Remember the time President Trump got the US into a nuclear war?

“ herd immunity”
You do understand that vaccinations are one of the weapons in promoting herd immunity….
Don't even waste your time on that nutbag, I've explained it to him many times, he still posts the same bullshit like nothing ever happened.
Putin does not want Alaska, has never asked for Alaska, and it is not an issue.
Putin is not at all acting like Hitler.
The US is threatening the very survival of all of Russia by trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, in the Ukraine.
That would prevent any retaliation from a US first strike, meaning Russia would be defenseless.
To allow that would be suicide.
So Putin is 100% justified
There were no plans to put nukes in Ukraine bullshit peddler. In fact there were no plans to put anything at all since Ukraine's entry into NATO was still many years away.

Finland, which is 100 miles from St.Petersburg on the other hand will be part of NATO any day now as a result of Russian invasion.

You know who is talking about Russia needing to invade Finland? No one, because these excuses to invade Ukraine is pure bullshit morons like you peddle.
Putin does not want Alaska, has never asked for Alaska, and it is not an issue.
Putin is not at all acting like Hitler.
The US is threatening the very survival of all of Russia by trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, in the Ukraine.
That would prevent any retaliation from a US first strike, meaning Russia would be defenseless.
To allow that would be suicide.
So Putin is 100% justified in his pursuit of the Ukraine for these deadly treaty violations.
And if the US keeps interfering, then Putin will have no choice but to launch a nuclear first strike to eliminate the US, before the US can put offensive nukes in the Ukraine.
You are dead wrong about US nuclear capabilities we are better armed than the soviets

You are a proven liar

There has never been any such attempt to put nukes on Russias border in the Ukraine
US capabilities are about half of the nuclear arsenal that Russia has, and it is vulnerabilities that count the most.
For example, all it would take is 3 airborn EMP bursts over the US in order to totally wipe out all computers, cellphones, communications, power production, TV, cars, trucks, planes, etc.
Russia on the other hand, has always hardened their infrastructure and spread it out.

The differences between the two nations nuclear forces are marginal your half the arsenal claim is a bald faced lie
Putin is blameless because the US took over the government of the Ukraine in 2014, and caused the Ukraine to commit a series of acts of war.
Like trying to shut the Russians out of Sevastopol, murdering over 30k ethnic Russians, stockpiling US weapons, trying to put NATO nukes on Russia's border, stealing over $20 billion in Russian pipeline oil, violating treaties by trying to join alliances hostile to Russia, etc.

As far as nukes go, the Ukraine and the US are not allowing any other alternative.
The US could be nuked at any second now.
Russia can never allow the Ukraine to join NATO.
The US never took over the Ukrain liar

We never sent weapons there until russia in vaded you liar

We never tried to put nukes there you dumb fucking liar
There were no plans to put nukes in Ukraine bullshit peddler. In fact there were no plans to put anything at all since Ukraine's entry into NATO was still many years away.

Finland, which is 100 miles from St.Petersburg on the other hand will be part of NATO any day now as a result of Russian invasion.

You know who is talking about Russia needing to invade Finland? No one, because these excuses to invade Ukraine is pure bullshit morons like you peddle.
You mean just like the plans never to expand NATO past Germany? Those kinds of plans?
Don't even waste your time on that nutbag, I've explained it to him many times, he still posts the same bullshit like nothing ever happened.
A nutbag calling someone else a nutbag. Lol.
Anyone who knows anything at all about epidemiology will tell you that what PREVENTS any epidemic from ending is to "flatten the curve" with masks, lock downs, and social distancing.
The reality is what ends any epidemic is herd immunity, and that works by depriving the pathogen of easy hosts, by recovery immunity.
When you "flatten the curve", you deliberately conserve easy hosts, ensuring the epidemic can not possibly end.
If we had NOT "flattened the curve", then likely the covid epidemic would have naturally ended in less than 3 months, as all epidemics normally do.
The only time an epidemic lasted longer than 3 months, was the Spanish flu of 1918, and that was because we "flattened the curve" with masks and social distancing.

And you are not at all qualified to label anything as "fake cures and treatments".
Since the virus itself does no harm, and it is only an over active immune response that does, covid harm can easily be treated with various immuno-suppressants, instead of anti-virals that do not really work.
Quinine for example, is well known as a successful immuno-suppressant to prevent useless fevers.
Fevers only work on heat sensitive pathogens, and both malaria and covid are heat resistant.
One of Trump's suggestions, monoclonal antibodies definitely does work very well, but is just very expensive.

I would love to go back and try it your way.

1. If you want, stay isolated.
2. If you want to party and go to work, go get covid. If you die you die.
3. Eventually whoever is going to die dies and the people hiding can come out quickly.
4. It's kind of what we're doing now anyways right? Should have done this right from the beginning.
Don't even waste your time on that nutbag, I've explained it to him many times, he still posts the same bullshit like nothing ever happened.
You trying to explain something with a lie is NOT an explanation.
Vaccination increases herd immunity, improves immune response and helps keep people out of the hospital.

What's the lie?
None and I Agree. That wasn’t directed to you…but a rhetorical “you,” sorry . Vaccinations are a necessary tool in promoting herd immunity to the point we can all get back to normalcy. It certainly was never normal under Trump.

Its amazing how little deniers know about vaccines when probably the vast majority got and may still do, get them regularly.

Fix News and Trump have done their job convincing the clan that covid vaccinations are somehow different then many others that most owe their lives to.m

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