Re: “Operation Chaos" GOP Antics/Primary Shenanigans

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Remember, what goes around, comes around. I think when the leaders of the conservative movement urged their listeners and followers to infiltrate and disrupt Democratic party primaries they set the stage for what Crash The Tea Party! is up to.

Why would any conservative with half an ounce of integrity or ethics complain now?

Seriously, is have short term memory loss a side effect of being a conservative in America today?

Do you remember this and other calls to disrupt Democratic party events and elections?

I do.

I plan on going to a Tea Party event. I'll speak out. I always do.

I am wondering if they will call for a communist style cleansing of the party?

Conservatives already know about cleansing as they have been cleansing the GOP of anything that doesn't smack of ideological purity.

I'll be going...

and I will bring my USMB bumper sticker and a few cards from the 2004 DNC Convention in Boston.

I will take photos and do a chalking or two.

The Operation Chaos Shennanigans were a response to Democrat Shennanigans earlier in the primary when they were crossing over in mass to vote for McCain and making him the Republican nominee.

It was designed to keep Hillary and Obama fighting so that they bloodied each other up and discredited whomever won. It work. But then McCain didn't take advantage of it and ran a horrible campaign himself.

Im not surprised you're trying to infiltrate the Tea Parties. But please, be honest. This isnt about karma. It's just politics as usual.
You are asking Dante to be honest?

[ame=""]To dream the impossible dream[/ame]
I knew the instant I heard Rush talking about Op Chaos that it would backfire on us, and it sure did. As long as we let Rush and Sean and Glenn and Sarah and Michelle speak for us, the GOP is going to get shell lacked again.
I knew the instant I heard Rush talking about Op Chaos that it would backfire on us, and it sure did. As long as we let Rush and Sean and Glenn and Sarah and Michelle speak for us, the GOP is going to get shell lacked again.

How on earth did it backfire. It did exactly what it was meant to do and kept the Democrat primary going.

And you can't possibly be hurt by this. You are against the Tea parties.

How on earth has it backfired on you?
The Operation Chaos Shennanigans were a response to Democrat Shennanigans earlier in the primary when they were crossing over in mass to vote for McCain and making him the Republican nominee.

It was designed to keep Hillary and Obama fighting so that they bloodied each other up and discredited whomever won. It work. But then McCain didn't take advantage of it and ran a horrible campaign himself.

Im not surprised you're trying to infiltrate the Tea Parties. But please, be honest. This isnt about karma. It's just politics as usual.

Where's the logic in crossing over to vote for Mccain in the early primary for a Democrat?

You are saying that the Democrat could care less if it was Obama or Hillary in the Democratic seat....and this democrat GAVE UP their ability to vote for either Obama or Hillary so that McCain could win your primary?

I totally DISAGREE with your preposterous claim Avatar...I heard the republican rumblings of this after mccain had won, but the claim makes no sense.

As a Democrat, there is no way in heaven, would I have given up my opportunity to vote for Hillary over Obama, and there are many on this site who would have NEVER given up their opportunity to vote for Obama over Hillary in the primary...just to mess you up by voting for mccain.

WHEN will anyone ever from your side of the aisle just accept responsibilty for what THEY HAVE DONE? Huh?

YOU, republicans, got mccain nominated.

Also, it does not matter one iota, of who won the republican primary...even if Romney won the primary, he STILL would have LOST the election and Obama STILL would be our president...our country was NOT going to put another republican office...that's just the truth avatar.

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The Operation Chaos Shennanigans were a response to Democrat Shennanigans earlier in the primary when they were crossing over in mass to vote for McCain and making him the Republican nominee.

It was designed to keep Hillary and Obama fighting so that they bloodied each other up and discredited whomever won. It work. But then McCain didn't take advantage of it and ran a horrible campaign himself.

Im not surprised you're trying to infiltrate the Tea Parties. But please, be honest. This isnt about karma. It's just politics as usual.
That LIE, of course, was the rationalization LimpTard told his DittoTards for them to practice their "Two Wrongs Make THE Right" philosophy.

It's purpose was to get Rockefeller Republican McCain elected and it failed miserably.

April 22, 2008
RUSH: I might take the time here to remind everybody what the ultimate objective of Operation Chaos is. Do you remember what it is, Dawn? What is the ultimate...? (interruption) No, no. Yes, but the ultimate objective is for our side to win, and our side is represented by John McCain.
What happened to the Obama Sponsored Coffee Parties, run out of latte?

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Remember, what goes around, comes around. I think when the leaders of the conservative movement urged their listeners and followers to infiltrate and disrupt Democratic party primaries they set the stage for what Crash The Tea Party! is up to.

Why would any conservative with half an ounce of integrity or ethics complain now?

Seriously, is have short term memory loss a side effect of being a conservative in America today?

Do you remember this and other calls to disrupt Democratic party events and elections?

I do.


Have you read my of the posts there?

I just read a fair amount of them.

The place is teeming with people spewing buzzwords words like Kommie and Libtard.

Doesn't look like much more than a community board designed to attract radicals on the right to me, judging from the posts.

I seriously doubt this is a board developed by the anti-tea party folks.

Seems more likely it's something supporters of the tea party movement devised to attract attention to their cause.

Anything to keep the level of rancor up, know what I mean?

Anything to keep the American people at each others throats, so they don't collectively go after the people (of both parties) who really are responsible for the state of affairs we find ourselves in.

This board is, I suspect, nothing more than some political theater designed by the right wing to help rally the right wing nutters against an imagined conspiracy against them.
I knew the instant I heard Rush talking about Op Chaos that it would backfire on us, and it sure did. As long as we let Rush and Sean and Glenn and Sarah and Michelle speak for us, the GOP is going to get shell lacked again.

How on earth did it backfire. It did exactly what it was meant to do and kept the Democrat primary going.

And you can't possibly be hurt by this. You are against the Tea parties.

How on earth has it backfired on you?

Sigh. My comments were a parallel. When the hysterical ranting of Rush in Op Chaos started, I knew it would backfire: it did, we lost. When the hysterical chanting began again, I recognized the parallel immediately. Either we come up with solid, conservative policies and a way to present them effectively to the public (and we haven't yet), we will get shell lacked again.
I knew the instant I heard Rush talking about Op Chaos that it would backfire on us, and it sure did. As long as we let Rush and Sean and Glenn and Sarah and Michelle speak for us, the GOP is going to get shell lacked again.

How on earth did it backfire. It did exactly what it was meant to do and kept the Democrat primary going.

And you can't possibly be hurt by this. You are against the Tea parties.

How on earth has it backfired on you?

Sigh. My comments were a parallel. When the hysterical ranting of Rush in Op Chaos started, I knew it would backfire: it did, we lost. When the hysterical chanting began again, I recognized the parallel immediately. Either we come up with solid, conservative policies and a way to present them effectively to the public (and we haven't yet), we will get shell lacked again.

That is exactly what Bill Clinton and the DLC told Democrats in the 80s. Of course they were right about offering solid policies as an alternative to hysteria on the left.

and then the moonbats were unhappy with Clinton.And more than a few had turned into prudish progressives and where shocked and dismayed that Bill Clinton had a loose zipper. Get a base full of people consumed moral outrage, and you will kill a party every time (see Pat Buchanan at the RNC Convention).
How on earth did it backfire. It did exactly what it was meant to do and kept the Democrat primary going.

And you can't possibly be hurt by this. You are against the Tea parties.

How on earth has it backfired on you?

Sigh. My comments were a parallel. When the hysterical ranting of Rush in Op Chaos started, I knew it would backfire: it did, we lost. When the hysterical chanting began again, I recognized the parallel immediately. Either we come up with solid, conservative policies and a way to present them effectively to the public (and we haven't yet), we will get shell lacked again.

That is exactly what Bill Clinton and the DLC told Democrats in the 80s. Of course they were right about offering solid policies as an alternative to hysteria on the left.

and then the moonbats were unhappy with Clinton.And more than a few had turned into prudish progressives and where shocked and dismayed that Bill Clinton had a loose zipper. Get a base full of people consumed moral outrage, and you will kill a party every time (see Pat Buchanan at the RNC Convention).

That's a fact, from William Jennings Bryan romantic campaign of looking bacward in 1896 to that of a Sarah Palin/Michelle Backman in 2012 doing the same thing, if my party is stupid enough to do that. And looking at the reactionary loons to our far right, we may very well do that. Every time I watch the piggy faces of Mitch McConnell or John Boehner, I realize we are not going to stand a chance this fall to gain any significant gains on the Dems and Obama.
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Sigh. My comments were a parallel. When the hysterical ranting of Rush in Op Chaos started, I knew it would backfire: it did, we lost. When the hysterical chanting began again, I recognized the parallel immediately. Either we come up with solid, conservative policies and a way to present them effectively to the public (and we haven't yet), we will get shell lacked again.

That is exactly what Bill Clinton and the DLC told Democrats in the 80s. Of course they were right about offering solid policies as an alternative to hysteria on the left.

and then the moonbats were unhappy with Clinton.And more than a few had turned into prudish progressives and where shocked and dismayed that Bill Clinton had a loose zipper. Get a base full of people consumed moral outrage, and you will kill a party every time (see Pat Buchanan at the RNC Convention).

That's a fact, from William Jennings Bryan romantic campaign of looking bacward in 1896 to that of a Sarah Palin/Michelle Backman in 2012 doing the same thing, if my party is stupid enough to do that. And looking at the reactionary loons to our far right, we may very well do that. Every time I watch the piggy faces of Mitch McConnell or John Boehner, I realize we are not going to stand a chance this fall to gain any significant gains on the Dems and Obama.

I'd trade you a Harry Reid for a Mitch McConnell, but Harry's start has risen of late. It would have to for a Mitch and a Boehner.
Sigh. My comments were a parallel. When the hysterical ranting of Rush in Op Chaos started, I knew it would backfire: it did, we lost. When the hysterical chanting began again, I recognized the parallel immediately. Either we come up with solid, conservative policies and a way to present them effectively to the public (and we haven't yet), we will get shell lacked again.

That is exactly what Bill Clinton and the DLC told Democrats in the 80s. Of course they were right about offering solid policies as an alternative to hysteria on the left.

and then the moonbats were unhappy with Clinton.And more than a few had turned into prudish progressives and where shocked and dismayed that Bill Clinton had a loose zipper. Get a base full of people consumed moral outrage, and you will kill a party every time (see Pat Buchanan at the RNC Convention).

That's a fact, from William Jennings Bryan romantic campaign of looking bacward in 1896 to that of a Sarah Palin/Michelle Backman in 2012 doing the same thing, if my party is stupid enough to do that. And looking at the reactionary loons to our far right, we may very well do that. Every time I watch the piggy faces of Mitch McConnell or John Boehner, I realize we are not going to stand a chance this fall to gain any significant gains on the Dems and Obama.

Oh nose!

Jake, so you're telling us the Kennedy seat and NJ Governorship will stay in Dem hands unless we lurch Leftward?

Jake, you're so darned smart, not like everyone says, like dumb! You're smart and you should get respect
That is exactly what Bill Clinton and the DLC told Democrats in the 80s. Of course they were right about offering solid policies as an alternative to hysteria on the left.

and then the moonbats were unhappy with Clinton.And more than a few had turned into prudish progressives and where shocked and dismayed that Bill Clinton had a loose zipper. Get a base full of people consumed moral outrage, and you will kill a party every time (see Pat Buchanan at the RNC Convention).

That's a fact, from William Jennings Bryan romantic campaign of looking bacward in 1896 to that of a Sarah Palin/Michelle Backman in 2012 doing the same thing, if my party is stupid enough to do that. And looking at the reactionary loons to our far right, we may very well do that. Every time I watch the piggy faces of Mitch McConnell or John Boehner, I realize we are not going to stand a chance this fall to gain any significant gains on the Dems and Obama.

Oh nose!

Jake, so you're telling us the Kennedy seat and NJ Governorship will stay in Dem hands unless we lurch Leftward?

Jake, you're so darned smart, not like everyone says, like dumb! You're smart and you should get respect

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