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I am putting here a text from http://postst.cjb.net/d-theory.php (it isn't mine)
(the autor of the text originates from outside of Anglo-Saxon lingual area)
Religion and philosophy as illness
1. All domain of esoterism, of yoga, of meditation can be counted to the area of natural (primeval) religion. It is the same what shamanistic beliefs and practices.
2. These practices consist in the obtainment of the state of trance, in the same way as meditation.
Trance is the state of waking dream, in the same way one defined schizophrenia and in the same way can be defined paranoid psychosis.
3. Thus this domain does not lead to enlightenment, only psychosis, that is to say illness.
4. The illness appeared at the rising of religion, before tens thousands of years, and the illness appeared on following stage of development of religion and at the rising and during the development of philosophy.
5. All field of religion, and the most of philosophy (which is in fact an only certain version of religion) are self-possessed by morbid condition.
6. Exist no supernatural beings, from the sphere of religion stays only reincarnation, but seized unlike till now.
7. Posthumous state is the same what state of sleep (it is a state of unconsciousness), and is not a state of intelligent and goal-directed activity (this is the state of unactiveness)
8. After the posthumous ′sleep ′, comes the time on birth and a next life, the man holds stably mental level, the sex, interests.
9. The law of karma is a fiction, though following incarnations ′continue′ previous.
10. Religion should disappear and give place subdomain of psychology interesting in the problem of 'posthumous state' as identical with the state of sleep. There should disappear also philosophy and give place scientific studies (theory of science).
P.D. (2008)
resp. 1.
Astrology is the same what the divination from scattered animal bones - so from an aleatorily obtained configuration, the part of bones fulfil planets; ′the accurateness′ owes inaccuracy of used categories which each separately are able to contain the cross-section through all problem-areas.
resp. 2.
The british neurologist Hughlings Jackson (1835-1911) had remarked: "find out all about dreams, and you will find out all about insenity".
In the first years after discovery of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, researchers belived they had acquired a tool for investigation of Haughlings Jackson's premise. They supposed that schizophrenia might represent the intrusion of the dream state into wakefulness, and, therefore, there was the prospect of being able to link dream cognition to psychosis through REM sleep.
In "Psychology and Life" (1977), P.G. Zimbardo, F.L. Ruch (subchapter concerning the sleep and sleepy dreams) we can find information that according to research of W.C.Dement from the sixties of twentieth century, occurrent symptoms of schizophrenia at patients, can be an indication of the activity which normally would find an outlet in the form of sleepy dreams in REM phases.
resp. 3.
from "Religion, culture and mental health" (2006), K.Loewenthal, Cambridge University Press, s. 18-19:
"Peters, Day, McKenna & Orbach (1999) marshal the arguments that ‘certain groups of people have similar experiences to the positive symptoms of schizophrenia’ (notably delusions)...(Jackson & Fulford, 1997). Peters et al. compared members of two types of ... groups (New ReligiousMovements, or NRMs...) with non-religious people, and with psychotic patients suffering from delusions. The NRM members were drawn from the Hare Krishna group and from a Pagan order (Druids). Two measures of delusional thinking were used in this study (which included factors such as persecution, paranormal beliefs and religiosity). The main findings and conclusions from this study were:
* Individuals from the NRMs scored higher than the non-religious on the delusions measures, but scored similarly to the deluded, psychotic group. This score included a measure of ‘florid, psychotic symptoms ... rarely endorsed in the
normal population’ (the Delusions Symptoms-State Inventory, DSSI, Foulds & Bedford, 1975).
* NRM members were, however, less distressed and preoccupied by their delusional experiences than were the psychotic patients.
Buddhism for example consists in obtainment of the state of waking dream, which wrongly, similarly how in old shamanism, is taking as enlightenment; further it has to mean going out and the break-up of elements of the mental life - in this it is visible nihilism; in fact the loss of consciousness in the state of nirvana is the same what the loss of consciousness after fall into a sleep, and the only abiding effect is developing paranoid psychosis, the same refers to other forms of yoga.
Paranormal abilities can be explained as disorder of perception of spatiotemporal continuum, so a state of disorders.
resp. 4.
The beginning of religion ties in with the answer on the question about after-life and with the rising of practices of shamanistic poisonings. These practices and technic of trance, that is to say waking dream (see p.2.), led to the development of mental illness.
(from these practices derives modern drug addiction and prevalent custom abuses of the tobacco, coffee and alcohol).
The rising of polytheism was probably connected with some morbid condition. The rising of monotheism ties in with the person of Pharaoh of Egypt Akhenaton (Amenhotep IV), which suffered from Marfan′s syndrome and because of disorders caused by this illness modified drastically and pathologically well-known more early monolatry. Akhenaton was a real founder of monotheism.
Middle East Aryans brought, during incursions, newly arisen monotheism to India. There came into being also the first philosophical version of this doctrine which we find in Upanishad, this is conception of absolute. This theory reached later to basin of Mediterranean Sea from India.
The rising of philosophy in Greece distinguishes the appearance of the following ill figure, which was Pythagoras who created philosophy as the certain sort of absolutism (that is to say monotheism), so only as certain version of religion. Thenceforward, until today the most of philosophy exists exclusively as the certain sort of religion.
Morbid condition is well visible at continuators of Pythagoras, such as Plato, Aristotle
(for example the teacher of Plato Socrates was a complete fool and a degenerate who only copied techniques of Sophists, and Alexander the Macedonian schoolboy of Aristotle was a mere ill paranoiac), Plotinus, Thomas, Kant, Hegel and others.
To convince himself about this will suffice to take to the hand of the writing of Aristotle, Kant, Hegel or Heidegger - they contain mostly balderdash and ′descriptions′ of rubbishes - so as outpourings of mentally ill persons.
Every stream of present philosophy except certain sorts of philosophy of science, one can consider as the manifestation of mental illness.
(in the domain of philosophy of science, the example of ill trend can be popperism; it is worth to notice also that from field of religion and philosophy illness will force its way to other fields of humanities, science and culture; for example aground of sociology a symptom of the state of mental illness is antinaturalism or humanistic sociology).
resp. 5.
resp. 6.
demons do not exist, and how show recent researches (Zarkel 2006), demons are only oligophrenics in posthumous state; from "What is this Schizophrenia ? what is demon ? demons ?" (this article is available in internet):
"So called Schizophrenia has its source in posthumous activity of moderately and severely retarded persons...
Usually it is assumed that schizophrenia concern about 1 per cent of population; but for example in Denmark, there was about 20495 cases of registered schizophrenia in 1999, according to data of Danish Psychiatric Central Register (what parallel with 0,4 % of population equal 5,4 millions people)...
If 10 % of mentally retarded are moderately retarded, and 4 % of mentally retarded are severely retarded, so for whole percentage of mentally retarded which is estimating at 2,86 %, imbeciles (14 % from 2,86 %) can get precisely 0,4 %. Convergence of values is here not accidental and frequency of occurrence of schizophrenia is overestimated."
in the same way do not exist angels, deities, paradises - it is only sleepy phantoms. While God and absolute is only a product of illness.
resp. 7.
resp. 8.
for example the virtuoso of piano in the next incarnation will be also the virtuoso of piano or other instrument, if he is a male, will stay a male.
resp. 9.
resp. 10.
The question what is the after-life which was the beginning of religion, can prosperously be taken by psychology.
Science itself should be cleaned also from superstitions and morbid ideas whose the example can be mentioned already humanistic sociology, antinaturalism, marxism or psychoanalysis.
(the autor of the text originates from outside of Anglo-Saxon lingual area)
Religion and philosophy as illness
1. All domain of esoterism, of yoga, of meditation can be counted to the area of natural (primeval) religion. It is the same what shamanistic beliefs and practices.
2. These practices consist in the obtainment of the state of trance, in the same way as meditation.
Trance is the state of waking dream, in the same way one defined schizophrenia and in the same way can be defined paranoid psychosis.
3. Thus this domain does not lead to enlightenment, only psychosis, that is to say illness.
4. The illness appeared at the rising of religion, before tens thousands of years, and the illness appeared on following stage of development of religion and at the rising and during the development of philosophy.
5. All field of religion, and the most of philosophy (which is in fact an only certain version of religion) are self-possessed by morbid condition.
6. Exist no supernatural beings, from the sphere of religion stays only reincarnation, but seized unlike till now.
7. Posthumous state is the same what state of sleep (it is a state of unconsciousness), and is not a state of intelligent and goal-directed activity (this is the state of unactiveness)
8. After the posthumous ′sleep ′, comes the time on birth and a next life, the man holds stably mental level, the sex, interests.
9. The law of karma is a fiction, though following incarnations ′continue′ previous.
10. Religion should disappear and give place subdomain of psychology interesting in the problem of 'posthumous state' as identical with the state of sleep. There should disappear also philosophy and give place scientific studies (theory of science).
P.D. (2008)
resp. 1.
Astrology is the same what the divination from scattered animal bones - so from an aleatorily obtained configuration, the part of bones fulfil planets; ′the accurateness′ owes inaccuracy of used categories which each separately are able to contain the cross-section through all problem-areas.
resp. 2.
The british neurologist Hughlings Jackson (1835-1911) had remarked: "find out all about dreams, and you will find out all about insenity".
In the first years after discovery of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, researchers belived they had acquired a tool for investigation of Haughlings Jackson's premise. They supposed that schizophrenia might represent the intrusion of the dream state into wakefulness, and, therefore, there was the prospect of being able to link dream cognition to psychosis through REM sleep.
In "Psychology and Life" (1977), P.G. Zimbardo, F.L. Ruch (subchapter concerning the sleep and sleepy dreams) we can find information that according to research of W.C.Dement from the sixties of twentieth century, occurrent symptoms of schizophrenia at patients, can be an indication of the activity which normally would find an outlet in the form of sleepy dreams in REM phases.
resp. 3.
from "Religion, culture and mental health" (2006), K.Loewenthal, Cambridge University Press, s. 18-19:
"Peters, Day, McKenna & Orbach (1999) marshal the arguments that ‘certain groups of people have similar experiences to the positive symptoms of schizophrenia’ (notably delusions)...(Jackson & Fulford, 1997). Peters et al. compared members of two types of ... groups (New ReligiousMovements, or NRMs...) with non-religious people, and with psychotic patients suffering from delusions. The NRM members were drawn from the Hare Krishna group and from a Pagan order (Druids). Two measures of delusional thinking were used in this study (which included factors such as persecution, paranormal beliefs and religiosity). The main findings and conclusions from this study were:
* Individuals from the NRMs scored higher than the non-religious on the delusions measures, but scored similarly to the deluded, psychotic group. This score included a measure of ‘florid, psychotic symptoms ... rarely endorsed in the
normal population’ (the Delusions Symptoms-State Inventory, DSSI, Foulds & Bedford, 1975).
* NRM members were, however, less distressed and preoccupied by their delusional experiences than were the psychotic patients.
Buddhism for example consists in obtainment of the state of waking dream, which wrongly, similarly how in old shamanism, is taking as enlightenment; further it has to mean going out and the break-up of elements of the mental life - in this it is visible nihilism; in fact the loss of consciousness in the state of nirvana is the same what the loss of consciousness after fall into a sleep, and the only abiding effect is developing paranoid psychosis, the same refers to other forms of yoga.
Paranormal abilities can be explained as disorder of perception of spatiotemporal continuum, so a state of disorders.
resp. 4.
The beginning of religion ties in with the answer on the question about after-life and with the rising of practices of shamanistic poisonings. These practices and technic of trance, that is to say waking dream (see p.2.), led to the development of mental illness.
(from these practices derives modern drug addiction and prevalent custom abuses of the tobacco, coffee and alcohol).
The rising of polytheism was probably connected with some morbid condition. The rising of monotheism ties in with the person of Pharaoh of Egypt Akhenaton (Amenhotep IV), which suffered from Marfan′s syndrome and because of disorders caused by this illness modified drastically and pathologically well-known more early monolatry. Akhenaton was a real founder of monotheism.
Middle East Aryans brought, during incursions, newly arisen monotheism to India. There came into being also the first philosophical version of this doctrine which we find in Upanishad, this is conception of absolute. This theory reached later to basin of Mediterranean Sea from India.
The rising of philosophy in Greece distinguishes the appearance of the following ill figure, which was Pythagoras who created philosophy as the certain sort of absolutism (that is to say monotheism), so only as certain version of religion. Thenceforward, until today the most of philosophy exists exclusively as the certain sort of religion.
Morbid condition is well visible at continuators of Pythagoras, such as Plato, Aristotle
(for example the teacher of Plato Socrates was a complete fool and a degenerate who only copied techniques of Sophists, and Alexander the Macedonian schoolboy of Aristotle was a mere ill paranoiac), Plotinus, Thomas, Kant, Hegel and others.
To convince himself about this will suffice to take to the hand of the writing of Aristotle, Kant, Hegel or Heidegger - they contain mostly balderdash and ′descriptions′ of rubbishes - so as outpourings of mentally ill persons.
Every stream of present philosophy except certain sorts of philosophy of science, one can consider as the manifestation of mental illness.
(in the domain of philosophy of science, the example of ill trend can be popperism; it is worth to notice also that from field of religion and philosophy illness will force its way to other fields of humanities, science and culture; for example aground of sociology a symptom of the state of mental illness is antinaturalism or humanistic sociology).
resp. 5.
resp. 6.
demons do not exist, and how show recent researches (Zarkel 2006), demons are only oligophrenics in posthumous state; from "What is this Schizophrenia ? what is demon ? demons ?" (this article is available in internet):
"So called Schizophrenia has its source in posthumous activity of moderately and severely retarded persons...
Usually it is assumed that schizophrenia concern about 1 per cent of population; but for example in Denmark, there was about 20495 cases of registered schizophrenia in 1999, according to data of Danish Psychiatric Central Register (what parallel with 0,4 % of population equal 5,4 millions people)...
If 10 % of mentally retarded are moderately retarded, and 4 % of mentally retarded are severely retarded, so for whole percentage of mentally retarded which is estimating at 2,86 %, imbeciles (14 % from 2,86 %) can get precisely 0,4 %. Convergence of values is here not accidental and frequency of occurrence of schizophrenia is overestimated."
in the same way do not exist angels, deities, paradises - it is only sleepy phantoms. While God and absolute is only a product of illness.
resp. 7.
resp. 8.
for example the virtuoso of piano in the next incarnation will be also the virtuoso of piano or other instrument, if he is a male, will stay a male.
resp. 9.
resp. 10.
The question what is the after-life which was the beginning of religion, can prosperously be taken by psychology.
Science itself should be cleaned also from superstitions and morbid ideas whose the example can be mentioned already humanistic sociology, antinaturalism, marxism or psychoanalysis.
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