Reminder: Shutdown Started December 22 When GOP Controlled Congress

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While denying trump’s pledged wall that the electorate voted for. The same wall dems supported before trump won on it.
No, Democrats voted for the barriers we have now.
No, democrats wanted a wall. The videos demonstrate this. Google it.
They only oppose now because trump and the voters who elected him want it.
and they got it, 700 miles of it, recently completed of new and repaired fencing, in all the places Border Patrol felt was needed....
Who told you that? So only 1200 more miles to go. Most border patrol reports I’ve seen say more is needed desperately.
Trump has abandoned his campaign promise to build a wall along all nearly 2000 miles. Now he says he wants to build about 700 miles of fences along the most heavily crossed regions — which already have walls or fences.
Who told you that?
No, Democrats voted for the barriers we have now.
No, democrats wanted a wall. The videos demonstrate this. Google it.
They only oppose now because trump and the voters who elected him want it.
and they got it, 700 miles of it, recently completed of new and repaired fencing, in all the places Border Patrol felt was needed....
Who told you that? So only 1200 more miles to go. Most border patrol reports I’ve seen say more is needed desperately.
Trump has abandoned his campaign promise to build a wall along all nearly 2000 miles. Now he says he wants to build about 700 miles of fences along the most heavily crossed regions — which already have walls or fences.
Who told you that?
And it’s continued since the dems took control of the House.
What’s your point?

And they've voted ten times to fund the govt.
While denying trump’s pledged wall that the electorate voted for. The same wall dems supported before trump won on it.
No, Democrats voted for the barriers we have now.
No, democrats wanted a wall. The videos demonstrate this. Google it.
They only oppose now because trump and the voters who elected him want it.
Does the video talk about Democrats wanting a concrete wall?
Much of the American public seems to have forgotten that the government shutdown started on December 22 when Republicans controlled both houses of Congress and Paul Ryan was Speaker of the House. In fact, Rep. Nancy Pelosi had absolutely nothing to do with the initial shutdown, since at the time she only spoke for the Democratic minority in the House of Representatives.

Federal Shutdown Started When GOP Controlled Both Houses of Congress

Has any adult explained the 2/3 Senate majority to you? Or the simple majority vote in the Senate when the house Democraps try to get one of their socialist bills past the Senate? Tough titty, Lib.

Doesn't matter to me. Right now Pelosi is winning, and the Republicans are getting crushed. What you minority of turds on this board think is irrelevant.

Nope. She and Chucky are losing. All they have to do is pony up the money for the wall, a wall they wanted in years past, and the Govt. reopens.

Trump will negotiate but the gruesome twosome won't.

The shut down is on them.
Much of the American public seems to have forgotten that the government shutdown started on December 22 when Republicans controlled both houses of Congress and Paul Ryan was Speaker of the House. In fact, Rep. Nancy Pelosi had absolutely nothing to do with the initial shutdown, since at the time she only spoke for the Democratic minority in the House of Representatives.

Federal Shutdown Started When GOP Controlled Both Houses of Congress

Has any adult explained the 2/3 Senate majority to you? Or the simple majority vote in the Senate when the house Democraps try to get one of their socialist bills past the Senate? Tough titty, Lib.

Doesn't matter to me. Right now Pelosi is winning, and the Republicans are getting crushed. What you minority of turds on this board think is irrelevant.
So, the tide is turning against Pelosi & Co. because the American people are beginning to see that she and Schumer are digging in their heals over something they suppoted not that long ago and the fact that the amounts being discussed is only 0.0125% of the budget.

The fact that you are now desperately trying to fix a timeline prior to the hag taking the speakership is a very significant tell.

But you go on with your bad self and think that it really matters.
So, the tide is turning against Pelosi & Co.

Says who? Your imagination?

Trump voters now blame him for the government shutdown
And it’s continued since the dems took control of the House.
What’s your point?

And they've voted ten times to fund the govt.
While denying trump’s pledged wall that the electorate voted for. The same wall dems supported before trump won on it.

Not the same "wall" at all.

Trump's pledge is irrelevant. It's his responsibility to sell it and garner support. He never did that. Not even with his own party. Only the hostage taker makes demands.
And it’s continued since the dems took control of the House.
What’s your point?

And they've voted ten times to fund the govt.
While denying trump’s pledged wall that the electorate voted for. The same wall dems supported before trump won on it.
No, Democrats voted for the barriers we have now.

Aging, emasculated leftard males like yourself need fresh recruits and whom better than third world, uneducated, poorly skilled illegals? They are like "kissing cousins" to those of your ilk, lil faun.


As opposed to needing to laud the details of dopey conspiracies over others in order to feel some measure of importance in you life?
And they've voted ten times to fund the govt.
While denying trump’s pledged wall that the electorate voted for. The same wall dems supported before trump won on it.
No, Democrats voted for the barriers we have now.
No, democrats wanted a wall. The videos demonstrate this. Google it.
They only oppose now because trump and the voters who elected him want it.
and they got it, 700 miles of it, recently completed of new and repaired fencing, in all the places Border Patrol felt was needed....
Who told you that? So only 1200 more miles to go. Most border patrol reports I’ve seen say more is needed desperately.
Show us the report, and who wrote it.
No, Democrats voted for the barriers we have now.

Aging, emasculated leftard males like yourself need fresh recruits and whom better than third world, uneducated, poorly skilled illegals? They are like "kissing cousins" to those of your ilk, lil faun.

You poor thing, you’re beyond crazy. If I’m an “aging, emasculated male,” that puts you beneath that since I’m younger than you and all you can do is gum at my balls.

Not even a commie faggot could "gum" testicles that have yet to drop, lil faggy faun..........


You think of yourself as a commie faggot? Who knew? :dunno:

Only a commie faggot (you) would want someone to "gum" testicles that have yet to drop. I stand by my contentions that you are most definitely an emasculated, limp-wristed leftard male with sub-standard genitalia.....but don't feel TOO bad....there are millions of males that are not as "endowed" as you are...they are in maternity wards...but you get the gist.

Hitler would have been so proud of your evil hate. Thank God I will never know your kind of evil.
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Much of the American public seems to have forgotten that the government shutdown started on December 22 when Republicans controlled both houses of Congress and Paul Ryan was Speaker of the House. In fact, Rep. Nancy Pelosi had absolutely nothing to do with the initial shutdown, since at the time she only spoke for the Democratic minority in the House of Representatives.

Federal Shutdown Started When GOP Controlled Both Houses of Congress
Reminder:Shutdown started December 22nd when GOP controlled congress and 10 leftists refused to compromise for the safety and security of America!. There fixed it for ya...telling truth isn't you lefties strong point.
Reminder: Republicans and Democrats signed bi-partisan continuing resolution to keep the government open, with Trumps blessings, until Coulter and Limpbaugh said no. That is the only reminder we need. Why? Because it proves the point, that with Trumps blessings it never was about the wall until he got instructions that it would be. And that is why and how Democrats won't settle for anything more than reopening government without the 5.7 billion. They already know it was never about the wall.
Explain to us why the Democrats were all for a WALL when Obutthole was President and then they are against it when Trump was given the mandate to build one?

It's cause your all pissed Hillary didn't win. I hope Trump's presidency makes your insides hurt and you suffer horribly whe RBG dies and Trump pick's his 3rd Justice.

Learn to play nicely in the sandbox.
We've already debated this topic. Democrats were not for a 2000 mile concrete wall. so stop implying Democrats were.
Never said that. Democrats however were for more additional miles than Trump is asking for. That is fact,bud!
Miles of what exactly?
And they've voted ten times to fund the govt.
While denying trump’s pledged wall that the electorate voted for. The same wall dems supported before trump won on it.
No, Democrats voted for the barriers we have now.
No, democrats wanted a wall. The videos demonstrate this. Google it.
They only oppose now because trump and the voters who elected him want it.
and they got it, 700 miles of it, recently completed of new and repaired fencing, in all the places Border Patrol felt was needed....
Who told you that? So only 1200 more miles to go. Most border patrol reports I’ve seen say more is needed desperately.
here is some info on it....

On October 26, 2006, U.S. President George W. Bush signed the Secure Fence Act of 2006 (Pub.L. 109–367) into law stating, "This bill will help protect the American people. This bill will make our borders more secure. It is an important step toward immigration reform."[1]

The bill was introduced on September 13, 2006, by Congressman Peter T. King, Republican of New York. In the House of Representatives, the Fence Act passed 283–138 on September 14, 2006.[2] On September 29, 2006, the Fence Act passed in the Senate 80–19.

The fencing built under the 2006 act was not the first border fencing in the United States. The U.S. Border Patrol first began to erect physical barriers in its San Diego sector in 1990.[3] Fourteen miles of fencing were erected along the border of San Diego, California, and Tijuana, Mexico.[4][5]

In 2006, at the time it was passed, George W. Bush's White House touted the fence as "an important step toward immigration reform."[1] The White House Office of the Press Secretary stated that the Act "Authorizes the construction of hundreds of miles of additional fencing along our Southern border; Authorizes more vehicle barriers, checkpoints, and lighting to help prevent people from entering our country illegally; Authorizes the Department of Homeland Security to increase the use of advanced technology like cameras, satellites, and unmanned aerial vehicles to reinforce our infrastructure at the border."[1]

2007 amendment
The original 2006 act provided for "at least two layers of reinforced fencing" to be built. However, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) successfully argued to Congress "that different border terrains required different types of fencing, that a one-size-fits-all approach across the entire border didn't make sense."[6] An amendment introduced by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, Republican of Texas, was passed, amending the law to read: "nothing in this paragraph shall require the Secretary of Homeland Security to install fencing, physical barriers, roads, lighting, cameras, and sensors in a particular location along an international border of the United States, if the Secretary determines that the use or placement of such resources is not the most appropriate means to achieve and maintain operational control over the international border at such location."[6]

Erection of the fence
By April 2009, DHS had erected about 613 miles (985 km) of new pedestrian fencing and vehicle barriers along the southwest border from California to Texas.[7] Delays frustrated some, such as Senator Jim DeMint, Republican of South Carolina, who in 2010 introduced legislation seeking to require completion of the 700-mile-long, double-layered fence. (DHS had since 2007 begun "to shift its focus to erecting a 'virtual fence' along the 2,000-mile border, using sensors, cameras and other high-tech equipment to prevent illegal crossings".) DeMint's legislation was defeated in a 52–45 Senate vote in 2010.[8]

By May 2011, DHS reported completing 649 miles of fencing (99.5% of the 652 miles planned). The barrier was made up of 299 miles of vehicle barriers and 350 miles of pedestrian fence.[6] The fencing includes a steel fence (varying in height between 18 and 26 feet) that divides the border towns of Nogales, Arizona in the U.S. and Nogales, Sonora in Mexico.[9] A 2016 report by the Government Accountability Office confirmed that the government had completed the fence by 2015.[10] A 2017 GAO report noted: "In addition to the 654 miles of primary fencing, CBP has also deployed additional layers of pedestrian fencing behind the primary border fencing, including 37 miles of secondary fencing and 14 miles of tertiary fencing."[11]

Although the 2006 law authorized construction of a fence, Congress initially did not fully appropriate funds for it (see authorization-appropriation process). "Congress put aside $1.4 billion for the fence, but the whole cost, including maintenance, was pegged at $50 billion over 25 years, according to analyses at the time."[10]

A 2017 GAO report noted: "According to CBP, from fiscal year 2007 through 2015, it spent approximately $2.3 billion to deploy border fencing along the southwest border, and CBP will need to spend a substantial amount to sustain these investments over their lifetimes. CBP did not provide a current life-cycle costs estimate to maintain pedestrian and vehicle fencing, however, in 2009 CBP estimated that maintaining fencing would cost more than $1 billion over 20 years."[12]

Impact and effects
Illegal border-crossings
A report in May 2008 by the Congressional Research Service found "strong indication" that illegal border-crossers had simply found new routes.[13] A 2017 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, citing U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data, found that from fiscal year 2010 through fiscal year 2015, the U.S.-Mexico border fence had been breached 9,287 times, at an average cost of $784 per breach to repair.[14] The same GAO report concluded that "CBP cannot measure the contribution of fencing to border security operations along the southwest border because it has not developed metrics for this assessment."[12] GAO noted that because the government lacked such data, it was unable to assess the effectiveness of border fencing, and therefore could not "identify the cost effectiveness of border fencing compared to other assets the agency deploys, including Border Patrol agents and various surveillance technologies."[15]

The fence is routinely climbed or otherwise circumvented.[9] The GAO reported in 2017 that both pedestrian and vehicle barriers have been defeated by various methods, including using ramps to drive vehicles "up and over" vehicle fencing in the sector; scaling, jumping over, or breaching pedestrian fencing; burrowing or tunneling underground; and even using small aircraft.[16] New York Times op-ed writer Lawrence Downes wrote in 2013: "A climber with a rope can hop it in less than half a minute. ... Smugglers with jackhammers tunnel under it. They throw drugs and rocks over it. The fence is breached not just by sunlight and shadows, but also the hooded gaze of drug-cartel lookouts, and by bullets. Border agents describe their job as an unending battle of wits, a cat-mouse game

MORE HERE: Secure Fence Act of 2006 - Wikipedia
No, democrats wanted a wall. The videos demonstrate this. Google it.
They only oppose now because trump and the voters who elected him want it.
and they got it, 700 miles of it, recently completed of new and repaired fencing, in all the places Border Patrol felt was needed....
Who told you that? So only 1200 more miles to go. Most border patrol reports I’ve seen say more is needed desperately.
Trump has abandoned his campaign promise to build a wall along all nearly 2000 miles. Now he says he wants to build about 700 miles of fences along the most heavily crossed regions — which already have walls or fences.
Who told you that?
And it’s continued since the dems took control of the House.
What’s your point?

And they've voted ten times to fund the govt.
While denying trump’s pledged wall that the electorate voted for. The same wall dems supported before trump won on it.
No, Democrats voted for the barriers we have now.
No, democrats wanted a wall. The videos demonstrate this. Google it.
They only oppose now because trump and the voters who elected him want it.
Does the video talk about Democrats wanting a concrete wall?
That’s as dishonest as the democrats gov-shutdown reasons.
And it’s continued since the dems took control of the House.
What’s your point?

And they've voted ten times to fund the govt.
While denying trump’s pledged wall that the electorate voted for. The same wall dems supported before trump won on it.

Not the same "wall" at all.

Trump's pledge is irrelevant. It's his responsibility to sell it and garner support. He never did that. Not even with his own party. Only the hostage taker makes demands.
He was elected by the people for that reason. You’re saying the vote is irrelevant. That’s always the case for dems when they lose elections. Try to make the vote irrelevant.
While denying trump’s pledged wall that the electorate voted for. The same wall dems supported before trump won on it.
No, Democrats voted for the barriers we have now.
No, democrats wanted a wall. The videos demonstrate this. Google it.
They only oppose now because trump and the voters who elected him want it.
and they got it, 700 miles of it, recently completed of new and repaired fencing, in all the places Border Patrol felt was needed....
Who told you that? So only 1200 more miles to go. Most border patrol reports I’ve seen say more is needed desperately.
Show us the report, and who wrote it.
Google Mark Morgan, for starters.
While denying trump’s pledged wall that the electorate voted for. The same wall dems supported before trump won on it.
No, Democrats voted for the barriers we have now.
No, democrats wanted a wall. The videos demonstrate this. Google it.
They only oppose now because trump and the voters who elected him want it.
and they got it, 700 miles of it, recently completed of new and repaired fencing, in all the places Border Patrol felt was needed....
Who told you that? So only 1200 more miles to go. Most border patrol reports I’ve seen say more is needed desperately.
here is some info on it....

On October 26, 2006, U.S. President George W. Bush signed the Secure Fence Act of 2006 (Pub.L. 109–367) into law stating, "This bill will help protect the American people. This bill will make our borders more secure. It is an important step toward immigration reform."[1]

The bill was introduced on September 13, 2006, by Congressman Peter T. King, Republican of New York. In the House of Representatives, the Fence Act passed 283–138 on September 14, 2006.[2] On September 29, 2006, the Fence Act passed in the Senate 80–19.

The fencing built under the 2006 act was not the first border fencing in the United States. The U.S. Border Patrol first began to erect physical barriers in its San Diego sector in 1990.[3] Fourteen miles of fencing were erected along the border of San Diego, California, and Tijuana, Mexico.[4][5]

In 2006, at the time it was passed, George W. Bush's White House touted the fence as "an important step toward immigration reform."[1] The White House Office of the Press Secretary stated that the Act "Authorizes the construction of hundreds of miles of additional fencing along our Southern border; Authorizes more vehicle barriers, checkpoints, and lighting to help prevent people from entering our country illegally; Authorizes the Department of Homeland Security to increase the use of advanced technology like cameras, satellites, and unmanned aerial vehicles to reinforce our infrastructure at the border."[1]

2007 amendment
The original 2006 act provided for "at least two layers of reinforced fencing" to be built. However, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) successfully argued to Congress "that different border terrains required different types of fencing, that a one-size-fits-all approach across the entire border didn't make sense."[6] An amendment introduced by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, Republican of Texas, was passed, amending the law to read: "nothing in this paragraph shall require the Secretary of Homeland Security to install fencing, physical barriers, roads, lighting, cameras, and sensors in a particular location along an international border of the United States, if the Secretary determines that the use or placement of such resources is not the most appropriate means to achieve and maintain operational control over the international border at such location."[6]

Erection of the fence
By April 2009, DHS had erected about 613 miles (985 km) of new pedestrian fencing and vehicle barriers along the southwest border from California to Texas.[7] Delays frustrated some, such as Senator Jim DeMint, Republican of South Carolina, who in 2010 introduced legislation seeking to require completion of the 700-mile-long, double-layered fence. (DHS had since 2007 begun "to shift its focus to erecting a 'virtual fence' along the 2,000-mile border, using sensors, cameras and other high-tech equipment to prevent illegal crossings".) DeMint's legislation was defeated in a 52–45 Senate vote in 2010.[8]

By May 2011, DHS reported completing 649 miles of fencing (99.5% of the 652 miles planned). The barrier was made up of 299 miles of vehicle barriers and 350 miles of pedestrian fence.[6] The fencing includes a steel fence (varying in height between 18 and 26 feet) that divides the border towns of Nogales, Arizona in the U.S. and Nogales, Sonora in Mexico.[9] A 2016 report by the Government Accountability Office confirmed that the government had completed the fence by 2015.[10] A 2017 GAO report noted: "In addition to the 654 miles of primary fencing, CBP has also deployed additional layers of pedestrian fencing behind the primary border fencing, including 37 miles of secondary fencing and 14 miles of tertiary fencing."[11]

Although the 2006 law authorized construction of a fence, Congress initially did not fully appropriate funds for it (see authorization-appropriation process). "Congress put aside $1.4 billion for the fence, but the whole cost, including maintenance, was pegged at $50 billion over 25 years, according to analyses at the time."[10]

A 2017 GAO report noted: "According to CBP, from fiscal year 2007 through 2015, it spent approximately $2.3 billion to deploy border fencing along the southwest border, and CBP will need to spend a substantial amount to sustain these investments over their lifetimes. CBP did not provide a current life-cycle costs estimate to maintain pedestrian and vehicle fencing, however, in 2009 CBP estimated that maintaining fencing would cost more than $1 billion over 20 years."[12]

Impact and effects
Illegal border-crossings
A report in May 2008 by the Congressional Research Service found "strong indication" that illegal border-crossers had simply found new routes.[13] A 2017 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, citing U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data, found that from fiscal year 2010 through fiscal year 2015, the U.S.-Mexico border fence had been breached 9,287 times, at an average cost of $784 per breach to repair.[14] The same GAO report concluded that "CBP cannot measure the contribution of fencing to border security operations along the southwest border because it has not developed metrics for this assessment."[12] GAO noted that because the government lacked such data, it was unable to assess the effectiveness of border fencing, and therefore could not "identify the cost effectiveness of border fencing compared to other assets the agency deploys, including Border Patrol agents and various surveillance technologies."[15]

The fence is routinely climbed or otherwise circumvented.[9] The GAO reported in 2017 that both pedestrian and vehicle barriers have been defeated by various methods, including using ramps to drive vehicles "up and over" vehicle fencing in the sector; scaling, jumping over, or breaching pedestrian fencing; burrowing or tunneling underground; and even using small aircraft.[16] New York Times op-ed writer Lawrence Downes wrote in 2013: "A climber with a rope can hop it in less than half a minute. ... Smugglers with jackhammers tunnel under it. They throw drugs and rocks over it. The fence is breached not just by sunlight and shadows, but also the hooded gaze of drug-cartel lookouts, and by bullets. Border agents describe their job as an unending battle of wits, a cat-mouse game

MORE HERE: Secure Fence Act of 2006 - Wikipedia
All that does is support the need for an expanded barrier.
And it’s continued since the dems took control of the House.
What’s your point?

And they've voted ten times to fund the govt.
While denying trump’s pledged wall that the electorate voted for. The same wall dems supported before trump won on it.

Not the same "wall" at all.

Trump's pledge is irrelevant. It's his responsibility to sell it and garner support. He never did that. Not even with his own party. Only the hostage taker makes demands.
He was elected by the people for that reason. You’re saying the vote is irrelevant. That’s always the case for dems when they lose elections. Try to make the vote irrelevant.
He said he would make Mexico pay for the wall and the next thing you know he's shutting down the govt. for money from US taxpayers to pay for the wall..
And it’s continued since the dems took control of the House.
What’s your point?

And they've voted ten times to fund the govt.
While denying trump’s pledged wall that the electorate voted for. The same wall dems supported before trump won on it.

Not the same "wall" at all.

Trump's pledge is irrelevant. It's his responsibility to sell it and garner support. He never did that. Not even with his own party. Only the hostage taker makes demands.
He was elected by the people for that reason. You’re saying the vote is irrelevant. That’s always the case for dems when they lose elections. Try to make the vote irrelevant.

It's the president's responsibility to make his promises a reality. He's not done that. He has no more support for a wall now then he did on day one. Two years with a majority and it failed with Republicans every time.
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