Rent goes up^^^^^

Damaged Eagle

Behind blue eyes
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2015
I have hours, only lonely

The city council where I'm at has had their third reading of the Rental Housing Bill that they've been pushing and now it's in place. So the city will be hiring a inspector to inspect the rental properties to ensure the landlords have 'nice' places they're renting. The landlords fought this bill saying that it's going to drive rent up. However the city council was insistent due to the 'slumlords' that rent property.

My take on this is that it's going to backfire on them. Rent will go up because now a landlord has to register with the city yearly, the inspection costs money, after the inspection the landlord has to fix the problems, etc, etc, etc,... Needless to say some of the low end landlords will simply tear the place down instead of repairing.

I'm not a slumlord however I understand why they exist. They are the last chance for some of the people renting because no other landlord will take them even if that landlord has space available. We all know why. They most likely don't have the rent or the landlord has to chase them down constantly to get the rent and they also have a habit of tearing the apartment up. What's to become of them when there are no slumlords?... ANSWER: They'll be living in a storage unit, under a bridge, in a abandoned home, in a doorway of a back alley, etc, etc, etc,...

Needless to say I have a friend who works part time in law enforcement and I asked him if he was ready for business to increase. He didn't understand because he thought I was talking about his private business. I explained to him that I was talking about his law enforcement business due to the new Rental Housing Bill. He still didn't see the connection until I said something about having to check storage units and other places the homeless stay due to the new bill making it unaffordable for these people to have a apartment. He understood then.

I also suggested that he'd best have his taser charged and his Glock loaded if the city wants him to check on those things because when a person is that down on their luck things happen.

Seems like those in charge don't have any common sense and can't leave well enough alone.


View attachment 425608

The city council where I'm at has had their third reading of the Rental Housing Bill that they've been pushing and now it's in place. So the city will be hiring a inspector to inspect the rental properties to ensure the landlords have 'nice' places they're renting. The landlords fought this bill saying that it's going to drive rent up. However the city council was insistent due to the 'slumlords' that rent property.

My take on this is that it's going to backfire on them. Rent will go up because now a landlord has to register with the city yearly, the inspection costs money, after the inspection the landlord has to fix the problems, etc, etc, etc,... Needless to say some of the low end landlords will simply tear the place down instead of repairing.

I'm not a slumlord however I understand why they exist. They are the last chance for some of the people renting because no other landlord will take them even if that landlord has space available. We all know why. They most likely don't have the rent or the landlord has to chase them down constantly to get the rent and they also have a habit of tearing the apartment up. What's to become of them when there are no slumlords?... ANSWER: They'll be living in a storage unit, under a bridge, in a abandoned home, in a doorway of a back alley, etc, etc, etc,...

Needless to say I have a friend who works part time in law enforcement and I asked him if he was ready for business to increase. He didn't understand because he thought I was talking about his private business. I explained to him that I was talking about his law enforcement business due to the new Rental Housing Bill. He still didn't see the connection until I said something about having to check storage units and other places the homeless stay due to the new bill making it unaffordable for these people to have a apartment. He understood then.

I also suggested that he'd best have his taser charged and his Glock loaded if the city wants him to check on those things because when a person is that down on their luck things happen.

Seems like those in charge don't have any common sense and can't leave well enough alone.



Usually it is the renter who ruins a place. Ever see a place after slobs leave? Usually you're greeted with a fresh steaming pile of defecation at the front door, and it gets worse after.
inspect the rental properties to ensure the landlords have 'nice' places they're renting. The landlords fought this bill saying that it's going to drive rent up. However the city council was insistent due to the 'slumlords' that rent property.
Gentrification in a nutshell. The landlords don't want to spend the capital to improve their properties unless all the other landlords do at the same time, and they can coordinate rent increases to foreclose alternatives for renters who balk at paying increased rent.
Needless to say I have a friend who works part time in law enforcement
No shit. The properties are “nice” but they are not structurally sound, and the building is sold as condominium “units” at free-standing home prices with hefty maintenance and neighborhood association fees to boot.
View attachment 425608

The city council where I'm at has had their third reading of the Rental Housing Bill that they've been pushing and now it's in place. So the city will be hiring a inspector to inspect the rental properties to ensure the landlords have 'nice' places they're renting. The landlords fought this bill saying that it's going to drive rent up. However the city council was insistent due to the 'slumlords' that rent property.

My take on this is that it's going to backfire on them. Rent will go up because now a landlord has to register with the city yearly, the inspection costs money, after the inspection the landlord has to fix the problems, etc, etc, etc,... Needless to say some of the low end landlords will simply tear the place down instead of repairing.

I'm not a slumlord however I understand why they exist. They are the last chance for some of the people renting because no other landlord will take them even if that landlord has space available. We all know why. They most likely don't have the rent or the landlord has to chase them down constantly to get the rent and they also have a habit of tearing the apartment up. What's to become of them when there are no slumlords?... ANSWER: They'll be living in a storage unit, under a bridge, in a abandoned home, in a doorway of a back alley, etc, etc, etc,...

Needless to say I have a friend who works part time in law enforcement and I asked him if he was ready for business to increase. He didn't understand because he thought I was talking about his private business. I explained to him that I was talking about his law enforcement business due to the new Rental Housing Bill. He still didn't see the connection until I said something about having to check storage units and other places the homeless stay due to the new bill making it unaffordable for these people to have a apartment. He understood then.

I also suggested that he'd best have his taser charged and his Glock loaded if the city wants him to check on those things because when a person is that down on their luck things happen.

Seems like those in charge don't have any common sense and can't leave well enough alone.



Usually it is the renter who ruins a place. Ever see a place after slobs leave? Usually you're greeted with a fresh steaming pile of defecation at the front door, and it gets worse after.


Which is the reason slumlords exist.


inspect the rental properties to ensure the landlords have 'nice' places they're renting. The landlords fought this bill saying that it's going to drive rent up. However the city council was insistent due to the 'slumlords' that rent property.
Gentrification in a nutshell. The landlords don't want to spend the capital to improve their properties unless all the other landlords do at the same time, and they can coordinate rent increases to foreclose alternatives for renters who balk at paying increased rent.

Gentrification doesn't put more money in the pocket of the renter to pay that increase.

If a person can barely afford the top end there should be alternatives.

Needless to say I have a friend who works part time in law enforcement
No shit. The properties are “nice” but they are not structurally sound, and the building is sold as condominium “units” at free-standing home prices with hefty maintenance and neighborhood association fees to boot.

I don't understand what you're addressing here considering the statement you're quoting from me only deals with my friend in law enforcement.



Landlords aren't going to bother with the inexpensive properties if they have to jump through these hoops to offer them for lease.

They'll just look to sell the cheap properties, or alternatively, look to gussy them up and rent for big money.

So of course, these new regulations will cause a spike in rents.
Another thing about the Landlord business. If a city or other jurisdiction makes it excessively difficult for you to quickly evict someone from a premises for non-payment of rent, you will be a lot more picky about who you allow to sign a lease. It don't make that much difference with a higher priced rental, but with the cheaper properties you have to demand top credit to make it worthwhile. Otherwise, sell the property or gentrify the place for the yuppie crowd.
View attachment 425608

The city council where I'm at has had their third reading of the Rental Housing Bill that they've been pushing and now it's in place. So the city will be hiring a inspector to inspect the rental properties to ensure the landlords have 'nice' places they're renting. The landlords fought this bill saying that it's going to drive rent up. However the city council was insistent due to the 'slumlords' that rent property.

My take on this is that it's going to backfire on them. Rent will go up because now a landlord has to register with the city yearly, the inspection costs money, after the inspection the landlord has to fix the problems, etc, etc, etc,... Needless to say some of the low end landlords will simply tear the place down instead of repairing.

I'm not a slumlord however I understand why they exist. They are the last chance for some of the people renting because no other landlord will take them even if that landlord has space available. We all know why. They most likely don't have the rent or the landlord has to chase them down constantly to get the rent and they also have a habit of tearing the apartment up. What's to become of them when there are no slumlords?... ANSWER: They'll be living in a storage unit, under a bridge, in a abandoned home, in a doorway of a back alley, etc, etc, etc,...

Needless to say I have a friend who works part time in law enforcement and I asked him if he was ready for business to increase. He didn't understand because he thought I was talking about his private business. I explained to him that I was talking about his law enforcement business due to the new Rental Housing Bill. He still didn't see the connection until I said something about having to check storage units and other places the homeless stay due to the new bill making it unaffordable for these people to have a apartment. He understood then.

I also suggested that he'd best have his taser charged and his Glock loaded if the city wants him to check on those things because when a person is that down on their luck things happen.

Seems like those in charge don't have any common sense and can't leave well enough alone.



I have been in this rental home for five years. I saw it online while in Chicago and rented it. I get down here and I cried. You know the long faucet in the kitchen sink? They had one in the bathroom sink. Like one blade on the ceiling fan in the kitchen. No air conditioning. A small wall heater in the kitchen.

The landlord and his wife were/are elderly. They had not been able to rent the house for some six months. The couple that had lived there before my son and I moved in were meth heads. They had a pig in the home. For real. When they were evicted, the guy put holes in the wall and damaged a lot of crap. These people own some 10 houses in this city.

The house I live in was built in the 1930s and it wasn't taken care of. There were issues with the plumbing when I first moved in. Then there was an issue with the gas line. My son was walking through the house and fell through the floor. The landlord repaired the hole with tile on top of particle board. Then he passed away.

Then there was a hole in the bathroom floor. The landlords wife was in tears. She called someone out to repair the hole and came with him. He got drunk and didn't show back up and she fired him. I was staying in a hotel. She could not find someone that was reliable for a few days. She found a man and a woman that came to the home. The entire floor is going to have to come up as soon as I can get moved out of here. She is the one that realized there was something wrong with the area that the landlord had repaired and discovered it was particle board. Now. He had no fricking idea what the hell he was doing. I do know that he could not find anyone he trusted to do any work and at a certain age he could not do it even if he did know how.

Slumlords are slumlords. I have had a landlord that wanted to rent to a chic that was the girlfriend of a guy that sold coke and heroin. I told him that I didn't have a choice but to move if he did that. He knew who she was.
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inspect the rental properties to ensure the landlords have 'nice' places they're renting. The landlords fought this bill saying that it's going to drive rent up. However the city council was insistent due to the 'slumlords' that rent property.
Gentrification in a nutshell. The landlords don't want to spend the capital to improve their properties unless all the other landlords do at the same time, and they can coordinate rent increases to foreclose alternatives for renters who balk at paying increased rent.
Needless to say I have a friend who works part time in law enforcement
No shit. The properties are “nice” but they are not structurally sound, and the building is sold as condominium “units” at free-standing home prices with hefty maintenance and neighborhood association fees to boot.

If you think it's bad under private ownership....go to Venezuela and see government provided housing if you dare
Gentrification doesn't put more money in the pocket of the renter to pay that increase.
Of course not. It only means that the real estate industry consumes an ever greater share of the total economic output of any given nation.

Housing is a market like any other.
It is controlled by market forces.

If you live in a slum and think you're paying too much.....move
If there's nowhere else available and everywhere is an overpriced slum, get the fuck out of that Democrat city. Which is exactly what millions are doing.
If you live in a slum and think you're paying too much.....move
You're paying for city inspections, building code enforcement, mental health pick-ups, government-mandated “services,” professional window-washing, dry-cleaning, garbage pick-up, water, sewer, electric, gas, all on city-employee union wages.
get the fuck out of that Democrat city. Which is exactly what millions are doing.
The Democrats won't give up the drugs and the legal/medical marijuana. City buildings will always be slums as long as marijuana, heroin, meth, and crack are promoted, compelled, and dealt straight out of city hall in self-ruling cities and municipalities.
View attachment 425608

The city council where I'm at has had their third reading of the Rental Housing Bill that they've been pushing and now it's in place. So the city will be hiring a inspector to inspect the rental properties to ensure the landlords have 'nice' places they're renting. The landlords fought this bill saying that it's going to drive rent up. However the city council was insistent due to the 'slumlords' that rent property.

My take on this is that it's going to backfire on them. Rent will go up because now a landlord has to register with the city yearly, the inspection costs money, after the inspection the landlord has to fix the problems, etc, etc, etc,... Needless to say some of the low end landlords will simply tear the place down instead of repairing.

I'm not a slumlord however I understand why they exist. They are the last chance for some of the people renting because no other landlord will take them even if that landlord has space available. We all know why. They most likely don't have the rent or the landlord has to chase them down constantly to get the rent and they also have a habit of tearing the apartment up. What's to become of them when there are no slumlords?... ANSWER: They'll be living in a storage unit, under a bridge, in a abandoned home, in a doorway of a back alley, etc, etc, etc,...

Needless to say I have a friend who works part time in law enforcement and I asked him if he was ready for business to increase. He didn't understand because he thought I was talking about his private business. I explained to him that I was talking about his law enforcement business due to the new Rental Housing Bill. He still didn't see the connection until I said something about having to check storage units and other places the homeless stay due to the new bill making it unaffordable for these people to have a apartment. He understood then.

I also suggested that he'd best have his taser charged and his Glock loaded if the city wants him to check on those things because when a person is that down on their luck things happen.

Seems like those in charge don't have any common sense and can't leave well enough alone.



The major problem is not that the rent is going up in these low rent properties because of codes enforcement, (because the government for the most part is paying the rent anyways).

It won't be the rent subsidized poor who will feel the pain, but rather it will be the poor hard working class taxpayers who will shoulder the burden of the higher rent charges indirectly, and this is all due to compliance requirements or codes enforcement that the property owner's will then roll over onto the government,cand the government will roll over to we the working class in the form of higher taxes paid out. Now this wouldn't be a problem if Democrats didn't swell these ranks among the dependent poor to unhealthy levels, but we know the deal.

The government is only doing this in order to cover up the tragic blight caused by rent subsidized properties by making the landlord's or slumlord's use the money that is paid to them by government, to otherwise help it (the Democrat led government), to cover up the slackness of the poor people who couldn't give a dam about the property lived in, and is mostly paid for by the government.
If you think it's bad under private ownership....go to Venezuela and see government provided housing if you dare
Look at ANY public housing in the US. Absolute ghettos beneath the standards of Warsaw in the 40's where nazi's crowded jews before sending them to treblinka. There are hundreds of places across the ruins of Detroit, Baltimore, Buffalo, and Atlanta that were destroyed by the tenets within a few years of construction.
If you think it's bad under private ownership....go to Venezuela and see government provided housing if you dare
Look at ANY public housing in the US. Absolute ghettos beneath the standards of Warsaw in the 40's where nazi's crowded jews before sending them to treblinka. There are hundreds of places across the ruins of Detroit, Baltimore, Buffalo, and Atlanta that were destroyed by the tenets within a few years of construction.
It's true, and the government will try to use mine and your money through wealth redistribution programs, and taxes, to cover it all up instead of making the slackers to become better citizen's instead of slack dependents whom feel they are trapped, and will be forever trapped in the circumstances they've put themselves into freely.
Another thing about the Landlord business. If a city or other jurisdiction makes it excessively difficult for you to quickly evict someone from a premises for non-payment of rent, you will be a lot more picky about who you allow to sign a lease. It don't make that much difference with a higher priced rental, but with the cheaper properties you have to demand top credit to make it worthwhile. Otherwise, sell the property or gentrify the place for the yuppie crowd.
UC for simply being unemployed could also help stabilize this market as well.

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