Remember when America was "American"? Did politicians F*Ck this up?

just some info on 'columba bush' , wife of 'jebito bush' --- --- Columba Bush, Jeb’s Wife: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know ---
------------------------------------------------------ and the daughter is also a real winner , maybe i will get some info for you . Plus 'jebitos' kid ' jorge' is already on the taxpayer paid dole . I think that he is Texas Land Commissioner . As 'jesse jackson' says , stay away from the 'bushs' Rodishi and Toro .
Before you whack-jobs lose your mind....Let me rob the words from your mouth and say, by American I don't mean WHITE.
Remember standing in line somewhere and conversing with likeminded strangers who spoke your same language?
Remember continuously making new friends through these random conversations?
Remember sending your kids to schools full of likeminded kids?
Remember smiling and waving to strangers?
Remember when family values, church and God were important to most Americans?
Remember when foreigners came to America to become truly AMERICAN-ized?

Politicians and Bureaucrats everywhere fight to preserve almost everything but what may matter most in the end. How did they fuck it all up and allow things to become so twisted?

Tell us when, exactly, America was American.
Before you whack-jobs lose your mind....Let me rob the words from your mouth and say, by American I don't mean WHITE.
Remember standing in line somewhere and conversing with likeminded strangers who spoke your same language?
Remember continuously making new friends through these random conversations?
Remember sending your kids to schools full of likeminded kids?
Remember smiling and waving to strangers?
Remember when family values, church and God were important to most Americans?
Remember when foreigners came to America to become truly AMERICAN-ized?

Politicians and Bureaucrats everywhere fight to preserve almost everything but what may matter most in the end. How did they fuck it all up and allow things to become so twisted?

Tell us when, exactly, America was American.

Well, I was born and raised in SoCal so for me it was approximately 15 million wetbacks ago.
Before you whack-jobs lose your mind....Let me rob the words from your mouth and say, by American I don't mean WHITE.
Remember standing in line somewhere and conversing with likeminded strangers who spoke your same language?
Remember continuously making new friends through these random conversations?
Remember sending your kids to schools full of likeminded kids?
Remember smiling and waving to strangers?
Remember when family values, church and God were important to most Americans?
Remember when foreigners came to America to become truly AMERICAN-ized?

Politicians and Bureaucrats everywhere fight to preserve almost everything but what may matter most in the end. How did they fuck it all up and allow things to become so twisted?

Tell us when, exactly, America was American.

Well, I was born and raised in SoCal so for me it was approximately 15 million wetbacks ago.

Is there a grownup version of that post you be able to put up?
Before you whack-jobs lose your mind....Let me rob the words from your mouth and say, by American I don't mean WHITE.
Remember standing in line somewhere and conversing with likeminded strangers who spoke your same language?
Remember continuously making new friends through these random conversations?
Remember sending your kids to schools full of likeminded kids?
Remember smiling and waving to strangers?
Remember when family values, church and God were important to most Americans?
Remember when foreigners came to America to become truly AMERICAN-ized?

Politicians and Bureaucrats everywhere fight to preserve almost everything but what may matter most in the end. How did they fuck it all up and allow things to become so twisted?

Tell us when, exactly, America was American.

Well, I was born and raised in SoCal so for me it was approximately 15 million wetbacks ago.

Is there a grownup version of that post you be able to put up?

Was that to direct and honest for you?
Hurt your feelings?
Make you want to roll up in the fetal position?
Before you whack-jobs lose your mind....Let me rob the words from your mouth and say, by American I don't mean WHITE.
Remember standing in line somewhere and conversing with likeminded strangers who spoke your same language?
Remember continuously making new friends through these random conversations?
Remember sending your kids to schools full of likeminded kids?
Remember smiling and waving to strangers?
Remember when family values, church and God were important to most Americans?
Remember when foreigners came to America to become truly AMERICAN-ized?

Politicians and Bureaucrats everywhere fight to preserve almost everything but what may matter most in the end. How did they fuck it all up and allow things to become so twisted?

Tell us when, exactly, America was American.

Well, I was born and raised in SoCal so for me it was approximately 15 million wetbacks ago.

Is there a grownup version of that post you be able to put up?

Was that to direct and honest for you?
Hurt your feelings?
Make you want to roll up in the fetal position?

Give me the last year you believe that America was American, so I can make you look like a fucking idiot.
Before you whack-jobs lose your mind....Let me rob the words from your mouth and say, by American I don't mean WHITE.
Remember standing in line somewhere and conversing with likeminded strangers who spoke your same language?
Remember continuously making new friends through these random conversations?
Remember sending your kids to schools full of likeminded kids?
Remember smiling and waving to strangers?
Remember when family values, church and God were important to most Americans?
Remember when foreigners came to America to become truly AMERICAN-ized?

Politicians and Bureaucrats everywhere fight to preserve almost everything but what may matter most in the end. How did they fuck it all up and allow things to become so twisted?

Tell us when, exactly, America was American.

Well, I was born and raised in SoCal so for me it was approximately 15 million wetbacks ago.

Is there a grownup version of that post you be able to put up?

Was that to direct and honest for you?
Hurt your feelings?
Make you want to roll up in the fetal position?

Give me the last year you believe that America was American, so I can make you look like a fucking idiot.

I'm not biting on your rhetorical bunch of bullshit. You whack-jobs have some retarded fabricated "fact" for everything. That's how you're able to keep your heads in your asses. Self's fucking bizarre.
Tell us when, exactly, America was American.

Well, I was born and raised in SoCal so for me it was approximately 15 million wetbacks ago.

Is there a grownup version of that post you be able to put up?

Was that to direct and honest for you?
Hurt your feelings?
Make you want to roll up in the fetal position?

Give me the last year you believe that America was American, so I can make you look like a fucking idiot.

I'm not biting on your rhetorical bunch of bullshit. You whack-jobs have some retarded fabricated "fact" for everything. That's how you're able to keep your heads in your asses. Self's fucking bizarre.

Have you forgotten that you started this mentally retarded thread?
Before you whack-jobs lose your mind....Let me rob the words from your mouth and say, by American I don't mean WHITE.
Remember standing in line somewhere and conversing with likeminded strangers who spoke your same language?
Remember continuously making new friends through these random conversations?
Remember sending your kids to schools full of likeminded kids?
Remember smiling and waving to strangers?
Remember when family values, church and God were important to most Americans?
Remember when foreigners came to America to become truly AMERICAN-ized?

Politicians and Bureaucrats everywhere fight to preserve almost everything but what may matter most in the end. How did they fuck it all up and allow things to become so twisted?
Well said!

What baffles and infuriates me is the substantial number of Americans who are holding "Welcome" signs and encouraging these Islamic invaders. They are doing this in spite of what they've seen take place in Sweden, Germany, France, England, Italy, and elsewhere. In my mind these Americans are categorical traitors and should be treated as such.

This is a very serious problem. My father and two beloved uncles were taken from us for years to fight in WW-II -- and only two came home. As I recall the purpose of their service and sacrifice was to protect our Nation against invasion and occupation. The purpose of the fiasco in Korea was supposedly the same -- to secure our Nation against eventual invasion by hostile forces. Likewise with Vietnam, where my beloved cousin died, and all of the Middle East carnage we've been involved in for the past few decades. But here we are opening our borders to marching columns of hundreds of thousands of military-age men, the vast majority of whom have a sworn a religious duty to either convert us to Islam and subject us to Sharia law or to kill us -- many of whom already have demonstrated an eager willingness to do so.

The only hope our beloved America has of surviving this strategically passive military invasion is by electing the kind of political leaders who will open their eyes to what is happening and take appropriate action to deal with it.

I am recalling when Pearl Harbor was bombed and our political leadership ordered the internment of all Japanese Americans in containment camps -- in spite of the fact that none of these decent, peaceful, productive and presumably loyal citizens had done nothing to even vaguely suggest they were a threat to our internal security. But here we are welcoming the incursion of literal hordes of young men, many of whom brazenly manifest arrogantly aggressive hatred for this Nation and its People, some of whom already have demonstrated a suicidal determination to kill as many of us as they can. We are literally inviting them to invade us and in large measure we are taking steps to provide them with sustenance and comforts.

This must be stopped!

I propose that instead of wasting time and money on a Southern Border wall we begin construction of massive internment camps for the containment of any so-called "refugee" who does not fulfill the requirements of refugee status -- along with any "refugee" who displays the slightest level of aggressive conduct toward American citizens. I believe the existence of such camps will serve to quickly discourage any Muslim from migrating to the U.S. while enabling the orderly deportation of those who are interned.

What its existing political leadership is refusing to acknowledge is the obvious fact that the West is presently being prepped for aggressive paramilitary dominance by a de facto invasion force.
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Before you whack-jobs lose your mind....Let me rob the words from your mouth and say, by American I don't mean WHITE.
  1. Remember standing in line somewhere and conversing with likeminded strangers who spoke your same language?
  2. Remember continuously making new friends through these random conversations?
  3. Remember sending your kids to schools full of likeminded kids?
  4. Remember smiling and waving to strangers?
  5. Remember when family values, church and God were important to most Americans?
  6. Remember when foreigners came to America to become truly AMERICAN-ized?

Politicians and Bureaucrats everywhere fight to preserve almost everything but what may matter most in the end. How did they fuck it all up and allow things to become so twisted?

Are you suggesting America has become something of a nation of misanthropes?
  1. Yes. That happens almost weekly. It certainly happens every time I go to the airport, a restaurant or bar where I find myself in the company of strangers.
  2. Acquaintanceships more so than friendships, but yes. That's has been the case throughout my life. It doesn't appear to have stopped happening.
  3. I did exactly that, although the school also had students who held views different from mine and my kids. I think the variety views and backgrounds was a good thing and a thing to welcome not eschew.
  4. Yes. That's what I do when I'm driving/walking through my neighborhood and see someone out front whom I don't know. Mostly I nod or simply say "hi" or "good morning/afternoon," and keep moving. When I'm visible from the street, passers by do the same. (When I'm with a black friend, I observe them nodding whatnot to far more strangers than I ever would. I'm far from anti-social, but I'm not that friendly.)
  5. I don't know that those things have ceased to exist, though I'm not a church-goer.
  6. They still do, at least judging by the foreigners I know well enough to have an opinion about whether they have done or not.
Having now directly answered your questions, please you answer mine.
  • Remember when no man whom one could not rely on the verity of his words (or at least 90% of them) could not get elected as POTUS?
  • Remember when having a demonstrably high intellect (not "genius-level," just markedly brighter all around than the average person) was a requirement to hold the office that to the whole world represented among the best character one could find in America's citizenry?
  • Remember when one's patriotism was more important than one's political party/ideology?
America is the same America it's always been. If you don't like it, then get the fuck out. I think Saudi Arabia may be a perfect fit for you.

The soil is the same...just full of fucked up twisted sub-human trash

People who have a different opinion than you = "sub-human trash." This is why conservatives have no future in America.

Funny this map of Republican governor say otherwise


America is the same America it's always been. If you don't like it, then get the fuck out. I think Saudi Arabia may be a perfect fit for you.

The soil is the same...just full of fucked up twisted sub-human trash

People who have a different opinion than you = "sub-human trash." This is why conservatives have no future in America.

Funny this map of Republican governor say otherwise

View attachment 132345


Too bad, Bearbreath that you can figure out THIS map as to where the population really resides...LOL

America is the same America it's always been. If you don't like it, then get the fuck out. I think Saudi Arabia may be a perfect fit for you.

The soil is the same...just full of fucked up twisted sub-human trash

People who have a different opinion than you = "sub-human trash." This is why conservatives have no future in America.

Funny this map of Republican governor say otherwise

View attachment 132345


Too bad, Bearbreath that you can figure out THIS map as to where the population really resides...LOL

View attachment 132346

What does that prove?

Our entire political system - the media, both political parties, & the bureaucracy- is completely broken. The only fix? The American people

The American people have to wake up, get off their asses & demand that government quit enslaving them. We're not close to that happening.
Before you whack-jobs lose your mind....Let me rob the words from your mouth and say, by American I don't mean WHITE.
Remember standing in line somewhere and conversing with likeminded strangers who spoke your same language?
Remember continuously making new friends through these random conversations?
Remember sending your kids to schools full of likeminded kids?
Remember smiling and waving to strangers?
Remember when family values, church and God were important to most Americans?
Remember when foreigners came to America to become truly AMERICAN-ized?

Politicians and Bureaucrats everywhere fight to preserve almost everything but what may matter most in the end. How did they fuck it all up and allow things to become so twisted?

A better question is why do conservatives believe life is static and doesn't change? Fewer people identify as Christians. You don't make friends anymore? You don't wave to strangers and they don't wave to you? I constantly have people that are very courteous on the road and insist that I go first at a stop sign, even when I'm insisting they go first. And we all laugh and wave the thankyou wave. People hold doors for me and I hold doors for others. Be the world you want to create, that is all you can do.

I will say that the advent of doing everything online or on a phone (text) rather than in person I believe is eroding the sociality of people. I'm at work in the bathroom practicing throne work and people in other stalls are having full-throated conversations as toilets are being flushed around them. I find it bizarre, it seems rather disrespectful to who you are talking to. Less and less human contact I don't think is a good thing. Retail stores across the board are seeing a steady drop off in business. Millenials prefer to stay home.

Turn that shit off and go bowling or shoot some pool. I think it a great loss that current generations don't know the ins and outs and joys and foibles of drive in movies.
America is the same America it's always been. If you don't like it, then get the fuck out. I think Saudi Arabia may be a perfect fit for you.

The soil is the same...just full of fucked up twisted sub-human trash

People who have a different opinion than you = "sub-human trash." This is why conservatives have no future in America.

Funny this map of Republican governor say otherwise

View attachment 132345


Too bad, Bearbreath that you can figure out THIS map as to where the population really resides...LOL

View attachment 132346

What does that prove?

It proves a lot of Democrats voted for Trump or didn't vote at all.
Democrats figured out a long time ago how to get all the non voters to vote (for them). Offer them a free ride and they'll vote however you tell them to. They attracted all the parasites, criminals, and bottom feeders to their party, which gave them power they should not have had. That is what started the slide downward.

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