Rep who called Trump mother fkr says stop having sex with us gentlemen find somebody else

( – Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D.-Mich.), the newly elected congresswoman who last week called President Donald Trump a “motherf****r,” said in 2012 when she was serving in the Michigan state house that men should find somebody other than women to have sex with and that women should boycott men in retaliation for an abortion-restriction bill that passed the state house.

Rep. Who Called Trump ‘Motherf*****: ‘Stop Having Sex With Us, Gentlemen. Find Somebody Else..

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Speak for yourself twit, see INFILTRATE from within, not only that now they want to brainwashing their ways onto you JUST LIKE IN SWEDEN WAKE UP FOOLS!!
Amazing how a tRump fan reacts to tRump style hyperbole from the other side.

Have no one wants to fuck you anyway.
Wrong sex for you?
Has Rashida Taliban introduced a law prohibiting women from having sex with men? That's her job isn't it? As a lawmaker.
( – Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D.-Mich.), the newly elected congresswoman who last week called President Donald Trump a “motherf****r,” said in 2012 when she was serving in the Michigan state house that men should find somebody other than women to have sex with and that women should boycott men in retaliation for an abortion-restriction bill that passed the state house.

Rep. Who Called Trump ‘Motherf*****: ‘Stop Having Sex With Us, Gentlemen. Find Somebody Else..

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Speak for yourself twit, see INFILTRATE from within, not only that now they want to brainwashing their ways onto you JUST LIKE IN SWEDEN WAKE UP FOOLS!!
Amazing how a tRump fan reacts to tRump style hyperbole from the other side.

Have no one wants to fuck you anyway.
Wrong sex for you?

If he/she looks like your average dem no one wants to fuck it.
Women like Tlaib threatening to withhold sex is like a homeless person threatening to stop begging you for money.
All you do is have to marry a woman and the sex ends.

What do you expect when you STOP chasing her, and acting like that dog in heat when you first meet her, when the man stops Whewwwwing her your pussy stops, when you stop meeting her emotional needs your pussy stops.......

The only reason dating a few sluts doesn't seem the same way is because you/men aren't around long enough to get bored with her first. Some women yep act the same way.
Women like Tlaib threatening to withhold sex is like a homeless person threatening to stop begging you for money.
All you do is have to marry a woman and the sex ends.

What do you expect when you STOP chasing her, and acting like that dog in heat when you first meet her, when the man stops Whewwwwing her your pussy stops, when you stop meeting her emotional needs your pussy stops.......

The only reason dating a few sluts doesn't seem the same way is because you/men aren't around long enough to get bored with her first. Some women yep act the same way.
It's more glandular than mental and having sex only causes babies..Which is why we dood it.
( – Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D.-Mich.), the newly elected congresswoman who last week called President Donald Trump a “motherf****r,” said in 2012 when she was serving in the Michigan state house that men should find somebody other than women to have sex with and that women should boycott men in retaliation for an abortion-restriction bill that passed the state house.

Rep. Who Called Trump ‘Motherf*****: ‘Stop Having Sex With Us, Gentlemen. Find Somebody Else..

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View attachment 238789

Speak for yourself twit, see INFILTRATE from within, not only that now they want to brainwashing their ways onto you JUST LIKE IN SWEDEN WAKE UP FOOLS!!
Amazing how a tRump fan reacts to tRump style hyperbole from the other side.

Have no one wants to fuck you anyway.
Wrong sex for you?

If he/she looks like your average dem no one wants to fuck it.
Just remember that there is more ugly people than pretty ones so there is no shortage of ugmos to hook up with, us nice looking people have a harder time...
( – Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D.-Mich.), the newly elected congresswoman who last week called President Donald Trump a “motherf****r,” said in 2012 when she was serving in the Michigan state house that men should find somebody other than women to have sex with and that women should boycott men in retaliation for an abortion-restriction bill that passed the state house.

Rep. Who Called Trump ‘Motherf*****: ‘Stop Having Sex With Us, Gentlemen. Find Somebody Else..

Did my search
View attachment 238789

Speak for yourself twit, see INFILTRATE from within, not only that now they want to brainwashing their ways onto you JUST LIKE IN SWEDEN WAKE UP FOOLS!!
Amazing how a tRump fan reacts to tRump style hyperbole from the other side.

Have no one wants to fuck you anyway.
Wrong sex for you?

If he/she looks like your average dem no one wants to fuck it.

Same goes for the average repub. What an ugly bunch! The males especially. Have you seen the guys at the dumph rallies? Not model material, that's for sure.
She's allegedly a devout Muslim woman, I'm pretty sure that means her husband doesn't have to ask permission before having sex with her.
She's allegedly a devout Muslim woman, I'm pretty sure that means her husband doesn't have to ask permission before having sex with her.
The so-called "Christians" are actively supporting this notion.

A) You have no idea what religion I am or am not

B) It is a fact that devout Muslim women are to give their men sex any time they wish to have something other than the camel they have been having sex with

In fact , she's such a devout Muslim that she has to wear her hijaab while in Congress, but no so devout as that doesn't obey the koran when it comes to women leaving the home unattended.

Of course this is right up there with the stupid bitch down in Florida who wanted to wear her veil in her DL picture, never mind the fact that her religion would teach that she is not allowed to drive .

It's high time for the adults in this country to step up and tell you liberals "enough" yall need to be spanked and sent to bed while the adults fix this country.
She's allegedly a devout Muslim woman, I'm pretty sure that means her husband doesn't have to ask permission before having sex with her.
The so-called "Christians" are actively supporting this notion.

A) You have no idea what religion I am or am not

B) It is a fact that devout Muslim women are to give their men sex any time they wish to have something other than the camel they have been having sex with

In fact , she's such a devout Muslim that she has to wear her hijaab while in Congress, but no so devout as that doesn't obey the koran when it comes to women leaving the home unattended.

Of course this is right up there with the stupid bitch down in Florida who wanted to wear her veil in her DL picture, never mind the fact that her religion would teach that she is not allowed to drive .

It's high time for the adults in this country to step up and tell you liberals "enough" yall need to be spanked and sent to bed while the adults fix this country.
A) I never said anything about your personal religion
She's allegedly a devout Muslim woman, I'm pretty sure that means her husband doesn't have to ask permission before having sex with her.
The so-called "Christians" are actively supporting this notion.

A) You have no idea what religion I am or am not

B) It is a fact that devout Muslim women are to give their men sex any time they wish to have something other than the camel they have been having sex with

In fact , she's such a devout Muslim that she has to wear her hijaab while in Congress, but no so devout as that doesn't obey the koran when it comes to women leaving the home unattended.

Of course this is right up there with the stupid bitch down in Florida who wanted to wear her veil in her DL picture, never mind the fact that her religion would teach that she is not allowed to drive .

It's high time for the adults in this country to step up and tell you liberals "enough" yall need to be spanked and sent to bed while the adults fix this country.


A) I never said anything about your personal religion
B) Radical right-wing "Christian" cults teach the same thing
C) She does not wear a hijab. Check out her pictures. The "not leaving home unattended" only applies in Saudi Arabia, which is under the grip of an extreme version of Islam called Wahabism. It is the only country in which women are not allowed to drive and, in any event, the law was recently changed.

I live in an area with a significant Muslim population. Of course women drive. Many Muslim women do not wear a hijab. This is a personal choice. The ones that choose to, often go about in hijab, pants/jeans, and sneakers.

Now do your homework because you don't know what you are talking about..

As for "adults," we certainly aren't going to find many among the right-wing bimbos. I especially loved the one who thought that if women swallowed tiny cameras, their reproductive organs could be examined!
Rashida's husband looked at her and realized she could easily be replaced by a beautiful sex doll.
She's allegedly a devout Muslim woman, I'm pretty sure that means her husband doesn't have to ask permission before having sex with her.
The so-called "Christians" are actively supporting this notion.

A) You have no idea what religion I am or am not

B) It is a fact that devout Muslim women are to give their men sex any time they wish to have something other than the camel they have been having sex with

In fact , she's such a devout Muslim that she has to wear her hijaab while in Congress, but no so devout as that doesn't obey the koran when it comes to women leaving the home unattended.

Of course this is right up there with the stupid bitch down in Florida who wanted to wear her veil in her DL picture, never mind the fact that her religion would teach that she is not allowed to drive .

It's high time for the adults in this country to step up and tell you liberals "enough" yall need to be spanked and sent to bed while the adults fix this country.

she has the vocabulary of a devout muslim woman-----in translation
She's allegedly a devout Muslim woman, I'm pretty sure that means her husband doesn't have to ask permission before having sex with her.
The so-called "Christians" are actively supporting this notion.

A) You have no idea what religion I am or am not

B) It is a fact that devout Muslim women are to give their men sex any time they wish to have something other than the camel they have been having sex with

In fact , she's such a devout Muslim that she has to wear her hijaab while in Congress, but no so devout as that doesn't obey the koran when it comes to women leaving the home unattended.

Of course this is right up there with the stupid bitch down in Florida who wanted to wear her veil in her DL picture, never mind the fact that her religion would teach that she is not allowed to drive .

It's high time for the adults in this country to step up and tell you liberals "enough" yall need to be spanked and sent to bed while the adults fix this country.

she has the vocabulary of a devout muslim woman-----in translation

No, she doesn't. I've spent a lot of time in the Middle East and in fact speak Arabic. Muslim women over there absolutely do not talk like that, not even in private, let alone to retell the story of their vulgarity .
She's allegedly a devout Muslim woman, I'm pretty sure that means her husband doesn't have to ask permission before having sex with her.
The so-called "Christians" are actively supporting this notion.

A) You have no idea what religion I am or am not

B) It is a fact that devout Muslim women are to give their men sex any time they wish to have something other than the camel they have been having sex with

In fact , she's such a devout Muslim that she has to wear her hijaab while in Congress, but no so devout as that doesn't obey the koran when it comes to women leaving the home unattended.

Of course this is right up there with the stupid bitch down in Florida who wanted to wear her veil in her DL picture, never mind the fact that her religion would teach that she is not allowed to drive .

It's high time for the adults in this country to step up and tell you liberals "enough" yall need to be spanked and sent to bed while the adults fix this country.
A) I never said anything about your personal religion
She's allegedly a devout Muslim woman, I'm pretty sure that means her husband doesn't have to ask permission before having sex with her.
The so-called "Christians" are actively supporting this notion.

A) You have no idea what religion I am or am not

B) It is a fact that devout Muslim women are to give their men sex any time they wish to have something other than the camel they have been having sex with

In fact , she's such a devout Muslim that she has to wear her hijaab while in Congress, but no so devout as that doesn't obey the koran when it comes to women leaving the home unattended.

Of course this is right up there with the stupid bitch down in Florida who wanted to wear her veil in her DL picture, never mind the fact that her religion would teach that she is not allowed to drive .

It's high time for the adults in this country to step up and tell you liberals "enough" yall need to be spanked and sent to bed while the adults fix this country.


A) I never said anything about your personal religion
B) Radical right-wing "Christian" cults teach the same thing
C) She does not wear a hijab. Check out her pictures. The "not leaving home unattended" only applies in Saudi Arabia, which is under the grip of an extreme version of Islam called Wahabism. It is the only country in which women are not allowed to drive and, in any event, the law was recently changed.

I live in an area with a significant Muslim population. Of course women drive. Many Muslim women do not wear a hijab. This is a personal choice. The ones that choose to, often go about in hijab, pants/jeans, and sneakers.

Now do your homework because you don't know what you are talking about..

As for "adults," we certainly aren't going to find many among the right-wing bimbos. I especially loved the one who thought that if women swallowed tiny cameras, their reproductive organs could be examined!

you need a bit of homework yourself, Lysie. NOT GOING OUT UNATTENDED BY A "GUARDIAN" ------is VERY MUCH A SHARIAH
ADHERENT ISLAMIC NORM-----not restricted to Saudi Arabia ---the
"custom" exists wherever Islam exists-----even thruout southeast asia.
It is a social issue in those places in which it is not NATIONAL LAW
( – Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D.-Mich.), the newly elected congresswoman who last week called President Donald Trump a “motherf****r,” said in 2012 when she was serving in the Michigan state house that men should find somebody other than women to have sex with and that women should boycott men in retaliation for an abortion-restriction bill that passed the state house.

Rep. Who Called Trump ‘Motherf*****: ‘Stop Having Sex With Us, Gentlemen. Find Somebody Else..

Did my search
View attachment 238789

Speak for yourself twit, see INFILTRATE from within, not only that now they want to brainwashing their ways onto you JUST LIKE IN SWEDEN WAKE UP FOOLS!!
Amazing how a tRump fan reacts to tRump style hyperbole from the other side.

Have no one wants to fuck you anyway.
I don't know. Democrats do fat chicks.
Pretty telling that liberals vote in a woman who admits she says the word "motherfucker" to her son. What woman would do that? A LIBERAL.
( – Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D.-Mich.), the newly elected congresswoman who last week called President Donald Trump a “motherf****r,” said in 2012 when she was serving in the Michigan state house that men should find somebody other than women to have sex with and that women should boycott men in retaliation for an abortion-restriction bill that passed the state house.

Rep. Who Called Trump ‘Motherf*****: ‘Stop Having Sex With Us, Gentlemen. Find Somebody Else..

Did my search
View attachment 238789

Speak for yourself twit, see INFILTRATE from within, not only that now they want to brainwashing their ways onto you JUST LIKE IN SWEDEN WAKE UP FOOLS!!

Stop having sex with women? What, does that mean Rashida wants all men to look Rashida Tlaib up for a good time?
She's allegedly a devout Muslim woman, I'm pretty sure that means her husband doesn't have to ask permission before having sex with her.
The so-called "Christians" are actively supporting this notion.

A) You have no idea what religion I am or am not

B) It is a fact that devout Muslim women are to give their men sex any time they wish to have something other than the camel they have been having sex with

In fact , she's such a devout Muslim that she has to wear her hijaab while in Congress, but no so devout as that doesn't obey the koran when it comes to women leaving the home unattended.

Of course this is right up there with the stupid bitch down in Florida who wanted to wear her veil in her DL picture, never mind the fact that her religion would teach that she is not allowed to drive .

It's high time for the adults in this country to step up and tell you liberals "enough" yall need to be spanked and sent to bed while the adults fix this country.

she has the vocabulary of a devout muslim woman-----in translation

No, she doesn't. I've spent a lot of time in the Middle East and in fact speak Arabic. Muslim women over there absolutely do not talk like that, not even in private, let alone to retell the story of their vulgarity .

Oh---they don't say it in ENGLISH------c'mon You missed lots despite your
questionable knowledge of Arabic
She's allegedly a devout Muslim woman, I'm pretty sure that means her husband doesn't have to ask permission before having sex with her.
The so-called "Christians" are actively supporting this notion.

A) You have no idea what religion I am or am not

B) It is a fact that devout Muslim women are to give their men sex any time they wish to have something other than the camel they have been having sex with

In fact , she's such a devout Muslim that she has to wear her hijaab while in Congress, but no so devout as that doesn't obey the koran when it comes to women leaving the home unattended.

Of course this is right up there with the stupid bitch down in Florida who wanted to wear her veil in her DL picture, never mind the fact that her religion would teach that she is not allowed to drive .

It's high time for the adults in this country to step up and tell you liberals "enough" yall need to be spanked and sent to bed while the adults fix this country.

she has the vocabulary of a devout muslim woman-----in translation

No, she doesn't. I've spent a lot of time in the Middle East and in fact speak Arabic. Muslim women over there absolutely do not talk like that, not even in private, let alone to retell the story of their vulgarity .

Oh---they don't say it in ENGLISH------c'mon You missed lots despite your
questionable knowledge of Arabic

My questionable knowledge of Arabic lol . Studying Muslims is what I do for a living. I most definitely speak Arabic. And no, devout Muslim women in the Middle East do not curse, at least not in any area where someone might overhear them.

You definitely do not understand the culture if you think it is acceptable for women to curse in Muslim countries.

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