Re-name James Webb Space Telescope? No way José!


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013

First of all nobody is perfect. It doesn't matter who you use for a namesake they have problems somewhere in their history and have offended someone somehow at some time. Additionally things take on their own identity. Take Christmas for instance. It is celebrated here in North America by many non Christians who could care less what the name of the Holiday is or whether or not it is Politically correct at the time. Why don't we just rename the Automobile? I mean it's an offensive name right? It indicates spontaneous motion and therefore is disrespectful of any citizens who are suffering from any form of paralysis isn't that so? It should be renamed simply the " Mobile ".... OH! BUT WAIT!....that's offensive too! Some people are quadriplegics and would be excluded by that name! about Hunk-O-Metal with wheels on it! OOPS....there we go again....Wheels remind us of Wheelchairs and that's unfair to those who don't have them!

I mean never stops. Truth's not about offensiveness or PC's about domination and control. So Webb did not believe in homosexuality? what? Neither does half of what again?

The left has this flaw in their brain, that wants us all to believe that people of the past need to be held by the standards of the present day.
It's just one of the many flaws that make up the brain of a modern leftist.
In Addition to that its just a noise, a sound....or a printed word. It is now the name of the latest and greatest space adventure and matters not at all what the name was used for in the's beyond retarded and simply needs to stop.

The left is using cancel culture to erase and rewrite history.

Is it right to discriminate and purge the Govt because someone might be homosexual? Of course not. But this isn't the 1950s, Jim Webb lived in a different time. With that said, he did a lot of great stuff overall for NASA.

One of the first moves of leftist tyrants is always to change and rewrite history...Stalin did it, the National Socialist did it....and now the DNC and it's brown shirts are trying to do it here
You should find a sponsor for it. Thats the American way !!

They do sponsor it....they pay taxes.

and folks like yourself in Aussie land will benefit greatly from the scientific discoveries we Americans pay for. You are welcome.

Now run along

First of all nobody is perfect. It doesn't matter who you use for a namesake they have problems somewhere in their history and have offended someone somehow at some time. Additionally things take on their own identity. Take Christmas for instance. It is celebrated here in North America by many non Christians who could care less what the name of the Holiday is or whether or not it is Politically correct at the time. Why don't we just rename the Automobile? I mean it's an offensive name right? It indicates spontaneous motion and therefore is disrespectful of any citizens who are suffering from any form of paralysis isn't that so? It should be renamed simply the " Mobile ".... OH! BUT WAIT!....that's offensive too! Some people are quadriplegics and would be excluded by that name! about Hunk-O-Metal with wheels on it! OOPS....there we go again....Wheels remind us of Wheelchairs and that's unfair to those who don't have them!

I mean never stops. Truth's not about offensiveness or PC's about domination and control. So Webb did not believe in homosexuality? what? Neither does half of what again?

Could have worked if this happened years and years ago. Too late, now.

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