Reagan, the Reds, And Religion

Thanks for checking in, LaDolt..... back under the rock

I take great pride in the fact that my truths here are never disputed, they are simply grounds for the sub human traitors who oppose truth to get all hissy and toss cards and insults, since they are intellectually incapable of even attempting to refute...

So, let's hear it,

why did Reagan the Republican win the South twice if the south never changed from Democrat to Republican?
Pretty simple. People were sick of Carter.

I knew someone would say that, but going back before 1964, the Democrats won the South even when they lost elections,

twice in the case of the Eisenhower wins for example.
The truly tenacious prejudices here are the mythmakers' like you. Is that funny too?


I never use vulgarity....but, still, you are far too kind in this case.
It was a quote from The Myth of the Racist Republicans
Thanks for checking in, LaDolt..... back under the rock

I take great pride in the fact that my truths here are never disputed, they are simply grounds for the sub human traitors who oppose truth to get all hissy and toss cards and insults, since they are intellectually incapable of even attempting to refute...

You haven't posted anything that comes close to 'truths,' merely extraneous biases with no relationship to the thread.

Truth, in your posts, is harder to find than a snow snake.
So, let's hear it,

why did Reagan the Republican win the South twice if the south never changed from Democrat to Republican?
Pretty simple. People were sick of Carter.

I knew someone would say that, but going back before 1964, the Democrats won the South even when they lost elections,

twice in the case of the Eisenhower wins for example.
The truly tenacious prejudices here are the mythmakers' like you. Is that funny too?


I never use vulgarity....but, still, you are far too kind in this case.
It was a quote from The Myth of the Racist Republicans

Here's mine on that issue: The racist vote always went to the Democrats

"When the '68 campaign began, Nixon was at 42 percent, Humphrey at 29 percent, Wallace at 22 percent. When it ended, Nixon and Humphrey were tied at 43 percent, with Wallace at 13 percent. The 9 percent of the national vote that had been peeled off from Wallace had gone to Humphrey." Pat Buchanan - The neocons & Nixon's southern strategy
So, let's hear it,

why did Reagan the Republican win the South twice if the south never changed from Democrat to Republican?
Pretty simple. People were sick of Carter.

I knew someone would say that, but going back before 1964, the Democrats won the South even when they lost elections,

twice in the case of the Eisenhower wins for example.
I started and could make an in depth response to you but I thought about and deleted what I wrote. Surely you can find people with them expensive degrees out there to educate you instead of a lowly "uneducated" person such as I to help you out if that is what you are after.
You haven't posted anything that comes close to 'truths,'

and according to you, this is a "757" and Israel is our "ally..."

The full 911 Commission Report claims the "757" flew in at 500+ mph (can it really go that fast at ground level?) with its nose 8 feet off the ground (which puts its engines in the ground) and left this hole...

What an appropriate avi you've chosen.

To Americans, those of us who value the Constitution, there are no 'thought crimes.'

Only Fascists insist there are.
How very dull witted you show yourself to be and so very uncomprehending of that mock, oh you the faux intellectual with the 'deep thoughts'. You're the infidel behind the curtain shouting to the mesmerized and transfixed supplicants the propagandized 'reasons' to HATE GOLDSTEIN you bloody fraud.

My avatar MOCKS YOU and others like you reveling in their abject HYPOCRISY AND DUPLICITY. My avatar remains, if only to be a reminder every time you see it that I'm aware of your games and the dangers you pose to human dignity and freedom you worthless pile of dung! Lord knows that you're unable to comprehend the knowing jest of its symbolism, as you've just displayed!


I find it more likely that you are a dim witted moron who thinks using the moniker you've assigned your avatar a pathetically convenient method to utilize the implication it represents a blind to take pot shots from behind to hide your ignorance.


You haven't posted anything that comes close to 'truths,'

and according to you, this is a "757" and Israel is our "ally..."

The full 911 Commission Report claims the "757" flew in at 500+ mph (can it really go that fast at ground level?) with its nose 8 feet off the ground (which puts its engines in the ground) and left this hole...

According to me...

a. Ronald Reagan was a deeply religious man

b. The Democrats/Liberals had penciled in the USSR as winning the Cold War

c. The central doctrine of Marxism is atheism and no objective morality nor truth

d. Ronald Reagan's belief in God and justice won the Cold War

e. and, according to me, you're an imbecile.

Any mistakes?
11. "Reagan’s faith played a powerful role in his politics. As the overseer of the beginning of the end of the Cold War between the United States and Communist USSR, Reagan saw it as good vs. evil, as Christian America overcoming evil, atheist Russia who were raging a “savage, brutal war on religion.”

Reagan had no problem with the combination of church and state. In fact, according to Reagan:

If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under." .... Reagan was well-known as a tolerant man, both religiously and racially. The persecution of the Jews was a major justification for Reagan’s rail against the Soviet Union." Ronald Reagan’s Religion and Political Views

11. "Reagan’s faith played a powerful role in his politics. As the overseer of the beginning of the end of the Cold War between the United States and Communist USSR, Reagan saw it as good vs. evil, as Christian America overcoming evil, atheist Russia who were raging a “savage, brutal war on religion.”

Reagan had no problem with the combination of church and state. In fact, according to Reagan:

If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under." .... Reagan was well-known as a tolerant man, both religiously and racially. The persecution of the Jews was a major justification for Reagan’s rail against the Soviet Union." Ronald Reagan’s Religion and Political Views

Too bad some of the jews do not recall that.
11. "Reagan’s faith played a powerful role in his politics. As the overseer of the beginning of the end of the Cold War between the United States and Communist USSR, Reagan saw it as good vs. evil, as Christian America overcoming evil, atheist Russia who were raging a “savage, brutal war on religion.”

Reagan had no problem with the combination of church and state. In fact, according to Reagan:

If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under." .... Reagan was well-known as a tolerant man, both religiously and racially. The persecution of the Jews was a major justification for Reagan’s rail against the Soviet Union." Ronald Reagan’s Religion and Political Views

Too bad some of the jews do not recall that.

Nor many other Americans.
11. "Reagan’s faith played a powerful role in his politics. As the overseer of the beginning of the end of the Cold War between the United States and Communist USSR, Reagan saw it as good vs. evil, as Christian America overcoming evil, atheist Russia who were raging a “savage, brutal war on religion.”

Reagan had no problem with the combination of church and state. In fact, according to Reagan:

If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under." .... Reagan was well-known as a tolerant man, both religiously and racially. The persecution of the Jews was a major justification for Reagan’s rail against the Soviet Union." Ronald Reagan’s Religion and Political Views

Too bad some of the jews do not recall that.

Nor many other Americans.
Keep on teaching them everything you can PC. Ultimately some of it will stick.
11. "Reagan’s faith played a powerful role in his politics. As the overseer of the beginning of the end of the Cold War between the United States and Communist USSR, Reagan saw it as good vs. evil, as Christian America overcoming evil, atheist Russia who were raging a “savage, brutal war on religion.”

Reagan had no problem with the combination of church and state. In fact, according to Reagan:

If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under." .... Reagan was well-known as a tolerant man, both religiously and racially. The persecution of the Jews was a major justification for Reagan’s rail against the Soviet Union." Ronald Reagan’s Religion and Political Views

Too bad some of the jews do not recall that.

Nor many other Americans.
Keep on teaching them everything you can PC. Ultimately some of it will stick.

Both of us, RodISHI!!!

We have an obligation to inform those who have suffered under the indoctrination of government schooling, and the universities.

Places like this are our 'samizdat'...."the clandestine copying and distribution of literature banned by the state, especially formerly in the communist countries of eastern Europe." (Google)

You've seen that the Leftists have no way to rebut nor refute the truth provided.
I'm sure some who read it have never seen it before, and I always provide links and sources so they can continue to educate themselves.

Keep on keepin' on!
11. "Reagan’s faith played a powerful role in his politics. As the overseer of the beginning of the end of the Cold War between the United States and Communist USSR, Reagan saw it as good vs. evil, as Christian America overcoming evil, atheist Russia who were raging a “savage, brutal war on religion.”

Reagan had no problem with the combination of church and state. In fact, according to Reagan:

If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under." .... Reagan was well-known as a tolerant man, both religiously and racially. The persecution of the Jews was a major justification for Reagan’s rail against the Soviet Union." Ronald Reagan’s Religion and Political Views

Too bad some of the jews do not recall that.

Nor many other Americans.
Keep on teaching them everything you can PC. Ultimately some of it will stick.

Both of us, RodISHI!!!

We have an obligation to inform those who have suffered under the indoctrination of government schooling, and the universities.

Places like this are our 'samizdat'...."the clandestine copying and distribution of literature banned by the state, especially formerly in the communist countries of eastern Europe." (Google)

You've seen that the Leftists have no way to rebut nor refute the truth provided.
I'm sure some who read it have never seen it before, and I always provide links and sources so they can continue to educate themselves.

Keep on keepin' on!

It is called pulling as many as we can out of the flood or fire.
Dumb again Joe.

You EXPECT him!

Do you fail to see how stupid that is?

Yes, I expect people to live up to their beliefs...

When someone says he believes in Jesus, I don't expect him to yank food out of the mouths of poor children to give tax cuts to billionaires.
God that is some stupid leftist shit...even for you Joe.

If you really believe that, you just proved you are a dupe of the DNC Bolshevik elite media.
How is that stupid? That has been the repug modus operandi for a long time. Cut social programs for the poor, cut taxes for the rich.
What an appropriate avi you've chosen.

To Americans, those of us who value the Constitution, there are no 'thought crimes.'

Only Fascists insist there are.
How very dull witted you show yourself to be and so very uncomprehending of that mock, oh you the faux intellectual with the 'deep thoughts'. You're the infidel behind the curtain shouting to the mesmerized and transfixed supplicants the propagandized 'reasons' to HATE GOLDSTEIN you bloody fraud.

My avatar MOCKS YOU and others like you reveling in their abject HYPOCRISY AND DUPLICITY. My avatar remains, if only to be a reminder every time you see it that I'm aware of your games and the dangers you pose to human dignity and freedom you worthless pile of dung! Lord knows that you're unable to comprehend the knowing jest of its symbolism, as you've just displayed!

I find it more likely that you are a dim witted moron who thinks using the moniker you've assigned your avatar a pathetically convenient method to utilize the implication it represents a blind to take pot shots from behind to hide your ignorance.


OH LOOKY! Another fucking Keyboard Kommando who doesn't know shit but wishes only to insert himself as the 'Damaged' White Hero Bird-Brained One to save a damsel in distress. Can you say, "petty squawking little bitch-boy"!Too fucking bad you hadn't read the totality of our exchange before you inserted your half-wit capabilities into the admix, fool.

You'd have seen that Cynthia was the one coming form behind with the insults, and you could have saved yourself some embarrassment. As usual her/it doesn't like being shown up as being a bloody lying fool continually by a few of us. Her OP contained a yuuugh lie I exposed and she took exception. That's her fucking MO, dipstick, and it/she came back full bore ad hominem, just like you have you fucking ignorant IDIOT, and stepped into her pile of SHIT!

Oh and your conclusion re: my avatar shows you to be an absolute fucking inane tool who's easy to manipulate, but I don't hold your mental deficiencies against you personally, considering your state of constant confusion, and low self-esteem. Did Chica ask you to lay it on me, you fucking sucker, or were you just feeling a little Butch this PM? Ta Ta Bruiser!
Dumb again Joe.

You EXPECT him!

Do you fail to see how stupid that is?

Yes, I expect people to live up to their beliefs...

When someone says he believes in Jesus, I don't expect him to yank food out of the mouths of poor children to give tax cuts to billionaires.
God that is some stupid leftist shit...even for you Joe.

If you really believe that, you just proved you are a dupe of the DNC Bolshevik elite media.
How is that stupid? That has been the repug modus operandi for a long time. Cut social programs for the poor, cut taxes for the rich.
Who was it who said, "end welfare as we know it?"
Dumb again Joe.

You EXPECT him!

Do you fail to see how stupid that is?

Yes, I expect people to live up to their beliefs...

When someone says he believes in Jesus, I don't expect him to yank food out of the mouths of poor children to give tax cuts to billionaires.
God that is some stupid leftist shit...even for you Joe.

If you really believe that, you just proved you are a dupe of the DNC Bolshevik elite media.
How is that stupid? That has been the repug modus operandi for a long time. Cut social programs for the poor, cut taxes for the rich.
Who was it who said, "end welfare as we know it?"
Every republican ever? Oh wait, that was just "end welfare", not "end welfare as we know it". Sorry.
What an appropriate avi you've chosen.

To Americans, those of us who value the Constitution, there are no 'thought crimes.'

Only Fascists insist there are.
How very dull witted you show yourself to be and so very uncomprehending of that mock, oh you the faux intellectual with the 'deep thoughts'. You're the infidel behind the curtain shouting to the mesmerized and transfixed supplicants the propagandized 'reasons' to HATE GOLDSTEIN you bloody fraud.

My avatar MOCKS YOU and others like you reveling in their abject HYPOCRISY AND DUPLICITY. My avatar remains, if only to be a reminder every time you see it that I'm aware of your games and the dangers you pose to human dignity and freedom you worthless pile of dung! Lord knows that you're unable to comprehend the knowing jest of its symbolism, as you've just displayed!

I find it more likely that you are a dim witted moron who thinks using the moniker you've assigned your avatar a pathetically convenient method to utilize the implication it represents a blind to take pot shots from behind to hide your ignorance.


OH LOOKY! Another fucking Keyboard Kommando who doesn't know shit but wishes only to insert himself as the 'Damaged' White Hero Bird-Brained One to save a damsel in distress. Can you say, "petty squawking little bitch-boy"!Too fucking bad you hadn't read the totality of our exchange before you inserted your half-wit capabilities into the admix, fool.

You'd have seen that Cynthia was the one coming form behind with the insults, and you could have saved yourself some embarrassment. As usual her/it doesn't like being shown up as being a bloody lying fool continually by a few of us. Her OP contained a yuuugh lie I exposed and she took exception. That's her fucking MO, dipstick, and it/she came back full bore ad hominem, just like you have you fucking ignorant IDIOT, and stepped into her pile of SHIT!

Oh and your conclusion re: my avatar shows you to be an absolute fucking inane tool who's easy to manipulate, but I don't hold your mental deficiencies against you personally, considering your state of constant confusion, and low self-esteem. Did Chica ask you to lay it on me, you fucking sucker, or were you just feeling a little Butch this PM? Ta Ta Bruiser!


I see... You're nothing less pathetic child who needs to be sent to bed because all you know is how to throw petty insults and add nothing meaningful to the conversation than your own loathsome banality.


Dumb again Joe.

You EXPECT him!

Do you fail to see how stupid that is?

Yes, I expect people to live up to their beliefs...

When someone says he believes in Jesus, I don't expect him to yank food out of the mouths of poor children to give tax cuts to billionaires.
God that is some stupid leftist shit...even for you Joe.

If you really believe that, you just proved you are a dupe of the DNC Bolshevik elite media.
How is that stupid? That has been the repug modus operandi for a long time. Cut social programs for the poor, cut taxes for the rich.

Did you know that after half a century, and $trillions lost, the poverty rate is nearly identical to what it was when the racist Democrat LBJ initiated it?

Throwing money at the problem has neither reduced poverty nor made the poor self-sufficient.

Did you know that, you dunce?

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