Rep Jim Jordan Drops Bomb on Biden and the Sham Jan 6th Commission During Firey Bannon Contempt Hearing

Jordan is such a bimbo. It was his republican colleagues who voted against establishing a bipartisan commission with full subpoena power to investigate the Jan. 6 insurrection. And wasn't he one of the people on the phone with trump that afternoon? What would his concern be with holding Bannon in contempt? Bannon wasn't even a government employee. Jordan seems to be very nervous.

What are they investigating? Reporting has already come out that there was no central command and any violence was local and not coordinated.

Why can't we question Pelosi on why she had the NG stand down and not protect the capitol? After all, she's speaker, she's responsible for the safety and security of the capitol. Why isn't she being questioned?

Oh that's right, because she's a democrat.
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“They’ve Got Nothing Else to Talk About, This is The Worst Administration In History:”​

Rep Jim Jordan Drops Bomb on Biden and the Sham Jan 6th Commission During Fiery Bannon Contempt Hearing​

21 Oct 2021 ~~ By Julian Conradson
On Wednesday, Republican Reps. Jim Jordan (OH) and Matt Gaetz (FL) joined a hearing at the House Committee on Rules to argue against a resolution by Pelosi’s sham Jan. 6 committee that would hold Steve Bannon in contempt of Congress for defying a congressional subpoena.
The committee wants Steve Bannon to appear so they can harass him for his supposed role in the Left’s crazed “insurrection” fantasy. Meanwhile, the hack committee refuses to acknowledge – let alone investigate – Pelosi’s role in preventing National Guard to protect the US Capitol that day or how 4 Trump supporters died that day — including two women who were killed by Capitol police.
The entire “investigation” is a joke, and Rep. Jordan did his best to point that out to the American public when he got his chance to speak today.

He did not hold back during his testimony, calling the partisan investigation a “complete assault on American’s liberty” that is “scary” because of where Democrats have already proven they are willing to go against their political opponents.
To put the cherry on top, Jordan even cites Reuters reporting on the FBI’s investigation into January 6th that had found “scant evidence of ANY TYPE of coordination” and that any “violence was NOT centrally coordinated.”
What they are investigating then?

Just yesterday, the Jan. 6 Witch Hunt, including dirtbag Liz Cheney and crybaby Adam Kinzinger, voted unanimously to hold the former Trump Chief Strategist in criminal contempt for refusing to join in their political theater.

The question is will the rules committee that is run and controlled by the democrats actually do something to stop the illegal activity against our constitutional rights and protections that the Jan 6 committee is engaged in? I think not because in truth both the democrats and the Rinos really want to dismantle the constitution as written.
I agree with Congressman Jordan, the FBI hasn’t investigated January 6th riot, they orchestrated January 6th.
IMHO, This administration is completely out of hand and is seeking to create a dictatorship.
The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies are the problem in the US today! It's time to rid our country of all domestic terrorist hate groups like ACA, ANTIFA, BLM, BLACK PANTHERS, illegal aliens, KKK, LSCD, MUSLIMS, NAACP, OSF and CPUSA just to name a few, all of which were financed by George Soros and created and funded by the PM/DSA .
The illegitimacy of this administration is the key point. It's performance is the secondary issue.


Cracks me up how the rightards who called for 8 independent investigations into Benghazi now cry because Democrats start one on 1/6.
Why can't we question Pelosi on why she had the NG stand down and not protect the capitol?

it's not her job. try learning the facts.

After all, she's speaker,

damn right.

she's responsible for the safety and security of the capitol.

nope. nada. nyet. she isn't any more responsible than turtleboy is.

Why isn't she being questioned?

she was too busy making sure the trump humping deplorables who were hunting her down, didn't actually find her.

Oh that's right, because she's a democrat.


Pelosi did not block the National Guard from the Capitol on Jan. 6​

By ARIJETA LAJKAJuly 23, 2021

CLAIM: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blocked the National Guard from coming to the Capitol during the Jan. 6 insurrection.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. As Speaker of the House, Pelosi does not direct the National Guard. Further, as the Capitol came under attack, she and the Senate Majority leader called for military assistance, including the National Guard.

THE FACTS: On Tuesday, a false claim about the deadly Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol resurfaced suggesting that Pelosi blocked the National Guard from coming to lawmakers’ defense during the insurrection at the Capitol.
“@SpeakerPelosi, why did you block the National Guard from protecting the Capitol?” Indiana Rep. Jim Banks tweeted.
Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy posed a similar question on Fox News saying, “Was there a decision by the Speaker not to have the National Guard at the Capitol that day?”

The answer is no.

“On January 6th, the Speaker, a target of an assassination attempt that day, was no more in charge of Capitol security than Mitch McConnell was. This is a clear attempt to whitewash what happened on January 6th and divert blame,” Drew Hammill, a spokesperson for Pelosi told The Associated Press in an email.
The decision on whether to call National Guard troops to the Capitol is made by what is known as the Capitol Police Board, which is made up of the House Sergeant at Arms, the Senate Sergeant at Arms and the Architect of the Capitol. The board decided not to call the guard ahead of the insurrection but did eventually request assistance after the rioting had already begun, and the troops arrived several hours later.
The House Sergeant at Arms reports to Pelosi and the Senate Sergeant at Arms reported to McConnell, a Republican who was then Senate Majority Leader. There is no evidence that either directed the security officials not to call the guard beforehand, and Hammill said after the insurrection that Pelosi was never informed of such a request.
The officials on the board, along with the former Capitol Police chief, Steven Sund, have disputed each others’ accounts of who requested the guard when. Both Sergeants of Arms and the police chief resigned immediately after the attack.
Once Trump’s supporters were assaulting police and breaking into the building, Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer appealed to military leaders, asking the Army to deploy the National Guard.
“The Speaker believes security officials should make security decisions. The Speaker immediately signaled her support for the deployment of the National Guard when she was presented with that recommendation on the afternoon of January 6th. Public testimony confirms the fact that the Speaker was not made aware of any request for such a deployment prior to then,” Hammill said in a statement this week.

Republicans have falsely laid the blame on Pelosi without mentioning that GOP Leader McConnell had similar authority over the security officials that day. But there is no evidence that either was involved in any effort to block the National Guard before or during the insurrection.
Associated Press writer Mary Clare Jalonick in Washington contributed to this story.
This is part of The Associated Press’ ongoing effort to address widely shared misinformation, including work with Facebook and other platforms to add context to misleading content and reduce its circulation online.
Pelosi did not block the National Guard from the Capitol on Jan. 6
What is being investigated is the Jan. 6 attack on Congress as it sat in session to carry out its duty under the Constitution, which was an historic attack on the United States Government. The Capitol had not been attacked since the British in 1814. The other incidents that you mention are not connected to Jan. 6, the events of which are of utmost importance to the U.S. nation as a whole.

The fire in the basement of St. John's was soon discovered and put out. The clergy and parishioners of St. John's were assisting the protesters and no one knows who set the fire. The officials of the Diocese of Washington have gone out of their way to distance the Episcopalian Church from the political displays during the trump administration. Remember that the proud boys gang stole a banner from a downtown DC church, Asbury Methodist, and destroyed it in the middle of the street. The investigation of the Jan. 6 attack is of paramount importance to the nation and to every American.

Attempted arson is still a criminal act.. So don't go trying to make little of it....
Each day that goes by we get more information on how the FBI was deeply involved in creating the riot on Jan 6th.,

it's not her job. try learning the facts.

damn right.

nope. nada. nyet. she isn't any more responsible than turtleboy is.

she was too busy making sure the trump humping deplorables who were hunting her down, didn't actually find her.


Pelosi did not block the National Guard from the Capitol on Jan. 6​

By ARIJETA LAJKAJuly 23, 2021

CLAIM: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blocked the National Guard from coming to the Capitol during the Jan. 6 insurrection.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. As Speaker of the House, Pelosi does not direct the National Guard. Further, as the Capitol came under attack, she and the Senate Majority leader called for military assistance, including the National Guard.

THE FACTS: On Tuesday, a false claim about the deadly Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol resurfaced suggesting that Pelosi blocked the National Guard from coming to lawmakers’ defense during the insurrection at the Capitol.
“@SpeakerPelosi, why did you block the National Guard from protecting the Capitol?” Indiana Rep. Jim Banks tweeted.
Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy posed a similar question on Fox News saying, “Was there a decision by the Speaker not to have the National Guard at the Capitol that day?”

The answer is no.

“On January 6th, the Speaker, a target of an assassination attempt that day, was no more in charge of Capitol security than Mitch McConnell was. This is a clear attempt to whitewash what happened on January 6th and divert blame,” Drew Hammill, a spokesperson for Pelosi told The Associated Press in an email.
The decision on whether to call National Guard troops to the Capitol is made by what is known as the Capitol Police Board, which is made up of the House Sergeant at Arms, the Senate Sergeant at Arms and the Architect of the Capitol. The board decided not to call the guard ahead of the insurrection but did eventually request assistance after the rioting had already begun, and the troops arrived several hours later.
The House Sergeant at Arms reports to Pelosi and the Senate Sergeant at Arms reported to McConnell, a Republican who was then Senate Majority Leader. There is no evidence that either directed the security officials not to call the guard beforehand, and Hammill said after the insurrection that Pelosi was never informed of such a request.
The officials on the board, along with the former Capitol Police chief, Steven Sund, have disputed each others’ accounts of who requested the guard when. Both Sergeants of Arms and the police chief resigned immediately after the attack.
Once Trump’s supporters were assaulting police and breaking into the building, Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer appealed to military leaders, asking the Army to deploy the National Guard.
“The Speaker believes security officials should make security decisions. The Speaker immediately signaled her support for the deployment of the National Guard when she was presented with that recommendation on the afternoon of January 6th. Public testimony confirms the fact that the Speaker was not made aware of any request for such a deployment prior to then,” Hammill said in a statement this week.

Republicans have falsely laid the blame on Pelosi without mentioning that GOP Leader McConnell had similar authority over the security officials that day. But there is no evidence that either was involved in any effort to block the National Guard before or during the insurrection.
Associated Press writer Mary Clare Jalonick in Washington contributed to this story.
This is part of The Associated Press’ ongoing effort to address widely shared misinformation, including work with Facebook and other platforms to add context to misleading content and reduce its circulation online.
Pelosi did not block the National Guard from the Capitol on Jan. 6

Ok so I guess this guy is lying.

Ok so I guess this guy is lying.

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Dumbfuck, your own link states who rejected the additional security and it wasn't Pelosi.

Your own link.

It's bad enough you're a moron, but at least try to understand what you post.

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Dumbfuck, your own link states who rejected the additional security and it wasn't Pelosi.

Your own link.

It's bad enough you're a moron, but at least try to understand what you post.


My link doesn't say Pelosi didn't do anything dumbfuck. Quit reading shit that's not there, dumbfuck.

Pelosi is in charge of capitol security dumbfuck. Even the sergeant at arms answers to her.

The House sergeant-at-arms reports to the House speaker, or Pelosi at the time of the attack.

Jordan destroys leftists during these hearings. It’s a joy to watch.
Jordan runs his yap about public policy but when asked about when he spoke with the orange babboon on Jan.6 it's the ole dodge routine.

"But, but, I thnk so, I can't remember, I talk to him all the time, Yea, that's it, why you asking, I, I forgot what time" blah, blah, blah.

Apparently, wrestling giant Jordan can't check his phone records so Liz Cheney will do it for him.

That's why Jordan's sphincter tightens up whenever he's asked about it.

“They’ve Got Nothing Else to Talk About, This is The Worst Administration In History:”​

Rep Jim Jordan Drops Bomb on Biden and the Sham Jan 6th Commission During Fiery Bannon Contempt Hearing​

21 Oct 2021 ~~ By Julian Conradson
On Wednesday, Republican Reps. Jim Jordan (OH) and Matt Gaetz (FL) joined a hearing at the House Committee on Rules to argue against a resolution by Pelosi’s sham Jan. 6 committee that would hold Steve Bannon in contempt of Congress for defying a congressional subpoena.
The committee wants Steve Bannon to appear so they can harass him for his supposed role in the Left’s crazed “insurrection” fantasy. Meanwhile, the hack committee refuses to acknowledge – let alone investigate – Pelosi’s role in preventing National Guard to protect the US Capitol that day or how 4 Trump supporters died that day — including two women who were killed by Capitol police.
The entire “investigation” is a joke, and Rep. Jordan did his best to point that out to the American public when he got his chance to speak today.

He did not hold back during his testimony, calling the partisan investigation a “complete assault on American’s liberty” that is “scary” because of where Democrats have already proven they are willing to go against their political opponents.
To put the cherry on top, Jordan even cites Reuters reporting on the FBI’s investigation into January 6th that had found “scant evidence of ANY TYPE of coordination” and that any “violence was NOT centrally coordinated.”
What they are investigating then?

Just yesterday, the Jan. 6 Witch Hunt, including dirtbag Liz Cheney and crybaby Adam Kinzinger, voted unanimously to hold the former Trump Chief Strategist in criminal contempt for refusing to join in their political theater.

The question is will the rules committee that is run and controlled by the democrats actually do something to stop the illegal activity against our constitutional rights and protections that the Jan 6 committee is engaged in? I think not because in truth both the democrats and the Rinos really want to dismantle the constitution as written.
I agree with Congressman Jordan, the FBI hasn’t investigated January 6th riot, they orchestrated January 6th.
IMHO, This administration is completely out of hand and is seeking to create a dictatorship.
The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies are the problem in the US today! It's time to rid our country of all domestic terrorist hate groups like ACA, ANTIFA, BLM, BLACK PANTHERS, illegal aliens, KKK, LSCD, MUSLIMS, NAACP, OSF and CPUSA just to name a few, all of which were financed by George Soros and created and funded by the PM/DSA .
The illegitimacy of this administration is the key point. It's performance is the secondary issue.

Jimmy I Don't Wear A Jacket I'm A Regular Guy Just Like You Jordan actually wore one at the hearing yesterday. He must really be uptight about what's coming knowing Liz Cheney is ready to pounce.

The ole sphincter muscle must be getting one hell of a workout.
Jordan runs his yap about public policy but when asked about when he spoke with the orange babboon on Jan.6 it's the ole dodge routine.

"But, but, I thnk so, I can't remember, I talk to him all the time, Yea, that's it, why you asking, I, I forgot what time" blah, blah, blah.

Apparently, wrestling giant Jordan can't check his phone records so Liz Cheney will do it for him.

That's why Jordan's sphincter tightens up whenever he's asked about it.
Essentially he's the poster child for what our politics has become. What is he for? Winning. What is he against? Someone else winning.
Ok so I guess this guy is lying.

ummmmmm.... no where in that there article states that nancy pelosi was in charge & denied anything. so your reply is null & void.

but guess who the ultimate 'official' should have...

could have....

but di NOTHING to get the NG in to restore safety & order?

can you guess? huh huh HUH?

that would be yer prez. all he had to do was make4 a phone call. ONE phone call & the NG would have been there, suited up & armed to get the job done. but nooooooooooooooooooooo......................

instead, donny - (after lying to his flying monkeys, that he would 'walk with them to the capital' ) went back to his bunker, to watch it all unfold on TV. how long b4 he even came out to make a request that they all go home now? saying 'they were special & he looooooooved them'?

hours. HOURS.
Jordan runs his yap about public policy but when asked about when he spoke with the orange babboon on Jan.6 it's the ole dodge routine.

"But, but, I thnk so, I can't remember, I talk to him all the time, Yea, that's it, why you asking, I, I forgot what time" blah, blah, blah.

Apparently, wrestling giant Jordan can't check his phone records so Liz Cheney will do it for him.

That's why Jordan's sphincter tightens up whenever he's asked about it.
Jimmy I Don't Wear A Jacket I'm A Regular Guy Just Like You Jordan actually wore one at the hearing yesterday. He must really be uptight about what's coming knowing Liz Cheney is ready to pounce.

The ole sphincter muscle must be getting one hell of a workout.
Whatever makes you feel better.
ummmmmm.... no where in that there article states that nancy pelosi was in charge & denied anything. so your reply is null & void.

but guess who the ultimate 'official' should have...

could have....

but di NOTHING to get the NG in to restore safety & order?

can you guess? huh huh HUH?

that would be yer prez. all he had to do was make4 a phone call. ONE phone call & the NG would have been there, suited up & armed to get the job done. but nooooooooooooooooooooo......................

instead, donny - (after lying to his flying monkeys, that he would 'walk with them to the capital' ) went back to his bunker, to watch it all unfold on TV. how long b4 he even came out to make a request that they all go home now? saying 'they were special & he looooooooved them'?

hours. HOURS.
Trump was too busy playing with himself & jizzing all over his shoes to make the call.

He loved every minute of it as cops were being beaten to within an inch of their life. That's the guy that scum like Traitor McCarthy, Gym Jordan, Deadliest Crotch Greene & Pedo Matt defend.

“They’ve Got Nothing Else to Talk About, This is The Worst Administration In History:”​

Rep Jim Jordan Drops Bomb on Biden and the Sham Jan 6th Commission During Fiery Bannon Contempt Hearing​

21 Oct 2021 ~~ By Julian Conradson
On Wednesday, Republican Reps. Jim Jordan (OH) and Matt Gaetz (FL) joined a hearing at the House Committee on Rules to argue against a resolution by Pelosi’s sham Jan. 6 committee that would hold Steve Bannon in contempt of Congress for defying a congressional subpoena.
The committee wants Steve Bannon to appear so they can harass him for his supposed role in the Left’s crazed “insurrection” fantasy. Meanwhile, the hack committee refuses to acknowledge – let alone investigate – Pelosi’s role in preventing National Guard to protect the US Capitol that day or how 4 Trump supporters died that day — including two women who were killed by Capitol police.
The entire “investigation” is a joke, and Rep. Jordan did his best to point that out to the American public when he got his chance to speak today.

He did not hold back during his testimony, calling the partisan investigation a “complete assault on American’s liberty” that is “scary” because of where Democrats have already proven they are willing to go against their political opponents.
To put the cherry on top, Jordan even cites Reuters reporting on the FBI’s investigation into January 6th that had found “scant evidence of ANY TYPE of coordination” and that any “violence was NOT centrally coordinated.”
What they are investigating then?

Just yesterday, the Jan. 6 Witch Hunt, including dirtbag Liz Cheney and crybaby Adam Kinzinger, voted unanimously to hold the former Trump Chief Strategist in criminal contempt for refusing to join in their political theater.

The question is will the rules committee that is run and controlled by the democrats actually do something to stop the illegal activity against our constitutional rights and protections that the Jan 6 committee is engaged in? I think not because in truth both the democrats and the Rinos really want to dismantle the constitution as written.
I agree with Congressman Jordan, the FBI hasn’t investigated January 6th riot, they orchestrated January 6th.
IMHO, This administration is completely out of hand and is seeking to create a dictatorship.
The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies are the problem in the US today! It's time to rid our country of all domestic terrorist hate groups like ACA, ANTIFA, BLM, BLACK PANTHERS, illegal aliens, KKK, LSCD, MUSLIMS, NAACP, OSF and CPUSA just to name a few, all of which were financed by George Soros and created and funded by the PM/DSA .
The illegitimacy of this administration is the key point. It's performance is the secondary issue.

That’s not “dropping a bomb” it’s whining like a little bitch… something JJ is an expert at

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