Remembering Republican Statements


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2008
Now that the GOP has been deposed, it might be a good time to remember statements and positions they made/took while they controlled all three branches of the government.

Remember how the Repubs always reminded the country that Dems were "out of the mainstream"? Well the shoe is on the other foot now, the Repubs are the ones who are out of step with the American people, they are the ones who are "out of the mainstream".

Remember when the Repubs in the Senate were talking about doing away with the right of the minority party to fillibuster? This became known as the "Nuclear Option" and all the usual suspects were in favor of it. All we heard from the Limbaughs and the Hannitys of the world was "up or down vote". Well I wonder if they still think that the minority should have their right to dissent stripped away by the majority?

There were a number of arrogant statements coming from the radical right but this one from Limbaugh pretty much sums it up, "Just shut up and go away until you win an election". Do you suppose we will not be hearing from Rush before the 2010 mid-terms?
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Now that the GOP has been deposed, it might be a good time to remember statements and positions they made/took while they controlled all three branches of the government.

Remember how the Repubs always reminded the country that Dems were "out of the mainstream"? Well the shoe is on the other foot now, the Repubs are the ones who are out of step with the American people, they are the ones who are "out of the mainstream".

Remember when the Repubs in the Senate were talking about doing away with the right of the minority party to fillibuster? This became known as the "Nuclear Option" and all the usual suspects were in favor of it. All we heard from the Limbaughs and the Hannitys of the world was "up or down vote". Well I wonder if they still think that the minority should have their right to dissent stripped away by the majority?

There were a number of arrogant statements coming from the radical right but this one from Limbaugh pretty much sums it up, "Just shut up and go away until you win an election". Do you suppose we will not be hearing from Rush before the 2010 mid-terms?

Wow. How more obvious an attempt at deflection can there be? Guess you've set the MO for YOUR agenda for the next 4 years, huh?
Wow. How more obvious an attempt at deflection can there be? Guess you've set the MO for YOUR agenda for the next 4 years, huh?

Certainly is. Funny thing after reading this all I could think of was "Obama's recession/depression." :eusa_angel:
Do you ever think to yourself that liberals aka moonbats, aka libtards argue just for the sake of hearing themselves argue? :cuckoo::lol::lol::lol:
Wow. How more obvious an attempt at deflection can there be? Guess you've set the MO for YOUR agenda for the next 4 years, huh?

Talk about obfuscation! How about an answer on point? Should we do away with the right of fillibuster in the Senate? Should Repubs "shut up and go away until they win an election"? Do you really believe that the Repubs are in the mainstream?
Talk about obfuscation! How about an answer on point? Should we do away with the right of fillibuster in the Senate? Should Repubs "shut up and go away until they win an election"? Do you really believe that the Repubs are in the mainstream?

Do you really believe that the Repubs are in the mainstream?
I guess thats a matter of opinion...but I do remember them R's saying the Dims were not in the mainstream....and thats two completely different ideas isn't it?

I sure remember Dem statements of the past, don't you?

Like...."There isno doubt that Saddam Hussein has invigorated his weapons programs. Reports indicate that biological, chemical and nuclear programs continue apace and may be back to pre-Gulf War status. In addition, Saddam continues to redefine delivery systems and is doubtless using the cover of a licit missile program to develop longer-range missiles that will threaten the United States and our allies." Letter to President Bush, Signed by Sen. Bob Graham (D, FL,) and others, December 5, 2001

Remember that one....2001.....?

How about...."We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country." Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002

That one is pretty memorable.....VP Al Gore...

I could go on but you probably don't get the point anyway...hopefully some others might.....
Now that the GOP has been deposed, it might be a good time to remember statements and positions they made/took while they controlled all three branches of the government.

Remember how the Repubs always reminded the country that Dems were "out of the mainstream"? Well the shoe is on the other foot now, the Repubs are the ones who are out of step with the American people, they are the ones who are "out of the mainstream".
Uh - no. The country is still overwhelmingly center-right. They just got bamboozled by a smooth talker at a time of economic stress when the incumbant presidential party got blamed for something perpetrated by the Democrats.

Remember when the Repubs in the Senate were talking about doing away with the right of the minority party to fillibuster? This became known as the "Nuclear Option" and all the usual suspects were in favor of it. All we heard from the Limbaughs and the Hannitys of the world was "up or down vote". Well I wonder if they still think that the minority should have their right to dissent stripped away by the majority?
I also remember them saying that what goes around comes around.

There were a number of arrogant statements coming from the radical right but this one from Limbaugh pretty much sums it up, "Just shut up and go away until you win an election". Do you suppose we will not be hearing from Rush before the 2010 mid-terms?
When a liberal quotes Rush Limbaugh you can always be sure it is out of context. He was telling them to shut up about setting liberal standards for Supreme Court nominees.
Well you have had the house and senate for two years and now you have it all. We are all waiting to be saved and inducted into the mainstream.
I am hoping with all hope that the Dems do not become the power mongers that the repubs became when they "ruled all." I am hoping with all hope that the Pelosi's and Reed's on Congress don't run with a vengence over those in the other isle, during this period of unbridled power.

But I am as realistic as anyone and realize that they may very well do just that. In which case I may find myself doing a 180 in two years and vote red. Obama and the Dems need to "govern from the middle." Simple as that...
I am hoping with all hope that the Dems do not become the power mongers that the repubs became when they "ruled all." I am hoping with all hope that the Pelosi's and Reed's on Congress don't run with a vengence over those in the other isle, during this period of unbridled power.

But I am as realistic as anyone and realize that they may very well do just that. In which case I may find myself doing a 180 in two years and vote red. Obama and the Dems need to "govern from the middle." Simple as that...
uh, what world are you living in
the bullshit from the dems for the last EIGHT fucking years shows they were about NOTHING BUT POWER
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Uh - no. The country is still overwhelmingly center-right. They just got bamboozled by a smooth talker at a time of economic stress when the incumbant presidential party got blamed for something perpetrated by the Democrats.

If by "got blamed for something perpetrated by the Democrats" you mean "the economic crisis," this is not a serious comment and should be ignored.
Certainly is. Funny thing after reading this all I could think of was "Obama's recession/depression." :eusa_angel:

Which might be one of the stupider things that the right is saying given that the repubs had congress and the presidency all to themselves and Obama isn't in office yet.

So I hope you're kidding and making fun of it like it deserves... cause I think it's pretty sad.
Talk about obfuscation! How about an answer on point? Should we do away with the right of fillibuster in the Senate? Should Repubs "shut up and go away until they win an election"? Do you really believe that the Repubs are in the mainstream?

Why would I believe in doing away with "filibuster in the Senate"? Do YOU believe in tossing the Constitution out the window whenever it suits YOU?

Define "mainstream." Seems te me it's a matter of perception. It also seems to me neither liberals nor conservatives have a clear advantage.

I don't think Republicans or Democrats alone represent anything but their respective political parties.

All of which has NOTHING to do with you wanting to beat a dead horse. From the second Bush was elected the first words out of every libnut's mouth when the name "Clinton" was mentioned was "it's irrelevant ... he isn't president anymore."

Practice what you preach because each and every time I see bullshit like this I'm calling it, and I'm calling the person who posted the swill a hypocrite.
If by "got blamed for something perpetrated by the Democrats" you mean "the economic crisis," this is not a serious comment and should be ignored.
The CRA is a Democrat created monster and directly led to this financial crsis. They refused to allow further oversight of Freddie and Fannie out of committees which may have prevented or at least greatly lessoned the financial meltdown.

If Republicans are at fault why are the Democrats not investigating any Republicans? :confused:
Which might be one of the stupider things that the right is saying given that the repubs had congress and the presidency all to themselves and Obama isn't in office yet.

So I hope you're kidding and making fun of it like it deserves... cause I think it's pretty sad.

Nothing stupid about it. One, you lefties have been trying to blame something far bigger and older than the Bush Administration on him. Turnabouts fair play.

And two, if Obama's giving orders and he and Congress are acting like the Bush Administration no longer exists, then dump the "he isn't in office yet" double standard. You get one or the other, not both.
Nothing stupid about it. One, you lefties have been trying to blame something far bigger and older than the Bush Administration on him. Turnabouts fair play.

And two, if Obama's giving orders and he and Congress are acting like the Bush Administration no longer exists, then dump the "he isn't in office yet" double standard. You get one or the other, not both.

What on earth are you talking about? Bush took over with a surplus and a strong economy that he pissed away.

So what turnabout? Lies??? Cool... destroy your credibility so you can be spiteful. It isn't our fault that you voted for an incompetant who ran the economy into the ground .... TWICE.

I'm still wondering how Obama caused Bush's recession... amusing. Irrational, but amusing.

As for Obama's actions.... since your dude seems to have abdicated responsibility other than passing a lot of disgusting regs before he leaves office to screw the new administration.... then it probably is up to Obama to show people that at least the smart people will take over come January rather than let the economy tank even more because of right wing incompetence.
What on earth are you talking about? Bush took over with a surplus and a strong economy that he pissed away.

So what turnabout? Lies??? Cool... destroy your credibility so you can be spiteful. It isn't our fault that you voted for an incompetant who ran the economy into the ground .... TWICE.

I'm still wondering how Obama caused Bush's recession... amusing. Irrational, but amusing.

As for Obama's actions.... since your dude seems to have abdicated responsibility other than passing a lot of disgusting regs before he leaves office to screw the new administration.... then it probably is up to Obama to show people that at least the smart people will take over come January rather than let the economy tank even more because of right wing incompetence.
that "surplus" was a MYTH

so, how did Bush cause the one that started while Clinton was in office?
yet he was blamed for it

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