Remember when Hillary told this lie?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
When she used her daughter for 911 sympathy she claimed her daughter was in such proximity of the towers when she was jogging that her life was in a bit of danger?

In a March 25 column published on and, syndicated columnist and Fox News contributor Dick Morris and his wife, Eileen McGann, wrote of Sen. Hillary Clinton: "Interviewed on the 'Today' show one week after 9/11, she spun an elaborate yarn. The kindest thing we could say was that it was a fantasy. Or a fabrication." Morris and McGann then falsely asserted that Hillary Clinton "said that Chelsea [Clinton] was jogging around the World Trade Center on 9/11 and happened to duck into a coffee shop when the airplanes hit. She said that this move saved Chelsea's life." In fact, on the September 18, 2001, edition of NBC's Today, Clinton said that her daughter had "gone, what she thought would be just a great jog. She was going to go down to Battery Park, she was going to go around the towers. She went to get a cup of coffee and -- and that's when the plane hit."

From the September 18, 2001, edition of Today (according to the LexisNexis transcript):

KATIE COURIC (co-host): Since being elected to office, New York's junior senator, Hillary Rodham Clinton, managed to keep a relatively low profile until terror struck in lower Manhattan. At that moment, she was not just a senator, but a concerned parent. She recently sat down with "Dateline NBC's" Jane Pauley to talk about that morning.

PAULEY: Tuesday morning, Senator Hillary Clinton's first thought when the second plane hit was terrorists. Her next thought was Chelsea, who was not only in New York, but staying downtown.

CLINTON: She'd gone, what she thought would be just a great jog. She was going to go down to Battery Park, she was going to go around the towers. She went to get a cup of coffee and -- and that's when the plane hit.

PAULEY: She was close enough to hear the rumble.

CLINTON: She did hear it.

PAULEY: And to see the smoke in person, not on television.

CLINTON: No. Of course, Bill was in Australia. And, you know, he was so upset by what he was seeing on television that I didn't want to tell him that I couldn't find her until I found her. I told him that, you know, everything's fine, don't worry. But I couldn't do it with the level of assurance that I needed until I could find her a couple of hours later.

A November 9, 2001, UPI article about a piece Chelsea Clinton wrote in Talk magazine corroborates Hillary Clinton's claim that Chelsea did, in fact, leave her apartment to have coffee the morning of the September 11, 2001, attacks:

When the World Trade Center collapsed on Sept. 11, I was 12 blocks away, (and) nothing has been the same since," Clinton wrote in the December/January issue of Talk magazine, on sale Friday in New York.

I did the research years ago; and I know that the OP is correct. I feel no inclination to prove it to a well know defier of truth.
The OP says there was a lie involved, but it's hardly obvious what constitutes the lie from the story. Help me out here. Chelsea was in the area. Where's the lie?
I did the research years ago; and I know that the OP is correct. I feel no inclination to prove it to a well know defier of truth.
The OP says there was a lie involved, but it's hardly obvious what constitutes the lie from the story. Help me out here. Chelsea was in the area. Where's the lie?

I didn't read the OP, tbh. I read about the lie in books long ago. Basically, Hillary said she was worried about Chelsea on 911 even though she was nowhere near the vicinity of the WTC. Now, I told you the basics; but you could care less what the truth is as I said; and I ain't gonna go a diggin' for you.
I didn't read the OP, tbh. I read about the lie in books long ago. Basically, Hillary said she was worried about Chelsea on 911 even though she was nowhere near the vicinity of the WTC. Now, I told you the basics; but you could care less what the truth is as I said; and I ain't gonna go a diggin' for you.
The OP said she WAS in the area, so perhaps you should read before commenting and don't presume what I care about. You and the OP are making the contention, so it's up to you to "do the diggin'". Philosophic burden of proof - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
i had never heard about this Until reading another thread). i think there may be a pattern here for hillary. if she was brian williams she'd be at msnbc. under olberman and ed shultz. heh.
If she isn't charged!

If she isn't indicted!

If she isn't convicted!

If she isn't imprisoned!

Our country is lost!

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