Remember "..what difference does it make.."???

You hypocrites didn't have a problem with the gross incompetence that brought us 9/11/2001. Why start now?

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Why are you going to vote for Hillary? Sell her. Go!
She's the best, and most experienced candidate we have. Bar none.


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HOW is she the best? What is she going to do differently?
She knows how to handle Washington. I believe that she has the country's best interest in heart and that's all I need. Good intentions PLUS the skills and knowledge to implement them. I think she will do just fine.

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Skills? Skills in lying and deceiving the American people? Is that what qualifies as a "good" president nowadays? [emoji38]
No matter what I say, your mind is made up.

Who are YOU defending, and why?

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Why are you going to vote for Hillary? Sell her. Go!
She's the best, and most experienced candidate we have. Bar none.


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HOW is she the best? What is she going to do differently?
She knows how to handle Washington. I believe that she has the country's best interest in heart and that's all I need. Good intentions PLUS the skills and knowledge to implement them. I think she will do just fine.

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Skills? Skills in lying and deceiving the American people? Is that what qualifies as a "good" president nowadays? [emoji38]
No matter what I say, your mind is made up.

Who are YOU defending, and why?

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You are the one doing the defending and of Hillary Clinton of all people. Good grief. She's horrible and rotten.
As much as I "trust" any other politician, living or dead, absolutely!

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She's a Clinton! They are no different from the Bushes. Same thing, different lies.
ALL politicians lie Chris. You Already Know That.

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THIS particular one has been caught lying I believe on more than ONE occasion. So you are saying that you are just going to vote for her anyway, and that is nothing but pure partisanship.
What Part Of "They ALL lie" do you seem to have a problem with? Do I need to include the qualifying "constantly" for you to get it?

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But this one is a KNOWN liar. Her husband cheats on her, and she calls it a "vast right wing conspiracy." Just one example of how she will do and say anything. That the kind of person you want running our country?
How come you people never berate Republicans who have been caught cheating nor the wives who stuck with them? The RW Congress cheered when Vitter, the notorious prostitute user returned to Congress, RW Republicans voted in Mark Sandford who lied to them about hiking the Apalachian (sp) Hills, while really spending time galavanting with his South American mistress, you supported the toe-tapping RW pervert caught soliciting male cock in public bathroom stalls, as he stood with his faithful (but clearly dumb) wife, as he so-called apologized to the public for getting caught with his pants down, literally. Nary a negative word.

Why such blatant hypocrisy Chris, WHY??!!!?

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She's a Clinton! They are no different from the Bushes. Same thing, different lies.
ALL politicians lie Chris. You Already Know That.

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THIS particular one has been caught lying I believe on more than ONE occasion. So you are saying that you are just going to vote for her anyway, and that is nothing but pure partisanship.
What Part Of "They ALL lie" do you seem to have a problem with? Do I need to include the qualifying "constantly" for you to get it?

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But this one is a KNOWN liar. Her husband cheats on her, and she calls it a "vast right wing conspiracy." Just one example of how she will do and say anything. That the kind of person you want running our country?
How come you people never berate Republicans who have been caught cheating nor the wives who stuck with them? The RW Congress cheered when Vitter, the notorious prostitute user returned to Congress, RW Republicans voted in Mark Sandford who lied to them about hiking the Apalachian (sp) Hills, while really spending time galavanting with his South American mistress, you supported the toe-tapping RW pervert caught soliciting male cock in public bathroom stalls, as he stood with his faithful (but clearly dumb) wife, as he so-called apologized to the public for getting caught with his pants down, literally. Nary a negative word.

Why such blatant hypocrisy Chris, WHY??!!!?

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I berate conservatives all the time. :D You should read some of my posts before you jump to conclusions. To be honest, I hate both your crappy parties SO much.
Clinton refrained from making the same statement during today's marathon (also known as the RNC attempt to railroad her)......but the phrase is very, very apropos.

So, exactly what difference does it make to right wingers if those 4 poor and brave Americans were killed over a terrorist attack versus anger over a video?

The video caused rioting and violence in Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, Indonesia, etc.....SO why would anyone during the "fog of war" in Benghazi assume that the murders there were NOT caused by that same video?

Any reasonable republican would admit that this entire witch hunt completely backfired on congressional right wingers and the RNC......but reasonable republicans are getting as rare as virgins in a cheap brothel.
So, you have no problem with a grossly incompetent SOS and her grossly incompetent State Department??

You also have no problem with four dead men? Men who would be alive today if that Grossly incompetent SOS and her grossly incompetent State Department had taken action??

Good to know you think she's a viable candidate for POTUS. Sure hope she doesn't win because gross incompetence has no place in the White House.

Oh wait. We've already got a grossly incompetent POTUS. Hillbat would make it two. Never mind.

Oh and it sure as shit didn't make any difference to Hillbat and it never will. She is such a POS.

I'm so sorry that you're full of hate.....The next 9 years should have your ulcers wreaking havoc on your system. I'd suggest a strong enema.

Is that the same Elijah Cummings that chaired the committee that spent taxpayers money on hearings about steroid use in professional baseball? I guess he had to get to the bottom of an area for which the government has no authority but we can't investigate someone who works for the government to make sure she didn't do something criminal.
Clinton refrained from making the same statement during today's marathon (also known as the RNC attempt to railroad her)......but the phrase is very, very apropos.

So, exactly what difference does it make to right wingers if those 4 poor and brave Americans were killed over a terrorist attack versus anger over a video?

The video caused rioting and violence in Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, Indonesia, etc.....SO why would anyone during the "fog of war" in Benghazi assume that the murders there were NOT caused by that same video?

Any reasonable republican would admit that this entire witch hunt completely backfired on congressional right wingers and the RNC......but reasonable republicans are getting as rare as virgins in a cheap brothel.

So, you have no problem with a grossly incompetent SOS and her grossly incompetent State Department??

You also have no problem with four dead men? Men who would be alive today if that Grossly incompetent SOS and her grossly incompetent State Department had taken action??

Good to know you think she's a viable candidate for POTUS. Sure hope she doesn't win because gross incompetence has no place in the White House.

Oh wait. We've already got a grossly incompetent POTUS. Hillbat would make it two. Never mind.

Oh and it sure as shit didn't make any difference to Hillbat and it never will. She is such a POS.
You hypocrites didn't have a problem with the gross incompetence that brought us 9/11/2001. Why start now?

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Sandy Berger and Jamie Gorelick's actions expressly concerned about gross incompetence being exposed.
Is that the same Elijah Cummings that chaired the committee that spent taxpayers money on hearings about steroid use in professional baseball? I guess he had to get to the bottom of an area for which the government has no authority but we can't investigate someone who works for the government to make sure she didn't do something criminal.

Moronic expected.....

Cummings did NOT ever state that an investigation was not warranted....His objection was on the NUMBER of investigations, the time and money spent on this latest one (longer than the 9-11 inquiry) and the refusal by elected right wingers to accept the objective findings of the previous 8 or 9 inquiries.

Find something else to bitch about...

Is that the same Elijah Cummings that chaired the committee that spent taxpayers money on hearings about steroid use in professional baseball? I guess he had to get to the bottom of an area for which the government has no authority but we can't investigate someone who works for the government to make sure she didn't do something criminal.

Tom Davis, a Republican from Virginia was the chairman of the committee, you partisan hack. And WTF does this have to do with the topic of the thread, which is concerning the "witch hunt" of HRC?

Representative Tom Davis, Republican of Virginia and chairman of the committee. "They are talking about which pro players are on the juice."

In opening remarks for hearings that are scheduled to feature several stars and former stars of baseball, including Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa and Jose Canseco, several lawmakers talked about the spreading use of steroids among young people. Several pointed to a report by the Centers for Disease Control that said 500,000 American teens take steroids, partly in an effort emulate their sports heroes.

Congress Opens Hearings on Steroid Use in Baseball

Is that the same Elijah Cummings that chaired the committee that spent taxpayers money on hearings about steroid use in professional baseball? I guess he had to get to the bottom of an area for which the government has no authority but we can't investigate someone who works for the government to make sure she didn't do something criminal.

Tom Davis, a Republican from Virginia was the chairman of the committee, you partisan hack. And WTF does this have to do with the topic of the thread, which is concerning the "witch hunt" of HRC?

Representative Tom Davis, Republican of Virginia and chairman of the committee. "They are talking about which pro players are on the juice."

In opening remarks for hearings that are scheduled to feature several stars and former stars of baseball, including Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa and Jose Canseco, several lawmakers talked about the spreading use of steroids among young people. Several pointed to a report by the Centers for Disease Control that said 500,000 American teens take steroids, partly in an effort emulate their sports heroes.

Congress Opens Hearings on Steroid Use in Baseball

My mistake on the chair.

Where was Elijah Cummings complaining about having hearings on something for which Congress has no authority?

He didn't mind spending taxpayer money on those hearings.
My mistake on the chair.

Where was Elijah Cummings complaining about having hearings on something for which Congress has no authority?

He didn't mind spending taxpayer money on those hearings.

Dumb and inane usual. (I guess that today you're a LOT less happy than a couple of days ago....Pity.)
My mistake on the chair.

Where was Elijah Cummings complaining about having hearings on something for which Congress has no authority?

He didn't mind spending taxpayer money on those hearings.

Dumb and inane usual. (I guess that today you're a LOT less happy than a couple of days ago....Pity.)

The boy didn't have a problem with spending taxpayer money on investigation steroids but does investigating someone that needs to be investigated. Typical of his kind.

Is that the same Elijah Cummings that chaired the committee that spent taxpayers money on hearings about steroid use in professional baseball? I guess he had to get to the bottom of an area for which the government has no authority but we can't investigate someone who works for the government to make sure she didn't do something criminal.

Tom Davis, a Republican from Virginia was the chairman of the committee, you partisan hack. And WTF does this have to do with the topic of the thread, which is concerning the "witch hunt" of HRC?

Representative Tom Davis, Republican of Virginia and chairman of the committee. "They are talking about which pro players are on the juice."

In opening remarks for hearings that are scheduled to feature several stars and former stars of baseball, including Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa and Jose Canseco, several lawmakers talked about the spreading use of steroids among young people. Several pointed to a report by the Centers for Disease Control that said 500,000 American teens take steroids, partly in an effort emulate their sports heroes.

Congress Opens Hearings on Steroid Use in Baseball

My mistake on the chair.

Where was Elijah Cummings complaining about having hearings on something for which Congress has no authority?

He didn't mind spending taxpayer money on those hearings.

Yawn! I hear some partisan hack mumbling in the background.

Hillary came out smelling like roses. :)


Is that the same Elijah Cummings that chaired the committee that spent taxpayers money on hearings about steroid use in professional baseball? I guess he had to get to the bottom of an area for which the government has no authority but we can't investigate someone who works for the government to make sure she didn't do something criminal.

Tom Davis, a Republican from Virginia was the chairman of the committee, you partisan hack. And WTF does this have to do with the topic of the thread, which is concerning the "witch hunt" of HRC?

Representative Tom Davis, Republican of Virginia and chairman of the committee. "They are talking about which pro players are on the juice."

In opening remarks for hearings that are scheduled to feature several stars and former stars of baseball, including Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa and Jose Canseco, several lawmakers talked about the spreading use of steroids among young people. Several pointed to a report by the Centers for Disease Control that said 500,000 American teens take steroids, partly in an effort emulate their sports heroes.

Congress Opens Hearings on Steroid Use in Baseball

My mistake on the chair.

Where was Elijah Cummings complaining about having hearings on something for which Congress has no authority?

He didn't mind spending taxpayer money on those hearings.

Yawn! I hear some partisan hack mumbling in the background.

Hillary came out smelling like roses. :)


I hear some partisan hack trying to move up in the line of those that are willing to kiss her ass. Pucker up.

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