read em and weep...IB Daily


Diamond Member
Jan 19, 2010
"Investor's Business Daily"

A recent "Investor's Business Daily" article provided very interesting
statistics from a survey by the United Nations International Health

Percentage of men and women who survived a cancer five years after

U.S. 65%

England 46%

Canada 42%

Percentage of patients diagnosed with diabetes who received treatment
within six months:

U.S. 93%

England 15%

Canada 43%

Percentage of seniors needing hip replacement who received it within
six months:

U.S. 90%

England 15%

Canada 43%

Percentage referred to a medical specialist who see one within one

U.S. 77%

England 40%

Canada 43%

Number of MRI scanners (a prime diagnostic tool) per million people:

U.S. 71

England 14

Canada 18

Percentage of seniors (65+), with low income, who say they are in
"excellent health":

U.S. 12%

England 2%

Canada 6%

I don't know about you, but I don't want "Universal Healthcare"
comparable to England or Canada .

Moreover, it was Sen. Harry Reid who said, "Elderly Americans must
learn to accept the inconveniences of old age." I say, SHIP HIS ASS TO
He is "elderly" himself but be sure to remember his health insurance is
different from yours as Congress has their own high-end coverage! He
will never have to learn to accept "inconveniences of old age"!!!


the percentage of each past president's cabinet who had worked in the
private business sector prior to their appointment to the cabinet. You
know what the private business sector is... a real life business, not a
government job. Here are the percentages.

T. Roosevelt........ 38%


Wilson ................... 52%


Coolidge.............. 48%

Hoover................. 42%

F. Roosevelt......... 50%


Eisenhower........... 57%

Kennedy.............. 30%


Nixon................... 53%

Ford..................... 42%

Carter.................. 32%


GH Bush................. 51%

Clinton ................. 39%

GW Bush................ 55%

And the winner of the Chicken Dinner is:

Obama................ 8% !!!

Yep! That's right! Only Eight Percent!!!..the least by far of the last
19 presidents!! And these people are trying to tell our big
corporations how to run their business? They know what's best for
GM...Chrysler...Wall Street...and you and me?

How can the president of a major nation and society...the one with the
most successful economic system in world history... stand and talk
about business when he's never worked for one?.. or about jobs when he
has never really had one?!? And neither has 92% of his senior staff
and closest advisers.! They've spent most of their time in academia,
government and/or non-profit jobs....or as "community organizers" when
they should have been in an employment line.

We is on our own? what the hell is wrong with that? Who was your daddy last year?
Get off your ass and live life, good or bad, up or down and down and out if you're driving it's a much better ride. Don't turn the drivers seat over to the Government.
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This is the most salient fact and the one most suppressed by news media.
The American system (used to) deliver the best results when someone actually got sick. Now we will join all those enlightened euro-socialists and die waiting for care.
Democratic health care plan: DIE! NOW!
Moreover, it was Sen. Harry Reid who said, "Elderly Americans must
learn to accept the inconveniences of old age." I say, SHIP HIS ASS TO
He is "elderly" himself but be sure to remember his health insurance is
different from yours as Congress has their own high-end coverage! He
will never have to learn to accept "inconveniences of old age"!!!

another example where the chosen few get to dictate what the rest of us receive, without ever having to live the consequences.

and people here tell me we don't have a classist system.....


The cowardly liberals on this board stay clear from a thread with facts that blow their assumptions all to hell. Where are all the Obama-bots? did the cat take your tongue.
You wanted Obama care now you've got it, read it and weep. And whatever you do STAY HEALTHY!!!!
The cowardly liberals on this board stay clear from a thread with facts that blow their assumptions all to hell. Where are all the Obama-bots? did the cat take your tongue.
You wanted Obama care now you've got it, read it and weep. And whatever you do STAY HEALTHY!!!!

lol bro <S>
wow,l bush had 53% cabinet with experience, yet still raised the debt and helped fuck up the economy, so you made a great argument of not having business people in cabinet. They tend to set policies when in gov't, then go back to industry and reap the benefits, ala cheney after his cabinet days of Bush I
And Obama's cabinet has less private sector experience, and, in collaboration with the Democrat Controlled Congress, is engaged on the biggest spending binge in history financed with debt.

Blaming Bush is stale, bub.
And Obama's cabinet has less private sector experience, and, in collaboration with the Democrat Controlled Congress, is engaged on the biggest spending binge in history financed with debt.

Blaming Bush is stale, bub.

reading comprehension failure is stale bub. that's what you took out of my post? typical USMB moron
Bad Government on Steroids. Self Preservation time. Measure twice and cut once. You are on Your own!
And Obama's cabinet has less private sector experience, and, in collaboration with the Democrat Controlled Congress, is engaged on the biggest spending binge in history financed with debt.

Blaming Bush is stale, bub.

reading comprehension failure is stale bub. that's what you took out of my post? typical USMB moron

YUO = Idiot
And Obama's cabinet has less private sector experience, and, in collaboration with the Democrat Controlled Congress, is engaged on the biggest spending binge in history financed with debt.

Blaming Bush is stale, bub.

reading comprehension failure is stale bub. that's what you took out of my post? typical USMB moron

Actually that applies to you.
PLease explain how "BUsh's cabinet" "fucked up the economy". Can you even? Or is it just "well, things were fine and then they weren't and the one constant was Bush. So it must be him"?

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