Re: Officer Darren Wilson: Any expressions of regret?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.

One can only imagine how much time and effort Eric Holder and his staff spent trying to incriminate Officer Darren Wilson. Alas, it appears the policeman has been exonerated.

As I recall, there was a group of people here (do I really need to identify them?) who spent a similar amount of effort assuming the worst about Wilson's actions, declaring him guilty without knowing what the Grand Jury knew, and (of course) leveraging his assumed "guilt" to essentially condemn (white) police officers everywhere.

First, some congratulations. You were able to destroy the career of a (white) police officer, and you played a role in the environment that put his life at risk, and that of his family. As I understand it, he's still (understandably) in hiding.

You have also doubtlessly intimidated (white) police officers from coast to coast, who will now often (understandably) think twice when dealing with black suspects, which could not only put their own lives at further risk, but also possibly the lives and safety of other victims or potential victims.

Evidently this was all part of the plan, so congratulations on that victory.

Now that you have that, I'm curious. Do you:

(a) ...have even the tiniest bit of remorse or regret for the words you used regarding Officer Wilson? A little bit of shame or embarrassment? Or...

(b) ...plan on just avoiding, denying and/or deflecting so that you don't have to be responsible for the nasty words and sentiments you have provided?

So is it (a) or (b)?


One can only imagine how much time and effort Eric Holder and his staff spent trying to incriminate Officer Darren Wilson. Alas, it appears the policeman has been exonerated.

As I recall, there was a group of people here (do I really need to identify them?) who spent a similar amount of effort assuming the worst about Wilson's actions, declaring him guilty without knowing what the Grand Jury knew, and (of course) leveraging his assumed "guilt" to essentially condemn (white) police officers everywhere.

First, some congratulations. You were able to destroy the career of a (white) police officer, and you played a role in the environment that put his life at risk, and that of his family. As I understand it, he's still (understandably) in hiding.

You have also doubtlessly intimidated (white) police officers from coast to coast, who will now often (understandably) think twice when dealing with black suspects, which could not only put their own lives at further risk, but also possibly the lives and safety of other victims or potential victims.

Evidently this was all part of the plan, so congratulations on that victory.

Now that you have that, I'm curious. Do you:

(a) ...have even the tiniest bit of remorse or regret for the words you used regarding Officer Wilson? A little bit of shame or embarrassment? Or...

(b) ...plan on just avoiding, denying and/or deflecting so that you don't have to be responsible for the nasty words and sentiments you have provided?

So is it (a) or (b)?

Liberals have no shame or regret.

We all saw the hate spewed against the police and this cop in particular.

Not one of the shitheads here will take this thread as an opportunity to apologize.

One can only imagine how much time and effort Eric Holder and his staff spent trying to incriminate Officer Darren Wilson. Alas, it appears the policeman has been exonerated.

As I recall, there was a group of people here (do I really need to identify them?) who spent a similar amount of effort assuming the worst about Wilson's actions, declaring him guilty without knowing what the Grand Jury knew, and (of course) leveraging his assumed "guilt" to essentially condemn (white) police officers everywhere.

First, some congratulations. You were able to destroy the career of a (white) police officer, and you played a role in the environment that put his life at risk, and that of his family. As I understand it, he's still (understandably) in hiding.

You have also doubtlessly intimidated (white) police officers from coast to coast, who will now often (understandably) think twice when dealing with black suspects, which could not only put their own lives at further risk, but also possibly the lives and safety of other victims or potential victims.

Evidently this was all part of the plan, so congratulations on that victory.

Now that you have that, I'm curious. Do you:

(a) ...have even the tiniest bit of remorse or regret for the words you used regarding Officer Wilson? A little bit of shame or embarrassment? Or...

(b) ...plan on just avoiding, denying and/or deflecting so that you don't have to be responsible for the nasty words and sentiments you have provided?

So is it (a) or (b)?


Yes. You really need to identify them.

One can only imagine how much time and effort Eric Holder and his staff spent trying to incriminate Officer Darren Wilson. Alas, it appears the policeman has been exonerated.

As I recall, there was a group of people here (do I really need to identify them?) who spent a similar amount of effort assuming the worst about Wilson's actions, declaring him guilty without knowing what the Grand Jury knew, and (of course) leveraging his assumed "guilt" to essentially condemn (white) police officers everywhere.

First, some congratulations. You were able to destroy the career of a (white) police officer, and you played a role in the environment that put his life at risk, and that of his family. As I understand it, he's still (understandably) in hiding.

You have also doubtlessly intimidated (white) police officers from coast to coast, who will now often (understandably) think twice when dealing with black suspects, which could not only put their own lives at further risk, but also possibly the lives and safety of other victims or potential victims.

Evidently this was all part of the plan, so congratulations on that victory.

Now that you have that, I'm curious. Do you:

(a) ...have even the tiniest bit of remorse or regret for the words you used regarding Officer Wilson? A little bit of shame or embarrassment? Or...

(b) ...plan on just avoiding, denying and/or deflecting so that you don't have to be responsible for the nasty words and sentiments you have provided?

So is it (a) or (b)?

Liberals have no shame or regret.

We all saw the hate spewed against the police and this cop in particular.

Not one of the shitheads here will take this thread as an opportunity to apologize.
Not holding my breath, but I'm always hopeful.

Nah.. this is the modern day left. They will destroy anybody without regard to the truth if they think it will further their despicable agenda. And then they will tell you how much they care about people.

Many of them are truly despicable and vile human beings.
Sad to see the racism and the slimy kkk types are coming out from under their rocks makes normal people feel sick.
Well at least I get to see another OP thread of the blind leading the blind, on race relations in Ferguson...

Yeah never mind that your whole narrative was total bullshit. Never mind you destroyed an innocent man's life. Never mind that entire businesses were destroyed and people's livelihood's destroyed. Never mind that you trivialized the death a young man by turning into a circus. Never mind that the AG went to great lengths to find guilt, and then when it was obvious that there was absolutely no wrong doing, in order to placate the rampaging masses, he indicted an entire police department using statistics that prove no wrong doing at all.

Yeah...never mind all that... you people are worse than scum of the Earth.
Sad to see the racism and the slimy kkk types are coming out from under their rocks makes normal people feel sick.

That;s funny, it was YOU and your ilk that conjured up racial implications when there were none. But, that is what you people do... you're liars and race pimps.
Well at least I get to see another OP thread of the blind leading the blind, on race relations in Ferguson...

Yeah never mind that your whole narrative was total bullshit. Never mind you destroyed an innocent man's life. Never mind that entire businesses were destroyed and people's livelihood's destroyed. Never mind that you trivialized the death a young man by turning into a circus. Never mind that the AG went to great lengths to find guilt, and then when it was obvious that there was absolutely no wrong doing, in order to placate the rampaging masses, he indicted an entire police department using statistics that prove no wrong doing at all.

Yeah...never mind all that... you people are worse than scum of the Earth.
The evidence uncovered did show racial bias towards the community as a whole...the incident with the Brown kid getting killed only set off the powder keg that had been building for years...

Looks like we're running with deflection so far.


Of course.... these modern day lefties are some of the most intellectually and morally bankrupt people I have ever encountered.

Looks like we're running with deflection so far.


Of course.... these modern day lefties are some of the most intellectually and morally bankrupt people I have ever encountered.
And notice how they don't give one tiny little crap about Wilson, the actual topic of the thread (not by accident).

He was just a pawn.

Well at least I get to see another OP thread of the blind leading the blind, on race relations in Ferguson...

Yeah never mind that your whole narrative was total bullshit. Never mind you destroyed an innocent man's life. Never mind that entire businesses were destroyed and people's livelihood's destroyed. Never mind that you trivialized the death a young man by turning into a circus. Never mind that the AG went to great lengths to find guilt, and then when it was obvious that there was absolutely no wrong doing, in order to placate the rampaging masses, he indicted an entire police department using statistics that prove no wrong doing at all.

Yeah...never mind all that... you people are worse than scum of the Earth.
The evidence uncovered did show racial bias towards the community as a whole...the incident with the Brown kid getting killed only set off the powder keg that had been building for years...
Bullshit. It was a bunch of trumped up nonsense that was there to prove the AG's version of events.
Well at least I get to see another OP thread of the blind leading the blind, on race relations in Ferguson...

Yeah never mind that your whole narrative was total bullshit. Never mind you destroyed an innocent man's life. Never mind that entire businesses were destroyed and people's livelihood's destroyed. Never mind that you trivialized the death a young man by turning into a circus. Never mind that the AG went to great lengths to find guilt, and then when it was obvious that there was absolutely no wrong doing, in order to placate the rampaging masses, he indicted an entire police department using statistics that prove no wrong doing at all.

Yeah...never mind all that... you people are worse than scum of the Earth.
The evidence uncovered did show racial bias towards the community as a whole...the incident with the Brown kid getting killed only set off the powder keg that had been building for years...

No it did not,
Well at least I get to see another OP thread of the blind leading the blind, on race relations in Ferguson...

Yeah never mind that your whole narrative was total bullshit. Never mind you destroyed an innocent man's life. Never mind that entire businesses were destroyed and people's livelihood's destroyed. Never mind that you trivialized the death a young man by turning into a circus. Never mind that the AG went to great lengths to find guilt, and then when it was obvious that there was absolutely no wrong doing, in order to placate the rampaging masses, he indicted an entire police department using statistics that prove no wrong doing at all.

Yeah...never mind all that... you people are worse than scum of the Earth.
The evidence uncovered did show racial bias towards the community as a whole...the incident with the Brown kid getting killed only set off the powder keg that had been building for years...

It proved nothing whatsoever you stupid fucktard. It proves that blacks have run-ins with the law in greater numbers than whites... which might be expected given blacks make up 70% of Ferguson. That doesn't prove racial bias.

Here's a thought... maybe there's an issue in the black community with crime?


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