Regarding All Our New American Arrivals! So, How Is The American Dream Coming Along So Far? Have They Bought Homes?


Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2022
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Somewhere In Florida
Has anyone brought this up in the news over the last six months or so? So how many? 2 million or so new arrivals? well, have they found good paying jobs? a nice home? car? very safe place to live? do they know how much a home costs? and are they aware of the recession we are in where it will make it very difficult to find a decent job. It's bad enough that at least 1/2 of us Americans are having a rough time financially, so who will wind up at the bottom of the barrel? waiting for that expected $40,000 a year job? hmm.
Has anyone brought this up in the news over the last six months or so? So how many? 2 million or so new arrivals? well, have they found good paying jobs? a nice home? car? very safe place to live? do they know how much a home costs? and are they aware of the recession we are in where it will make it very difficult to find a decent job. It's bad enough that at least 1/2 of us Americans are having a rough time financially, so who will wind up at the bottom of the barrel? waiting for that expected $40,000 a year job? hmm.
Who knew you could have so much outrage over something that you are so poorly informed about
now if they all came during the Trump years, they would all be doing so well being we had so many jobs to fill and homes to build! now everything has come to a stop!
Some have the American dream, just a little different than in the past. They like staying in luxury hotels or on a cruise ship that many actual American citizens can't afford.
Some have the American dream, just a little different than in the past. They like staying in luxury hotels or on a cruise ship that many actual American citizens can't afford.
What else do you think Trump could have done?

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