Repenting Homosexuals

Does Roman Chapter 1 lie about who homosexuals are?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • No.

    Votes: 9 81.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Almighty God flooded the earth due to the evil of mankind, the incredible amount of sinning going on.

Similar to the judgment He made to Sodom. The Gay Community of Sodom tried to recruit God's holy angels when they were visiting with Lot looking for reasons to save the city. He burned the town in a storm of fire, as well as brimstone.
You made me do this.....
I’m only pretty sure that the moral of the account was more internal locus of control focused.
Like an abusive husband beating his wife....

You made me do this
No. Like the husband who beat his wife and said he brought this upon himself.

Why is it that you look for the worst possible interpretation you can find?
Blame the victim

God destroyed almost everything on earth and then said they were all bad

Actually, Almighty God always investigates this kind of matter.

In the case of Sodom, He agreed to spare the town if just 5 heterosexuals could be found and sent His holy angels to check out the situation.
Or it was an allegorical account used to teach the lesson that failed behaviors naturally lead to failure.
Yes, I personally know people who used to engage in homosexual conduct and who repented of it and abandoned it.

The gay rights folks don't like to talk about the tens of thousands of people who have left the gay lifestyle. The website of the organization Parents and Friends of Ex-Gay (PFOX) is one good place to find accounts of people who have done this.

Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX) - Help, hope & community for ex-gays, parents, friends

Why is it so necessary for heterosexuals to force LGBTs into the heterosexual lifestyle? There seems to be an obsession here.
It’s necessary for most conservative heterosexuals to force LGBTs into the heterosexual lifestyle; the obsession is the consequence of the authoritarianism common to most on the right, conservatives’ fear of dissent and diversity, and their desire to compel conformity and demonize dissent.

Again. I understand you. You do not begin to understand me. I mean that.

One of my daughter's best friends, since middle school, is gay. He is often at our home. He says he feels really comfortable here. We are glad. We love him.

Again. We understand you.

You do not begin to understand us.
Felt the exact same way when you were questioning me.

That you did not understand me.
Since you are intellectually bankrupt
I took it upon myself to write you out a reality check
Use it wisely...Knowledge is power
So Constantine had a committee, that did his bidding in deciding what books went into the canon


Childish. Aren't you. You apparently do not understand that Constantine's committee chose which books were to be included and which to be dropped on the floor. Sorry that you are so ignorant of the history of Christianity and scared of discussing issues of morality.
You are yet another; ignorant, insignificant, irrelevant, arrogant,
Google wannabe know it all who doesn’t know shit, oxygen thief!

I might have considered it extremely sad...
how utterly content you are in your ignorance
...if it weren’t so deliciously pathetic

Instead of entering the arena prepared for intellectual combat
with the armor of knowledge and an arsenal of facts,
you stumble in here naked, empty handed and cocky...
totally oblivious of the impending slaughter that awaits you
and absolutely deserving of the defeat you will be handed

I replied with a single word...WRONG

All you had to do to know with certainty
that I was WRONG and didn’t know what I was talking about
was to make sure that you knew for certain
what the fuck you were blathering about

Nope, you couldn’t even do that
Instead, you continue to suffer from verbial diarrhea

Me, childish
Bitch, ARE the weakest link

Telling ME I don’t understand that Constantine decided
which writings were omitted from/approved for inclusion
in the NT canon, using ‘his committee’ to carry out his directives

YOU feel sorry for ME because according to you
I am so ignorant about the history of Christianity
and am scared of discussing issues of morality

Pay attention you clueless idiot





The Roman Emperor Constantine 1 called the bishops
representing the world to a universal meeting in 325

These church heads were not ‘his committee’
they were the ecumenical council in church hierarchy

The Council of Nicaea didn't involve disputes
about canonical writings,it involved disputes about
the theology of Arius and Arianism

Their gathering had to do with theological concepts,
from which 20 Canons were created.

Ecclesiastical canons, laws
that all Christians living in the empire were bound by

Having NOTHING to do with canonical books/writings
accepted as divinely inspired and authentic
to be included as part of the 27 books of the NT canon

Which, BTW, was formally approved by
and released in the 4th century by Athanasius,
Constantine had NOTHING to do with
canonical inclusion or exclusion for the NT canon

Now go sit in the corner and STFU

You were the one who posted that silly woman from that tv show, which is an extremely childish thing to do. Telling me to STFU also is really childish. So are the caps and the boldface. Nicea was just a convention. No human or group of humans can discern the mind of the Supreme Being, by voice vote or otherwise. All of theology is opinion and speculation, even though one can get a doctorate in it from one school or another.
You are the weakest should STFU

You, of all posters, telling me I’m childish, is a fucking joke
seeing how you also told me how ignorant I was
about the history of Christianity because I didn’t seem to
understand that Constantine gathered ‘his committee’
and cherry picked what should or shouldn’t be in the NT
and that I was scared to discuss issues of morality

Instead of admitting you were wrong, you want to point out
examples of what you consider childish on my part
and have the nerve to downplay the fallacies
you had posted and I called you out on
by calling Nicaea a convention...which it wasn’t

Furthermore, you go on to say that all theology
is opinion and speculation and reduce the Living God
to a Supreme Being that humans could not
will not nor will ever understand

Yet, you are the first one yipping and yapping about
fake christians who don’t follow the teachings of Jesus
while advocating homosexuality and abortion

You are the weakest link
Go stand in the corner and STFU
You mean the part where I exposed your ignorance that the NT was made up?

Sure. Were you satisfied with the points you made and such?

Do you feel like you did an above average job exposing me for (fill in the blank) ?
The Council of Nicea was discussed in my Bible Doctrines class last year.
So what?

What did they use to compile the NT?

They used their hands I guess. What do you think they used?
24,000 existing manuscripts.

Are you pretty satisfied with your accomplishments here tonight?
You mean the part where I exposed your ignorance that the NT was made up?

Or this part...

1. God created existence
2. Everything he created is good
3. What he created was done in steps
4. Man arose or is a product of that creation
5. Man is unlike any other creature in creation
6. Man is made in God’s image in that he is a being which knows and creates
7. Man was told to go forth and be fruitful
8. Man was told to do as the original creator; to create for 6 days and then rest
9. Man knows right from wrong
10. Rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong when man does wrong, he rationalizes he didn’t do wrong
11. Successful behaviors naturally lead to success
12. Failed behaviors naturally lead to failure
13. Pass it down to the next generation

You seemed pretty determined to set that record straight. Well. Is it straight now? I would be happy to answer any more questions that you have. Just send me a private message. I don't think I want to have open dialogue with you any more. Your authority comes from your gut. It is an impossibility to argue someone's feelings. Only that person knows what they feel.

I love discussing the Bible but you ignore any part you dislike and embrace the parts you like.

In Bible Doctrine class that was called Partial Inspiration. I just call it pure lunacy. Either the Bible is a source of authority or it is not. It cannot be both.
You mean the part where I exposed your ignorance that the NT was made up?

Sure. Were you satisfied with the points you made and such?

Do you feel like you did an above average job exposing me for (fill in the blank) ?
No. There’s still the matter of you saying that you must abandon Christianity if you don’t agree with every single thing in the Bible.
So what?

What did they use to compile the NT?

They used their hands I guess. What do you think they used?
24,000 existing manuscripts.

Are you pretty satisfied with your accomplishments here tonight?
You mean the part where I exposed your ignorance that the NT was made up?

Or this part...

1. God created existence
2. Everything he created is good
3. What he created was done in steps
4. Man arose or is a product of that creation
5. Man is unlike any other creature in creation
6. Man is made in God’s image in that he is a being which knows and creates
7. Man was told to go forth and be fruitful
8. Man was told to do as the original creator; to create for 6 days and then rest
9. Man knows right from wrong
10. Rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong when man does wrong, he rationalizes he didn’t do wrong
11. Successful behaviors naturally lead to success
12. Failed behaviors naturally lead to failure
13. Pass it down to the next generation

You seemed pretty determined to set that record straight. Well. Is it straight now? I would be happy to answer any more questions that you have. Just send me a private message. I don't think I want to have open dialogue with you any more. Your authority comes from your gut. It is an impossibility to argue someone's feelings. Only that person knows what they feel.

I love discussing the Bible but you ignore any part you dislike and embrace the parts you like.

In Bible Doctrine class that was called Partial Inspiration. I just call it pure lunacy. Either the Bible is a source of authority or it is not. It cannot be both.
No. You love discussing your misinformed perceptions of the Bible.

Like I told you before all one needs to believe to be a Christian is that God so loved man that he chose to be born into this world to testify to the truth and sacrificed himself to reconcile justice with mercy. That’s it. He will do the rest if you have faith and pay attention.
You seemed pretty determined to set that record straight. Well. Is it straight now? I would be happy to answer any more questions that you have. Just send me a private message. I don't think I want to have open dialogue with you any more. Your authority comes from your gut. It is an impossibility to argue someone's feelings. Only that person knows what they feel.

I love discussing the Bible but you ignore any part you dislike and embrace the parts you like.

In Bible Doctrine class that was called Partial Inspiration. I just call it pure lunacy. Either the Bible is a source of authority or it is not. It cannot be both.

>>Your authority comes from your gut. It is an impossibility to argue someone's feelings. Only that person knows what they feel.<<

Thanks for your last paragraph and above. Didn't know there was Partial Inspiration. This is the same thing that I get from ding. My conclusion is he doesn't have a source or sources, but himself. He must have a bunch of his writings that he copies and pastes. Thus, he usually discusses his religion with atheists and likes to beat them up with it. It's his Dunning-Kruger personality, but he claims its those who disagree with him and point out his fake Catholicism (he calls himself Catholic) are the ones with D-K. It's lazy Catholicism. I even told him if he learned what Pope Francis was teaching, then he would be a better Catholic. At least, the he could represent instead of going off on a tangent. I think he only spends time in the R&E forum, so what can you say?
that awkward moment when someone who believes the universe and earth are 6000 years old looks down on you.
Plenty of Christians toss aside other similar nonsense from the bible and don't abandon christianity.

I ignored your first sentence. Actully, I agree with the rest. What you said is pretty deep. It probably wasn't your intent, but sometimes, it's just too hard or impossible to understand the Bible (God's word), so I just put it aside. Don't even think about it. Then one day, much later, it starts to make sense. It's why the believers are at different levels of their faith and understanding.
that awkward moment when someone who believes the universe and earth are 6000 years old looks down on you.

I don't look down on you. I think you could be someone who would run rings around me if you even understood 20% of what Catholicism meant. I think you look down on atheists with your D-K and your superior religion. How else would they know the difference?
that awkward moment when someone who believes the universe and earth are 6000 years old looks down on you.

I don't look down on you. I think you could be someone who would run rings around me if you even understood 20% of what Catholicism meant. I think you look down on atheists with your D-K and your superior religion. How else would they know the difference?
If you actually understood what Catholicism teaches you’d know I already have.

I don’t look down on atheists. I don’t even look down on militant atheists. I don’t like bullies.

There’s nothing special about me.
Again. I understand you. You do not begin to understand me. I mean that.

One of my daughter's best friends, since middle school, is gay. He is often at our home. He says he feels really comfortable here. We are glad. We love him.

Again. We understand you.

You do not begin to understand us.

I am glad that you and I finally agree on something. God is dead wrong on this homosexual stuff. You actually do have enough sense to filter out the parts of the Bible that are wrong and still enjoy it as wonderful literature.

Good friends are hard to come by. Don't ever believe what God says in Roman's 1 about homosexuals. Stay friends with this gay kid. He probably needs friends more than God needs you to be afraid of the gay kid.

I am glad that we both agree that God got it wrong on homosexuality.
Again. I understand you. You do not begin to understand me. I mean that.

One of my daughter's best friends, since middle school, is gay. He is often at our home. He says he feels really comfortable here. We are glad. We love him.

Again. We understand you.

You do not begin to understand us.

I am glad that you and I finally agree on something. God is dead wrong on this homosexual stuff. You actually do have enough sense to filter out the parts of the Bible that are wrong and still enjoy it as wonderful literature.

Good friends are hard to come by. Don't ever believe what God says in Roman's 1 about homosexuals. Stay friends with this gay kid. He probably needs friends more than God needs you to be afraid of the gay kid.

I am glad that we both agree that God got it wrong on homosexuality.
But you believe the bible says that God commands homosexuals to be killed. So you aren't necessarily arguing that God is wrong you are arguing that your belief of what God said is wrong.

Think, McFly, think.
I am glad that you and I finally agree on something. God is dead wrong on this homosexual stuff. You actually do have enough sense to filter out the parts of the Bible that are wrong and still enjoy it as wonderful literature.

Good friends are hard to come by. Don't ever believe what God says in Roman's 1 about homosexuals. Stay friends with this gay kid. He probably needs friends more than God needs you to be afraid of the gay kid.

I am glad that we both agree that God got it wrong on homosexuality.
It's "decent" literature. I'd give it like an 8.5 outta ten, it would be a cool Hollywood movie if they put proper resources behind it like they do for Marvel Movies and shit.

I wonder if the "homosexuals are ick" thing wouldn't have become extinct one or two hundred years ago if it weren't for the religious taboos exacerbating the formerly ill thought out bias there.
I am glad that you and I finally agree on something. God is dead wrong on this homosexual stuff. You actually do have enough sense to filter out the parts of the Bible that are wrong and still enjoy it as wonderful literature.

Good friends are hard to come by. Don't ever believe what God says in Roman's 1 about homosexuals. Stay friends with this gay kid. He probably needs friends more than God needs you to be afraid of the gay kid.

I am glad that we both agree that God got it wrong on homosexuality.
It's "decent" literature. I'd give it like an 8.5 outta ten, it would be a cool Hollywood movie if they put proper resources behind it like they do for Marvel Movies and shit.

I wonder if the "homosexuals are ick" thing wouldn't have become extinct one or two hundred years ago if it weren't for the religious taboos exacerbating the formerly ill thought out bias there.

What is the 1st and 2nd most influential piece of literature that has ever existed?
I am glad that you and I finally agree on something. God is dead wrong on this homosexual stuff. You actually do have enough sense to filter out the parts of the Bible that are wrong and still enjoy it as wonderful literature.

Good friends are hard to come by. Don't ever believe what God says in Roman's 1 about homosexuals. Stay friends with this gay kid. He probably needs friends more than God needs you to be afraid of the gay kid.

I am glad that we both agree that God got it wrong on homosexuality.
It's "decent" literature. I'd give it like an 8.5 outta ten, it would be a cool Hollywood movie if they put proper resources behind it like they do for Marvel Movies and shit.

I wonder if the "homosexuals are ick" thing wouldn't have become extinct one or two hundred years ago if it weren't for the religious taboos exacerbating the formerly ill thought out bias there.

What is the 1st and 2nd most influential piece of literature that has ever existed?
I don't judge a book by how it influences others, I judge it by how it influences me.
I am glad that you and I finally agree on something. God is dead wrong on this homosexual stuff. You actually do have enough sense to filter out the parts of the Bible that are wrong and still enjoy it as wonderful literature.

Good friends are hard to come by. Don't ever believe what God says in Roman's 1 about homosexuals. Stay friends with this gay kid. He probably needs friends more than God needs you to be afraid of the gay kid.

I am glad that we both agree that God got it wrong on homosexuality.
It's "decent" literature. I'd give it like an 8.5 outta ten, it would be a cool Hollywood movie if they put proper resources behind it like they do for Marvel Movies and shit.

I wonder if the "homosexuals are ick" thing wouldn't have become extinct one or two hundred years ago if it weren't for the religious taboos exacerbating the formerly ill thought out bias there.

What is the 1st and 2nd most influential piece of literature that has ever existed?
I don't judge a book by how it influences others, I judge it by how it influences me.

I would say the Bible was the most influential.

I am not sure which book is the 2nd most influential. Do you know which one would be the 2nd ?

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