Remove Trump from ballot !


Platinum Member
May 19, 2014
A former chairman of the New Hampshire Republican Party says Donald Trump should not be on the Republican presidential primary ballot on Feb. 9 because the GOP frontrunner has not proven he is a registered Republican and has expressed views “inconsistent” with the state and national party’s platform and by laws.

Fergus Cullen, who chaired the NHGOP in 2007 and 2008, filed a complaint on Monday with the state Ballot Law Commission, which will take up the matter, along with three other complaints focused on other candidates, beginning Tuesday morning.

Awwwwwwwww ...
RINOs want only Jeb the Cuckservative!

A former chairman of the New Hampshire Republican Party says Donald Trump should not be on the Republican presidential primary ballot on Feb. 9 because the GOP frontrunner has not proven he is a registered Republican and has expressed views “inconsistent” with the state and national party’s platform and by laws.

Fergus Cullen, who chaired the NHGOP in 2007 and 2008, filed a complaint on Monday with the state Ballot Law Commission, which will take up the matter, along with three other complaints focused on other candidates, beginning Tuesday morning.

Awwwwwwwww ...

It will be interesting to see if he really is registered as a Republican.

Isn't that just like a Republican East Coaster? :biggrin:
Not much different in views than the Dems.
How dare he have views that are inconsistent.
A former chairman of the New Hampshire Republican Party says Donald Trump should not be on the Republican presidential primary ballot on Feb. 9 because the GOP frontrunner has not proven he is a registered Republican and has expressed views “inconsistent” with the state and national party’s platform and by laws.

Fergus Cullen, who chaired the NHGOP in 2007 and 2008, filed a complaint on Monday with the state Ballot Law Commission, which will take up the matter, along with three other complaints focused on other candidates, beginning Tuesday morning.

Awwwwwwwww ...
The current leaders of the Republican Party have expressed views and have engaged in actions (Paul Ryan's most recent GOP Washington Establishment 'betrayal') 'inconsistent' with state and national party platforms and the wishes/desires of Republican party constituents.

Trump is kicking the Washington Establishment's ass and in another show of contempt for constituents / voters they are trying to eliminate Trump off the ballots so they can put in a toady like Jeb Bush. This is just another reason why the vast Majority of GOP voters should walk away from the GOP, causing it to collapse and disappear. If the people had 1 -2 TRUE Conservatives willing to walk away from the GOP and form a REAL Conservative party this would happen.
Cruz isn't an American (Liberal Birther)
Trump isn't a Republican (Washington Establishment GOP)

Funny how both the Liberals and Republicans, for their own reasons, are trying to take out the leading GOP candidates the polls who can actually beat Hillary - the woman who should not be allowed in the race while under FBI investigation for crimes under the ESPIONAGE act.
Look, liberals have thrown everything at Trump, but the kitchen sink and he's still the frontrunner.

The bottom line is, the garbage that they did in past to cause people to vote for a Rino because "he's the only one electable," isn't working this time.

People have wised up to this nonsense and they are not going to be buffaloed again.

Liberals are getting desperate. Pop your popcorn peeps. This is starting to get good. :party:
A former chairman of the New Hampshire Republican Party says Donald Trump should not be on the Republican presidential primary ballot on Feb. 9 because the GOP frontrunner has not proven he is a registered Republican and has expressed views “inconsistent” with the state and national party’s platform and by laws.

Fergus Cullen, who chaired the NHGOP in 2007 and 2008, filed a complaint on Monday with the state Ballot Law Commission, which will take up the matter, along with three other complaints focused on other candidates, beginning Tuesday morning.

Awwwwwwwww ...
The current leaders of the Republican Party have expressed views and have engaged in actions (Paul Ryan's most recent GOP Washington Establishment 'betrayal') 'inconsistent' with state and national party platforms and the wishes/desires of Republican party constituents.

Trump is kicking the Washington Establishment's ass and in another show of contempt for constituents / voters they are trying to eliminate Trump off the ballots so they can put in a toady like Jeb Bush. This is just another reason why the vast Majority of GOP voters should walk away from the GOP, causing it to collapse and disappear. If the people had 1 -2 TRUE Conservatives willing to walk away from the GOP and form a REAL Conservative party this would happen.

If the elitists (good ole boys club) try to stop Trump you will see that happen.
Trump is NOT a conservative.

The only real conservative IMO is Ted Cruz.

Bush is just another liberal republicrat that will "compromise" with bed wetters and get us to the same end hitlary will, just slower.

Trump has 2 positives that will reduce the democrooks power and that is a policy that will throw illegals out, and balance the budget.

Doing just those 2 things will severely damage the democrook party.

So yeah, if he's the nom I'll support him. I will not support jeb under any circumstance.

Ted Cruz on the other hand will completely cut the claws out of the democrook party.

I have to give Trump credit for one thing he is managing to live rent free in the heads of a lot of people from both the right and the left.

Yep! He knows he can say this out landish stuff and he will be on the far left "news" channels all day, if not all week..

The far left gives him free advertising!
I'll give Trump credit for a lot of things, but being able to run the country ain't one of them.

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