Remember When Three of Obama's Former Secretaries of Defense Blasted Him?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Remember When Three of Obama's Former Secretaries of Defense Blasted Him?
Did you enjoy all that time between the announcement of Secretary of Defense James Mattis’s resignation and the Democrats’ politicization of it? I believe it was about five seconds. The news is certainly disappointing. Thanks to the leadership of President Trump and Secretary Mattis, tremendous progress has been made in cleaning up the mess left behind by Barack Obama—most notably against ISIS. In fact, the success in “defeating” ISIS was cited as Trump’s reason for announcing the United States’ withdrawal from Syria. Given Obama’s fumble with Iraq—his premature departure creating a leadership vacuum that ultimately caused the rise of ISIS—I’m not yet convinced that leaving Syria is the best move.... Let’s be honest here: The departure of a secretary of defense over foreign policy and military strategy differences is hardly a new thing. Obama’s first secretary of defense, Robert Gates, resigned without incident in 2011, but would later criticize Obama’s role as commander in chief in his memoir published a few years later. It revealed a troubled relationship between Obama and the Pentagon:
Gates – who was first appointed to his post by former President George W Bush – reveals, in a series of swipes that are surprisingly combative coming from such a senior former official, problems between the White House and the Pentagon that have made for troubling relations...
Trump is making his decisions based on advice from other generals who believe these moves are the right thing to do. Obama spent years politicizing the military at the cost of readiness, effectiveness, and victory. Mattis’s shoes will be tough to fill, but hopefully, Trump will nominate someone who will have as much success with him as Mattis did.

The Progressive Marxist left always forgets (how convenient!) what they said yesterday, or even 5 minutes ago. You are not supposed to remind them, they get very upset when anyone displays their arrogant ignorance!
Obama's military "Strategies" were incoherent and weak. They started from no logical basis, dithered around aimlessly, had no end goal; just a lot of blather, smoke and mirrors. A perfect metaphor for the man.
Why did Obama put our military into Syria in the first place, Oil, Nat gas, was Assad is an ally of the USA, was it Assad's use of chemical weapons against his own citizens a good reason to mix it up with Syria? Nope, the reason why Obama interfered was to help topple Assad. Why? Because Assad is a secular leader. Obama, Hillary and Kerry all had their marching orders from the global cabal. Bring down secular leaders, especially those in the Middle East. That 'order' would be widened to include ALL secular leaders, including the whole effing world, in preparations for the NWO.
Obama targeted Egypt first, then Libya in an attempt to get the Muslim Brotherhood installed replacing Mubarek. He succeeded installing the MB into Egypt's seat of power, but the people couldn't stand them and promptly revolted and tossed them out.
He did however assassinated Ghadaffy, then ceasing his weapons and shipping them to Syria to supply his CIA trained ISIS/ISIL terrorists.
Had Obama followed his marching orders, and stuck with the script he was given, George Soros would be quite proud of his Manchurian Candidate/sock puppets. He almost broke America.
Obama klingons continue to venerate him as their messiah that was to "Fundamentally Transform America" and the world. Instead he created more racial strife and nearly destroyed our economy and military. He certainly relit the flames of war in the Middle East.
Meanwhile the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left continues it's failed attempts in a coups d'état against our duly elected president. Strangely if any of the sixteen GOP candidates for the presidency had been chosen other than Trump, we would still be fighting the same battle. It's not about Trump. It's about the PMS/DSA and power.

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