Random Movie Quotes

In Philadelphia it's worth 50 bucks.

And she stepped on the ball

Looking good Billy Ray. Feeling good Lewis.

Do you really want him running the family business?
Of course not, he's a negro

Yeah, the phone in the limo is busted, what is ya, ignorant?

That's callled the quart of blood technique, do that and a quart of blood drops out of a mans body

It ain't cool being no jive turkey, so close to Thanksgiving

When I was a kid, if we wanted jacuzzi we had to fart in the tub

Like you would find on a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich

Mom always said you were greedy
She meant it as a complement

- Trading Places (I could go on and on)
"The only trouble with snake women is they copulate with horses, which makes them strange to me. She say's she doesn't. That's why I call her "Doesn't Like Horses". But, of course, she's lying."- little big man
Walter: "Shut the fuck up, Donny!"

Don: Are they going to hurt us dude!
Walter: No Don their Nihilists, they are cowards!

Smokey: No I wasn't
Walter: Smokey this is not Nam we have rules.
Smokey: Yes, but I didn't go over the line, mark it down
Walter: (as he pulls out a gun and cocks the hammer) - Smokey you entering a World of Pain! A World of Pain.

Jesus Quintana: Are you ready to get fucked man! Don't try to pull the gun shit with me man. Because I will take, stick it up your ass and pull the trigger until it goes click! No one fucks with the Jesus!
Walter: 8 year olds dude

Walter: Its not hers Dude! Fuuucccckkkkiiinnnggg AAAAmmmmaaaatttteeeuuuurrrrssss!
Walter: You want want a toe? I'll get you a toe! I'll get you a toe by this afternoon!

Walter: I see this isn't working. Ok Larry this is WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU FUCK A STRANGER IN THE ASS! (Right before Walter destroys a brand new Corvette that isn't Larry's)
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from the sand pebbles

[Jake Holman (Machinist Mate 1st Class ) teaching Po-han (Engine Room coolie) the engine room]

Jake Holman: Valve.

Po-han: Wow.

Jake Holman: Valve.

Po-han: Wow.

[Holman points to valve, more emphatically]
Po-han: Wow.

Jake Holman: Yeah, okay... wow.

[pointing to another valve]
Jake Holman: Main steam stop valve.

Po-han: Main steam stop wow.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jymGx2mXByc]YouTube - House MD Season 6 Preview #08 [HQ][/ame] people don't change.
I'm stuck in this pit, working for less than slave wages. Working on my day off, the goddamn steel shutters are closed, I deal with every backward ass fuck on the planet. I smell like shoe polish. My ex-girlfriend is catatonic after fucking a dead guy. And my present girlfriend has sucked 36 dicks. Dante Hicks Clerks
Cat Admiring Bitter Customer:Cute cat. What's its name?
Randal Graves: Annoying customer.
Cat Admiring Bitter Customer: [grabs pack of cigarettes] Fuckin' dickhead.

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