Reality Check


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The insanity from the left will never end which is why people must constantly be vigilant and defeat them at every turn.


Lately, my Spidey sense for zeitgeist trends has started tingling again, telling me that my old jokes about how the “equity” that the Diversity-Inclusion-Equity racket wants is your home equity aren’t funny anymore.

For example, the mainstream media is ramping up the antiquarianist articles about how ancient inequities in real estate practices mean that in 2021 it’s your fault that black neighborhoods have low property values and, therefore, you must pay. Redlining, which was abolished 53 years ago in 1968, is the usual suspect, but the latest fad is to emphasize racial covenants in home deeds, which the Supreme Court ruled unenforceable in 1948.

That was 73 years ago, but who’s counting? For example, the Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal splashed a long article on May 1 entitled:

Why Black Homeownership Lags Badly in Minneapolis

Restrictive property covenants once helped keep people of color out of neighborhoods around America. The effects have compounded.

The WSJ propounds:

A trove of new research suggests that one factor is a tool of discrimination from 100 years ago: racially restrictive covenants that were attached to thousands of Minneapolis homes in the early 20th century, prohibiting sales to many minorities.

As I pointed out a few weeks ago, it’s human nature to imagine you deserve to be rich because, knowing what you know today, your great-grandparents should have bought the magic dirt that was cheap then and is valuable now (even though you or your more immediate ancestors probably would have frittered it away in the intervening decades before it turned into pay dirt).

It’s particularly likely that blacks, who on average spend more on conspicuous consumption relative to their incomes than other races, would have blown through potentially valuable property inheritances before they fully matured.

Moreover, there is the Heisenbergian factor: If a lot of blacks had moved into the neighborhood, it wouldn’t have gone up in value as much. The fundamental reason that homes don’t appreciate as fast in blacker neighborhoods is not their tragic dirt, but because blacks tend to be lousier neighbors. Fortunately, there is an obvious win-win solution: If blacks want to make more money off home ownership, they should work harder at being better neighbors.

Unfortunately, nobody is supposed to mention any such bracing realities to African-Americans. It is widely assumed that blacks can’t handle the truth. Instead, everybody is supposed to reassure them of how oppressed they are.


The insanity from the left will never end which is why people must constantly be vigilant and defeat them at every turn.
Do you actually believe they can be defeated politically? I no longer do. They control the narrative and the population won't wake up until the city that's burning is their own. It's time to fall back to the state level and harden our defenses. The only choice left with these nutters is physical confrontation WHEN THEY COME AGAINST US. We won't have to wait much longer. Fortunately, as a group, they are so confused and wrapped up in hate that they won't be willing to stand up to real resistance.
Next month, Charles Murray is publishing Facing Reality: Two Truths about Race in America in answer to the current dominance of Ibram X. Kendi’s dogma that black underperformance in anything must be proof of white guilt, and thus, whites must pay. Murray answers:

Two known facts, long since documented beyond reasonable doubt, need to be brought into the open and incorporated into the way we think about public policy: American whites, blacks, Hispanics, and Asians have different violent crime rates and different means and distributions of cognitive ability…. Since we have not been willing to say that, we have been left defenseless against the claims that racism is to blame. What else could it be? We have been afraid to answer. We must.
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