Rate my new outfit

Your suit is too big for you and the sleeves are too long.
You need to go on YouTube and learn how to tie a tie.
Wear black shoes and socks
I will take the suit to a tailor to shorten the sleeves

Good move
Have him shorten the pants a little too
Ask him to show you how to properly tie and adjust a tie.
Dont button the suit.
Fuck the shoes. Wear Crocs and buy a top hat !
Tie Dye shirts and shorts.
Even better. BUT keep the tie and jacket
I need to see the tailor for the suit and lose 5kg that is 10 pounds until the wedding, I need to lose alot more but 5 kg is enough in a month and realistic. The wedding is on 12th december
I need to see the tailor for the suit and lose 5kg that is 10 pounds until the wedding, I need to lose alot more but 5 kg is enough in a month and realistic. The wedding is on 12th december
Lose ten pounds and that suit will be way to big for you
Only so much a tailor can do.
Windsor knot Mort, finest tie knot known to bipeds. The common sailor knot is popular for many people but skinny and lopsided.


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