Ranked-choice voting in NYC


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
Ranked-choice voting will be used for NY City June 2021 Primary Election. Prior to the introduction of computers, Ranking-choice was less, if not an entirely unfeasible method of conducting elections. New York City will use ranked-choice voting for Primary and Special Elections for the following NYC municipal offices: mayor, public advocate, comptroller, borough president, and city council elections
Within each round of voting, only the top candidate remaining within each voter's ballot is considered.

If no candidate fails to achieve half of votes cast in the last round of vote counting:
The candidate with the least number of votes is eliminated from consideration within all voters' ballots and the next round of vote counting commences by considering only the top candidate remaining within each voter's ballet.

This procedure continues until a candidate receives more than half of votes cast within the the round, or there's only two candidates being considered. In these circumstances, the candidate with the greater numbers of votes is designated as the winner.

Political candidates and parties always wish to refrain from alienating others that may further promote or be able to hinder their own political goals. This method for elections may grant minority voters and parties more effective political influence while also promoting more civility ,cooperation and achieving mutual agreement of mutual benefit to the parties and our nation.
Local, states and foreign governments have sometimes demonstrated superior methods and policies that our federal government later adopted. This may be such a case.
Respectfully, Supposn

elections, politics, minority parties,
Ranked-choice voting will be used for NY City June 2021 Primary Election. Prior to the introduction of computers, Ranking-choice was less, if not an entirely unfeasible method of conducting elections. New York City will use ranked-choice voting for Primary and Special Elections for the following NYC municipal offices: mayor, public advocate, comptroller, borough president, and city council elections
Within each round of voting, only the top candidate remaining within each voter's ballot is considered.

If no candidate fails to achieve half of votes cast in the last round of vote counting:
The candidate with the least number of votes is eliminated from consideration within all voters' ballots and the next round of vote counting commences by considering only the top candidate remaining within each voter's ballet.

This procedure continues until a candidate receives more than half of votes cast within the the round, or there's only two candidates being considered. In these circumstances, the candidate with the greater numbers of votes is designated as the winner.

Political candidates and parties always wish to refrain from alienating others that may further promote or be able to hinder their own political goals. This method for elections may grant minority voters and parties more effective political influence while also promoting more civility ,cooperation and achieving mutual agreement of mutual benefit to the parties and our nation.
Local, states and foreign governments have sometimes demonstrated superior methods and policies that our federal government later adopted. This may be such a case.
Respectfully, Supposn

elections, politics, minority parties,

It's better than FPTP, but still not as good as Proportional Representation.
It's a farce.

There are way too many offices with too many candidates for people to comprehend.

What has happened in NY and NYC is that in the past because of the corruption, because of the inadequate organization of government, they made offices public elections. The public advocate was established, because the politicians were upset that Guilianni won the Mayor, but it's doesn't "work" anymore because, they went back to all Democrats all the time.
It would be far more efficient just to make Cuomo dictator of New York for life.

Otherwise, you are just wasting time throwing money at "elections" to keep the democrat fascists in power.

Granted, it is sad to watch Joe Biden quiveringly request that Cuomo resign because he is a murderous abuser of women in order to try and save face, but deep down he really wants him to stay anyway and will do NOTHING to make him leave.

Meanwhile, in the legal world of Trump they are trying to throw him in jail for life, and he is not even in office.
In corporations this is known as cumulative voting. It can be skewed because a voter can cast all their ballots for one person. There is no requirement that the vote be split.

This is as stupid an idea as mandatory voting.
In corporations this is known as cumulative voting. It can be skewed because a voter can cast all their ballots for one person. There is no requirement that the vote be split.

This is as stupid an idea as mandatory voting.
In corporations this is known as cumulative voting. It can be skewed because a voter can cast all their ballots for one person. There is no requirement that the vote be split.

This is as stupid an idea as mandatory voting.
TipsyCatLover, within a rank-voting system, each voter casts only one single ballot. The computer reads and stores the ballots and conducts the processing of "voting rounds''. The candidate with the least number of votes is eliminated after each voting round.
An eliminated candidate cannot possibly be elected.

A voter casting votes for the same candidate in all of their ranked choices does not "skew" the election results. Respectfully, Supposn
In corporations this is known as cumulative voting. It can be skewed because a voter can cast all their ballots for one person. There is no requirement that the vote be split.

This is as stupid an idea as mandatory voting.
TipsyCatLover, within a rank-voting system, each voter casts only one single ballot. The computer reads and stores the ballots and conducts the processing of "voting rounds''. The candidate with the least number of votes is eliminated after each voting round.
An eliminated candidate cannot possibly be elected.

A voter casting votes for the same candidate in all of their ranked choices does not "skew" the election results. Respectfully, Supposn
You seem to think that there is some mandatory rule that a vote must be cast for multiple candidates when there is not.
It's better than FPTP, but still not as good as Proportional Representation.
Frigidweirdo, as compared to ranked choice voting?
U.S. House of Representatives now has over 400 members. If the states adopted proportional representation methods, there would effectively be unlimited numbers of members each year.
Respectfully, Supposn
You seem to think that there is some mandatory rule that a vote must be cast for multiple candidates when there is not.
TipsyCatLover, If the adopted system allows each voter to rank up to 5 candidates for each office, a voter can if they wish, choose the same candidate for each of those 5 ranking slots. That does not "skew" the election. Respectfully, Supposn
TipsyCatLover, If the adopted system allows each voter to rank up to 5 candidates for each office, a voter can if they wish, choose the same candidate for each of those 5 ranking slots. That does not "skew" the election. Respectfully, Supposn
I did not say it did. There are those who believe that ranked voting somehow precludes voting for the same candidate.
I did not say it did. There are those who believe that ranked voting somehow precludes voting for the same candidate.
TipsyCatLover, you did not say (within a ranked-choices election method), a voter choosing the same candidate to be more than one of their ranked choices running for the same office would be somehow "skewing" the election? If some believe so, those "some" would be wrong.
Respectfully, Supposn
Frigidweirdo, as compared to ranked choice voting?
U.S. House of Representatives now has over 400 members. If the states adopted proportional representation methods, there would effectively be unlimited numbers of members each year.
Respectfully, Supposn

Er... what?

Ranked choice is only slightly better than FPTP. It still ends up with people not getting representation.

Proportional Representation does not lead to "unlimited numbers of member".

Firstly it depends on how you do the system.

You could literally have a PR election with 10 seats up for grabs, or 10,000 seats up for grabs. It makes no difference, it all depends on the rules you set.

Denmark has 179 seats up for grabs in any election. No matter what happens you get 179 members elected.

Germany on the other hand has FPTP and PR at the same time, and depending on the number of FPTP seats gained, this will change how many members of the Bundestag they have. I find this a little weird, they could simply give voting power to each political party, rather than each member getting a vote.
Er... what?

Ranked choice is only slightly better than FPTP. It still ends up with people not getting representation.

Proportional Representation does not lead to "unlimited numbers of member".

Firstly it depends on how you do the system.

You could literally have a PR election with 10 seats up for grabs, or 10,000 seats up for grabs. It makes no difference, it all depends on the rules you set.

Denmark has 179 seats up for grabs in any election. No matter what happens you get 179 members elected.

Germany on the other hand has FPTP and PR at the same time, and depending on the number of FPTP seats gained, this will change how many members of the Bundestag they have. I find this a little weird, they could simply give voting power to each political party, rather than each member getting a vote.
Frigidweirdo, in the year 2013, based upon year's 2010 census, the average U.S. congressional representation was 709,760 per capita. California had 53 and Delaware was only represented by 1 house representative.

If there were 5 political parties in each of those states and the total votes for the 3 minority parties accounted for no more than a quarter of the votes in their individual states, how could proportional representation regulations be drafted?

How do we retain the 435 member limit upon the House and respect the minority parties within each of USA's sovereign states? Doesn't it become more difficult if we're required to consider 8 rather than only 3 minority parties within each of the states?
Respectfully, Supposn
Frigidweirdo, in the year 2013, based upon year's 2010 census, the average U.S. congressional representation was 709,760 per capita. California had 53 and Delaware was only represented by 1 house representative.

If there were 5 political parties in each of those states and the total votes for the 3 minority parties accounted for no more than a quarter of the votes in their individual states, how could proportional representation regulations be drafted?

How do we retain the 435 member limit upon the House and respect the minority parties within each of USA's sovereign states? Doesn't it become more difficult if we're required to consider 8 rather than only 3 minority parties within each of the states?
Respectfully, Supposn

Proportional Representation would be done nationwide.

So, if a farmer in California voted for the Farmers' Party, their vote would count even of they were the only farmer in California to vote for this party.

In Denmark they have a 2% cut off. ie, if a party gets 2% of the vote or more, they get seats proportional to the seats available and the number of votes they got.

The Social Democrats got 25.9% of the votes and 48 seats out of 179. That's 26.8% of the seats. Often slightly higher because of those that didn't make the 2% cut off.

The Liberal Alliance got 2.3% of the vote and 4 seats, or 2.23% of the seats (lower because otherwise it'd be 5 seats and 2.79% of the seats)

Literally they could have 2% at one seat if they chose to, meaning they could have as few as 50 seats. Or they could have any number higher than this.
Frigidweirdo, representation for the Electoral College and U.S. Senate are state wide elections. there are limits to such office holders representing each state and the elections for an individual state's U.S. senator occur in 2 different years. How would proportional representation work for those elections?

The numbers of a state's representatives within the U.S. House of representatives and their congressional distict boundaries are federally determined. There's only one House Representative from each district and their elections for different districts within the same state, occur in different years. How would proportional representation work for those elections?
Respectfully, Supposn
Ranked-choice voting will be used for NY City June 2021 Primary Election. Prior to the introduction of computers, Ranking-choice was less, if not an entirely unfeasible method of conducting elections. New York City will use ranked-choice voting for Primary and Special Elections for the following NYC municipal offices: mayor, public advocate, comptroller, borough president, and city council elections
Within each round of voting, only the top candidate remaining within each voter's ballot is considered.

If no candidate fails to achieve half of votes cast in the last round of vote counting:
The candidate with the least number of votes is eliminated from consideration within all voters' ballots and the next round of vote counting commences by considering only the top candidate remaining within each voter's ballet.

This procedure continues until a candidate receives more than half of votes cast within the the round, or there's only two candidates being considered. In these circumstances, the candidate with the greater numbers of votes is designated as the winner.

Political candidates and parties always wish to refrain from alienating others that may further promote or be able to hinder their own political goals. This method for elections may grant minority voters and parties more effective political influence while also promoting more civility ,cooperation and achieving mutual agreement of mutual benefit to the parties and our nation.
Local, states and foreign governments have sometimes demonstrated superior methods and policies that our federal government later adopted. This may be such a case.
Respectfully, Supposn

elections, politics, minority parties,

It was a massive fail and exposed the extent to which democrats cheat in their their "bluest" states
Frigidweirdo, proportional representation works fine for homogeneous legislative bodies whose members are all elected or re-elected at the same time.
Our U.S. federal government and our constitution works in a different manner. Respectfully, Supposn
Frigidweirdo, representation for the Electoral College and U.S. Senate are state wide elections. there are limits to such office holders representing each state and the elections for an individual state's U.S. senator occur in 2 different years. How would proportional representation work for those elections?

The numbers of a state's representatives within the U.S. House of representatives and their congressional distict boundaries are federally determined. There's only one House Representative from each district and their elections for different districts within the same state, occur in different years. How would proportional representation work for those elections?
Respectfully, Supposn

Yes, I know what they are. That doesn't mean things can't be changed, does it?

For the House this would be easily implemented.

For the Senate people need to have a long hard look at the US and see if states having representation is really a good system in the modern age. And if so, what the states representation should look like.

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