Recruiting...The Discussion

is gunny a conservative?

personally I don't understand why anyone other than a conservative would be so opposed to freedom of speech/thought or so punitive just because some other message board was spoken well of....

this is a pretty good message board (as message boards go...a few sane and rational people being bashed and insulted by morons...)

but there are other message boards out there that aren't bad either (though I personally do NOT go to any other message boards any more......)

I would encourage ALL people to access as much info as they can
anywhere they can

Well a couple of things...

1. I don't know the political persuasion of Gunny.

2. "Freedom of Speech" applies to government restrictions on speech, not private restrictions. My understanding is this is a private message board, as such the owners set the standards of speech. If you/me/we/anyone doesn't like those restrictions, they don't have to come here.

3. Assuming someone isn't using AdBlocker. Look at the top of the screen see the advertisement? How about above the blue bar, see the one there? Look at the right side of the screen near the top, see more advertisements there? The advertisements generate revenue that helps maintain the operations of the board. People diverting traffic away from hear to another message board could reduce revenue. Think of going to lunch at McDonald's, ever see someone standing inside the door with a a big Burger Kings sign advertising their specials?


My main point, the one you apparently missed, is that the internet is not a 2 dimensional world like the one you are trying to box it into. In reality there is a Burger King right across the street from the McDonalds...and a KFC kitty corner to that and a Jack In The Crack within sight. The reason you spend your money at Mikey D's is because they offer you something the others don't. They don't black out their windows so you cannot see the other eateries. Much of their business comes from people sitting in those other establishments getting a hankering for some of those waxy Mickey D french fries.

Point being like any business you have to cater to the customers needs more than your own fears. If you have a good product at a fair price people will come.

The EDICT came off as a threat. I don't cotton to threats. ESPECIALLY internet threats!

I come here because I like what this MB offers. I have been gladly recruiting for this site because I think it deserves the effort.

If Gunny had just said no recruiting on the main board I wouldn't have said a peep. BUT that is not what he said. He said that if someone PMs another member with another site and that someone tells Gunny..he will permanently ban the original sender. That is fucking paranoid crazy talk. What he is saying is that the PM you send to someone doesn't need your permission to be read by him if it involves another site and the rat snitch shows it to him.

I would be more pleased if he refused to read such a PM and just banned the rat for being a sub human piece of shit.

Just sayin...:eusa_whistle:

It should be common knowledge that Huggy and I agree on very littel. VERY little at all.

He is dead-on-the-money here, IMO.
so riddle me this...who all went over there....are they all being banned....or what...

Ask Huggy for a members list. I was banned. I don't know the status of anyone else.

WTF? You were banned from the 'we aren't gonna ban anyone' club? You must be as bad as me. Naughty WillyT. Wery, wery naughty.

You too? What did you say that they didn't like? I can't imagine. You have been vewy vewy vewy shall we say "bitchy"? :lol::eusa_angel:
so riddle me this...who all went over there....are they all being banned....or what...

Ask Huggy for a members list. I was banned. I don't know the status of anyone else.

WTF? You were banned from the 'we aren't gonna ban anyone' club? You must be as bad as me. Naughty WillyT. Wery, wery naughty.
Wait...I thought the no one will get banned one was the OTHER other mb...this is getting very confusing.
Normally I'm the type of person who may be mad over something for a day or two and then I'm fine. Not so with this. I am reminded of watching someone make a small lie. At first it seems manageable and the person tells only a slightly larger lie to cover the first, then the lies get progressively larger and larger. Other actions become necessary until it is out of control and the truth becomes plain to most.

The pettiness is ricidulous. Something has to change so that healing can take place. So I'm less irritated and those on USMB, I'm taking a week off here, so you all can be less reminded of all things other board. Maybe some of the others can do the same and we can depressurize.

Who cares why you are "mad". I think you just like reading your own whining and then wallowing in your own personal drama. We wouldn't even be reminded of the "other board" if you folks wouldn't keep bringing it up with the passive aggressive insinuations and ohhh... woe is me posts. If you don't want to post here then don't...simple. :lol::eusa_hand:
Normally I'm the type of person who may be mad over something for a day or two and then I'm fine. Not so with this. I am reminded of watching someone make a small lie. At first it seems manageable and the person tells only a slightly larger lie to cover the first, then the lies get progressively larger and larger. Other actions become necessary until it is out of control and the truth becomes plain to most.

The pettiness is ricidulous. Something has to change so that healing can take place. So I'm less irritated and those on USMB, I'm taking a week off here, so you all can be less reminded of all things other board. Maybe some of the others can do the same and we can depressurize.

Who cares why you are "mad". I think you just like reading your own whining and then wallowing in your own personal drama. We wouldn't even be reminded of the "other board" if you folks wouldn't keep bringing it up with the passive aggressive insinuations and ohhh... woe is me posts. If you don't want to post here then don't...simple. :lol::eusa_hand:

their goal is marytardom .... seems like. did I spell that right?
Normally I'm the type of person who may be mad over something for a day or two and then I'm fine. Not so with this. I am reminded of watching someone make a small lie. At first it seems manageable and the person tells only a slightly larger lie to cover the first, then the lies get progressively larger and larger. Other actions become necessary until it is out of control and the truth becomes plain to most.

The pettiness is ricidulous. Something has to change so that healing can take place. So I'm less irritated and those on USMB, I'm taking a week off here, so you all can be less reminded of all things other board. Maybe some of the others can do the same and we can depressurize.

Who cares why you are "mad". I think you just like reading your own whining and then wallowing in your own personal drama. We wouldn't even be reminded of the "other board" if you folks wouldn't keep bringing it up with the passive aggressive insinuations and ohhh... woe is me posts. If you don't want to post here then don't...simple. :lol::eusa_hand:

their goal is marytardom .... seems like. did I spell that right?

Obviously. They need to keep going out on recon trips...dropping bombs and then running back to their little private cubby hole where it is "safe" and they can claim the high road. Real brave there. And mature too. :lol::lol::cuckoo:
Who cares why you are "mad". I think you just like reading your own whining and then wallowing in your own personal drama. We wouldn't even be reminded of the "other board" if you folks wouldn't keep bringing it up with the passive aggressive insinuations and ohhh... woe is me posts. If you don't want to post here then don't...simple. :lol::eusa_hand:

their goal is marytardom .... seems like. did I spell that right?

Obviously. They need to keep going out on recon trips...dropping bombs and then running back to their little private cubby hole where it is "safe" and they can claim the high road. Real brave there. And mature too. :lol::lol::cuckoo:

I appreciate all the hand wringing about some other alleged MB but this thread is about the sanctity of PMs.
their goal is marytardom .... seems like. did I spell that right?

Obviously. They need to keep going out on recon trips...dropping bombs and then running back to their little private cubby hole where it is "safe" and they can claim the high road. Real brave there. And mature too. :lol::lol::cuckoo:

I appreciate all the hand wringing about some other alleged MB but this thread is about the sanctity of PMs.

Let's discuss the sanctity of life. Whatyasay?
their goal is marytardom .... seems like. did I spell that right?

Obviously. They need to keep going out on recon trips...dropping bombs and then running back to their little private cubby hole where it is "safe" and they can claim the high road. Real brave there. And mature too. :lol::lol::cuckoo:

I appreciate all the hand wringing about some other alleged MB but this thread is about the sanctity of PMs.
Newsflash: PMs have no sanctity.

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