Record number of American concerned about Climate Change

This is not good for the Deniers in the repub party. Weather extremes are gonna get worse as the years go on. But don't try to convince a repub.
It's january, snow on the ground and the temp in the low 30's . Sorry I don't see it.
What they are saying is the climate changes naturally and that's true. So they are correct. Climate change happens with or without humans. What they are ignoring is that the climate is changing BECAUSE of all the pollution we put in the air. 200 years ago no one in Europe, Russia, Asia, Mexico hell even Canada didn't drive. And we have 1/10th the population we have now but even if we had the same, they weren't all driving gas powered things. And we weren't producing so much cow meat for consumers. So all this stuff we are putting in the air, is heating up and possibly destroying the planet.

Do they deny Man Made Climate Change?

Yes, we dispute mankinds influence. There is, to date, zero empirical evidence to show man has an impact.
And the oil company executives have known for decades what fossil fuels were doing to the planet. But profit is profit...and the time things get real bad....most of them will be retired or dead.

And the oil company executives have known for decades what fossil fuels were doing to the planet.

Providing cheap, reliable energy which allows our high tech economy to thrive.

Those bastards!!!
I'm concerned.

I just don't know what can be done about, leaving out some WWII sized effort.

If we switched from natural gas and coal to nuclear power, that would help a bit.

We really need China to do something since China is a huge producer of CO2. Much bigger than America.
I'm concerned.

I just don't know what can be done about, leaving out some WWII sized effort.

If we switched from natural gas and coal to nuclear power, that would help a bit.

We really need China to do something since China is a huge producer of CO2. Much bigger than America.
Tell Poopeypants to tax them like he taxes us.
No, we're really not...A record number of moonbats losing control of the scamdemic narrative need to begin shifting their panic porn focus.
The left and their MSM lackeys move from one flavor of self-perpetuating misery after another.....That's how they roll. I really don't think happiness is in their genetic make-up anymore.

The fact of the matter is the left is comforted by their misery because it's all they know and don't understand how others can't be as miserable as they are. "I'm miserable so I'm going to fuckin' well see to it that you are too".

If the "climate change" weenies would move on to study, isolate, and treat the left's "misery gene" the country, and our wallets, would be far better off for it.

This is not good for the Deniers in the repub party. Weather extremes are gonna get worse as the years go on. But don't try to convince a repub.
and joes chinese allies keep building those coal fired plants for big corporations that back the democrat party
Eventually, if they haven't already, they'll slowly shift from denying man made GW to trying to suggest they know best the way to deal with it. Because it's the corporate lobbyists of oil companies who tell the Republicans what to say about the science.

Once they can't deny it, they'll say it shouldn't be the corporate pollutors who have to pay for going green. It'll get passed on to the consumers. Yada yada.

Some of them will admit it's real but say there is nothing we can do about it.
except the really big corporations love dat democrat party

This is not good for the Deniers in the repub party. Weather extremes are gonna get worse as the years go on. But don't try to convince a repub.
republicans dont buy into liberal misery pushers
and the chinese dont giv one fuck

This is not good for the Deniers in the repub party. Weather extremes are gonna get worse as the years go on. But don't try to convince a repub.
its amazing how jimmy is so controlled he doesnt think any democrats think this climate stuff is bullshit are a dipshit jim-bo.....
Eventually, if they haven't already, they'll slowly shift from denying man made GW to trying to suggest they know best the way to deal with it. Because it's the corporate lobbyists of oil companies who tell the Republicans what to say about the science.

Once they can't deny it, they'll say it shouldn't be the corporate pollutors who have to pay for going green. It'll get passed on to the consumers. Yada yada.

Some of them will admit it's real but say there is nothing we can do about it.
And of course, the left's solution is always world socialism. They never get around to explaining how it'll change the climate, though.

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