Remind us again how the dems will compromise?

Democrats stiffen spine against trimming benefits - Yahoo! News

Remind me again how compromise just means the republicans give in.

Why should they, the polls already show the ignorant sheep American Public Will blame the GOP if we go over the Cliff. The Dems have a green light to not bend and inch, and blame the other side when we fall in.

I have lost all faith in the American people. They are either to stupid, or to busy in their own lives to pay attention, for us to ever get this country back now. The Big Government, Nanny state crowd has won the war.
If the Republican House actively reports to the people the failure of the Dems to compromise every single time it happens, then things will change, Further 53 percent said they would blame the republicans, guess what that is only 3 percent more then voted for Obama. That poll is useless.
Democrats stiffen spine against trimming benefits - Yahoo! News

Remind me again how compromise just means the republicans give in.

Why should they, the polls already show the ignorant sheep American Public Will blame the GOP if we go over the Cliff. The Dems have a green light to not bend and inch, and blame the other side when we fall in.

I have lost all faith in the American people. They are either to stupid, or to busy in their own lives to pay attention, for us to ever get this country back now. The Big Government, Nanny state crowd has won the war.

Well it's for sure they deserve what they get! No sympathy from me.
Democrats stiffen spine against trimming benefits - Yahoo! News

Remind me again how compromise just means the republicans give in.

We already compromised....

Mandatory health insurance was a Republican idea. We would have preferred a public option.

Cap and trade was a Republican idea.

A lot of Dems don't want SS or Medicare cut. They will be.

And raising taxes on the rich was Reagan's idea....

There was, in fact, only one time that capital gains were taxed at the same rates that were paid by people who earned their money by working. That was during the years 1988 to 1990, as a result of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 — a law championed by President Ronald Reagan.

" We're going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share. In theory some of those loophole were understandable, but in practice, they sometimes made it possible for millionaires to pay nothing." ~ Ronald Reagan.
If the Republican House actively reports to the people the failure of the Dems to compromise every single time it happens, then things will change, Further 53 percent said they would blame the republicans, guess what that is only 3 percent more then voted for Obama. That poll is useless.

With the complicit help of the mainstream media, the democrats will lay all of the blame for any economic downturn in 2013 or later on the republicans. Book it. I think most Americans will believe it, even though it won't be true.
why would you cut things that matter to the vast majority of this society before you make the top 1% kick in?

because history has shown that the tax increases come and the cuts never do, just like the border never gets closed.

that's not true at all, willow. what history has shown is cutting taxes for the top 1% does nothing but enrich the top 1% Top Rates.pdf

and for the record, i have no problem with shared sacrifice. but i'll be damned if i'm going to watch them cut funds to my son's schools, take away student loans, and drive the middle class into the ground so someone earning over a million a year can save 4%... because, really, that's what we're talking about.

All we've heard for years has been the Bush tax cuts were for the rich, so what is the problem with letting them all expire?
If the Republican House actively reports to the people the failure of the Dems to compromise every single time it happens, then things will change, Further 53 percent said they would blame the republicans, guess what that is only 3 percent more then voted for Obama. That poll is useless.

With the complicit help of the mainstream media, the democrats will lay all of the blame for any economic downturn in 2013 or later on the republicans. Book it. I think most Americans will believe it, even though it won't be true.

Of course it'll be true. Their caucus prides itself on being full of hardliners. It's not some secret or some fabrication of the media, they're quite open about it.
I agree, since part of the reason for the Great Recession was the overwhelming greed for living today on tomorrow's payment exhibited by almost all Americans, including the poor.

because history has shown that the tax increases come and the cuts never do, just like the border never gets closed.

that's not true at all, willow. what history has shown is cutting taxes for the top 1% does nothing but enrich the top 1% Top Rates.pdf

and for the record, i have no problem with shared sacrifice. but i'll be damned if i'm going to watch them cut funds to my son's schools, take away student loans, and drive the middle class into the ground so someone earning over a million a year can save 4%... because, really, that's what we're talking about.

All we've heard for years has been the Bush tax cuts were for the rich, so what is the problem with letting them all expire?
it's always amusing seeing the extremists who call anyone who doesn't toe the rightwingnut line RINO's complain about a lack of compromise.

good gawd's amusing YOU calling others extremist and nuts

that post of your is off the charts, where most of them have been lately..

and YOU have never been for any compromise so don't pretend you were

you all were thrilled when Your dear leader steamrolled over everyone with ObamaCare..
it's always amusing seeing the extremists who call anyone who doesn't toe the rightwingnut line RINO's complain about a lack of compromise.

good gawd's amusing YOU calling others extremist and nuts

that post of your is off the charts, where most of them have been lately..

and YOU have never been for any compromise so don't pretend you were

you all were thrilled when Your dear leader steamrolled over everyone with ObamaCare..

actually, steffie, if you'd take your head out of your nasty butt, you'd know your're just so deluded that you don't reside in the same reality as normal people.
Something tells me that compromise doesn't have the same meaning for both RGS and me. Obama won and is implementing his agenda into any negotiations. The Repub House either needs to work with him or risk losing 2014.
Thankfully just by Obama winning it doesn't give him a green light to just DO ANYTHING he wishes..

The people put the Republicans back in the house for A REASON.

and lets pray they stop this Socialist dreaming idiot from transforming our country even further

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