Remember Back When... 'Palestinians toil for Barack Obama win'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats are suddenly so worried about outside foreign influence effecting a US election. funny - that didn't always seem to be the case:

Palestinian students in Gaza are cold-calling US voters to urge them to support their hero Barack Obama.

"For months, Ibrahim Abu Jayyab and his friends have been working through the night, calling Americans at random to plead for support for their favourite candidate.

Except that most of the people Mr Abu Jayyab calls don't even know where the Gaza Strip is, much less understand why this man with heavily accented English crackling down the phone line should care about the American presidential race at all."

Palestinians toil for Barack Obama win

Mr. Jayyab and his friends were proven to be part of a Palestinian Phone Bank set up in Gaza to make continuous calls before the election to do all they could to help Obama win the Presidency. I guess they did about as much as the Russians did to help Trump, which was nothing more than hack DNC e-mails and expose the fact that they rigged their primaries and were filled with racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites...which most people already knew. There weren't any calls for investigation for the Palestinians or the PLA helping Obama 'win the Presidency', though. (As laughable as saying releasing hacked DNC e-mails equaled 'hacking' the 2016 election and 'forcing' Hillary to lose.)

It worked out for the Palestinians and the Palestinian Authority in the end after they 'helped influence the election and get Obama elected':

Bailing Out the Palestinian Authority

Why Obama sent the Palestinians $221 million during his last hours in office

Obama pledges another $500M to Palestinians

And where does / did much of that US tax money Obama gave to the Palestinian Authority go?

Palestinian Authority Pays Terrorists and Their Families $140 Million a Year

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