Rep. Massie to Introduce Bill Blocking Syria Rebel Military Aid


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
House sources tell RPI that Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) is preparing to introduce legislation to forbid the president from providing military assistance to any of the combatant groups in the current Syrian conflict. Absent a Congressional declaration of war, the legislation asserts, the president may not expend money appropriated by Congress for the purposes of arming any side in Syria.

While not explicitly prohibiting provision of so-called “humanitarian assistance,” which often includes such conflict-related materials as night-vision goggles and targeting communications equipment, the bill, if passed, would nevertheless seriously impede the president’s stated policy shift in favor of arming the Syrian rebels.

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity : Breaking! Rep. Massie to Introduce Bill Blocking Syria Rebel Military Aid

This will, of course, go absolutely nowhere.
The majority of conservatives and liberals oppose aid to Syrian rebels. Anyone who doesn't support that bill should start cleaning out their desks.

No matter what aid we give the rebels Russia will give Assad more.
The majority of conservatives and liberals oppose aid to Syrian rebels. Anyone who doesn't support that bill should start cleaning out their desks.

No matter what aid we give the rebels Russia will give Assad more.

I've never known liberals or conservatives to miss out on voting for some misguided foreign adventure.
The US helped the Libyan rabble defeat a despot who was no threat to the US and then the rebel victors murdered the US ambassador. Who are the good guys in Syria? Why should we send the blood and sweat of American taxpayers to aid the muslem brotherhood?
“Many of us have had the opportunity to break fast with our Muslim friends...
Obama Announces $195 Million in Humanitarian Aid for Syria
August 07, 2013 > President Barack Obama announced the United States is providing an additional $195 million in food and humanitarian aid to help the Syrian people on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan.
The White House issued a statement from the president to Muslims celebrating the religious holiday, also known as the Feast of Breaking the Fast. The statement says the total U.S. humanitarian aid contribution to the Syrian people since the civil war began there totals more than $1 billion.

“Many of us have had the opportunity to break fast with our Muslim friends and colleagues – a tradition that reminds us to be grateful for our blessings and to show compassion for the less fortunate among us, including millions of Syrians who spent Ramadan displaced from their homes, their families, and their loved ones,” said the statement by Obama.

Rebels trying to topple the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad have accused Washington of being slow to provide weapons and military support to their uprising, which started two and a half years ago.The U.S. has, though, been providing humanitarian aid throughout the conflict.

Obama Announces $195 Million in Humanitarian Aid for Syria
The US helped the Libyan rabble defeat a despot who was no threat to the US and then the rebel victors murdered the US ambassador. Who are the good guys in Syria? Why should we send the blood and sweat of American taxpayers to aid the muslem brotherhood?
It's not the muslim brotherhood we're aiding in Syria, it's al Qaeda!

Anywhere else, they're an enemy; in Syria, they're an ally.

Go figure...

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