Rep. Liz Cheney fist bumps Biden amid tense relationship with GOP leadership


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
The first rule of hole digging is to stop digging when you're in one. Liz Cheney obviously hasn't learned that lesson.

Rep. Liz Cheney scored a fist bump from President Joe Biden as he entered the House chamber for his first joint address to Congress.
It's a move that will likely turn heads, especially among Republicans who might view the greeting as cozying up to a president they fault for muscling his agenda through Congress without bipartisan support. Cheney (R-Wyo.) has also found herself on shaky footing in recent days, as her relationship with House Minority Leader has grown increasingly frosty.
The first rule of hole digging is to stop digging when you're in one. Liz Cheney obviously hasn't learned that lesson.

Rep. Liz Cheney scored a fist bump from President Joe Biden as he entered the House chamber for his first joint address to Congress.
It's a move that will likely turn heads, especially among Republicans who might view the greeting as cozying up to a president they fault for muscling his agenda through Congress without bipartisan support. Cheney (R-Wyo.) has also found herself on shaky footing in recent days, as her relationship with House Minority Leader has grown increasingly frosty.

I have never seen so much mediocrity in one place before...
This situation reminds me of when fat boy from jersey hugged Obama and Republicans en masse lost their crap.

Now he's back in their good graces.

Same thing is gonna happen with hard-core Republican Liz Cheney here.

Another nothing burger coming up.
This situation reminds me of when fat boy from jersey hugged Obama and Republicans en masse lost their crap.

Now he's back in their good graces.

Same thing is gonna happen with hard-core Republican Liz Cheney here.

Another nothing burger coming up.

Liz is by no means "hardcore" anything.
There is one thing we can admire about crazy Liz. She doesn’t try to conceal her desire for nonstop wars and ever increasing war spending as most of the other psychopaths in Congress do.
The first rule of hole digging is to stop digging when you're in one. Liz Cheney obviously hasn't learned that lesson.

Rep. Liz Cheney scored a fist bump from President Joe Biden as he entered the House chamber for his first joint address to Congress.
It's a move that will likely turn heads, especially among Republicans who might view the greeting as cozying up to a president they fault for muscling his agenda through Congress without bipartisan support. Cheney (R-Wyo.) has also found herself on shaky footing in recent days, as her relationship with House Minority Leader has grown increasingly frosty.

Ah, Ol' Liz, my favorite tramp!
Two little Washington Establishment warmongers:
View attachment 485476
That photo will probably get reposted about 10 million times, especially during her reelection campaign!
Just think where we're at that a senator is blackballed for fist bumping the President. Parties be damned. He's the President.
Politics in this country is just plain DOA.

I'm sure a certain Vernon Jones would like to talk to you about his being a Democrat here in GA and supporting Trump.
I'd let this reachout to the opposition go.

If we have redemption of humanity's egregious flaws as a belief system, it sorta puts a wrench in the eye for an eye philosophy. Ms. Cheney is a rather bright girl, the daughter of a homecoming queen and a man whose life was spent doing such kindly things to his fellow travelers and nonstop giving the shirt off his back to whoever needed a helping hand in the curious 40 below weather the Equality State frequently delivers. Unless you've ever inhaled air at that temperature you have never experienced the displeasure of knowing that each and every alveolar sac in your lungs could freeze the life out of you if you kept inhaling. The chip doesn't fall far from the old block, maybe, but I'm a little skeptical of my own failures to forgive and forget human frailties in others when I have so many of my own that glare back at me in times of confessionals during vesper hours.

In politics, it's hard to forgive and forget, and as in war, the cloddish fool who disgusted you for weeks on end took a bullet for you when he stood up to the bully that was aiming at you the next morning. We must not forget to be kind to an idiot albeit he behaves sophomoricly, and let it go. That's what it means in the Good Book when it says (1) love your enemies and do good to them that hate you, and (2) vengeance is mine, saith the Lord. That's a direct hit our Founders were well aware of when they wrote the Constitution and these days, we are directly advertised out of conducting ourselves in a manner in accordance with this odd parameter of shared slicing of the national pie. Doing right by the Good book ain't easy for any of us. :huddle:

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