Rep. Jayapal Is Not Honest About The Build Back Better Act!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
I just saw an interview by CNN's Erin Burnett of Representative Pramila Jayapal, the head of the Democrat Progressive caucus in the House and it is no wonder Congress is in gridlock considering her views on things. She says that it is the job of Democrat members of Congress to advance the Democrat President agenda and to send to that President's desk the bills the President wants sent to it. I think the American people think your job is to look out for the interests of all the constituents in you district consistent with being considerate to the American people interests as a whole for you are a representative in the "United States" Congress. This Build Back Better Act will cause a lot of harm in America if you don't acknowledge that you are not an honest person, this bill is around 2500 pages and if the American people learned all that is in it they would be adamantly opposed to a lot of its provisions for it will dramatically hurt businesses and thereby dramatically hurt jobs, it is preposterous to believe that if the American people learned all that is in it they would support passage of this bill by seventy percent a prudent assessment would be seventy percent of Americans would not want it passed as is. Representative laments that the Progressive Caucus has already compromised in the process this is a nonsense remark, the Build Back Better Act is a Progressive Democrat "wish list" bill. Progressives in the House should stop acting like immature spoiled children that are not fully getting their way they should stop demanding that negotiations with the moderates start with the 2500 page toxic bill and start from scratch and begin with the policy issues where Progressives and moderates agree. The honest to goodness truth is that ii the Progressive would follow the lead from moderates like Senator Manchin and Senator Sinema by December the Democrats will have a reconciliation bill that will outstandingly help America and will be a great asset to the Democrats as they campaign in 2022 and 2024!
I just saw an interview by CNN's Erin Burnett of Representative Pramila Jayapal, the head of the Democrat Progressive caucus in the House and it is no wonder Congress is in gridlock considering her views on things. She says that it is the job of Democrat members of Congress to advance the Democrat President agenda and to send to that President's desk the bills the President wants sent to it. I think the American people think your job is to look out for the interests of all the constituents in you district consistent with being considerate to the American people interests as a whole for you are a representative in the "United States" Congress. This Build Back Better Act will cause a lot of harm in America if you don't acknowledge that you are not an honest person, this bill is around 2500 pages and if the American people learned all that is in it they would be adamantly opposed to a lot of its provisions for it will dramatically hurt businesses and thereby dramatically hurt jobs, it is preposterous to believe that if the American people learned all that is in it they would support passage of this bill by seventy percent a prudent assessment would be seventy percent of Americans would not want it passed as is. Representative laments that the Progressive Caucus has already compromised in the process this is a nonsense remark, the Build Back Better Act is a Progressive Democrat "wish list" bill. Progressives in the House should stop acting like immature spoiled children that are not fully getting their way they should stop demanding that negotiations with the moderates start with the 2500 page toxic bill and start from scratch and begin with the policy issues where Progressives and moderates agree. The honest to goodness truth is that ii the Progressive would follow the lead from moderates like Senator Manchin and Senator Sinema by December the Democrats will have a reconciliation bill that will outstandingly help America and will be a great asset to the Democrats as they campaign in 2022 and 2024!

Anytime an asshole posts 2k words or more words here they LOSE.
Link your BS or STFU
I just saw an interview by CNN's Erin Burnett of Representative Pramila Jayapal, the head of the Democrat Progressive caucus in the House and it is no wonder Congress is in gridlock considering her views on things. She says that it is the job of Democrat members of Congress to advance the Democrat President agenda and to send to that President's desk the bills the President wants sent to it. I think the American people think your job is to look out for the interests of all the constituents in you district consistent with being considerate to the American people interests as a whole for you are a representative in the "United States" Congress. This Build Back Better Act will cause a lot of harm in America if you don't acknowledge that you are not an honest person, this bill is around 2500 pages and if the American people learned all that is in it they would be adamantly opposed to a lot of its provisions for it will dramatically hurt businesses and thereby dramatically hurt jobs, it is preposterous to believe that if the American people learned all that is in it they would support passage of this bill by seventy percent a prudent assessment would be seventy percent of Americans would not want it passed as is. Representative laments that the Progressive Caucus has already compromised in the process this is a nonsense remark, the Build Back Better Act is a Progressive Democrat "wish list" bill. Progressives in the House should stop acting like immature spoiled children that are not fully getting their way they should stop demanding that negotiations with the moderates start with the 2500 page toxic bill and start from scratch and begin with the policy issues where Progressives and moderates agree. The honest to goodness truth is that ii the Progressive would follow the lead from moderates like Senator Manchin and Senator Sinema by December the Democrats will have a reconciliation bill that will outstandingly help America and will be a great asset to the Democrats as they campaign in 2022 and 2024!
These progressives have destroyed the Democratic party. They are like little children. If they don't get their way they would rather get nothing and let Republicans run the table in 2022 and beyond. If that happens they truly think Americans will then vote Republicans out and Progressives in.
I'd be suspect of any bill, law, whatever written on 2,500 pages. That's a lot of fucking room to hide shit in and a lot of room to really use a lot of language that could easily be "open to interpretation" later.
This is the issue I have with Democrats and Republicans, they don’t think about their constituent and they do not think independently. All they want to do is rubber stamp and shun anyone in their party with new or outside the box thinking. This Congresswomen is wrong, dead wrong, her race, color, religion, doesn’t matter. Her job is to represent her constituents in her area and what is best for them, she owes nothing to the President, the Speaker or anyone else in Congress. She needs to think on her own. Republicans are just as bad.

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