Raskin says Biden impeachment "false, fraudulent"


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017

After an impeachment inquiry hearing on Feb. 21, Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) called the allegations against President Biden "false, fraudulent."

Jamie Raskin lies all of the time.
Raskin depends upon dumb people to believe his relentless lying.
The people who elected him should be ashamed.
The evidence of Joe Biden's corruption is abundant.
The evidence that Joe Biden is unfit to serve as president is overwhelming.
Raskin is right. The MAGA house republicans were made fools of by this Russian disinformation, By extension, MAGAs who believed that garbage about President Biden were made fools of and served as useful idiots for the Putin regime.

After an impeachment inquiry hearing on Feb. 21, Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) called the allegations against President Biden "false, fraudulent."

Jamie Raskin lies all of the time.
Raskin depends upon dumb people to believe his relentless lying.
The people who elected him should be ashamed.
The evidence of Joe Biden's corruption is abundant.
The evidence that Joe Biden is unfit to serve as president is overwhelming.
Lest we forget that his old man was a stooge for the old Soviets.
Once a Prog is outed, never ever trust them, unless the terms or legislation is verified. Trusting them has gotten us where we are at today. And men like him would watch thousands die to save his own life.
Raskin is a dirty lying cretin who has zero integrity.


After an impeachment inquiry hearing on Feb. 21, Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) called the allegations against President Biden "false, fraudulent."

Jamie Raskin lies all of the time.
Raskin depends upon dumb people to believe his relentless lying.
The people who elected him should be ashamed.
The evidence of Joe Biden's corruption is abundant.
The evidence that Joe Biden is unfit to serve as president is overwhelming.
Raskin is an honest ace. Always has been.
Raskin is right. The MAGA house republicans were made fools of by this Russian disinformation, By extension, MAGAs who believed that garbage about President Biden were made fools of and served as useful idiots for the Putin regime.
not like the fools that were fooled by the Steele Dossier at all, right? the idiots that still believe Trump had whores piss on him?

so many idiots, on both sides of the aisle.

Raskin is right. The MAGA house republicans were made fools of by this Russian disinformation, By extension, MAGAs who believed that garbage about President Biden were made fools of and served as useful idiots for the Putin regime.
Right if all else fails yell Russia!
After an impeachment inquiry hearing on Feb. 21, Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) called the allegations against President Biden "false, fraudulent."
200,000 DEAD Americans proves Biden should have already been impeached. Willful dereliction of duty he swore an oath to. Willfully ignores Federal immigration law. Willful enabling of millions of illegals and their drugs to pour across our borders.

After an impeachment inquiry hearing on Feb. 21, Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) called the allegations against President Biden "false, fraudulent."

Jamie Raskin lies all of the time.
Raskin depends upon dumb people to believe his relentless lying.
The people who elected him should be ashamed.
The evidence of Joe Biden's corruption is abundant.
The evidence that Joe Biden is unfit to serve as president is overwhelming.
Raskin would defend Satan if he was a Democrat.
Unfortunately, being a horrible President is not grounds for impeachment. Refusing to enforce the immigration laws is not grounds for impeachment. Being senile is not grounds for impeachments. Having been a corrupt bastard before you were elected President is not grounds for impeachment.

Just vote the bastard out.

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