Remember The O'Jays Singin' About The Democrat Party?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY

2.....specifically, how they make life better for felons than for the victims.
Gun laws. Do criminals obey them????

Did you hear Biden this week?
"Biden’s plan is to “crack down on the flow of firearms,” which includes “taking on and shutting down rogue gun dealers.”

“It's about doing background checks, as well as outright selling, making sure people who are not allowed to have a gun don't get the gun in the first place,” the president said."

3.First of all, it is impossible to stop criminals from getting illegal guns:
It is estimated that as many as 2 million illegal guns were in circulation in New York City in 1993. ... In an effort to combat the serious crime plaguing the city, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) developed several crime-fighting strategies.
Getting Guns Off the Streets, New York City Police Department,

And Democrat DAs, Judges, Prosecutors let arrested criminals out without bail....even guns become a misdemeanor.

4. Second, Obama made certain that Nikolas Cruz could pass a backgroun check:
Of course, based on the Democrat racialism policy, the "Promise Program," they did everything possible to obviate background checks.

They claim to favor background checks so that those who are a danger, and shouldn't have guns.......don't.

Let's check.

Democrat Hussein Obama saw how many blacks and Hispanics couldn't get into college due to prison and arrest records. As a tried and true Liberal, rather than address the reasons for jail time, he simply demanded that they not be arrested...period: ignore the facts.
He threatened schools with DoJ charges of racism if they didn't comply.

“….new discipline guidelines strongly recommending that the nation's schools use law enforcement measures and out-of-school suspensions as a last resort. Announced jointly by Duncan and then-Attorney General Eric Holder, the new procedures came as more than friendly guidance from Uncle Sam – they also came with threats of federal investigations and defunding for districts that refused to fully comply.”

Even if the individual should have been arrested:
"Cruz assaulted students, cursed out teachers, kicked in classroom doors, started fist fights, threw chairs, threatened to kill other students, mutilated small animals, pulled a rifle on his mother, drank gasoline and cut himself, among other "red flags."

Threatening to kill someone is a felony. In addition to locking Cruz away for a while, having a felony record would have prevented him from purchasing a gun.
Cruz was never arrested. He wasn't referred to law enforcement. He wasn't even expelled."

The School-To-Mass-Murder Pipeline

As a result, Cruz passed a background check, got a gun, and killed 17 innocent human beings.

5. One can only wonder what the result would have been if all of the victims in Colorado had been armed, and hadn't relied on government to protect them.

They smile in your face and stab......or in the back: Democrats.
"Biden stressed that his plan does not violate the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. In defending his plan to crack down on the sale of certain assault weapons, he said that when the 2nd Amendment was passed, it didn’t allow people to buy a canon.

“And again, for any of the press, any of the press listening, this does not violate anybody's Second Amendment right. There's no violation to the Second Amendment right. We talk like there's no amendment that's absolute. When the amendment was passed it did not say anybody can own a gun and any kind of gun and any kind of weapon. You couldn't buy a canon when this amendment was passed,” he said."

"Biden’s false claim that the 2nd Amendment bans cannon ownership

The president offered this aside as he made a litany of his regular points about the need for background checks and what he says was the effectiveness of bans on assault weapons and large-capacity magazines that expired.
Parenthetical asides from a prepared text often trip up presidents, especially Biden. In this case, he repeated a claim — that Americans were prohibited from owning cannons — that has already been fact-checked as false when he made it during the presidential campaign.
“there were no federal laws about the type of gun you could own, and no states limited the kind of gun you could own.”

He just keeps lying.
Well....all Democrats do.
5. One can only wonder what the result would have been if all of the victims in Colorado had been armed, and hadn't relied on government to protect them.
One Canadian can't imagine and he thinks it's too horrible to want to try to imagine. Istead just a couple of dozen, Columbine could have been a hundred school kids shooting at each other and the police who came to rescue them.!
Noooooo thank you hon!

Nothing will change it now, so why bother belabouring the point? More guns will just make more good guys dead and less bad guys dead.
One Canadian can't imagine and he thinks it's too horrible to want to try to imagine. Istead just a couple of dozen, Columbine could have been a hundred school kids shooting at each other and the police who came to rescue them.!
Noooooo thank you hon!

Nothing will change it now, so why bother belabouring the point? More guns will just make more good guys dead and less bad guys dead.


You men Canadian Communist.

Not so horrified when you claimed to agree with genocide, were you.

As is the case for all of you Leftist savages, enemies of humanity, slaughter and genocide is met with a shrug.

You were praising mass slaughter as the way to improving the economy of a nation….

It Has Become A One Question IQ Test

post 172

Get lost, scum.
As there is no end to the sort of mayhem under Democrat gun laws, and clearly gun restrictions are based on
the hatred of normal, law-abiding citizens.....
...perhaps we should simply do the opposite or anything Democrats order.

It was tried here......and seems to work.

"Southern U.S. town proud of its mandatory gun law

KENNESAW, Georgia (Reuters) - The Virginia Tech killings have set off calls for tighter U.S. gun laws but anyone wanting to know why those demands likely will make little headway should visit Kennesaw, a town where owning a gun is both popular and mandatory.
... it passed a gun ordinance in 1982 that required all heads of a household to own a firearm and ammunition.

The Kennesaw law has endured as the town’s population has swelled to about 30,000 from 5,000 in 1982.

“When the law was passed in 1982 there was a substantial drop in crime ... and we have maintained a really low crime rate since then,” said police Lt. Craig Graydon. “We are sure it is one of the lowest (crime) towns in the metro area.

Residents say they are comfortable with the image the gun law projects on the city as a bastion of gun freedom."

Southern U.S. town proud of its mandatory gun law
... killings have set off calls for tighter U.S. gun laws but anyone wanting to know why those demands likely will make little headway should visit Kennesaw, a town where owning a gun is both popular and mandatory.

The town has grown to 34,000....folks must agree with the gun law.
The town has grown to 34,000....folks must agree with the gun law.
A huge majority of Americans agree with no gun laws. Just as 2A and 14shooter.

Could it be true? Could this be a mandate?

Have you ever had a man-date hon?
A huge majority of Americans agree with no gun laws. Just as 2A and 14shooter.

Could it be true? Could this be a mandate?

Have you ever had a man-date hon?

Only the stupid ones, like you.

An armed populace is a polite well behaved populace.

Let's prove it, just to kick your commie butt again.

Guess how 'criminal' law-abiding gun-permit holders are, you dunce.

Democrats/Liberals/Progressives toil day and night toward victory of criminals.

Everyone knows the hundreds and thousands of gun regulations are only obeyed by law abiding citizens.....and useless for the Democrat's constituents, killers and felons.

Take a look at the 'criminality' of CCW permit holders in these representative states, and any honest appraisal would indicate that any who pass the test should immediately be given permits......these folks are our best citizens.......unlike Democrats.

CCW Permit Holders Charged/Convicted
StateYearCrimeCharged or
% of Total
Out of Total
Violent Crimes
Louisianna2016Any Felony160.0092
2015Any Felony190.012325,208
2014Any Felony150.010923,983
Michigan2016Aggravated Assault170.003
2015Aggravated Assault110.002
2016Violent Crime220.05341,231
2015Violent Crime180.0035242,348
Minnesota2015Any Assault007,094
2014Any Assault00
2013Any Assault00
2012Any Assault00
2011Any Assault00
2010Any Assault00
Oregon2016Any Felony190.0074
Oklahoma2016Any Felony200.0071
2015Any Felony160.006216,506
2014Any Felony150.0069
2013Any Felony150.0078
2012Any Felony10? Unknown due
to no permit data
Tennessee2016Any Assault0
2015Any Assault040,400
2016Any Felony290.0049
2015Any Felony310.0061
Texas2016Aggravated Assault80.00067
2015Aggravated Assault100.001167,727
The percentage of total convictions indicates how many concealed carry permit holders account for the crime compared to the general population. As an example if we look at Texas in 2015 you will see that just 0.0011 of permit holders accounted for the crime of aggravated assault.

Concealed Carry Permit Holders Crime Statistics (updated)

Check out the concealed carry permit holders crime statistics? We can tell you how many CCW permit holders have committed crimes in seven states.
There is a far more successful method for controlling felons with guns, and it has proven successful where ever tried.


Here,a sample of the work of Professor Lott:
1. In every instance, we have data that show that when a ban is imposed, murder rates rise. In America, people are all too familiar with the increased murder rates in Chicago and Washington, D.C., following their handgun bans. They might even be familiar with the 36 percent drop in murder rates in D.C. since the Supreme Court struck down its handgun ban and gun-lock laws.

2. And who is helped more?
Question: Violence is often directed at women. Won't more guns put more women at risk?

Lott: Murder rates decline when either more women or more men carry concealed handguns, but a gun represents a much larger change in a woman's ability to defend herself than it does for a man. An additional woman carrying a concealed handgun reduces the murder rate for women by about 3 to 4 times more than an additional man carrying a concealed handgun reduces the murder rate for men.

Interview with John Lott, author of More Guns, Less Crime

Democrat efforts are always aimed at (words chosen purposely) favoring criminals.
Only the stupid ones, like you.
Can we go out together tonight for a man-date?
I'll bring the brown paper bag.
Oh, and let your hair down, you look better when it's not up in a helmet.

Don't bring any of your guns please.
Can we go out together tonight for a man-date?
I'll bring the brown paper bag.
Oh, and let your hair down, you look better when it's not up in a helmet.

Don't bring any of your guns please.

Face facts: You couldn't attract a woman if you were a chocolate-covered millionaire handing out free shoes.

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