"Red" States, "Blue" States....Why.

I think they were chosen, so that lame paradigm wouldn't be brought up every cycle.

"...lame paradigm..."

Are you denying that Democrats/Liberals/Progressives/ etc...are...shall we say more aligned with socialism, communism, etc?

Otherwise your post, as usual, makes no sense.

Let's review: the red has been assigned to the Republicans specifically because Democrats/Liberals/Progressives/ etc...are... aligned with socialism, communism, Marxism..and it is an attempt to hide same from folks who aren't paying attention.

Don't you agree?

Colors have nothing to do with political philosophy. It was a stroke of genius to make the right swallow being the "reds"! :badgrin:
I think they were chosen, so that lame paradigm wouldn't be brought up every cycle.

"...lame paradigm..."

Are you denying that Democrats/Liberals/Progressives/ etc...are...shall we say more aligned with socialism, communism, etc?

Otherwise your post, as usual, makes no sense.

Let's review: the red has been assigned to the Republicans specifically because Democrats/Liberals/Progressives/ etc...are... aligned with socialism, communism, Marxism..and it is an attempt to hide same from folks who aren't paying attention.

Don't you agree?

Colors have nothing to do with political philosophy. It was a stroke of genius to make the right swallow being the "reds"! :badgrin:

I'd bet the farm that you have no idea that the two sentences in your post contradict each other.

As far as I remember, blue states signified incumbents (if there was one) and red was the challenger.

In 2000 Algore was assigned the incumbent's color of blue and the whole modern-day "red state blue state" thing came about, as a result of the ubiquitous national map with Florida swinging from red to blue to red.

As grand conspiracies go, this one is pretty limp.

It was either that, or I think they have just flipped them every election to keep it fresh. Either way, I agree it's a silly conspiracy.
OMG PC you are really on to something now, I've noticed this use of color too, remember when homeland security used red as the top of the rectangle of scaredy-cat alerts? That was something huh, green that was good and blue less good but red was lock yourself in with plastic and masking tape and civil alerts sirens ringing. And should green really signify safe, I don't think so, that green movement ain't they kinda seriously scary too. It's not like grass which is green is safe, you know bugs and stuff hide there. And how about red lights and green lights and yellow lights, why did they pick those colors and not pink orange and turquoise? Surely there is something diabolical going on there? Have you heard anything on that? You ever notice police cars they used to all be red but that changed, there must be a why, we need to find it. This is really really important stuff, glad to see you are on to it and if you need more help call me at one eight hundred lunatic asylum.

"We all are born mad. Some remain so." Samuel Beckett
"...lame paradigm..."

Are you denying that Democrats/Liberals/Progressives/ etc...are...shall we say more aligned with socialism, communism, etc?

Otherwise your post, as usual, makes no sense.

Let's review: the red has been assigned to the Republicans specifically because Democrats/Liberals/Progressives/ etc...are... aligned with socialism, communism, Marxism..and it is an attempt to hide same from folks who aren't paying attention.

Don't you agree?

Colors have nothing to do with political philosophy. It was a stroke of genius to make the right swallow being the "reds"! :badgrin:

I'd bet the farm that you have no idea that the two sentences in your post contradict each other.


No more than you thinking colors make a difference. I'll bet the farm that you can't point out my "contradiction" without looking totally foolish. What you're calling a "contradiction" isn't about politics at all, but the mental disabilities of the right wing.
I contend that the assignment of the words "Red" and "Blue" to Republicans and Democrats is by no means accidental.

Instead, it is associated with the 'brain-washing' that has made the Left so successful with the less introspective...
...certainly it is not because their ideas are better.

And without control of the Main Stream Media...it would not have been possible.

1. "The choice of colors in this divide is counter-intuitive to many international observers, as throughout the world, red is commonly the designated color for parties representing labor, socialist, and/or liberal interests [5] [6], which in the United States would be more closely correlated with the Democratic Party. Similarly, blue is used in these countries to depict conservative parties which in the case of the United States would be a color more suitable for the Republicans. For example, in Canada party colors are deeply ingrained and historic and have been unchanged during the Twentieth Century. Red states and blue states - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. "It's beginning to look like a suburban swimming pool,'' the television anchor David Brinkley noted on election night 1980, as hundreds of Republican-blue light bulbs illuminated NBC's studio map, signaling a landslide victory for Ronald Regan over the Democratic incumbent Jimmy Carter. Other staffers, Time magazine wrote, called it ''Lake Reagan.''

Mr. Carter's bulbs were red."
Ideas & Trends; One State, Two State, Red State, Blue State - Page 2 - New York Times

3. NBC News Decision 1980 Reagan Wins - YouTube

4. "The former system made more sense and was deliberately changed by media partisans who didn’t like to suggest Democrats should be associated with the color red....What’s a little more surprising, however, is how easily Republicans fell in line, apparently without realizing the reason they went from blue to red overnight. There’s even a Republican-leaning opinion site called RedState.com. How shortsighted and gullible can you get?

That made even more sense because Reagan’s convictions were decidedly and unabashedly anti-red.

There were deviations at some other networks, but the standard remained Democrat-red and Republican-blue for three more presidential elections. It was understandable. There was little confusion about it. It all made sense.

Democrats were at least soft on communism and socialism in the post JFK-LBJ world. Republicans tended to be anti-communist. It was all perfectly understandable, accurate and had both historical precedent to support it as well as contemporary parallels in other countries.

Some Democrats, perhaps those not belonging openly to the Progressive Caucus, might be a little self-conscious about being red. Republicans are not. But the fact remains that today’s Democrats are pushing a political agenda that is traditionally, historically and practically red all over.

I propose to you it’s time we – real Americans, the rest of us – stopped being manipulated like this."
How red states turned blue and vice versa

We are ok with Red b/c that's the color of love and passion.

conservatives love their country and Constitution with a passion.

blue is cold or watered down

ironically, it ends up suiting liberals all the same.

and then some
I assume that red and blue were the only colors available since the flag is red, white and blue. Too bad because the Dems should be green.

I do not think anyone's vote was swayed by the color scheme ... although that is a possibility. Some people vote the party ticket every time regardless of a candidates stance indicating a lack of intelligence or no real interest in the election. So these people can be led to the promised land much easier than voters that learn about all of the candidates.

Sometimes it seems it would be better if all the voters names were put in a basket and whichever one was pulled out is elected to office.:eek::eek::eek:
I assume that red and blue were the only colors available since the flag is red, white and blue. Too bad because the Dems should be green.

I do not think anyone's vote was swayed by the color scheme ... although that is a possibility. Some people vote the party ticket every time regardless of a candidates stance indicating a lack of intelligence or no real interest in the election. So these people can be led to the promised land much easier than voters that learn about all of the candidates.

Sometimes it seems it would be better if all the voters names were put in a basket and whichever one was pulled out is elected to office.:eek::eek::eek:

"...names were put in a basket..."

Great minds think alike....

William F. Buckley Jr. was once quoted as saying that he’d rather be ruled by the first 400 names in the Boston telephone directory than the faculty at Harvard.
Colors have nothing to do with political philosophy. It was a stroke of genius to make the right swallow being the "reds"! :badgrin:

I'd bet the farm that you have no idea that the two sentences in your post contradict each other.


No more than you thinking colors make a difference. I'll bet the farm that you can't point out my "contradiction" without looking totally foolish. What you're calling a "contradiction" isn't about politics at all, but the mental disabilities of the right wing.

The is the time for me to remind you of the old saw:

"When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging."
Blue Sates are states where educated liberals make money. The government takes that money and supports Red States because in Red States, they are anti education. The most conservative state in America is Mississippi, the most poor. The two go hand in hand. Only Texas is really lucky because they were able to dig money out of the ground, like in Alaska. Otherwise, they would be as poor as Mississippi and just as dirty. Number one in EPA violations.
I'd bet the farm that you have no idea that the two sentences in your post contradict each other.


No more than you thinking colors make a difference. I'll bet the farm that you can't point out my "contradiction" without looking totally foolish. What you're calling a "contradiction" isn't about politics at all, but the mental disabilities of the right wing.

The is the time for me to remind you of the old saw:

"When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging."

"When you find yourself in a hole.....Cut and Paste"
No more than you thinking colors make a difference. I'll bet the farm that you can't point out my "contradiction" without looking totally foolish. What you're calling a "contradiction" isn't about politics at all, but the mental disabilities of the right wing.

The is the time for me to remind you of the old saw:

"When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging."

"When you find yourself in a hole.....Cut and Paste"

Your usual response....your inability to deal with the substance of the posts reduces the less-than-intuitive to carp about the style of the post.

But even one as obtuse as you should have realized that you are impotent in your attempt to change the format of my posts.

But I do enjoy the exercise of finding new ways to put you in your place.

As far as you influencing my style…I am immovable, like General Jackson’s Virginians at First Manassas: a veritable stone wall.
If you only had an acquaintance with history…you’d understand that.

Blue Sates are states where educated liberals make money. The government takes that money and supports Red States because in Red States, they are anti education. The most conservative state in America is Mississippi, the most poor. The two go hand in hand. Only Texas is really lucky because they were able to dig money out of the ground, like in Alaska. Otherwise, they would be as poor as Mississippi and just as dirty. Number one in EPA violations.

You know, you may have something there, deanie....

In November you will see the 'educated liberals' join in the landslide that kicks this pretender out of the people's house.

Then, we'll be able to agree on who the 'educated liberals' are.

Will you be one?
The is the time for me to remind you of the old saw:

"When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging."

"When you find yourself in a hole.....Cut and Paste"

Your usual response....your inability to deal with the substance of the posts reduces the less-than-intuitive to carp about the style of the post.

But even one as obtuse as you should have realized that you are impotent in your attempt to change the format of my posts.

But I do enjoy the exercise of finding new ways to put you in your place.

As far as you influencing my style…I am immovable, like General Jackson’s Virginians at First Manassas: a veritable stone wall.
If you only had an acquaintance with history…you’d understand that.


Why should you change the content of your posts?

I find your rightwing cut and pastes to be amusing....Much like Willows and Stephanies
Your professors must be proud of you

I have walked the Manassas Battlefield several times. The context of Bee's statement about Jackson standing like a stonewall came as Bee was under attack and Jackson held his position. Jackson later aquitted himself when his own line came under attack but the Stonewall reference is a case of historical legend
Last edited:
"When you find yourself in a hole.....Cut and Paste"

Your usual response....your inability to deal with the substance of the posts reduces the less-than-intuitive to carp about the style of the post.

But even one as obtuse as you should have realized that you are impotent in your attempt to change the format of my posts.

But I do enjoy the exercise of finding new ways to put you in your place.

As far as you influencing my style…I am immovable, like General Jackson’s Virginians at First Manassas: a veritable stone wall.
If you only had an acquaintance with history…you’d understand that.


Why should you change the content of your posts?

I find your rightwing cut and pastes to be amusing....Much like Willows and Stephanies
Your professors must be proud of you

I have walked the Manassas Battlefield several times. The context of Bee's statement about Jackson standing like a stonewall came as Bee was under attack and Jackson held his position. Jackson later aquitted himself when his own line came under attack but the Stonewall reference is a case of historical legend

"Your professors must be proud of you."

You reveal another difference between us: character

...The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.

I stand on my own feet. For me, all that is necessary is whether I am proud of myself.
At the risk of gilding the lily, I will say: I am.

Not so for you? How sad.
Your usual response....your inability to deal with the substance of the posts reduces the less-than-intuitive to carp about the style of the post.

But even one as obtuse as you should have realized that you are impotent in your attempt to change the format of my posts.

But I do enjoy the exercise of finding new ways to put you in your place.

As far as you influencing my style…I am immovable, like General Jackson’s Virginians at First Manassas: a veritable stone wall.
If you only had an acquaintance with history…you’d understand that.


Why should you change the content of your posts?

I find your rightwing cut and pastes to be amusing....Much like Willows and Stephanies
Your professors must be proud of you

I have walked the Manassas Battlefield several times. The context of Bee's statement about Jackson standing like a stonewall came as Bee was under attack and Jackson held his position. Jackson later aquitted himself when his own line came under attack but the Stonewall reference is a case of historical legend

"Your professors must be proud of you."

You reveal another difference between us: character

...The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.

I stand on my own feet. For me, all that is necessary is whether I am proud of myself.
At the risk of gilding the lily, I will say: I am.

Not so for you? How sad.

It is sad that you have wasted such an extensive education. What a lost opportunity. All that time and all your parents money and all you can do is parrot the opinions from rightwing bloggers

Cut and Paste 101........."A mind is a horrible thing to waste"
Why should you change the content of your posts?

I find your rightwing cut and pastes to be amusing....Much like Willows and Stephanies
Your professors must be proud of you

I have walked the Manassas Battlefield several times. The context of Bee's statement about Jackson standing like a stonewall came as Bee was under attack and Jackson held his position. Jackson later aquitted himself when his own line came under attack but the Stonewall reference is a case of historical legend

"Your professors must be proud of you."

You reveal another difference between us: character

...The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.

I stand on my own feet. For me, all that is necessary is whether I am proud of myself.
At the risk of gilding the lily, I will say: I am.

Not so for you? How sad.

It is sad that you have wasted such an extensive education. What a lost opportunity. All that time and all your parents money and all you can do is parrot the opinions from rightwing bloggers

Cut and Paste 101........."A mind is a horrible thing to waste"

It is amusing that your response to my posts is never anything but complaints about the format.

Had there have been people who loved you enough to provide an education, you might....hypothetically, of course....have been able to assemble responses beyond the superficial.

But....that would also require a natural intelligence, not yet in evidence.

I suggest you stick to carping about style, and stay off the thin ice of substance.
Work to ability.

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