Reagan, the Reds, And Religion

Ronald Reagan was deeply religious.
If he was so damn religious, why did he curse so often with the crudest and foulest of language when he flubbed a line in those Hollywood blooper movies of his outtakes then? And how about his schtupping of Nancy Davis after he dumped and divorced Jane Wyman and knocking up Nancy leading to a shotgun wedding?

Saint Raygun? More like normal guy Reagan with faults and foibles who NEVER stood on a pedestal nor was he ever a paragon of virtue.

Best that you get that straight and stop telling your very pitiful and transparent lies all the damn time Cynthia!! Using that argument for the first chapter of this iteration of your tome like novella as one of your three legged stool argumentation ploys saws that leg off the base with the resultant collapse being inevitable. Why do you Long Island JAP's persist with these types of irrational attempts to be relevant? That type of narcissistic behavior is so... 'Orange'!

What an appropriate avi you've chosen.

To Americans, those of us who value the Constitution, there are no 'thought crimes.'

Only Fascists insist there are.
6. Today, the Democrat Party stands for almost every aim and attitude of the post-war Communist Party (CPUSA). Stalin originated the United Nations, and our universities indoctrinate with the Left's propaganda.

How did this happen?
The 32nd President.

'A more sinister ' proximate cause of our numbness when it come to Soviet crime is the lies that Franklin Roosevelt told the public in support of his one-and-only, Joseph Stalin.

Loy Henderson, State Department Russian expert of the time said: "Russia does not fight for the same ideals as the United States."
But Roosevelt swore to the American public the exact opposite: he declared that Stalin fought for the same ideals!

September 30, 1941, FDR claimed that there was freedom of religion in the USSR. "The claim that Stalin's Russia allowed religious freedom was the first step in a massive pro-Soviet campaign that the White House coordinated for the duration of the war."
"Caught between Roosevelt and Stalin: America's Ambassadors to Moscow," by Dennis J. Dunn, p. 137

Roosevelt worked tirelessly on behalf of Stalin and communism.

In contrast, "Traditionalists" rejected the theory of convergence, that communism was becoming more like democracy. ... they viewed Stalin as "a murderer, a liar, and a vicious opponent of the United States and of pluralism generally." Imbued with "absolute morality," Traditionalists wanted Roosevelt to compel the Soviets to adopt democracy and "the minimum standards of moral behavior that were outlined in the world's principal religions and moral codes."

These pleas, however, went unheeded as Roosevelt remained intent on pursuing "his policy of uncritical friendship toward Stalin" (Dunn, pp. 8-9)."
H-Net Reviews

What sort of mental aberration caused an American President to subscribe to, kneel to, the wishes of an homicidal psychopath?

What an appropriate avi you've chosen.

To Americans, those of us who value the Constitution, there are no 'thought crimes.'

Only Fascists insist there are.
How very dull witted you show yourself to be and so very uncomprehending of that mock, oh you the faux intellectual with the 'deep thoughts'. You're the infidel behind the curtain shouting to the mesmerized and transfixed supplicants the propagandized 'reasons' to HATE GOLDSTEIN you bloody fraud.

My avatar MOCKS YOU and others like you reveling in their abject HYPOCRISY AND DUPLICITY. My avatar remains, if only to be a reminder every time you see it that I'm aware of your games and the dangers you pose to human dignity and freedom you worthless pile of dung! Lord knows that you're unable to comprehend the knowing jest of its symbolism, as you've just displayed!
What an appropriate avi you've chosen.

To Americans, those of us who value the Constitution, there are no 'thought crimes.'

Only Fascists insist there are.
How very dull witted you show yourself to be and so very uncomprehending of that mock, oh you the faux intellectual with the 'deep thoughts'. You're the infidel behind the curtain shouting to the mesmerized and transfixed supplicants the propagandized 'reasons' to HATE GOLDSTEIN you bloody fraud.

My avatar MOCKS YOU and others like you reveling in their abject HYPOCRISY AND DUPLICITY. My avatar remains, if only to be a reminder every time you see it that I'm aware of your games and the dangers you pose to human dignity and freedom you worthless pile of dung! Lord knows that you're unable to comprehend the knowing jest of its symbolism, as you've just displayed!

What an appropriate avi you've chosen.

To Americans, those of us who value the Constitution, there are no 'thought crimes.'

Only Fascists insist there are.
7. Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev famously announced to the West, 'Мы вас похороним' (We will bury you!) That was November 18, 1956.....stating his faith in the inevitability of communism.

Inevitability of political communism, atheistic communism....and armed communism.

The Soviets never envisioned a Ronald Reagan.

They lived and died by this view:
"Just because any religious idea, any idea of any god at all, any flirtation even with a god, is the most inexpressible foulness, particularly tolerantly (and often even favourably) accepted by the democratic bourgeoisie—for that very reason it is the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful “infection.”

A million physical sins, dirty tricks, acts of violence and infections are much more easily discovered by the crowd, and therefore are much less dangerous, than the nubile, spiritual idea of god, dressed up in the most attractive “ideological” costumes."
Letter from Lenin to Maxim Gorky, Written on November 13 or 14, 1913 Lenin 55. TO MAXIM GORKY

"Stalin was the driving force behind a magnified anti-religious campaign....and a new law....8 April 1929...No religion was permitted any longer to engage in what was loosely called religious propaganda....Clerics were permitted to perform divine service and nothing more."
" The Dictators: Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia," Richard Overy, p. 275

Reagan was their worst nightmare, not just in personal strength, political acumen, but in his deeply religious views.
He perceived, in both his life and his mission, the hand of God.

....just as America's Founders did:
There are four references to ‘Divine’ in the Declaration of Independence…
1) in first paragraph ‘Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God,’
2) next paragraph ‘endowed by their Creator,”
3) Supreme Judge of the world,
and 4) ‘divine’ Providence, last paragraph.

If you've learned to believe otherwise, you've been taught so by communists.

Thank you for the best reminder PC!

....just as America's Founders did:
There are four references to ‘Divine’ in D of I… 1)

in first paragraph ‘Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God,’
2) next paragraph ‘endowed by their Creator,”
3) Supreme Judge of the world,
and 4) ‘divine’ Providence, last paragraph.

Whether the founders knew or understood fully that the Spirit of God in them was setting the stage for a land of promise where people would ultimately understand that the breath of life in them is what creates all justice may be debatable but it is accurate none the less!!!!!
What an appropriate avi you've chosen.

To Americans, those of us who value the Constitution, there are no 'thought crimes.'

Only Fascists insist there are.
How very dull witted you show yourself to be and so very uncomprehending of that mock, oh you the faux intellectual with the 'deep thoughts'. You're the infidel behind the curtain shouting to the mesmerized and transfixed supplicants the propagandized 'reasons' to HATE GOLDSTEIN you bloody fraud.

My avatar MOCKS YOU and others like you reveling in their abject HYPOCRISY AND DUPLICITY. My avatar remains, if only to be a reminder every time you see it that I'm aware of your games and the dangers you pose to human dignity and freedom you worthless pile of dung! Lord knows that you're unable to comprehend the knowing jest of its symbolism, as you've just displayed!
8. The human spirit, the desire for freedom, belief in God...and American exceptionalism ...destroyed the USSR.

"The Soviets could no longer meet US economic and strategic competition. They therefore had to meet Reagan's terms. Gorbachev announced his acceptance of the 'zero-zero option' on INF missiles [ the withdrawal of all Soviet and United States intermediate-range nuclear missiles from Europe. This term was subsequently expanded to describe the vision of eliminating all nuclear weapons everywhere] on July 22, 1987."
John O’Sullivan, The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World, p. 289

And, even worse for communism, Marxism was defeated by religion.

In December of 1989, Gorbachev visited the Vatican and tacitly admitted that atheism had been defeated by religious belief. "He made this quite explicit when he introduced his wife to he pope, saying, 'Raisa Maximova, I have the honor to introduce the highest moral authority on earth." O'Sullivan, Op. Cit, p. 308

Can you imagine that???
This from Karl Marx's emissary!

Lenin was implacably opposed to all religious sentiment, as was Marx. 'Any religious idea,' he wrote to Maxim Gorky in 1913, the most dangerous foulness, the most shameful "infection."
Overy, Op. Cit., p. 270.

Ronald Reagan shared with the Founders a belief in something that the Evil Empire could not conquer.

May it ever be so.

9. "Ronald Wilson Reagan was one of America’s most deeply read and thoughtful presidents, and one of its most spiritually grounded. Trained early in life by his evangelical Christian mother, he never forgot the lessons she taught him. And in the Oval Office he became a history-changing champion of religious liberty.

In fact, most Americans—even most conservatives—don’t realize how Ronald Reagan’s Christianity was a core part of his entire philosophy of government as well as something he lived personally.

Reagan viewed all of life, including public life, through a spiritual lens, lacing speeches with references to the practical implications of doctrines such as sin and the fall (part of his case for limited government, law and order, and confronting evil in regimes such as the Soviet Union), and the creation and dignity of every human being in image of God (part of his case for free enterprise and against abortion).

After renowned historian Douglas Brinkley spent six months meticulously examining and editing the private diaries Reagan kept while president, he noted: “In these writings Ronald Reagan’s true nature is revealed . . . Like his marriage to Nancy, his strong relationship with God was of paramount importance in Reagan’s life.”
Ronald Reagan: Remembering the champion of religious liberty on his birthday

10. "The physical assault on religion ....eginning in 1928 with the closure of ...532 religious houses, by 1940 the overwhelming majority had been dynamited, closed or taken over....

The Russian Orthodox Church had 46, 457 churches and 1,028 monasteries at the time of the revolution; by 1939...less than 1,000 were operating."
de Grunwald, 'God and the Soviets,' p. 54

To judge the power of Leftist influence in our society, note how many begin to foam at the mouth when religion rears its head in the public arena.
Herb Romerstein, the veteran investigator of the communist movement, and himself an ex-communst, told me that communists found progressive pastors to be "the biggest suckers of them all."

No, the biggest "suckers" are those who do not notice that Herb RomerSTEIN is a JEW not a Christian, as are most of the "Christian preachers" in the Bible Belt starting with Hagee and the Graham family...
So, let's hear it,

why did Reagan the Republican win the South twice if the south never changed from Democrat to Republican?
Pretty simple. People were sick of Carter.

I knew someone would say that, but going back before 1964, the Democrats won the South even when they lost elections,

twice in the case of the Eisenhower wins for example.
Herb Romerstein, the veteran investigator of the communist movement, and himself an ex-communst, told me that communists found progressive pastors to be "the biggest suckers of them all."

No, the biggest "suckers" are those who do not notice that Herb RomerSTEIN is a JEW not a Christian, as are most of the "Christian preachers" in the Bible Belt starting with Hagee and the Graham family...

Thanks for checking in, LaDolt..... back under the rock.
So, let's hear it,

why did Reagan the Republican win the South twice if the south never changed from Democrat to Republican?
Timing may provide the greatest gap between the myth and the actual unfolding of events. Only in the 1980s did more white Southerners self-identify as Republicans than as Democrats, and only in the mid-1990s did Republicans win most Southern House seats and become competitive in most state legislatures. So if the GOP's strength in the South only recently reached its zenith, and if its appeal were primarily racial in nature, then the white Southern electorate (or at least most of it) would have to be as racist as ever. But surely one of the most important events in Southern political history is the long-term decline of racism among whites. The fact that these (and many other) books suggest otherwise shows that the myth is ultimately based on a demonization not of the GOP but of Southerners, who are indeed assumed to have Confederate flags in their hearts if not on their pickups. This view lends The Rise of Southern Republicans a schizophrenic nature: it charts numerous changes in the South, but its organizing categories are predicated on the unsustainable assumption that racial views remain intact.

What's more, the trend away from confident beliefs in white supremacy may have begun earlier than we often think. David Chappell, a historian of religion, argues that during the height of the civil rights struggle, segregationists were denied the crucial prop of religious legitimacy. Large numbers of pastors of diverse denominations concluded that there was no Biblical foundation for either segregation or white superiority. Although many pastors remained segregationist anyway, the official shift was startling: "Before the Supreme Court's [Brown v. Board] decision of 1954, the southern Presbyterians. . . and, shortly after the decision, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) overwhelmingly passed resolutions supporting desegregation and calling on all to comply with it peacefully. . . . By 1958 all SBC seminaries accepted black applicants." With considerable understatement, Chappell notes that "people—even historians—are surprised to hear this." Billy Graham, the most prominent Southern preacher, was openly integrationist.

The point of all this is not to deny that Richard Nixon may have invited some nasty fellows into his political bed. The point is that the GOP finally became the region's dominant party in the least racist phase of the South's entire history, and it got that way by attracting most of its votes from the region's growing and confident communities—not its declining and fearful ones. The myth's shrillest proponents are as reluctant to admit this as they are to concede that most Republicans genuinely believe that a color-blind society lies down the road of individual choice and dynamic change, not down the road of state regulation and unequal treatment before the law. The truly tenacious prejudices here are the mythmakers'.

The Myth of the Racist Republicans
So, let's hear it,

why did Reagan the Republican win the South twice if the south never changed from Democrat to Republican?
Pretty simple. People were sick of Carter.

I knew someone would say that, but going back before 1964, the Democrats won the South even when they lost elections,

twice in the case of the Eisenhower wins for example.
The truly tenacious prejudices here are the mythmakers' like you. Is that funny too?
So, let's hear it,

why did Reagan the Republican win the South twice if the south never changed from Democrat to Republican?
Pretty simple. People were sick of Carter.

.....and every other Democrat.

"Dan Rostenkowski, standing next to the candidate in front of the cameras and the cheering crowd at the convention after the fateful speech, whispered to Mondale, "You've got a lot of balls, pal." According to Rostenkowski, Mondale whispered back, "Look at 'em, we're going to tax their ass off." Mondale says: "We're going to tax their ass off"

Reagan's 525 electoral votes (out of 538) is the highest total received by a presidential candidate.
United States presidential election, 1984 - Wikipedia
So, let's hear it,

why did Reagan the Republican win the South twice if the south never changed from Democrat to Republican?
Pretty simple. People were sick of Carter.

I knew someone would say that, but going back before 1964, the Democrats won the South even when they lost elections,

twice in the case of the Eisenhower wins for example.
The truly tenacious prejudices here are the mythmakers' like you. Is that funny too?


I never use vulgarity....but, still, you are far too kind in this case.

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