Rand Paul says vaccines can lead to "mental disorders."

In rare cases vaccines have caused mental and physical disorders. Technically and medically, Rand is correct.

But vaccines save many more lives than they damage.

If we live in a truly free society, then the decision to vaccinate or not should rest with the parents, not the state. The state should educate about vaccines, by putting out facts, not propaganda.
Rand Paul Vaccines can lead to mental disorders - Washington Times


You are Doctor and you make stupid statements like this. You want to be President and you make statements that cannot be supported by science, or anything else? DUDE! You are are clueless as your father.

Do we really want a healthcare system in this country where Rand Paul can come between a patient and his doctor?
Single payer allows for that.

Yes, its funny that the libs jump on Rand Paul for saying what is true, they advocate for mandatory vaccinations but want choice when it comes to abortions.

the entire liberal philosophy is full of hypocrisy and contradictions.
Rand Paul Vaccines can lead to mental disorders - Washington Times


You are Doctor and you make stupid statements like this. You want to be President and you make statements that cannot be supported by science, or anything else? DUDE! You are are clueless as your father.
I am sure he got all of his.

BTW, what kind of doc is he supposed to be?


With some fake credentials. He's the one who made himself president (or some such) of an organization he started.
Rand Paul Vaccines can lead to mental disorders - Washington Times


You are Doctor and you make stupid statements like this. You want to be President and you make statements that cannot be supported by science, or anything else? DUDE! You are are clueless as your father.

Do we really want a healthcare system in this country where Rand Paul can come between a patient and his doctor?
Single payer allows for that.

Yes, its funny that the libs jump on Rand Paul for saying what is true, they advocate for mandatory vaccinations but want choice when it comes to abortions.

the entire liberal philosophy is full of hypocrisy and contradictions.

well ya know. They say what we can have a "choice" on. If you don't make that "choice" to kill your offspring, then they feel you gave up all rights to make choices for them..... :hmpf:
two faced hypocrites.
In rare cases vaccines have caused mental and physical disorders. Technically and medically, Rand is correct.

But vaccines save many more lives than they damage.

If we live in a truly free society, then the decision to vaccinate or not should rest with the parents, not the state. The state should educate about vaccines, by putting out facts, not propaganda.
But that was not what Randian Paul was alluding to. He was giving credence to the proven incorrect view that vaccinations lead to autism.

It is a free society, though perhaps people should not be allowed to go to Disneyland or movies or out in PUBLIC w/o having had vaccinations. Moreover, who'd vote for an idiot who expressed this view? Probably you would. LOL
Rand Paul Vaccines can lead to mental disorders - Washington Times


You are Doctor and you make stupid statements like this. You want to be President and you make statements that cannot be supported by science, or anything else? DUDE! You are are clueless as your father.
The guy is a doctor for Heaven's Sake. He wouldn't make a fool of himself if he had no emerging evidence for his statement. All you mindless robots who jumped on JimH52's bandwagon to trash Rand Paul, just displayed who uninformed you are, what doesn't necessary constitute stupid, what makes you stupid is not gathering information before you say something. There are contradicting opinions in medical circles about it but it doesn't make the issue non-relevant.

Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues.

New Scientific Evidence Links Autism to Vaccines and Mercury
Two new papers published this week in the peer-reviewed neuroscience journal Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis point to vaccines and heavy metal toxins including mercury as causes of the alarming rise in autism. The Centers for Disease Control now estimate autism to affect one in 110 children, up 40% from just a few years ago.
In rare cases vaccines have caused mental and physical disorders. Technically and medically, Rand is correct.

But vaccines save many more lives than they damage.

If we live in a truly free society, then the decision to vaccinate or not should rest with the parents, not the state. The state should educate about vaccines, by putting out facts, not propaganda.
But that was not what Randian Paul was alluding to. He was giving credence to the proven incorrect view that vaccinations lead to autism.

It is a free society, though perhaps people should not be allowed to go to Disneyland or movies or out in PUBLIC w/o having had vaccinations. Moreover, who'd vote for an idiot who expressed this view? Probably you would. LOL

what is it about facts that confuse you. What Rand said is accurate. He did not say that ALL kids who get vaccines will have problems, he said that some will, and that is a medical and statistical fact.

But on voting for idiots----------------------"what difference does it make" " ah aint no ways tarred" "it was caused by a video"
In rare cases vaccines have caused mental and physical disorders. Technically and medically, Rand is correct.

But vaccines save many more lives than they damage.

If we live in a truly free society, then the decision to vaccinate or not should rest with the parents, not the state. The state should educate about vaccines, by putting out facts, not propaganda.
We the People have the right through our legislators to make such vaccinations mandatory for all children who attend public schools.
Rand Paul Vaccines can lead to mental disorders - Washington Times


You are Doctor and you make stupid statements like this. You want to be President and you make statements that cannot be supported by science, or anything else? DUDE! You are are clueless as your father.

so what? this isn't anything new. A lot of people have mixed feelings on them
where did you get your medical degree from? DUDE
Not intelligent informed people. they have no mixed feelings at all
The evidence is that Rand is generally wrong.
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I can't vote for folks who make idiotic statements like that. Christie is walking his back on parental rights concerning vaccination. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
But you voted for the 57 states guy
So you believe that parents should only make that choice. If so, you are foolish.

so you are for mandatory vaccinations? how about mandatory abortions? mandatory sterilizations? limits on numbers of offspring? Maybe you should move to China.
In rare cases vaccines have caused mental and physical disorders. Technically and medically, Rand is correct.

But vaccines save many more lives than they damage.

If we live in a truly free society, then the decision to vaccinate or not should rest with the parents, not the state. The state should educate about vaccines, by putting out facts, not propaganda.
But that was not what Randian Paul was alluding to. He was giving credence to the proven incorrect view that vaccinations lead to autism.

It is a free society, though perhaps people should not be allowed to go to Disneyland or movies or out in PUBLIC w/o having had vaccinations. Moreover, who'd vote for an idiot who expressed this view? Probably you would. LOL

what is it about facts that confuse you. What Rand said is accurate. He did not say that ALL kids who get vaccines will have problems, he said that some will, and that is a medical and statistical fact.

But on voting for idiots----------------------"what difference does it make" " ah aint no ways tarred" "it was caused by a video"
He didn't say there is an statistically insignificant chance an immunization would hurt someone. He gave credence to the wing nut crowd, and you're being disingenuous .. as usual.
In rare cases vaccines have caused mental and physical disorders. Technically and medically, Rand is correct.

But vaccines save many more lives than they damage.

If we live in a truly free society, then the decision to vaccinate or not should rest with the parents, not the state. The state should educate about vaccines, by putting out facts, not propaganda.
But that was not what Randian Paul was alluding to. He was giving credence to the proven incorrect view that vaccinations lead to autism.

It is a free society, though perhaps people should not be allowed to go to Disneyland or movies or out in PUBLIC w/o having had vaccinations. Moreover, who'd vote for an idiot who expressed this view? Probably you would. LOL

what is it about facts that confuse you. What Rand said is accurate. He did not say that ALL kids who get vaccines will have problems, he said that some will, and that is a medical and statistical fact.

But on voting for idiots----------------------"what difference does it make" " ah aint no ways tarred" "it was caused by a video"
He didn't say there is an statistically insignificant chance an immunization would hurt someone. He gave credence to the wing nut crowd, and you're being disingenuous .. as usual.

from the OP, here is exactly what he said:

When asked by radio host Laura Ingraham Monday about his views on vaccination, Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky said that while he is not “anti-vaccine” at all, he does think they should be voluntary, later going on to say that vaccines can cause “mental disorders.”

Please note the words "can cause". He did not say "will cause" or "most cause". He said "can" cause.
The emerging evidence is that Rand is wrong.
How do you know? How long have you been conducting research in your laboratory and experimenting with control groups? You know, it takes years to arrive to conclusion. I am glad you have the irrefutable evidence.
I can't vote for folks who make idiotic statements like that. Christie is walking his back on parental rights concerning vaccination. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
But you voted for the 57 states guy
So you believe that parents should only make that choice. If so, you are foolish.

so you are for mandatory vaccinations? how about mandatory abortions? mandatory sterilizations? limits on numbers of offspring? Maybe you should move to China.
False equivalence. Your line of logic is that the state can take your brain. Grow the fuck up. We the People through out legislators can make certain decisions. We don't live in a libertarian state, we never will.

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