RCMP tells researcher his document request will be ready in ... 80 years


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
One reason of many that no one trusts Canada. TPS, OPP, RCMP. Destroyed this country and have stabbed allies in the back for a long time.

Federal department tells researcher his document request will be ready in ... 80 years | The Star

OTTAWA—Library and Archives Canada is promising to fulfill an Ottawa researcher’s access to information request. It just needs until 2098.

In correspondence reviewed by the Star, the federal department said it needed at minimum eight decades to review 780,000 records related to a mysterious RCMP investigation called Project Anecdote.

Researcher Michael Dagg requested the documents through the access to information system, which allows any Canadian to request government information for a $5 fee.

By law, most requests must be fulfilled within 30 days.

Library and Archives Canada initially told Dagg the department would require a deadline extension of 292,000 days — or about 800 years. But later emails, which project a delay of closer to a century, suggest that number was a typo.

“You will note the extensive list of responsive records and we have determined that the extension for volume would be … an 80-year minimum (bringing the due date to the year 2098),” Dagg was told.

“Our initial (estimate) was a 130-year extension, however, based on the classification of these records … by the 80th year most, if not all of these records could be opened without recourse to the (Access to Information) Act.”
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