of the authoritarianism common to most on the right, conservatives’ fear of dissent and diversity, and their desire to compel conformity and demonize dissent.

Again. I understand you. You do not begin to understand me. I mean that.

One of my daughter's best friends, since middle school, is gay. He is often at our home. He says he feels really comfortable here. We are glad. We love him.

Again. We understand you.

You do not begin to understand us.
Why did you list communist leaning as your political affiliation on the forum you were banned from before here?

To be funny.

Were there a lot of communist leaning southern baptists at that racist and homophobic church and Christian school you supposedly taught at?

Why didn’t you answer my question where did you think they got the material for the NT when you said you believed it was written by elitist to control the masses?

The Council of Nicea was discussed in my Bible Doctrines class last year.
So what?

What did they use to compile the NT?

Why, some Roman guy wrote it in the 4th Century, and managed to do so without ever being in Jerusalem and knowing in minute details what the Jewish culture was, knew Judaism inside and out, and manged to do so without a single anachronism conflicting with the time period, don't you know.

Everyone knows about all those palaces left behind by the Apostles and priests in those days, they got rich n stuff and lived in great luxury! Oh wait, that didn't happen, they mostly just got murdered by Jews, Romans, Arabs, Persians, Gauls, etc. Never mind.
If the left and right wing sociopaths really cared about homosexuals, they would be lobbying for genuine research into what causes the mental disorder, not running around demanding they be pandered to with special 'rights' and their neurotic behavior' normalized'. Stop the fake 'science' and get on with the real science already.
Since you are intellectually bankrupt
I took it upon myself to write you out a reality check
Use it wisely...Knowledge is power
So Constantine had a committee, that did his bidding in deciding what books went into the canon


Childish. Aren't you. You apparently do not understand that Constantine's committee chose which books were to be included and which to be dropped on the floor. Sorry that you are so ignorant of the history of Christianity and scared of discussing issues of morality.
You are yet another; ignorant, insignificant, irrelevant, arrogant,
Google wannabe know it all who doesn’t know shit, oxygen thief!

I might have considered it extremely sad...
how utterly content you are in your ignorance
...if it weren’t so deliciously pathetic

Instead of entering the arena prepared for intellectual combat
with the armor of knowledge and an arsenal of facts,
you stumble in here naked, empty handed and cocky...
totally oblivious of the impending slaughter that awaits you
and absolutely deserving of the defeat you will be handed

I replied with a single word...WRONG

All you had to do to know with certainty
that I was WRONG and didn’t know what I was talking about
was to make sure that you knew for certain
what the fuck you were blathering about

Nope, you couldn’t even do that
Instead, you continue to suffer from verbial diarrhea

Me, childish
Bitch, ARE the weakest link

Telling ME I don’t understand that Constantine decided
which writings were omitted from/approved for inclusion
in the NT canon, using ‘his committee’ to carry out his directives

YOU feel sorry for ME because according to you
I am so ignorant about the history of Christianity
and am scared of discussing issues of morality

Pay attention you clueless idiot





The Roman Emperor Constantine 1 called the bishops
representing the world to a universal meeting in 325

These church heads were not ‘his committee’
they were the ecumenical council in church hierarchy

The Council of Nicaea didn't involve disputes
about canonical writings,it involved disputes about
the theology of Arius and Arianism

Their gathering had to do with theological concepts,
from which 20 Canons were created.

Ecclesiastical canons, laws
that all Christians living in the empire were bound by

Having NOTHING to do with canonical books/writings
accepted as divinely inspired and authentic
to be included as part of the 27 books of the NT canon

Which, BTW, was formally approved by
and released in the 4th century by Athanasius,
Constantine had NOTHING to do with
canonical inclusion or exclusion for the NT canon

Now go sit in the corner and STFU

You were the one who posted that silly woman from that tv show, which is an extremely childish thing to do. Telling me to STFU also is really childish. So are the caps and the boldface. Nicea was just a convention. No human or group of humans can discern the mind of the Supreme Being, by voice vote or otherwise. All of theology is opinion and speculation, even though one can get a doctorate in it from one school or another.
Yes, I personally know people who used to engage in homosexual conduct and who repented of it and abandoned it.

The gay rights folks don't like to talk about the tens of thousands of people who have left the gay lifestyle. The website of the organization Parents and Friends of Ex-Gay (PFOX) is one good place to find accounts of people who have done this.

Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) - Help, hope & community for ex-gays, parents, friends

Why is it so necessary for heterosexuals to force LGBTs into the heterosexual lifestyle? There seems to be an obsession here.
It’s necessary for most conservative heterosexuals to force LGBTs into the heterosexual lifestyle; the obsession is the consequence of the authoritarianism common to most on the right, conservatives’ fear of dissent and diversity, and their desire to compel conformity and demonize dissent.

Yup. Whenever I hear the word "conservative," I wonder what exactly it is that they are conserving. It seems that they take each group (race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, etc.) and assign to each person in this group a certain "place" in society and duties of the "conservative's" choosing. They do this group by group by group. What "conservatives" need to learn is that they are not the only people in this country or on the planet, and the rest of us really don't care.
Yes, I personally know people who used to engage in homosexual conduct and who repented of it and abandoned it.

The gay rights folks don't like to talk about the tens of thousands of people who have left the gay lifestyle. The website of the organization Parents and Friends of Ex-Gay (PFOX) is one good place to find accounts of people who have done this.

Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) - Help, hope & community for ex-gays, parents, friends

Why is it so necessary for heterosexuals to force LGBTs into the heterosexual lifestyle? There seems to be an obsession here.
It’s necessary for most conservative heterosexuals to force LGBTs into the heterosexual lifestyle; the obsession is the consequence of the authoritarianism common to most on the right, conservatives’ fear of dissent and diversity, and their desire to compel conformity and demonize dissent.

Or maybe they're just sane people who don't want mentally ill sociopath sex fetishists running around loose and spreading diseases, raping their children, and demanding infantile degeneracy be 'normalized'. I k now, you think that just because the 'movement' was started by a commie pedophile and Jerry Falwell said bad stuff about it means you have to be 'for' it, but really, you don't have to be a fashion victim.

People who are "mentally ill sociopath sex fetishists" who spread disease and rape children do not come from one specific group or sexual orientation.
Since you are intellectually bankrupt
I took it upon myself to write you out a reality check
Use it wisely...Knowledge is power
So Constantine had a committee, that did his bidding in deciding what books went into the canon


Childish. Aren't you. You apparently do not understand that Constantine's committee chose which books were to be included and which to be dropped on the floor. Sorry that you are so ignorant of the history of Christianity and scared of discussing issues of morality.
You are yet another; ignorant, insignificant, irrelevant, arrogant,
Google wannabe know it all who doesn’t know shit, oxygen thief!

I might have considered it extremely sad...
how utterly content you are in your ignorance
...if it weren’t so deliciously pathetic

Instead of entering the arena prepared for intellectual combat
with the armor of knowledge and an arsenal of facts,
you stumble in here naked, empty handed and cocky...
totally oblivious of the impending slaughter that awaits you
and absolutely deserving of the defeat you will be handed

I replied with a single word...WRONG

All you had to do to know with certainty
that I was WRONG and didn’t know what I was talking about
was to make sure that you knew for certain
what the fuck you were blathering about

Nope, you couldn’t even do that
Instead, you continue to suffer from verbial diarrhea

Me, childish
Bitch, ARE the weakest link

Telling ME I don’t understand that Constantine decided
which writings were omitted from/approved for inclusion
in the NT canon, using ‘his committee’ to carry out his directives

YOU feel sorry for ME because according to you
I am so ignorant about the history of Christianity
and am scared of discussing issues of morality

Pay attention you clueless idiot





The Roman Emperor Constantine 1 called the bishops
representing the world to a universal meeting in 325

These church heads were not ‘his committee’
they were the ecumenical council in church hierarchy

The Council of Nicaea didn't involve disputes
about canonical writings,it involved disputes about
the theology of Arius and Arianism

Their gathering had to do with theological concepts,
from which 20 Canons were created.

Ecclesiastical canons, laws
that all Christians living in the empire were bound by

Having NOTHING to do with canonical books/writings
accepted as divinely inspired and authentic
to be included as part of the 27 books of the NT canon

Which, BTW, was formally approved by
and released in the 4th century by Athanasius,
Constantine had NOTHING to do with
canonical inclusion or exclusion for the NT canon

Now go sit in the corner and STFU

You were the one who posted that silly woman from that tv show, which is an extremely childish thing to do. Telling me to STFU also is really childish. So are the caps and the boldface. Nicea was just a convention. No human or group of humans can discern the mind of the Supreme Being, by voice vote or otherwise. All of theology is opinion and speculation, even though one can get a doctorate in it from one school or another.

Not true at all. Almighty God left us His word, and from that we can discern His will for our lives and His plans for the future. Rather than just giving us your own thoughts about morality, cracking open God's Word would seem to be more useful.

A famous Italian, Tom Aquinas, proved that theology is not just a science, but the prince of sciences. Get with the flow, at least up to the Tremendous 13th Century with Tommy A trod the earth.
The Council of Nicea was discussed in my Bible Doctrines class last year.
So what?

What did they use to compile the NT?

They used their hands I guess. What do you think they used?
24,000 existing manuscripts.

Let's get back on track to the topic at hand. I still say God is wrong on the topic of homosexuality. Wouldn't you at least agree with me on that?

There is just no way that every homosexual has a worthless mind that is incapable of knowing right from wrong. It just doesn't seem fair that we can so simplistically conclude that homosexuals are 100% untrustworthy just because an anonymous book is claimed to be written by an invisible magic being with human attributes. Surely nobody is falling for that one just because gay sex seems so yucky to the average person. God has to be wrong on this one.

However, it does appear at least 8 people so far are stupid enough to agree with God on this subject.

God is completely fucking wrong on this one and most American Christians agree with me. Well. Not really Christians but pretend Christians. The real Christians believe the Bible thus have an unjustified fear of homosexuals because of what God says in Romans chapter 1.

How can anybody be a Christian? It is utterly disgusting to believe this filth about homosexuals.

Ignore the Bible please. It is wrong. What else is it wrong about?

100% Troll

I honestly disagree with the Bible on the topic of homosexuality. Apparently you agree with God. Am I right?

On a side note: This poll is anonymous. Nobody will know how you voted.
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All one has to do is read Jesus’ discussion on divorce to know the Bible does not always capture God’s perfect will.

The Bible is effectively a how to book. How to live and how not to live. It isn’t God. If you elevate the Bible to God, you are idol worshipping.
Why didn’t you answer my question where did you think they got the material for the NT when you said you believed it was written by elitist to control the masses?

The Council of Nicea was discussed in my Bible Doctrines class last year.
So what?

What did they use to compile the NT?

They used their hands I guess. What do you think they used?
24,000 existing manuscripts.

Let's get back on track to the topic at hand. I still say God is wrong on the topic of homosexuality. Wouldn't you at least agree with me on that?

There is just no way that every homosexual has a worthless mind that is incapable of knowing right from wrong. It just doesn't seem fair that we can so simplistically conclude that homosexuals are 100% untrustworthy just because an anonymous book is claimed to be written by an invisible magic being with human attributes. Surely nobody is falling for that one just because gay sex seems so yucky to the average person. God has to be wrong on this one.

However, it does appear at least 8 people so far are stupid enough to agree with God on this subject.

God is completely fucking wrong on this one and most American Christians agree with me. Well. Not really Christians but pretend Christians. The real Christians believe the Bible thus have an unjustified fear of homosexuals because of what God says in Romans chapter 1.

How can anybody be a Christian? It is utterly disgusting to believe this filth about homosexuals.

Ignore the Bible please. It is wrong. What else is it wrong about?
What’s wrong? You don’t like to face your incongruities?

There’s still the matter of you saying that you must abandon Christianity if you don’t agree with every single thing in the Bible.

First of all, Jesus told us that God’s will was that no man should separate what God has joined but the Jews allowed divorce, right?

Secondly, the Bible is man’s understanding of God’s will. It isn’t actually God. Man is imperfect. I don’t believe his understanding of his interpretation of God’s will is perfect.

And lastly, we aren’t perfect. No doubt our interpretation of their interpretation isnt perfect either.

So why would I have to abandon Christianity if I don’t agree with every single thing you think it means?
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Why didn’t you answer my question where did you think they got the material for the NT when you said you believed it was written by elitist to control the masses?

The Council of Nicea was discussed in my Bible Doctrines class last year.
So what?

What did they use to compile the NT?

They used their hands I guess. What do you think they used?
24,000 existing manuscripts.

Are you pretty satisfied with your accomplishments here tonight?
You mean the part where I exposed your ignorance that the NT was made up?

Or this part...

1. God created existence
2. Everything he created is good
3. What he created was done in steps
4. Man arose or is a product of that creation
5. Man is unlike any other creature in creation
6. Man is made in God’s image in that he is a being which knows and creates
7. Man was told to go forth and be fruitful
8. Man was told to do as the original creator; to create for 6 days and then rest
9. Man knows right from wrong
10. Rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong when man does wrong, he rationalizes he didn’t do wrong
11. Successful behaviors naturally lead to success
12. Failed behaviors naturally lead to failure
13. Pass it down to the next generation
I am kinda pissed off about that flood

Almighty God flooded the earth due to the evil of mankind, the incredible amount of sinning going on.

Similar to the judgment He made to Sodom. The Gay Community of Sodom tried to recruit God's holy angels when they were visiting with Lot looking for reasons to save the city. He burned the town in a storm of fire, as well as brimstone.
You made me do this.....
I’m only pretty sure that the moral of the account was more internal locus of control focused.
Like an abusive husband beating his wife....

You made me do this
No. Like the husband who beat his wife and said he brought this upon himself.

Why is it that you look for the worst possible interpretation you can find?
Blame the victim

God destroyed almost everything on earth and then said they were all bad
Almighty God flooded the earth due to the evil of mankind, the incredible amount of sinning going on.

Similar to the judgment He made to Sodom. The Gay Community of Sodom tried to recruit God's holy angels when they were visiting with Lot looking for reasons to save the city. He burned the town in a storm of fire, as well as brimstone.
You made me do this.....
I’m only pretty sure that the moral of the account was more internal locus of control focused.
Like an abusive husband beating his wife....

You made me do this
No. Like the husband who beat his wife and said he brought this upon himself.

Why is it that you look for the worst possible interpretation you can find?
Blame the victim

God destroyed almost everything on earth and then said they were all bad
No. That’s how your mind sees it because you have an external locus of control.

That’s certainly not how they saw that account.
Why did you list communist leaning as your political affiliation on the forum you were banned from before here?

To be funny.

Were there a lot of communist leaning southern baptists at that racist and homophobic church and Christian school you supposedly taught at?

Why didn’t you answer my question where did you think they got the material for the NT when you said you believed it was written by elitist to control the masses?

The Council of Nicea was discussed in my Bible Doctrines class last year.

And all they did was confirm what had already been orthodox since the beginnings. They couldn't change anything in the texts even if they wanted to, too many copies to be cross-checked and their own churches would have tossed them out. they weren't afraid of Roman emperors, not in the least; many of them had already been severely tortured, the Council looked like a gathering of crippled beggars. Who would have been the 'elitists', exactly?

Let me go see who the Emperor was at the time.
Why did you list communist leaning as your political affiliation on the forum you were banned from before here?

To be funny.

Were there a lot of communist leaning southern baptists at that racist and homophobic church and Christian school you supposedly taught at?

Why didn’t you answer my question where did you think they got the material for the NT when you said you believed it was written by elitist to control the masses?

The Council of Nicea was discussed in my Bible Doctrines class last year.

And all they did was confirm what had already been orthodox since the beginnings. They couldn't change anything in the texts even if they wanted to, too many copies to be cross-checked and their own churches would have tossed them out. they weren't afraid of Roman emperors, not in the least; many of them had already been severely tortured, the Council looked like a gathering of crippled beggars. Who would have been the 'elitists', exactly?

Constantine 1 was the Emperor at the time. He was a known graduate from the School of Plato. Plato was a strong advocate of a philosopher-king who was chosen solely based upon his intellectual capabilities. It is highly likely that Constantine would only tolerate the cream of the crop to hold any position of authority. These were highly intellectual men. Even if you don't believe that then surely the evidence is sufficient to prove the Council of Nicaea accomplished the greatest intellectual chievement ever imposed upon mankind.

If you disagree then please tell me the second most influential book of all time.
What does that have to do with the content?


That’s just you confirming your bias.
Why did you list communist leaning as your political affiliation on the forum you were banned from before here?

To be funny.

Were there a lot of communist leaning southern baptists at that racist and homophobic church and Christian school you supposedly taught at?

Why didn’t you answer my question where did you think they got the material for the NT when you said you believed it was written by elitist to control the masses?

The Council of Nicea was discussed in my Bible Doctrines class last year.
So what?

What did they use to compile the NT?

Why, some Roman guy wrote it in the 4th Century, and managed to do so without ever being in Jerusalem and knowing in minute details what the Jewish culture was, knew Judaism inside and out, and manged to do so without a single anachronism conflicting with the time period, don't you know.

Everyone knows about all those palaces left behind by the Apostles and priests in those days, they got rich n stuff and lived in great luxury! Oh wait, that didn't happen, they mostly just got murdered by Jews, Romans, Arabs, Persians, Gauls, etc. Never mind.
24,000 written manuscripts exist that say it was recorded exactly how it happened.

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