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Discovering the Obvious in Panama
One thing that constantly fascinates me about the general public, is how something can be known by everyone, and then magically become a media frenzy with the revelation that what everyone knew was true.... was in fact.... true.
It's an odd fact of human nature that unless someone makes a big deal out of what everyone knows, no one cares, even though they all know it. It's kind of like tipping a garbage can over along the street. For weeks, people will walk back and forth past the garbage can, and everyone will think someone should do something about it, and yet no one will do anything.
However, if you paint that same garbage can red, put a flag on top, and flash some lights on it, suddenly everyone will be shocked and surprised... oh there's a tipped over garbage can! And suddenly something will happen.
Panama, Fertile Soil for Offshore Business
Everyone has known, since the 1970s, that Panama was a tax haven. In fact, in some circles, they claim Panama has been a tax haven since 1919.
Yet one guy working at a law firm in Panama, leaks some documents to Süddeutsche Zeitung (which means simply South German Newspaper), and suddenly everyone is shocked by the Panama Papers. Oh wow, you mean they really are using tax havens, that we all knew everyone was using for going on a century?! Why yes... yes they are. Just like we all knew they were.
Panama Papers - All articles by Süddeutsche Zeitung
Possibly the best single dedicated site for Panama Papers information.
Now with that as the setup, I going to take some time to explain what exactly the Panama Papers are, what off shore corporations and accounts are, why and how tax havens function, and then I'll get into a short commentary on what I got out of the whole deal.
What exactly are the Panama Papers?
At the most fundamental level, the Panama Papers are legal documents. The firm from which the leaked documents came from, was a law firm named Mossack Fonseca. The leak contains over 11.5 Million documents, nearly all of which are multiple pages. They contain identification documents, legal documents, data base information, and a massive amount of Emails.
One question that came up rather quickly was, we can't trust the media, why don't they just release these documents publicly? There's a number of reasons.
For one, many of these documents are written in clear concise legalize. In other words, gibberish. If you have ever read a deep legal document, sometimes you can't figure out what it says without a Star Trek translator.
Another problem is that these are in fact legal documents, and if you release the information of innocent and private citizens, you'll end up being in a lawsuit.
Lastly, there is a problem of security. The documents contain addresses, account numbers, and other things that if released would end up being used by criminals to defraud banks... and if it's your bank that's hit, and your money wiped out, you'd be ticked. This is why the data isn't just dumped on the internet somewhere.
But more than this, relatively speaking, very little in the Panama Papers is even close to being illegal. While some try and dispute that, you have to consider that out of a dozen published stories on the Panama Papers, this a small amount compared to 11.5 Million documents leaked.
However most of the Panama Papers is made up of off shore accounts, and off shore corporations, and most are for the purpose of being a tax haven. That doesn't mean that it is illegal, or even immoral.
So how do Tax Havens work?
This is going to be the most basic explanation possible. You want to get into details, and technicalities, you'll have to find another source. However, I think it is important because I ran into some people who think you can just cash your paycheck on an Island, and pay zero tax. Not true. Not at all.
Say I open a retail widget selling company, and I make $1 Million profit. I'm taxed at 35%. I lose $350,000 in taxes.
I don't really like that. So I open a company in the Cayman Islands. I give that Intellectual Property, namely the patents for the widgets. Now my company pays the Island company a royalty fee, of say $750,000.
My company makes a $250,000 profit, taxed at 35% paying $87,000 in taxes. My Island company makes a $750,000 profit, and pays 0% in taxes, because the Cayman Islands has no corporate tax rate.
Now this isn't the common way to avoid high taxes. And this causes another problem. The money located at Cayman Island Corp, can't be used in the US. If they bring the money form the Island Corp, to the US, the US government charges the full tax rate, minus taxes paid elsewhere. In this case, a full 35%. If say they locate Island Corp somewhere the Corp Tax is 10%, then they would charge 25% taxes when they bring the money into the US.
However the most common tax haven system, is by moving profits around. So my Retail Corp sells widgets. Let's say that my company buys widgets from Ecuador. EcuCorp makes the widgets for $10, and sells them for $20. My company buys the widgets for $20, and sells them in the US for $30. Both companies are making a $1 Million profit. Both companies are paying corporate taxes. EcuCorp at 22%, and my company at 35%.
But my company decides to purchase EcuCorp. So now we own both companies. Right now combined, we're paying $570,000 in taxes. However, since I now own both companies, I can decide where that profit is. So here is what I do.... I have EcuCorp make the widgets for $10, and sell them for $30, making $2 Million in profit. Meanwhile Retail Corp will buy the widgets at $30, and sell them for $30, earning a profit of zero.
I still make $2 Million in profit, but now I pay the lower Corporate tax in Ecuador of only 22%, for a tax of $440,000 in taxes, instead of $570,000.
Now that saves a little bit of money, but it's an awful lot of fooling around to save so little. That's when something occurs to me. What if I brought back that Island Corp, and moved the profits there?
So EcuCorp makes the widgets for $10, sells them for $10 to Island Corp. Zero profit. Zero Taxes.
Island Corp, buys the widgets for $10, sells them for $30 to Retail Corp. $2 Million Profit. 0% Corp Tax, zero taxes.
Retail Corp buys the widgets for $30, and sells them to the public for $30. Zero Profit. Zero Taxes.
This is how Tax Havens work, and there is nothing illegal about them. Now it doesn't happen exactly like this, because each company would need some profits, to maintain themselves. Also, opening up a tax haven corporation has expenses itself, which would drain some profits away. But like the example, you can pay an awful lot of people with the $570,000 a year saved. And that's just a company with only $2 Million in profits. When companies start earning billions, the savings are obviously much larger.
One of the reasons this problem even exists, is due to our American culture.
Now a lot of people get ticked off about this, but the problem doesn't exist all over the world. There are some countries that have this issue, but it really is a largely an American problem, with only a few others.
See fundamentally, America as a whole, see corporations as a parasite. We see them as blood sucking ticks, that ruin the country, and keep people in poverty. But that isn't the way the rest of the world sees them. In many places, especially Asia, they see companies provide jobs, create wealth, create investment, and build the economy. Because that is in fact, what they do.
And especially when it relates to foriegn income, America is one of the few countries that taxes global income. When a US company, makes a billion dollars over in Brazil, that money is tax at 35%, the US corporate tax rate, if they bring that money home to the US.
What many people don't know, is that the US is one of only a handful of countries around the world that does this. Again, we see corporations as evil and destructive. Most countries see corporations as beneficial and good.
For example, if a Chinese company operates in Brazil and makes a billion dollars, they can bring that money home to China, and pay zero tax.
A Global Perspective on Territorial Taxation
In fact, out of 34 countries currently in the OECD, only 6 other countries, have a global tax system. Mexico, Chile, Greece, Korea, Israel, and Ireland, which is a bit of a joke with a 12.5% Corporate tax rate. Ireland may have a global tax, but it is so low, they are still a tax haven.
The point again is, in most of the world, when a corporation makes profits abroad, the home country sees that as a benefit to the nation, and allows those profits to come home tax free. Japan was famous for this in the 1980s.
We're one of the few which has companies like Apple and Microsoft, which both have $100 Billion in offshore corporations, and wondering why they don't bring those profits home to invest and grow the business.... Well duh... it's because they would lose 1/3 of that money in taxes.
This is why Republicans have been pushing to end global tax policy, in favor of tax free foreign profits. To bring those billions home, to grow our country, instead of other countries.
But now that I have covered how tax havens work, it should be noted that there are perfectly legitimate uses of off shore corporations and offshore accounts. This idea that "well no one should ever have an offshore anything... is crazy.
In brief, let me cover that. If you have family outside the US, and you wish to have inheritance held, you will need an off shore corporation. I have read and been told, that if you wish to own property in Mexico, that they require a local owner. This would require you to open and offshore corporation to own your Mexican property. If you have a complicated estate situation, and wish to simplify it with your heirs, you can have it held by an offshore corporations, which disperses property on death, and you don't have to go to probate court at all. If you have multiple business in different countries, you generally need to create an offshore corporation to centrally manage your multiple businesses. If you are in entertainment, and do traveling gigs around the world, you will likely need an offshore corporation to handle your business in differing countries.
Emma Watson of Harry Potter fame, was found to have an offshore corporation in the Panama Papers. That doesn't mean she was trying to dodge taxes. In fact, tax havens for corporations that work as shown above, do not work for personal income. In nearly all countries, private citizens have to pay full tax, on full wages, no matter where they are earned. So it is unlikely that Emma Watson was avoiding taxes. Possible, but not likely.
Now lastly, my direct take away, from the Panama Papers.
What I didn't find surprising at all, was the shock and outrage that sprung up across the media over the Panama Papers, that what was common knowledge, was true.
What DID surprise me, was how quickly the Panama Papers vanished from the media. I had expect to hear about the evil rich, and evil 1%, hiding their evil wealth, in the evil tax havens for the next two years. I expected to hear about it in the political campaigns.
But almost as abruptly as the fury started, is vanished without a trace. That got me curious.
What you are looking at, is a graphical representation of the occupation of people who were found in the Panama Papers.
Are you seeing why the fury over the Panama Papers died?
Who is the usual guilty party with the left wing? Who do they scream about? The wealthy? The 1%ers? The super CEOs, with corporate jets and multinational corporations?
But look at the major players here. Who are the tax havens for? Actors, Singers, Politicians, Diplomats, Football Stars, Film produces, Economists (ironic isn't it), Models, Golf Stars, Journalists, Screenwriters, Tennis stars, Universities even.
Think about it..... all the people who are the biggest screamers about the wealthy 1%ers, they are the ones who are in the Panama Papers.
From sports stars, actors, and the left wing of mass entertainment.... all in the Panama Papers. From economists, to politicians, diplomats, a regular list of the worlds most powerful government leaders of the world.
But equally as surprising, where are the 1%ers? Where are the Waltons, and Gates? Where's Buffet's hidden off shore billions? Even I bought the left-wing lies, and expected to find at least some of the super wealthy in the Panama Papers. But instead, few if any were found.
This is why the screams died out as quickly as they started. This is why the headline splashes vanished in a week. This is why the politicians around the world, didn't start investigations across the globe, because they themselves, the very people demanding ever greater taxes from the people.... were the very ones hiding their wealth from the taxes they demanded.
We have got to stop being duped by the left-wing on this. They always talk about "paying your fair share", but that's you paying your fair share. Not them. Never them.